3.11.2011 Ger 1013 MATERIAL PAGE 15 INSTRUCTIONS: PAGE 16and17! Bring word order sheet! 12:00 -12:15 Welches Datum ist heute? Heute ist der 3. November TEXT 1 page 1 read the text. underline all verbs and try to understand the qist. 12:15 -12:25 comprehension questions! blatt PRE: ES GIBT und MAN who can explain why it is es gibt not gibt es -> verb has to go second position! GIVE THEM THESE QUESTIONS< THEY ANSWER IN WRITING, THEN GO OVER IT THE VERB YOU UNDERLINED - WHICH POSITION DO THEY HAVE? 2nd? ALL OF THEM? YES! 2nd position does not mean second word! VERBS & word order go to page 8 we already talked about verbs. they are the action of a sentence. we always need them. no sentence is possible without a verb. if you take out your word order sheet,…. REPEAT WORD ORDER! NEED FOR HW BOX 1 UND 2 GRAMMAR do exercise page 18 #1-5 rest hw 12:25 -12:35 conjugation of verbs. we already know how to conjugate some verbs, like wohnen, fahren, haben, machen, gehen, …. verbs can be weak, strong, or irregular the good news: we already know the irregular verbs sein and haben. we even know sein in two tenses: present and past! we also already know weak verbs, eg wohnen, machen, heissen, now, small differences according to how the stem ends more good news: we also already know a strong verb with a vowel change: fahren! other strong verbs are sprechen, lesen,…liste page 10 12:35 -12:45 exercise first from back: page 14, 1-8 top, then bottom 1-6! then dialogue in duesseldorf? rounding up university life 12:45 -13:10 then wechselspielactivity conjugation in class PRE TEACH: on the top, you have different times, so when people do sth on the left, you have people. If you have an empty field in your table, ask what the person on the left does at the time at the top. do an example. Was macht Karin jetzt? (position of time!) Sie lernt Deutsch. Note the position of the time and the thing they are doing. Was macht Karin jetzt? Sie lernt jetzt Deutsch. TIME then WHAT THEY DO 13:10 -13:20 read text2 page 1 underline verb endings, and stems in a different colour who can sum up his day in English? think with your partner first, then share HW: pg 3/in class if time this for Tuesday?? my hobbies…. teach certain verbs/activities for hobbies (nicht) NEGATION MIT NICHT – WANN? GRAMMAR gern arbeiten gern Geschichten erzaehlen gern Aepfel essen gern Auto fahren Fahrrad fahren zu Fuss gehen spazieren gehen reisen nach Europa reisen fern sehen Spiele spielen mit Puppen spielen Karten spielen Deutsch sprechen Deutsch studieren Muetzen tragen Roecke tragen Kaffee trinken Tee trinken Bier trinken unterrichten Englisch unterrichten in Wolfville wohnen vegetarisch essen viel essen zu hause sein nach hause kommen zu Mittag essen ins Kino gehen in den Buchladen gehen Freunde treffen Zug fahren in die Bibliothek gehen in der Cafeteria essen in die Kneipe gehen in der Mensa essen Sprachen lernen in die Uni gehen in der Vorlesung sitzen laufen Deutsch lernen teach GERN do partner activity with character cards and hobbies WIE GENAU?