WOODLAND HILLS SECONDARY LESSON PLAN Name __Mr. Maloney______ Date _Week of October 20, 2014 Length of Lesson __45 mins__ Content Area _Etymology__ STAGE I – DESIRED RESULTS LESSON TOPIC (Module, if applicable): Building Vocabulary through language origins. Connecting common language with origins Continue explaining the relevance and importance of etymology. What is etymology and how can it be used to be successful UNDERSTANDING GOALS (CONCEPTS): Students will understand: Why developing consistent successful study skills will help in preparing for etymology and career readiness. Why etymology exists as a class and the functions behind the English language. How organizing words into separate roots, prefixes, suffixes, and different elements can help to understand spelling and meaning. BIG IDEAS: (Content standards, assessment anchors, eligible content) objectives, and skill focus) CC.1.3.9-10.J CC.1.2.10.F CC.1.2.10.J CC.1.2.10.K Study skills Organization Development of vocabulary ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: VOCABULARY: What is etymology? What are word sorts? How can the English language be traced back to its roots and origins? How do other languages have an influence on our current language? How are words created? What defines a word? STUDENT OBJECTIVES (COMPETENCIES/OUTCOMES): Students will be able to: Key Roots, prefixes, suffixes for the week Etymology Linguistics Roots Prefix Suffix Word Sorts Understand how words are created as new ideas are invented. Make a connection that the English language is always evolving and adding new words. Complete a review quiz Read relevant stories, articles, etc. to gain perspective on the use of language. Continue adding to our note card taker with review words and key words for the week. Connect prefixes, suffixes, and roots to current meanings and spellings. STAGE II – ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE PERFORMANCE TASK: Take weekly quizzes that test prior knowledge on our roots but test new knowledge for the weekly vocabulary words. Read relevant short articles or stories to gain perspective on language. Complete review worksheets for comprehension skills. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS: Speech Presentations Weekly quizzes Weekly vocabulary assignments Weekly reading assessments In class word sort assignments “Do Now” writing assignments Work on PSAT questions/Prepare for the Keystone Exam. Define and use new vocabulary. STAGE III: LEARNING PLAN INSTRUCTIONAL PROCEDURES: Do Now; The following “Do Now” questions will be covered during the Week of October 20, 2014: Monday: Predict how your speech will related to your classmates speeches, which elements will appear on both speeches? Tuesday: How did the speech presentation prepare you for your future? Do you think you have a better grasp of communication? Wednesday: Were you nervous about speaking in front of others? What did this process teach you about nonverbal communication? Thursday: Why do you believe that some roots match their own definitions? Why do some roots look and sound totally different from their meanings? Friday: What is the advantage of having a large vocabulary in the fields of math and science? Mini Lesson: The mini lessons for the week will be an introduction and review for our new roots, prefixes, and suffixes of the week. The teacher will review meanings and uses. Guided Practice: The guided practices will be in the form of the note card taker, review worksheets, and reviewing answers for in class assignments. Students will be presenting their major speeches on Monday and Tuesday of the week, the teacher will provide techniques for speech presentations. Independent Practice: Vocabulary assignments for the week, homework assignments to use the weekly roots, suffixes,, and prefixes. The independent practice will come Wednesday through Friday in the forms of independent readings and worksheets for the weekly definitions and roots. Summations/Formative Assessments: Quizzes, reading assignments, in class word sorts, comprehension worksheets. Main grade from this week will come from the speech presentations Reflections: Did the students meet the objectives? Did the students make connections between current meanings and root words? How will this information affect the students? MATERIALS AND RESOURCES: INTERVENTIONS: Speech Presentation Speech Outline Note Cards Power Point notes Weekly Quizzes Review worksheets Weekly reading materials Vocabulary worksheets Writing utensils Informal Question and answer segments to test comprehension Extra practice for roots, prefixes, or suffixes. PSAT or Keystone practice. Utilize partners or groups to review with students. ASSIGNMENTS: Speech Presentations Speech Outline “Do Now” writing assessments Weekly review worksheets Vocabulary assignments Weekly quizzes Reading assessments In Class word sorts