Cub Run Elementary Parent Teacher Association 5301 Sully Station Drive, Centreville, VA 20120 PTA General Meeting Tuesday, April 14, 2015 / 7-8pm / Library I The meeting was called to order at 7:04 pm. There were 10 members present. II Opening Remarks - None III Addition/changes to agenda A. Rebecca McGonigle made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. B. Motion was seconded and approved unanimously. IV Approval of March 2015 PTA Meeting Minutes A. Rebecca McGonigle made a motion to approve the March minutes. B. Motion was seconded and approved unanimously. V Guest speaker – Melyssa Plath, Parent Resource Center Liaison A. The center works with parents and educators to help with student success. B. They offer consultations and free workshops. C. Mainly work with special education children but will help with other issues such as testing anxiety and bullying. D. On your KIT messages, you can select the Parent Resource Center to get their updates. E. To access their website, go to Then click Parents, scroll down on the right hand side, then click Parent Resource Center. 1) Website has a variety of helpful items including homework help and educational websites to help kids. 2) The PRC has a lending library as well that parents can use. 3) Tutors are also listed on this site. 4) Visit the site to see all they have to offer. VI Treasurer’s report – shared at the meeting. VII Old Business (carried over from previous meeting) A. Support employee and Staff appreciation proposed increase 1) Staff appreciation committee met to discuss a gift for each staff member. 2) The idea of a golf umbrella with the Cub Run PTA logo on it was suggested. 3) Cost would be approximately $1200 for 120 umbrella 4) Pam Watson made a motion to add $1200 to the staff appreciation budget for the purchase. 5) Motion was seconded and passed unanimously. VIII New business (requires vote, or recognition or awards) A. Nominations for President, VP of Involvement, VP of Community, Treasurer, Secretary for school year 2015-2016 1) Cami Minks made a motion to nominate Rebecca McGonigle as PTA President. Motion was seconded. Cub Run PTA Page 1 2/9/2016 Cub Run Elementary Parent Teacher Association 5301 Sully Station Drive, Centreville, VA 20120 2) Cami Minks made a motion to nominate Robin Allan as PTA Tresurer. Motion was seconded. 3) Cami Minks made a motion to nominate Karen Chapman as PTA Secretary. Motion was seconded. B. Open Chairperson positions for 2015-2016 – there are a variety of chairperson roles available for volunteers. IX Reports (just information updates) A. Principal, Jenny Coakley 1) Staffing for 2015-2016 a) Staffed for 4 kindergarten teachers next year but staffed for only 18 1st -6th grade teachers (currently we have 19 teachers this year). b) Caps on class size will be instituted next year but Cub Run will be over class cap for grades 1, 2 and 3. First grade cap is 27 students and 28 students for 2nd and 3rd grade. Principals have been encourages to ‘be creative’ with their classes when needed. c) If Cub Run did combination classes, for example grades 1 and 2, all grades 1 and 2 classes would be combination classes. d) Mrs. Coakley will be meeting with regional director on April 22nd because of grades 1 – 3 classes over cap limit. She will ask for 2 teachers but realistically may only get 1. 2) New administrative assistant has been hired for the office. 3) Summer program has been in July for 4 hours each day, but because of the short timeframe, some kids who really needed the help weren’t getting it because their parents couldn’t pick up the child in the middle of the day. This July, Cub Run will have a full day. The academic portion in the morning, then lunch. The afternoon would be a ‘choice wheel’ of activities. 4) Back to School Night next year is Thursday, September 10th. B. Vice-President of Enrichment – Jen McNerney 1) Book fair set up is Saturday the 25th. It will be open 12-4 during Spring Fling. On Monday the 27th, only the kids who have money to purchase books will be allowed to shop. Volunteers are REALLY needed. 2) A volunteer is needed to run next year’s Spelling Bee. C. Vice-President of Involvement – Pam Watson 1) Directories have been printed and distributed. 2) Appreciation weeks are coming up a) Next week is Support Employee Appreciation week (April 20th – 24th). Flyer is going home in this week’s Wednesday folders. b) Staff Appreciation week is May 4th – 8th. All information will be on the flyer. c) Volunteer Appreciation lunch will be Thursday, June 4th and we will have some snacks at the May PTA meeting. D. Vice-President of Community – Jamie Betzner 1) Spring Fling/Silent Auction (a) Still need Silent Auction donations and more donations for grade level raffle baskets. Cub Run PTA Page 2 2/9/2016 Cub Run Elementary Parent Teacher Association 5301 Sully Station Drive, Centreville, VA 20120 (c) Need items for the cake walk as well. 2) Spring Fling is scheduled for Sunday, April 26th from 12:00 – 4:00pm. Volunteers are needed in all aspects – planning, set up and running it. Please contact Jamie if you can help in any way. E. Secretary – Denise Guiney 1) Final yearbook sale will be Wednesday, April 15th to Sunday, April 26th, online and phone ordering only. 2) Last day to submit photos for possible inclusion in the yearbook is Monday, April 27th. F. President – Cami Minks 1) VP of Community and VP of Involvement are board positions that are still open. Contact Jamie Betzner, Pam Watson or any current board member if you are interested. 2) PTA bulletin board has been put up in the lobby. The bulletin board will fall under Secretary for the next couple months. X Announcements A. 6th grade social fundraiser at Chipotle – April 21st from 5:00 – 8:00 pm B. Spring Fling - Sunday, April 26 from 12:00 – 4:00 pm C. Book Fair - Sunday April 26 and Monday April 27 D. Annual VA Run vs Cub Run Volleyball game –May 16 XI News and information A. Jim Neighbors 1) Walney Road bridge is closed until September 1. 2) Pleasant Valley/Braddock Rd roundabout has a meeting tonight. 3) Wegman’s possibility – earliest would be late 2017/early 2018. Next meeting – May 12th, 2015 – Elections will be held for open board positions Meeting was adjourned at 7:58 pm. Minutes submitted by Denise Guiney Date of approval: May 12, 2015 Cub Run PTA Page 3 2/9/2016