Faculty of Medicine & Biological Sciences: Graduate Studies PG Training Booking Form I: Jan-Jun 2009 Student: __________________________ Email (user@le.ac.uk): _________ University Department: __________________ Degree (PhD/MD): __________ Year of Study: Year 1(APG) ; Year 2 ; Year 3 ; Year 4(writing-up) (tick one box) Supervisor: _________________ Initial registration date (mm/yr): _________ Please tick sessions of the Faculty PG Training Programme that you wish to attend. Summaries of the session contents and full timetable details (date, time, venue, etc) are available from departmental Postgraduate Tutors and on the Faculty Graduate Studies Web Page at;- http://www.le.ac.uk/sm/gradschool/skillstraining/skillstraining.htm Code TS1 TS3 TS4 TS7 TS8 TS9 TS10 TS11 TS12 TS13 TS14 TS15a TS15b TS16 TS18 TS19 TS20 GR3 Topic Planning and managing your Doctorate: Personal Development Planning Demonstrating and teaching skills (alternative sessions) (Joint with Faculty of Science) Working with others: team work and leadership (alternative sessions) (Joint with Faculty of Science) Writing up your Research for Publication (alternative sessions) (Joint with Faculty of Science) Use of MS Word for Long Documents (alternative sessions) (Joint with Faculty of Science) Giving Research Seminars & Conference Talks (alternative sessions) (Joint with Faculty of Science) Off to a Conference? Posters and How to prepare Them. (alternative sessions) (Joint with Faculty of Science) Improving Power Point Presentations (alternative sessions) (Joint with Faculty of Science) Building a Portfolio of Career Skills (alternative sessions) (Joint with Faculty of Science) Completing you Research and Writing the Thesis (alternative sessions) (Joint with Faculty of Science) Preparing for your Viva (alternative sessions) (Joint with Faculty of Science) Festival of Postgraduate Research: Information Session Festival of Postgraduate Research Creativity and Problem Solving Workshop (Joint with Faculty of Science) General Presentation Skills (Joint with Faculty of Science) Managing you supervisor (Joint with Faculty of Science) Preparing for APG Assessment (alternative sessions) (Joint with Faculty of Science) Experimental design & practical statistics (Students must attend all sessions on course) Date Attend (Please tick) 29/01/09 14/01/09 28/01/09 26/02/09 12/03/09 10/02/09 20/05/09 11/03/09 18/03/09 03/02/09 11/02/09 19/02/09 25/02/09 04/03/09 12/02/09 13/02/09 23/03/09 25/03/09 06/05/09 13/05/09 19/03/09 12/05/09 16/02/09 25/06/09 18/05/09 06/03/09 09/03/09 17/03/09 TBA 19/01/09 22/01/09 26/01/09 29/01/09 02/02/09 05/02/09 Booking Form Jan-Jun 2009 GR4(E) Advanced Database Searching; Bibliographic software & keeping up to date; use of ENDNOTE for Biomedical scientists GR4 (R) Advanced Database Searching; Bibliographic software & keeping up to date; use of REFWORKS for Biomedical scientists GR5 IPR, protection & commercialisation of research: (Joint with Faculty of Science) GR6a Ethical issues in research: Use of animals GR6b Ethical issues in research: 1. Use of human tissues 2. Clinical research 3. Non-clinical human research GR7 Research Governance and Ethical Approval Procedures GR8 StatsVision SS6 Research Workshop: Micoarray Technologies SS7 Research Workshop: Protein Structural Analysis & Modelling SS9 Research Workshop: Advanced Microscopy SS10 Research Workshop: Protein Expression & Purification Send copy of completed form to: PG Secretary, Faculty Office, Medical School, Maurice Shock Bldg, University Rd. Email: pgmedbio@le.ac.uk 03/03/09 10/03/09 07/05/09 14/05/09 21/05/09 22/05/09 18/02/09 27/02/09 13/03/09 20/03/09 06/03/09 Booking Form Jan-Jun 2009