Art Contest Official Rules 14 - Kentucky Soybean Board and

“Moo”ve over it’s dinnertime….
and SOY feeds me!
Art Contest
“97% of US soybean meal goes to feed livestock and poultry”
The Kentucky Soybean Board and Kentucky Beef Council are excited to host the
“Moo”ve over it’s dinner time art contest. This contest provides an opportunity to
increase awareness among children and adults of the importance of cattle and
soybeans to our communities and world.
Ages 5-8; Ages 9-13; Ages 14-18
*The top 5 from each category will be placed on display at the Kentucky State Fair.
The top winner vote getter for each category will receive $100.00
Art Contest Rules
How To Enter
1. To enter, a participant must produce original artwork focusing on cattle and/or soybean
production, which can include but is not limited to cattle farm scenes, feeding cattle, daily
tasks of caring for cattle, plant, harvesting, finished soybean products or farmers working in
soybean fields. Only one entry per person is allowed.
2. Entries must be created in a two dimensional (flat) medium on any 8 ½” x11” paper stock.
Drawings may not exceed the 8 ½”x11” dimensions and should be submitted flat (not rolled
or folded). It is recommended that when submitting an entry; include stiff protection, such as
cardboard, to prevent wrinkling and tearing. Entries must be horizontal pieces of art.
3. Each entry much have a copy of the “Official Entry Form” attached securely.
Please do not staple!
4. All entries must be postmarked no later than August 1, 2014.
5. Mail entries to Kentucky Soybean Board, Art Contest, P.O. Box 30 Princeton KY 42445.
1. A panel of judges will select the top 15 entries (5 per category) based on creativity, originality,
overall design and visual interest.
2. All decisions of the judges will be final. The top 15 winners will be placed on display at the
Kentucky State Fair for attendees to vote for the final placement of awards in each category.
Official Rules
1. The contest is open only to children (Ages 5-18) in the state of Kentucky.
2. Each entry must be an original drawing and design of one child and created entirely by that child.
3. Employees and families of the Kentucky Soybean Board and Kentucky Beef Council, its
representatives or agents are not eligible to enter.
4. No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited by law. All federal, state and local laws apply.
5. Entries become the property of the Kentucky Soybean Board/Kentucky Beef Council and cannot
be acknowledged or returned. Entry in the contest deems consent for the use of the drawing,
name and photograph of the entrant by the Kentucky Soybean Board/Kentucky Beef Council for
advertising, promotion and trade purposes.
6. All taxes on prizes are the responsibility of the winner and their families.
7. An entry must include a copy of the “Official Entry Form” with a guardian’s signature and
the participant’s signature to be eligible for consideration.
8. There must be at least 10 entries in each category for the contest to continue.