English Grammar and Reading Comprehension Worksheet

Nombre del alumno:
Nombre del Profesor: Cynthia Roa García
Directions: In each sentence, choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is
incorrect. Then, correct the word. (11 pts)
1. The average American college costs more than eight thousand dollar per year
2. Alice always wore magnificents costumes to the Halloween parties she attended at the
country club.
3. Winters in the northern Rocky Mountains last up to nine month; spring, summer, and fall last
only about one month each.
4. Sophisticated cameras of today require only two or three second to make automatic focusing
5. Hundreds of thousand of tourists visit Washington D.C. every spring to see the beautiful
cherry blossoms there.
6. The woodchuck is a creature territorial that does not allow other woodchucks within fifty feet
of its burrow.
7. Computers of the past were cumbersome and complicated, but a six years old child can easily
use today´s computers.
8. The five men team ran fifty miles in less than three hours.
9. A bycicle popular is the mountain bike, which people of all ages are enjoying.
10. During the winter months, clears skies are usually accompanied by low temperatures.
11. After her long day, Angela took a bath hot and relaxed on her comfortable sofa with a good
Circle the letter of the one word pr phrase that best completes each sentence. (4 pts)
1. ____________ can result from damage to DNA molecules.
(A) Cells mutate
(B) Cell mutation
(C) While cells mutate
(D) During cell mutation
2. New York ironweed, with its small, dark purple thistle flowers, sometimes __________ to a height of
eight feet.
(A) Grows
(B) Growing
(C) It grows
(D) Up
3. __________ is susceptible to subtle political changes is well known.
(A) That the stock market
(B) What the stock market
(C) Because the stock market
(D) The stock market
4. Phillis Wheatley, whose book of poems was published when she was only nineteen years
old,______________ the object of public attention because she was a black slave.
(A)who was
(B) being
(C) as
(D) was
Underline the incorrect verb form in each sentence. (11)
1. Television has became a popular form of entertainment for people who prefer not to go out in the
2. John tried to stay awake while the professor was spoke.
3. Amelia Earhart disappeared at sea while she flying her airplane.
4. Physical exercise has help many people because it relieves stress.
5. Richard had been live in Chicago for five years when his company transferred him to New York.
6. Edward has been playing a lot of golf since he gotted his new golf clubs.
7. For the past few years, scientists have studying the effects that pollution has on the ozone layer.
8. Rain maked it impossible for us to play football, so we all went to the movies.
9. People who want to improve their carpentry skills sometimes go to special schools where they learning to
build houses.
10. Paula buyed her car in the fall when prices had been reduced.
11. I like the work he has doing for the committee.
In each sentence, circle the gerunds and infinitives. Then underline and label the subjects S
and finite verbs V (11 pts)
1. The two brothers were eating when the sheriff came to see them.
2. Her reading is improving a little bit every day
3. Voting is becoming less and less popular with the American public.
4. Hearing he sing made me want to dance.
5. We don´t mind waiting for you to finish your housework.
6. They are discussing going out for dinner.
7. I was adviced to call Doctor Smith about having my eyes checked.
8. The man is considering giving his wife a new toaster for their anniversary.
9. The guests were thinking about leaving when the phone started ringing.
10. I hate waiting for the mail.
11. You should try to walk school every day.
Identify the appositive in the following sentence. Add commas. (10 pts)
1. My friend Jenny loves to go shopping every Saturday.
2. The term shopping often conjures images of crowded malls.
3. She calls shopping serious fun, or a glorious waste of time.
4. She moved, almost danced, around the store quickly, enjoying herself.
5. Jenny a fastidious shopper decided to buy the green suitcase instead of a sweater at the sale.
6. Later that day I went to buy that same sweater a red wooly import from Scotland.
7. The sweater soft and silky was a pleasure to wear.
8. The two gifts a pink and a pair of argyle socks were far too expensive for the occasion.
9. Two things kept me from buying the leather jacket: cost and color.
10. The closest shopping center for miles around, the Ferris Wheel Mall attracts thousands of eager
customers everyday.
Read and answer the correct answer. (13 pts)
What makes science fiction the literature choice for so many? Arthur C. Clarke, the novelist and scientist, gave
a good answer once when asked why he chose to write in this genre: “Because”, he said, “no other literature is
concerned with reality.”
Clark didn´t say what sort of reality he had in mind, but there are two that suggest themselves. One of the
significant realities of our time is the rapid advances in science and technology. These are the areas that have
made this century move fast, in ways that earlier generations could hardly even imagine, and sciencie fiction has
played some part in accelerating their progress. In 1930´s there was no television, radio showed little interest in
science-fiction, even the daily newspaper covered it scantily and not very well; but science fiction magazines were
exploring in every newsstand edition the latest concepts from genetics and nuclear physics to cosmology. I think it
is fair to say that a majority of the world´s leading scientists today were first turned on to their subjects by reading
science fiction stories.
The other reality that has contributed to a fascination with science fiction is that the central fact of
contemporary life is rapid, ever accelerating change, change that alters the rules of all our lives all the time. And
science fiction is, in essence, the literature of change.
1. What does the passage mainly discuss?
a) Why people read science fiction
b) How science relates to reality
c) Popular literature of the 1930´s
d) Topics in science fiction
2. The word “accelerating” in line 8 is closest in meaning to
a) accentuating
b) speeding up
c) clarifying
d) publicizing
3. The word “their progress” in line 8 refers to
a) people who read science fiction
b) earlier generations
c) science and technology
d) radio and television
4. According to the passage, which of the following carried news of science and technology to the public
in the 1930´s?
a) Radio broadcasts
b) Science fictions magazines
c) Television programs
d) Newspaper covarage
5. The word “detested” in line 14 is closest in meaning to
a) Respected
b) Chose
c) Treasured
d) Disliked
6. Where in the passage does the author mention topics with which science fiction often deals?
a) Lines 2-3
b) Lines 8-10
c) Lines 11-12
d) Lines 13-14
7. The word “scantily” in line 10 is closest in meaning to
e) Very little
f) quickly
g) sensationally
h) fervently
8. All of the following can be inferred from the passage about science friction EXCEPT
a) It is a literary genre
b) It is read by a wide variety of people
c) It is mainly published in science journals
d) It is a favorite of the author of the passage.
9. The phrase “turned on to” in line 13 is closest in meaning to
a) Employed by
b) Introduced to
c) Disenchanted with
d) Changed by
10. The author mentions all of the following as being part of the reality with which science fiction is
concerned EXCEPT
a) change
b) publication
c) science
d) technology
12 What is the author´s main purpose in this passage?
a) To explain the popularity of science fiction literature
b) To show the need for science fiction literature
c) To classify different types of literature
d) to discuss the work of Arthur C. Clark
13.The attitude of the author toward science fiction literature can be described as
a) critical
b) admiring
c) wary
d) cold