306P MCA III SEMESTER SOFTWARE LAB II - PRACTICALS LIST ASSIGNMENTS FOR DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHMS (DAA) (3rd Semester) (ANY FIVE FROM THE FOLLOWING ) ============================================================= 1) Write a program to find the minimal spanning tree of a graph using the Prim’s algorithm. The program should be able to read in the weight matrix of a graph and produce the minimal spanning tree. Generate weight matrices (using a random number generator) with a large number of nodes and estimate the time complexity of the algorithm. 2) Write a program to find the Huffman code of a given text file. Use it for generating the encoded text for the file. Write a separate program for decoding the encoded text. Use your source code as the input file. 3) Write a program to find the closest pair of points using a divide and conquer strategy. Use the random number generator to generate a large number of points in a unit square as input to the algorithm. Test the correctness of the algorithm by using a brute force method. 4) Write a program to find the convex hull of a given set of points lying in a plane using a divide and conquer strategy. Use the random number generator to generate a large number of points in a unit square as input to the algorithm. Test the complexity of your algorithm by varying the number of points. 5) Use dynamic programming to find the optimal binary search tree for a given set of numbers together with their probabilities. Remember that the numbers may be generated in any order, so, a presorting step is also required. 6) Write a program using dynamic programming to build the optimally parenthesize a given set of matrices that have to be multiplied. The output should contain a suitably parenthesized expression. 7) Find all distinct solutions of the n-queens problem using a backtracking algorithm. Distinct means that one solution should not be obtainable from another by simple rotation (by 90, 180 or 270 degrees) or by reflection about a horizontal or vertical axis. 8) Write a program to find the first feasible solution for a given turnpike reconstruction problem. 9) Use pure backtracking to find the minimum number of colors needed to color a graph. Your program should be able to accept the number of nodes and the adjacency matrix of an arbitrary graph and produce the nodes with their respective colors as output. 10) Write a program using branch and bound to solve the 0/1 knapsack problem for arbitrary inputs. Use the random number generator to generate the weights and profits of the items. The knapsack capacity should be ~66% of the sum of the weights of the items. Test the efficiency of the bounding function by turning on/off the bounding function. 11) Write a program to find all subsets of a given set. For example if the set A = {a, b, c, d} then the subsets are: { }, {a}, {b}, {c}, {d}, {a, b}, {a, c}, {a, d}, {b, c}, {b, d}, {c, d}, {a, b, c}, {a, b, d}, {a, c, d}, {b, c, d}, {a, b, c, d}. 12) Write a program to probabilistically test the primality of a given number. The program should work for integers that may have up to 10 digits. Verify the effectiveness of the method by using a brute force method. 13) Write a program to evaluate two-dimensional definite integrals using the Monte-Carlo technique. Test the accuracy of the algorithm by using integrands that can be integrated analytically. Increase the number of points to check for convergence. 14) Use a greedy algorithm to generate approximate solutions of the traveling salesperson problem. Test the efficiency of the algorithm by comparison with the exact solution for small problem sizes ( number of nodes < 10). 1 DCCN 1. Design & develop a java program for the implementation of data link layer farming methods a) Character Stuffing b) Bit Stuffing 2. Design & develop a java program for the implementation of CRC Polynomials a) CRC12 b) CRC16 c) d) CRCCIT Normal CRC 3. Design & develop a java program for the implementation of Sliding Window Protocols a) Selective Repeat b) Go Back End 4. Design & develop a java program for the implementation of Dijkstra’s algorithm for the shortest path Construct the following graph and then find distance matrix and shortest path 2 5. Design & develop java program for the implementation of link state routing algorithm Construct the following graph and then find the shortest path 6. Design & develop java program to obtain routing table for each node using distance vector routing algorithm for the following graph 3 7. Design & develop a java program for the implementation of encryption using Substitution and transposition for the following message “PLEASETRANSFERONEMILLIONDOLLARSTOMYSWISSBANKACCOU NTSIXTWOTWO” 8. Design & develop a java program for the implementation of encryption and decryption using one time pad. 9. Design & develop a java program for the implementation of encryption and decryption using RSA Algorithm. 10. Design & develop a java program to simulate routing using flooding. TCCE LAB ASSIGNMENTS FOR MCA 3.8 ENGLISH LANGUAGE COMMUNUCATION SKILLS LAB (3rd Semester) 4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Give synonym of prepare. Give opposite of sleep . A device to catch an animal. An application for a political post. An item of furnitre to sit. An appeal to god. One who make things to wood. One incharge of security. a. Regular Long Sound of A, marked a. make safe gaze saint la’tent brave a base’ment cham’ber crave a bate’ment pas’try grave ad ja’cent man’gy shave a wa’ken b. Regular Short Sound of A, marked a. span ad’der crack can’di date trap an’vil gland cal’i co plat ban’ish slack grat’i tude sham bran’dy plaid mag’is trate c. Sound of A before r in such words as air, care, marked a. dare rare flare glare af fair’ chair trans par’ent de spair’ prayer for bear’ance be ware’ scare par’ent age com pare’ square care’ful ness d. Sound of the Italian A, as in arm, marked a. farm harm barn yarn ar’bor guard ar’gu ment ar’mor daunt ar’ti choke bar’ber harsh car’di nal car’go jaunt car’pen ter e. Sound of A in certain words before ff, ft, ss, st, sk, sp, and in a few before nce and nt, marked a, as in staff. mass class vast task chance pass’port mas’ter graft’ed gasp quaff chant prance chan’cel lor chan’cer y craft’i ness ad van’tage f. Sound of broad A. as in all, marked a. thrall tall wart awe de bauch’ drawl au’di ence de fault’ pawn laud’a ble de fraud’ sprawl plaus’i ble as sault’ warmth talk’a tive g. Short Sound of broad A, as in what, marked a. 5 wan wand squat wat’ch wan’ton wan’der squan’der wal’low squash squal’id ness squab was’ish ly squad watch’ful ness swamp what ev’er 9. Apply stress at the appropriate place in the following words. Well, first of all, you need to understand which words we generally stress and which we do not stress. Basically, stress words are considered CONTENT WORDS such as a) b) c) d) Nouns e.g. kitchen, Peter (most) principal verbs e.g. visit, construct Adjectives e.g. beautiful, interesting Adverbs e.g. often, carefully 10. Pronounce the followings functional words without stress. Non-stressed words are considered FUNCTION WORDS such as a) b) c) d) Determiners e.g. the, a, some, a few Auxiliary verbs e.g. don't, am, can, were Prepositions e.g. before, next to, opposite Conjunctions e.g. but, while, as e) Pronouns e.g. they, she, us 11.A medical camp is organized for blood donation construct a situation and dialogue. 12.Imagine your are visited by some relatives from abroad take them on local tour explaining the salient and important futures of your town.(Role play as tourist guide). 13.Read from paper on a current topic –Ex: unemployment. 14.Nonstop they have to speak on some topic.(JAM) 15.Describe the objects just visited by you write about a para on that objects. 16.Your ATM card is stuck up in machine what steps you can take. 17.Describe a meeting with a popular Hero or Heroine at shooting that took place in your locality. 18.Discuss the use of fax machine, modem, satellite, server for facilititating information transfer. 19.Make a reservation for to and for trip to delhi employing telephoning skills and using the online facility on reservation. 20.Give correct directions to a stranger coming Banglore to go up to Tirumala. 21.Applications of computers for Industry and Society.(GD) 22.Some one approaches you he was lost money how do you act in the given situation. 23.Should India going for total privitation.(Debate) 24. Prepare different types of Resumes 25. Write a letter to applicants for the post of ‘software engineer’ fixing a date for an aptitude test, skill test and an interview 26. Write a letter to the HR Manager asking for a transfer to Chennai branch 6 27. Write a letter to your parents about your new experiences in s/w Company 28. Write an application asking for application form and other details regarding the post 29. Write a letter to the controller of examinations on the wrong spelling of your name in your certificate. 307P Software Engineering Lab 7 Use Rational Rose any other automated tools to do the following exercises 1. Design an SRS document for designing HTML help system(prepare in MSWORD 2. Design a software tool to Compute the function point value for a project with the following information domain characteristics: Number of user inputs: 32 Number of user outputs: 60 Number of user inquiries: 24 Number of files: 8 Number of external interfaces: 2 Assume that all complexity adjustment values are average. 3. Design a software tool to use the COCOMO II model to estimate the effort required to build software for a simple ATM that produces 12 screens, 10 reports, and will require approximately 80 software components. Assume average complexity and average developer/environment maturity. Use the application composition model with object points. 4. Develop as software tool that will compute cyclomatic complexity for a programming language module. 5. A legacy system has 940 modules. The latest release required that 90 of these modules e changed. In addition 40 new modules were added and 12 old modules are removed. Design a software tool to compute software maturity index for a 6. system. Develop a spreadsheet model (EXCEL) that implements one or more of the estimation techniques 7 for a Draw a context-level (0-level DFD) diagram for A simple invoicing system small business firm. 8 Develop an Entity/Relationship diagram that describes data objects, relationships, and attributes. for “ A Web-based order-processing system for a computer store.“ (MSACCESS) 9 Design an UML class diagram for a telephone billing system. Possible classes in your diagram are TelephoneCall, TelephoneNumber, etc. 10 Design an UML Use Case diagram for a ATM. 11 Design an UML activity/State diagram for Telphone call Receiving scenario. Problem Description 8 In the exercises below, the context is a menu-driven, command-line interface based Banking Application of ABC bank. The customers use it to view account balances in their chequeing and savings accounts and execute a monetary transaction which is – transferring money between chequeing and savings account. We assume that a customer at least has a chequeing account. No customer can have more than one account of the same type, for example, a customer John Doe cannot have two chequeing or two savings accounts. The bank also has a manager who has administrator privileges. In the application, a customer or a manager is represented by a user profile that contains the user name, password and role. The role can be either “Customer” or “Manager”. The active user profile objects are stored in a database. When a customer tries to login through the command-line interface, the customer’s name and password are authenticated using the information stored in the database. The user profile of the manager (username: admin, password: admin, role: “Manager”) is created in the database during the startup of the application. Only the manager of the bank has the authority to add or delete a customer profile. When the manager adds a profile for a customer, she or he must create the accounts (chequing, savings) of the customer as well with a minimum of 20 dollar balance for an account. When the manager deletes a customer profile, all the associated accounts should get deleted as well. It is assumed that no two users can have the same username. Please note: A UML diagram might need to be revisited if required to fine-tune the information. For example, if you have finished the class diagram and currently doing a sequence diagram, it is possible that you would need to consider a new message in the sequence diagram and therefore you might have to go back to the class diagram to incorporate the method corresponding to the message. 12 Design a SRS document for the above problem 13 Create a UML Use Case diagram that shows the following actors and use cases: a). customer communicates with Authenticate use case to login to the system. After valid authentication, a customer can communicate with the following use cases: a. Enquire Balance use case to obtain balance of an account. b. Transfer money b). manager communicates with Authenticate use case to login to the system as an administrator. After valid authentication, the manager can communicate with the following use cases: a. Add a customer profile b. Delete a customer profile. 14 . 1. Identify at least 6 classes and their attributes and methods. 2. Create a UML Class Diagram containing those classes. 3. Show relationship among the classes where relevant. 9 15 . UML Activity Diagram Create UML Activity diagrams for the following transactions: • Balance Inquiry transaction • Transfer Money transaction 16 . UML Sequence Diagram Create UML Sequence diagrams illustrating the collaboration of objects to accomplish at least the following transactions: • Balance Inquiry transaction • Transfer Money transaction 10 Problem Description The Cinema Booking System “The cinema booking system should store seat bookings for multiple theatres. Each theatre has seats arranged in rows. Customers can reserve seats and are given a row number and seat number. They may request bookings of several adjoining seats. Each booking is for a particular show (i.e., the screening of a given movie at a certain time). Shows are at an assigned date and time, and scheduled in a theatre where they are screened. The system stores the customers’ telephone number.” 17. Prepare SRS for above problem 18. Design UML Use Case diagrams 19 .Design UML Class diagrams 20 . Design UML Activity diagrams/Sequence diagrams 21. Design an UML package and deployment diagram for above problem 22 Based on documents provided by your instructor, develop an abbreviated System Specification for one of the following computer-based systems: A an electronic mail system B a university registration system C an interactive hotel reservation system 23 Design an UID for An Internet-based polling booth for public elections. 24. A program reads three integer values. The three values are interpreted as representing the lengths of the sides of a triangle. The program prints a message that states whether the triangle is scalene, isosceles, or equilateral. Develop a set of test cases that you feel will adequately test this program. 11 308P DBMS Master Of Computer Applications Database Laboratory SQL 1. Exercise which demonstrate the all SQL commands with Master Child Tables relationships and usage of Functions .(usage of Synonyms, Sequences, Indexes is required) 2. Generate SQL * Plus reports for showing Department wise Summary of salaries Object Relational Database SQL 3. Create an Object table in SQL to store course information in an university. 4. Create types Location,Person,Qualification and create an object type department which contains information about an employ with above types and insert values and query the table. 5. Demonstrate the use of VARRAYS in SQL 6. Demonstate the use of LOB,BLOB,CLOB’s 7. Demonstrate the use of BFILE ‘s in SQL /PLSQL in SQL/PLSQL PL/SQL 8 Write a PL/SQL program to print the Electricity Bill using Cursors in the format given below A.P.S.E.B Electricity Bill For the Month of _____________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Meterno. Category: A/C/I/D Consumer Name Address Current Reading Previous Reading Billed Units Unit Cost Arrears Total Amount Payable Last Date Without fine Last Date with Fine ____________________________________________________________________ 9. Design PL/SQL program to calculate ranks for EAMCET/ICET(use correct rules) using Cursors and generate sql * plus report for it with ranks and hallticketnos. 10. Write a PL/SQL program using cursors Batch Transaction Processing for which the table accounts table is modified according to instructions stored in the action table. Each row in the action table contains an account number, an action to be taken (I, U, or D for insert, update, or delete), an amount by which to update the account, and a time tag used to sequence the transactions. 12 On an insert, if the account already exists, an update is done instead. On an update, if the account does not exist, it is created by an insert. On a delete, if the row does not exist, no action is taken. Input Tables SQL> SELECT * FROM accounts ORDER BY account_id; ACCOUNT_ID ---------1 2 3 4 5 BAL --------1000 2000 1500 6500 500 SQL> SELECT * FROM action ORDER BY time_tag; ACCOUNT_ID ---------3 6 5 7 1 9 10 O NEW_VALUE STATUS - ---------- -----------------------u 599 i 20099 d u 1599 i 399 d x TIME_TAG --------18-NOV-88 18-NOV-88 18-NOV-88 18-NOV-88 18-NOV-88 18-NOV-88 18-NOV-88 11. Demonstrate the usage of predefined Packages in Oracle. 12. Write PL/SQL program for OVERDRAFT exception for an sample banking application. 13. Design a Statistical Package with functions Standard Deviation, Mean, Mode, Average and use it in PL/SQL program 14. Design a Database Trigger for a bank table such that no transaction is allowed on a table on week days before 10.00 AM and after 5.00 PM and on Saturday’s after 12.00 pm. If anyone tries to perform transaction his information should be stored in separate database such as login name, time and date of login should be stored in separate table for a security purpose. 15. Design a Package for Life Insurance Corporation company with procedure or function for each type of policy . Use the package and its functions in SQL prompt with given policy no and type of Policy it should display the maturity date, date of policy , maturity amount the policy holder will get. 16. Write a PL/SQL trigger to do the following; a) When modify a values in a table old values should automatically stored in another table b) when you delete row in table it should be stored in a separate table for backup purpose. 17. Write PL/SQL program to create object type employ and use it in a program. 13 18. Write a PL/SQL program using dynamic SQL statements ( perform inventory management) Developer 2000 with Forms 4.5 and Reports 2.5 19 Design a Form in D2k for entry of super market bill where the items are stored in table and should be displayed in LIST box and the total bill amount is calculated for all the items are selected. 20. Design in D2k for master detail form to show the details of students when a particular course is selected. 21. Design an application in D2k for maintaining bookshop with menus , LOVs and property sheets. 22. Design an report in D2k for showing region wise report. 23. Design an D2k application to show report for marks list of MCA for a given semester and hall ticket no in a Form 24. Design an Application in D2k for Chit Fund maintenance using Menus, Forms and Reports 25. Design an Application for computerized Dictionary where when a word is given its synonyms and antonyms is shown and with specific options. Note :- (use LOVs,Editors in D2k) For all the exercises in Record 1, Specify the table structure with steps of normalization in which the tables (upto 3NF) are 2. Give Procedure/algorithm should be given . 3. In Description part the explanation and syntax should be given. 14 15