INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANT PROCUREMENT NOTICE Date: 10 April, 2015 Country: Astana, Kazakhstan Description of the assignment: National expert on updating the content of the relevant methodological materials related to the Almaty Region Natural Disaster Response Preparedness Plan, the Concept of the Regional Disaster Risk Situation Analysis, natural disaster risk assessment and management, and the adoption of regulatory legal acts to approve the above. Project name: Strengthening National Capacity for Risk Assessment, Prevention and Response to Natural Disasters, 85667 Period of assignment/services: April – December 2015 Proposal should be submitted at the following e-mail address: no later than of April 28, 2015 Background: Ensuring the safety of the population and the environment is an essential condition for the development of the modern society. Safety in emergency situations means the protection of individuals, society and the environment from the excessively harmful effects of anthropogenic, natural, and environmental factors. Prospects for the social and economic development of the regions of Kazakhstan are largely dependent on the level of security of its population and territory. These facts force us to seek new solutions to the problems of protecting the population and the territories from emergency situations, to anticipate future threats, risks and hazards, and to develop methods of forecasting and warning. In order to take action to reduce the risks and mitigate the effects of disasters on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan it is necessary to study the main risk and threat levels of potential disasters, analyze the legislation of the RoK in the area of prevention of disasters and liquidation of their consequences, and develop proposals to improve the relevant legislation. This will help increase the capacity for the management of natural disaster risks and their secondary negative factors on the basis of long-term planning. The development of the Natural Disaster Response Preparedness Plan and the relevant methodological materials, as well as elaboration of their regulatory basis will provide a necessary framework for the creation of the Disaster Risk Assessment Methodology for the regions of Kazakhstan and the National and Regional Management Decision-Planning and Decision-Making System. In this regard, there is a need to engage a national expert on updating of the content of the relevant methodological materials related to the Almaty Region Natural Disaster Response Preparedness Plan, the Concept of the Regional Natural Disaster Risk Situation Analysis, natural disaster risk assessment and management, and the adoption of regulatory legal acts to approve the above. Objective: The goal of the national expert in 2015 is the updating of the content of the relevant methodological materials related to the Almaty Region Natural Disaster Response Preparedness Plan, the Concept of the Regional Natural Disaster Risk Situation Analysis, natural disaster risk assessment and management, and the adoption of regulatory legal acts (RLA) to approve the above. Scope of work: 1. Based on the analysis and synthesis of the materials from 2013 and 2014, prepared by national experts on the Almaty Region, to adjust the content of the relevant methodological materials related to the Almaty Region Natural Disaster Response Preparedness Plan, the Concept of the Regional Disaster Risk Situation Analysis, as well as natural disaster risk assessment and management, in accordance with the requirements of the Project Terms of Reference under task 2 (expected outcomes). 2. Development of a list of RLAs required for the adoption of the relevant methodological materials related to the Almaty Region Natural Disaster Response Preparedness Plan, the Concept of the Regional Disaster Risk Situation Analysis, and natural disaster risk assessment and management. 3. Development and approval of materials for a training seminar on the development of the Almaty Region Natural Disaster Response Preparedness Plan, the Concept of the Regional Disaster Risk Situation Analysis, and natural disaster risk assessment and management. 4. Conducting of the training seminar (in conjunction with national experts) for employees of local government offices and territorial subdivisions of the state bodies and the Natural Disaster Response Department of the Almaty Region on the Almaty Region Natural Disaster Response Preparedness Plan, the Concept of the Regional Disaster Risk Situation Analysis, and natural disaster risk assessment and management. 5. Development and adoption of a training module on the development of the Almaty Region Natural Disaster Response Preparedness Plan, the Concept of the Regional Disaster Risk Situation Analysis, and natural disaster risk assessment and management, in the established manner. 6. Ensuring the adoption of the RLAs related to the Almaty Region Natural Disaster Response Preparedness Plan, the Concept of the Regional Disaster Risk Situation Analysis, natural disaster risk assessment and management, and the relevant methodological materials. Expected results and payments: Outcome Under Task 1: - the adjustment of the content of the relevant methodological materials of the Almaty Region Natural Disaster Response Preparedness Plan, the Concept of the Regional Disaster Risk Situation Timeframe May, 2015 Payments 30% of the contractual amount Analysis, as well as natural disaster risk assessment and management, in accordance with the requirements of the Project Terms of Reference under task 2 (expected outcomes) has been carried out. Under Task 2: - The list of RLAs required for the adoption of the relevant methodological materials related to the Almaty Region Natural Disaster Response Preparedness Plan, the Concept of the Regional Disaster Risk Situation Analysis and natural disaster risk assessment and management has been developed. Under Task 3: - the materials for the training seminar on the development of the Almaty Region Natural Disaster Response Preparedness Plan, the Concept of the Regional Disaster Risk Situation Analysis and natural disaster risk assessment and management have been developed and approved. Task completion through the submission of a report. Under Task 4: - the training seminar for employees of local government offices and territorial subdivisions of the state bodies and the Natural Disaster Response Department of the Almaty Region on the development of the Almaty Region Natural Disaster Response Preparedness Plan, the Regional Disaster Risk Situation Analysis, and natural disaster risk assessment and management has been conducted (in conjunction with national experts of the project). Under Task 5: - the training module on the development of the Almaty Region Natural Disaster Response Preparedness Plan, the Regional Disaster Risk Situation Analysis and natural disaster risk assessment and management, has been developed and adopted in the established manner (in conjunction with national experts of the project). August, 2015 30% of the contractual amount Task completion through the submission of a report. Under task 6: - the RLAs for the Kazakhstan and Almaty Region Natural Disaster Response Preparedness Plan, the Concept of the Regional Disaster Risk Situation Analysis, natural disaster risk assessment and October, 40% of the management and the relevant methodological materials have been 2015 contractual adopted in the established manner. amount The report on the implementation of the Terms of Reference has been prepared and submitted Duty station: home-based. Missions are foreseen when required, however, not less than 2 missions to Astana during contract duration. Duration of each mission is considered to be 1 day; final dates of travel will be agreed after contract signing. Responsibility: − The expert coordinates his/her activities with the technical advisor and the project manager, and is accountable to them. − The work must be performed in accordance with the requirements specified in the terms of reference, on time and at a high quality level. − All the requirements specified in individual contracts should be met unconditionally. − Materials prepared during the performance of the work should be provided to the technical adviser and the project manager for coordination and approval. Knowledge and skills: University degree in technical sciences in the field of public administration. At least 10-year experience in the system of emergency prevention and response, industrial and fire safety, including at least 5-year experience of senior positions in the prevention and elimination of natural disasters, industrial and fire safety, and experience in legal activities at the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Experience in the development of regulatory legal acts (laws, standards, regulations, rules, etc.) in the field of disaster prevention and response, industrial and fire safety. Experience in development of concepts, sectoral programs, guidelines, recommendations and other methodological materials in the field of disaster prevention and response, industrial and fire safety. The knowledge of the official state language and the English language will be considered an advantage. Documents to be included when submitting proposals: Interested individual consultants must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications: (1) Offeror’s letter to UNDP confirming interest and availability for the IC assignment with Financial Proposal; (2) Filled and signed P11 form; (3) Detailed CV, including past experience in relevant field/area. Financial Proposal: The financial proposal shall specify a total lump sum amount, with travel-related costs, planned in ToR. UNDP will pay in installments upon delivery of the services specified in ToR. Travel: All envisaged travel costs must be included in the financial proposal. UNDP do not accept travel costs exceeding those of an economy class ticket. In the case of unforeseeable travel, payment of travel costs including tickets, lodging and terminal expenses should be agreed upon, between the Project Manager and Programme Officer and Individual Consultant, prior to travel and will be reimbursed. Evaluation: Individual consultants will be evaluated based on the following methodologies: Cumulative analysis When using this weighted scoring method, the award of the contract should be made to the individual consultant whose offer has been evaluated and determined as: a) responsive/compliant/acceptable, and b) Having received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria specific to the solicitation. * Technical Criteria weight; [70%] * Financial Criteria weight; [30%] Only candidates obtaining a minimum of 70% would be considered for the Financial Evaluation Criteria Weight Max. Point University degree in technical sciences in the field of public administration. At least 10-year experience in the system of emergency prevention and response, industrial and fire safety, including at least 5-year experience of senior positions in the prevention and elimination of natural disasters, industrial and fire safety, and experience in legal activities at the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Experience in the development of regulatory legal acts (laws, standards, regulations, rules, etc.) in the field of disaster prevention and response, industrial and fire safety. Experience in development of concepts, sectoral programs, guidelines, recommendations and other methodological materials in the field of disaster prevention and response, industrial and fire safety. The knowledge of the official state language and the English language will be considered an advantage. Technical Evaluation Total: 30% 150 30% 150 15% 75 15% 75 10% 50 100% 500 Financial Evaluation Total: 100% 100 “Responsive/compliant/acceptable” can be defined as fully compliant with ToR conditions ANNEX ANNEX 1- TERMS OF REFERENCES (TOR) – [to be provided by procuring unit with the individual consultant procurement notice] ANNEX 2- INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANT GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS – [to be provided by procuring unit with the individual consultant procurement notice]