Nouns Notes and Packet Combined I

Nouns Notes and Packet I
Nouns and Plural Nouns
A noun is a word used to name a person, animal, place, thing, or idea.
ex. - teacher
Plural nouns are more than one person, animal, place, thing, or idea.
ex. - teachers
Add -s to most nouns to form the plurals.
Add -es to form the plurals of nouns ending in s, x, z, ch, and sh.
Some plural nouns are not formed by adding -s or -es.
If a noun ends in y preceded by a vowel, form the plural by adding -s.
If an noun ends in y preceded by a consonant, form the plural by changing the
y to i and adding -es. If a noun ends in o preceded by a vowel, form the
plural by adding -s.
If a noun ends in o preceded by a consonant, form the plural by adding -es.
There are exceptions to this rule. Always check a dictionary.
For most nouns that end in f or fe, form the plural by adding -s. For some
nouns ending in f or fe, form the plural by changing the f or fe to -ves. Use
a dictionary to be sure.
Form the plural of most compound nouns by adding -s. Form the plurals of
some compound nouns by adding -s to the principal word. Use a dictionary to
be sure.
Packet Work:
Underline the singular nouns once and the plural nouns twice.
1. My favorite exhibits at the museum contained fossils and artifacts.
2. Both men and women can be members of the glee club.
3. The hikers made it to the top of the mountain.
4. I like my ice cream with sprinkles and hot fudge.
5. The spectators cheered on the players from their seats.
Write the plural form of each pair of nouns.
6. valley, deer___________________________________________________
7. gentleman, roof________________________________________________
8. leaf, moose___________________________________________________
9. potato, prey__________________________________________________
10. half, brother-in-law____________________________________________
Common and Proper Nouns
common nouns = any person, place, thing, or idea
proper nouns = a particular person, place, thing, or idea
Aunt Josie
Mrs. Champion
Packet Work:
In the sentences below, decide whether the underlined noun is common or proper.
Above each underlined noun, write C for common and P for proper.
11. Mr. Garza and Ms. Francis will be chaperones at the dance.
12. Thursday is the busiest day of the week for our family.
13. Is Russia one of the world’s largest countries?
14. The backhoe rumbled into the construction site.
15. Are both books and movies on sale this week?
In the following sentences, fill in the blanks with the type of noun indicated in
16. __________ (common) and __________ (common) live in the sea.
17. The radio station just played the latest song by __________ (proper).
18. __________ (proper) plays __________ (common) in the school band.
19. Diane lived in __________ (proper) before she moved here.
20. Did you turn in your __________ (common) on time?
Concrete and Abstract Nouns
A concrete noun names a thing that can be seen or touched. (hint: you can
touch concrete)
ex. bridge, pilot, Japan, flower, octopus, Mount Everest, bus, movie,
Dr. Seuss
An abstract noun names something that cannot be seen or touched.
ex. freedom, joy, strength, safety
Packet Work:
Underline the concrete nouns and circle the abstract nouns.
21. Some people criticize the validity of his talent.
22. His honesty and intelligence make him an excellent leader.
23. She exudes confidence as she walks down the runway.
24. Soldiers fought in the Revolutionary War to win our freedom.
25. Dr. Seuss wrote books that bring joy to children.