SBI4U1 Biological Drawings – Eukaryotic Cells Instructions: 1)Using a microscope and prepared slides, find a specimen that you can identify as a eukaryotic cell. 2) Prepare a properly labelled, and titled biological drawing using at least 1/2 page for your drawing. 3) Label the magnification you used when studying the cell in the upper right hand corner of the drawing. 4) Provide an appropriate title, centered, at the bottom of the drawing that describes the cell drawn. 5) Label as many organelles as you can. Use a straight edge to draw the lines from your label to what it is referring to. 6) Using other resources, research the morphological differences between a generic eukaryotic cell and your specimen. By adding labels to your drawing and including a short descriptive paragraph, show how your cell is specialized to perform its function. Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 Substandard Drawing includes five or more accurately labelled organelles. Drawing includes at least four accurately labelled organelles. Drawing includes three accurately labelled organelles. Drawing includes less than three accurately labelled organelles. Drawings do not convey adequate understanding of cell structures. Uses notes and other resources to enhance the information on the drawing The drawing includes basic but accurate information as seen through the microscope Artistic talent is evident and some information distinguishes your cell from the generic eukaryotic cell The drawing lacks adequate detail or contains inaccurate information The drawing lacks adequate detail and contains inaccurate information Drawings lack artistic integrity. The explanation of how your drawing differs from a generic eukaryotic cell lacks detail. Major errors or a failure to follow the instructions makes the drawing confusing to the intended audience Artistic talent is evident and an eloquent explanation contrasts your drawing from the generic eukaryotic cell. Comments: Artistic talent is evident or an adequate explanation of how your drawing represents specialization is provided A lack of effort is obvious. Work should be resubmitted after teacher consultation /12