Español 3/4 Nombre____________________________________________ Clase _______ Hispanic Heritage Month Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated between September 15th and October 15th. Congress established Hispanic Heritage Month to acknowledge the contributions that Hispanic culture has made and continues to make to this country. Proyecto de biografía al estilo Facebook For this project, you will choose a famous Hispanic person that you admire or that you would like to know more about. You may choose a name from the following sources: or identify another famous Hispanic to study (pending teacher approval). Each student will research a different person and sign ups are based on a first come first served basis. Visit the library/computer lab to find three or more books or biography sites about your person (Wikipedia is not an acceptable source). Then use the online and library resources to help you research the Hispanic person’s life. Create a poster of your person’s imaginary Facebook page that highlights your research. Each poster must include the following elements (in English): 1) At least one picture of the person. 2) A written profile of your person. 3) Images, comments, likes, and/or status updates that: a. Highlight the important contributions/accomplishments of your person. b. Provide information and interesting facts about the person’s country of origin. 4) A bibliography of your sources. Be creative. Posters will be displayed in the hallways. Written sections must be typed. Make sure to proofread to eliminate silly grammar and spelling mistakes. Plagiarism is dishonest and will not be tolerated. Students will start presenting posters to the class in Spanish on Wednesday, September 25th. You must answer the following questions in your presentation: 1) ¿Cómo se llama la persona que has investigado? 2) ¿Por qué es famoso o famosa? (5 things) 3) ¿De dónde es la persona (o sus antepasados) Grading: Facebook Poster (30 pts) Poster presents key facts and events in a person’s life. Poster is creative, attractive, and well organized. Mechanics of grammar and spelling Task completion. Oral Presentation (20 pts) Provides insight or significance into the person’s background, heritage, and culture. Speech is effortless, smooth, natural, and continuous. Task completion. Español 3/4 Poster Profile content (X2) Additional Content Visual Mechanic: Task completion 5 4 3 2-0 Profile presents 15 + key facts, events, accomplishments, and contributions of the person’s life. Poster presents 10 + key facts, events, accomplishments, and contributions of the person’s life. The poster is exceptionally attractive and creative in terms of design, layout, and neatness. There are no grammatical/mechanica l mistakes on the poster. Profile presents 10-14 key facts, events, accomplishments and contributions of the person’s life. Poster presents 8-9 key facts, events, accomplishments and contributions of the person’s life. The poster is attractive in terms of design, layout and neatness. Profile presents 6-9 key facts, events, accomplishments and contributions of the person’s life. Poster presents 6-7 key facts, events, accomplishments and contributions of the person’s life. The poster is functional though it may be a bit sparse and disorganized. Profile presents 0-5 key facts, events, accomplishments and contributions of the person’s life. Poster presents 0-5 key facts, events, accomplishments and contributions of the person’s life. The poster is distractingly messy or poorly designed. It is not overly attractive. There are 1-2 grammatical / mechanical mistakes on the poster. All required elements are included on the poster. There are 3-4 grammatical/ mechanical mistakes on the poster. All but 1 of the required elements are included on the poster. There are more than 4 grammatical/ mechanical mistakes on the poster. Several required elements were missing. 5 4 3 2-0 Provides detailed insight into the person’s background, heritage, significance, and culture. The presentation includes all required elements as well as additional commentary. Speech flows logically and smoothly from beginning to end. Provides good insight into the person’s background, heritage, significance, and culture. All required elements are included in the presentation. Provides some insight or significance into the person’s background, heritage, significance, and culture. All but 1 of the required elements are included on the presentation. Provides minimal to no insight into the person’s background, heritage, significance, and culture. Several required elements were missing. Speech flows reasonably well from beginning to end Speech seems effortless: smooth, and natural. Student has learned the information and does NOT refer to his/her notes. Speech is mostly smooth and natural. Student hesitates to think about what to say, but does not refer to notes. Speech is confusing or difficult to follow, but still comprehensible. Speech is choppy and unnatural. Student pauses often to think about what to say, but does not refer to notes. Speech is confusing and difficult to follow. Interferes with comprehension. Speech is choppy and unnatural. Student pauses often to think about what to say, and refers to notes. The poster includes all required elements as well as additional Facebook style creativity. Oral Presentation Content (x2) Organization Delivery: pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and pacing.