AP Environmental - Hanover Community School Corporation

AP Environmental Science
Course Syllabus
Required Text:
Living in the Environment/AP Edition/Seventeenth Edition
G. Tyler Miller/Scott E. Spoolman
Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning
2012, 2009
Lab Manual:
Lab Manual for Environmental Science
Edward Wells,
Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning
Required Summer Reading:
A Sand County Almanac
Basic Ecology
Course Description: Advanced Placement Environmental Science is a field of study which focuses on
man’s integral role in affecting earth’s natural systems. It consists of an interdisciplinary analysis of
planet earth’s ecological systems and the impact that human beings and their activities have had since
the beginning of time. It is a course poised to inspire questions, analyze situations, and propose
solutions to the disruption that human endeavor has wrought on mother earth. Its goal is to have each
individual who undertakes its field of study, thoroughly understand the impact of their carbon footprint.
Through a rigorous assemblage of information, laboratory analysis, and follow- up field work,
the environmental science student will achieve not only the ability to pass the AP Exam, but also a deep
understanding of this fascinating discipline.
Class and Laboratory: The AP environmental Class will meet five times a week for a 55 minute period
each day. Field work and laboratory time will vary with topics covered, but will be at a minimum of 30%
of each weeks class experience. Two/Three days a week will be for lecture/presentation, and at least
one day a week will be reserved for group discussion and brainstorming on that week’s topic.
Course Objectives: There are two primary objectives for the AP Environmental Science course. First , the
students must pursue this course with the true rigor of a college class. The ability to keep on top of
things and independently study beyond the classroom is essential. Secondly, they need to consistently,
review and familiarize themselves with the questions and methodology that will be used on the AP
Exam. The course will provide them with Fast Track to a 5: Preparing for the AP Environmental Science
Exam. This will help them simulate the AP Test Experience. Seven major themes will be covered in the
course. These include: Earth Systems and Resources, The Living World, Population, Land and Water
Use, Energy Resources and Consumption, Pollution, and Global Change. The interdisciplinary nature of
the information will be emphasized throughout.
Evaluation Methods:
There will be three types of exams in the course, essay, multiple choice, and vocabulary. Lab and field
activities will be graded based on their level of scientific method, data collected, and analysis. An entire
year field project will be assigned within the first two weeks off the course. This will involve a piece of
land chosen by a pair of students, where they will analyze the natural systems, soils, water sheds,
wildlife inhabitants, and human impact /use. These will be presented in a 55 minute format once the AP
Exam has been taken for the year. The AP Exam is generally given in the first or second week of May.
Participation in the High School Environmental Science Club’s recycling program will also be a
mandatory part of the course.
Course Outline:
Chapter 1: Environmental Problems, Their Causes, and Sustainability
 Three Principles of Sustainability
 Ecological Footprints
 Reasons for Environmental problems
 What Is an Environmentally Sustainable Society?
Laboratory: Lab 1A, Introduction to Environmental Problems
Duration: 3 days
Chapter 2: Science, Matter, Energy, and Systems
 Role of Scientists
 What Is Matter?
 Matter and Change
 Energy and Change
 Systems and Change
Laboratory: Introduction to Experimental Design
Laboratory: Lab 2B, Solar Input Project (year long)
Duration: 4 days
Test Chapters 1 & 2
Chapter 3: Ecosystems: What They Are and How They Work
 Components of an Ecosystem
 Energy in an Ecosystem
 Matter in an Ecosystem
 Studying Ecosystems
Laboratory: Tragedy of the Commons
Laboratory: Biomagnification Through a Food Chain
Laboratory: Lab 3A, Owl Pellets
Duration: 5 days
Chapter 4: Biodiversity and Evolution
 What is Biodiversity?
 The effects of Geology and Climate Change on Evolution
 Factors that affect Biodiversity
 Importance of Species Diversity
 Role of a Species in an Ecosystem
Laboratory: Lab 4: Using Detritus to Determine Arthropod Biodiversity
Duration: 4 days
Test Chapters 3 & 4
Chapter 5: Biodiversity, Species Interactions, and Population Control
 How Do Species Interact?
 Limits to Population Growth
 Ecosystems Response to Changing Environmental Conditions
Laboratory: Using Wooly Worms to Simulate Natural Selection
Duration: 3 days
Chapter 6: Human Population and Its Impact
 People the Earth Can Support
 What Influences the Size of a Population?
 Age Structure
 Slowing Population Growth
Lab 6: Reintroduction of the Lynx to a Forest
Duration: 2 days
Test Chapters 5 & 6
Chapter 7: Climate and Biodiversity
 Factors that Influence Climate
 Climate and Biomes
 Man’s Influence on Terrestrial Ecosystems
Laboratory: Lab 7B: Heat Transfer in the Earth
Duration: 3days
Chapter 8: Aquatic Biodiversity
 General Nature of Aquatic Systems
 Marine Ecosystems
 Freshwater Ecosystems
 Human Impact on Water Systems
Laboratory: Lab 8: Health of Pond Ecosystems
Duration: 3 days
Test Chapters 7 & 8
Chapter 9: Species Approach to Maintaining Biodiversity
 Role of Humans in Extinction
 How do We Protect Species from Extinction?
Laboratory: Lab 9: Thinking about Coyotes
Duration: 2 days
Chapter 10: Ecosystem Approach to Maintaining Terrestrial Biodiversity
 Managing Forests
 Major Threats to Forests
 Grasslands
 Sustaining Parks and Nature Reserves
 What is the Ecosystem Approach to Sustaining Biodiversity?
Laboratory: Lab 10: Elk and vegetation Management
Duration: 4 days
Test Chapters 9 & 10
Chapter 11: Sustaining Aquatic Diversity
 Threats to Aquatic Diversity
 Sustaining Marine Biodiversity
 Marine Fisheries
 Wetlands
 Freshwater Lakes, Rivers, and Fisheries
Laboratory: Life in a Watershed
Laboratory: Lab 11: Measuring and Monitoring Aquatic Condition
Duration: 6 days (January 29th thru February 3rd)
Chapter 12: Food, Soil, and Pest Management
 Food Security
 Problems with Industrialized Food Production
 Crops and Pests
 More Sustainable Food Production
 Food Security
Laboratory: Lab 12A: Lady Beetle Biological Control
Duration: 3 days (February 6th thru February 8th)
Test Chapters 11 & 12
Chapter 13: Water Resources
 Potable Water
 Groundwater
 Dams
 Salt Water Conversion
 Flooding
 Better Use of Water
Laboratory: Lab 13B: Freshwater Stream Study
Laboratory: Oil Spill
Duration: 4 days (Februaru9th thru February 14th)
Chapter 14: Geology and Nonrenewable Mineral Resources
 Major Geological Processes and Hazards
 Problems with Extracting Minerals
 Amounts of Mineral Supplies
 Using Minerals more Sustainably
Laboratory: Are we Consuming Our Biosphere?
Laboratory: Lab 14: Graham Cracker Plate Tectonics
Duration: 4 days (February 15th thru February 18th)
Test Chapters 13 & 14
Chapter 15: Nonrenewable Energy
 Net Energy and Its Importance
 Pros and Cons of Oil Use
 Pros and Cons of Natural Gas
 Pros and Cons of Coal
 Pros and Cons of Nuclear Energy
Laboratory: Measuring Total Suspended Particulates
Laboratory: Lab 15: Electricity Use and Efficiency
Duration: 4 days (February 20th thru February 23rd)
Chapter 16: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
 Why is energy Efficiency Important?
 How Do We Cut Energy Waste?
 Pros and Cons of Solar Energy
 Pros and Cons of Hydropower
 Pros and Cons of Wind Energy
 Biomass as an Energy Resource
 Geothermal Power
 What is Best for Sustainable Energy?
Laboratory: Lab16A: Biodiesel Fuel Exercise
Duration: 4 Days (February 24th thru February 29th)
Test Chapters 15 & 16
Chapter 17: Environmental Hazards and Human Health
 Major Hazards Humans Face
 Biological Hazards
 Chemical Hazards
 Risk and Avoiding the Worst Hazards
Laboratory: Human Health Risk Assessment
Duration: 6 days (March 1st thru March 6th)
Chapter 18: Air Pollution
 Nature of the Atmosphere
 Major Outdoor Air Pollution Problems
 Acid Rain
 Major Indoor Air Pollution Problems
 Health Effects and Dealing with Air Pollution
Laboratory: Measuring Total Suspended Particulates
Duration: 5 days (March 7th thru March 12th)
Test Chapters 17 & 18
Chapter 19: Climate Disruption and Ozone Depletion
 Climate and Temperature Changes in the Future
 Effects of a Warmer Atmosphere
 Slowing Climate Disruption
 Why Ozone Depletion and What to do About It
Laboratory: Lab 19: How Hot Is It Here On Earth?
Duration: 4 days (March 13th thru March 16th)
Chapter 20: Water Pollution
 Causes of Water Pollution
 Pollution Problems of Lakes, Streams, and Groundwater
 Pollution Problems in Oceans
 Pollution and Drinking Water
 Ways to Deal With Water Pollution
Laboratory: Lab 20: Sewage Treatment
Duration: 5 days (March 19th thru March 23rd)
Test Chapters 19 & 20
Chapter 21: Solid and Hazardous Waste
 Solid Waste and problems
 Hazardous Waste and Problems
 Dealing with Solid Waste
 Recycling
 Burning or Burying Solid Waste: The Issues
 Transitioning to a Sustainable Low Waste Society
Laboratory: Lab 21: Personal Solid Waste Inventory
Duration: 6 days (March 26th thru March 30th)
Chapter 22: Cities and Sustainability
 Population Trends in Urban Areas
 Major Urban Environmental problems
 Impact of Transportation on Urban Areas
 Importance of Land use Planning
 More Sustainable Cities
Laboratory: Lab 22: Green City Design Project
Duration: 7 days (April 10 thru April 13th)
Test Chapters 21 & 22
Chapter 23: Economics, Environment, and Sustainability
 Relationship of Economics and Biosphere
 Monetary Values of Natural Capital
 Using Economics to treat Environmental problems
 Environmental Sustainable Economics
Laboratory: Lab 23: Ecotourism Survey
Laboratory: Applying and Analyzing Cost-Benefit Analysis
Duration: 8 days (April 16th thru April 20th)
Chapter 24: Politics, Environment, and Sustainability
 The Role of Government in Transitioning to Sustainable Societies
 Environmental Law
 Roles of Environmental Groups
 Environmental Security
 Implementing Just and Sustainable Environmental Policies
Laboratory: Lab 24: Community Planning-Not In My Backyard
Duration: 8 days (April 23rd thru 27th)
Chapter 25: Environmental Worldviews, Ethics, and Sustainability
 Major Environmental Worldviews
 The Role of Education in Living Sustainably
 Living More Sustainably
Laboratory: Lab 25: Considerations of Climate change
Duration: 7 days
Review for AP Environmental Exam
Duration: 10 days April 30 thru May 4th)
AP Exam: May 7, 2013 (approximate)
Project Presentations: Student Chosen Field projects
Duration 15-20 days