Virtual Museum Construction – Using PowerPoint. Page 1 It is easiest to select museum gallery walls for your museum that are square and facing the viewer. This is because it is easiest to insert square pictures you find into square frames on the gallery wall. You just copy and paste or insert image… If, however, you select gallery walls on an angle, the wall and picture frames will be trapezoid shaped. The following instructions are for how you insert pictures into trapezoid shaped picture frames. You can use the template of a virtual museum made with PowerPoint provided below. Watch this youtube clip at home or in class to see how to use the PowerPoint template of a virtual museum: PowerPoint Virtual museum template: GrandEntryVirtualMuseumTemplate.ppt by Christy Keeler ( If this does not open, Google Chrome search for ‘Grand Entry Virtual Template ppt’) [ In PowerPoint ] From: Page2 Virtual Museum Construction – Placing Pictures on Gallery walls. - Stores it in your space in the ‘cloud’ and - allows you to ‘share’ it and get an internet address for it so other people can see it and your teacher can mark it. WARNING NOTE!: If you are using the ‘Grand Entry Virtual Museum Template by Christy Keeler’ you will need to make your own trapezoid picture frames. You can just make one and then copy and paste it. This is because if you use her trapezoid frames, your pictures will come out sideways in Google Drive! Follow the instructions on the previous page for making trapezoid picture frames. - Christy forgot the last step – ‘Step’ 7 to UNCHECK the ‘Rotate with shape’ box. Remember: To get the background pictures for your virtual museum front door and foyer/lobby, Google image search with words like: ‘ historic buildings front door’ or ‘foyer’/ ‘lobby’ etc. Also something like ‘museum gallery wall’ will give you pictures you can use for the different rooms in your virtual museum. - When you click ‘share’ in Google Slides get an internet address for your virtual museum, you can then use just paste in your URL address and it will give you a much shorter version. Also have a ‘Curator’ section in your virtual museum to record enter your own names. To make a picture frame go: (if you can’t click rotate with shape) File/ Insert / Shapes / Trapezoid. Right mouse click / format shape / fill / no fill You could also: Right mouse click/ format shape/’ Edit Points’ - drag the edit points to shape your trapezoid frame Use arrows with text boxes for directions in your museum - drag the edit points to shape your trapezoid frame