CV Enzi breve inglese

Silvia Enzi
Curriculum vitae
Personal details
Date of birth: 18/11/1961
Address: Via del Cristo, 128
35127 Padova - Italy
Degree in Classical Literature, at the University of Padua, with the thesis “Myths and legends of Palestine in
the coinage of Ashqelon” carried out in Tel Aviv under the supervision of Prof. Ariel Kindler, director of
Kadman Department of Tel Aviv Museum.
Collaboration in a research organized by the University of Padua, the Superintendence of Venice and the
National Institute of Nuclear Physics of Legnaro (Padova); the goal of the study was to define the origin of
the Roman marbles of Gortyna (Crete) and the trade routes of the Mediterranean sea.
Teaching assignment the at the private school “Dante Alighieri” and at the “Solitro” Institute of Padua.
Temporary contract at the National Research Council (CNR, ICTIMA Institute) of Padua.
Collaboration to the EU Project "Reconstruction of the Past Mediterranean Climate in the Historical period".
Collaboration to the EU Project "Effects of Air Pollution, in combination with other Environmental and
Meteorological Factors on Historical Building and Monuments"
Contract researcher at CNR-ISAC in Padua, involved in a program about the reconstruction of the
Mediterranean climate and environment, based on the study of documentary sources.
Seminar “Climate and Man” at the University of Padua.
Participation to the research program of Historical Climatology; organization of the databank of Historical
Climatology of CNR-ISAC.
Collaboration to the project “Climate, Environment and Territory in Southern Italy”.
Contract researcher at the CNR-ISDGM in Venice involved in a program concerning the environmental
preservation of Venice.
Participation in several CNR-ISDGM studies regarding the historical trend of subsidence in the area, and the
archaeology and palaeomorphology of the Venice lagoon.
Participation in a National Project of the Cultural Heritage Committee of the CNR; the goal of the research is
to historically, statistically and chemically define the Gothic and Renaissance bricks of Venice (1995).
Responsible of a Research Unit in the “Program of Research for the Safeguard of Adriatic Sea” (PRISMA 2),
financed by the MURST (Scientific Research and University Ministry) and CNR, with a study concerning the
geomorphologic evolution of the Venetian lagoon during the last five centuries (1996).
Participation in the EU project ARCHEO: "Archeometric study to reconstruct the Pollution and the Climate of
the Past and their effects on Cultural Property" with a study on the pollution sources present in Venice during
the pre- and proto-industrial age, and their impact on works of art and monuments (1996).
Participation in other EC funded research projects:
Preservation of historic buildings, monuments and associated cultural property (European Commission).
 Study of the environmental problems of two water cities included in the UNESCO world list of the
Cultural Heritage: Nassebur (Bulgaria) and Venice (CNR/BAN).
 Preservation of monuments and Cultural Heritage (CNR).
 Analysis of the microclimate and environment-building interactions for the preservation of the Pisa
tower (Pisa Tower Projet Consortium).
Referee for international scientific journals (Climatic Change and Bollettino Geofisico).
Foundation of Kleiò, a consulting firm specialized in research and applications in history, archaeology and
cultural heritage, in association with dr. Mirca Sghedoni.
KLEIO’ main projects
The Cadaster of Maria Teresa of Austria.
In 1771 the Empress Maria Teresa of Austria ordered the census of Mantua's territory. The Cadaster was a
way to both take control of and reorganize the territory, as well as to rationalize the tax system in order to
have a larger income to sustain the Empire enormous cost. The census operations, under the supervision of
the “Regia Giunta per il Censimento”, formally started in 1774 with a Questionnaire submitted to the
Communities regents; it contained 47 Questions intended to define the physical, administrative and
economic characteristics of the territory. The Cadaster was completed in 1784.
The Cadaster Project consists of the complete transcription and study of the material of the Mantua
Cadaster, conserved at the National Archive of Mantua. Leila Gentile takes part to the project. The goal of
the study is to reconstruct the history of Mantua’s country through the extraordinary amount and
characteristics of the data emerging from the answers to the 47 Questions. The topics of the Questionnaire
are many and various: relations amongst landlords, farmers and farm workers, salaries, work organization
and schedule, crop typologies, their characteristics, their yield, number and types of manufacturers; also,
measure units, tax system, how the elective offices were filled, land morphology, borders between
Communities and related disputes. The analysis of the data of this inquire is very important because it
provides new information about many and so different fields of the Mantua history. They can be used in
social, economic, administrative, political, environmental kind of studies, and several others, in order to have
a more and more detailed picture of Mantua’s territory at the end of XVIII century. Part of the project are also
several tables of data, elaborated by Mirca Sghedoni, regarding specifically the agricultural situation of
Mantua’s land, requested by Accademia Virgiliana. The Cadaster Project is still under way. It has been
presented for the first time in May 2005 by Silvia Enzi at the Conference "Il Paesaggio mantovano dall'età
delle Riforme all'Unità (1700-1866)" organized by Accademia Virgiliana and Politecnico of Milan; preliminary
results of the study has been published in scientific papers and the publication online of the complete Corpus
is underway.
Corila - Research Programme 2000-2004.
Kleiò research focus: climatic trends induced by global change focused on Venice environment.
Genealogical Research and Study
The goal of the project is to reconstruct the origins and the descent of a family from Lombardia, Italy. The
archive researches conducted by Kleiò traced the history of this family back in time through the end of XVII
century. The study produced a complete report with pictures, maps and the family tree.
EU Research Project “VIDRIO”.
Collaboration to the final report of the project regarding the determination of conditions to prevent weathering
on ancient stained glass windows.
EU Research Project “EN.CO.ART”
The project focuses on the preservation of the EU museum collections and on the training of personnel
dedicated to Museum management and operations. Collaboration to the organization and planning phase.
EU Research Project " GEOTEX".
Project on the exploitation of the geothermal energy. Collaboration to the organization and planning phase.
EU Research Project: Millennium
Millennium is a EU project, coordinated by Daniel McCaroll, University of Wales Swansea (UK). Kleiò is part
of the research program in partnership with ISAC-CNR. The goal of the project is to learn if the magnitude
and rate of 20th Century climate change exceed the natural variability of European climate over the last
millennium. A multidisciplinary team of more than 40 European Universities and Research Institutes will work
at this goal; Kleiò contributed to the reconstruction of the climate of the last 1000 years gathering,
elaborating and studying historical data and documentary records.
Project: Italian sources for Hungarian past Climate reconstruction
The research, funded by the University of Szeged (prof. A. Kiss), consisted in the identification, gathering
and filing of Italian archival documents about the past (15th century onwards) climate of Hungary.
EU Research Project: TEACH
The aim of this project, in the field of cultural heritage safeguard, is to monitor the changes occurring in
pollutants and to develop suitable instruments to control them. Kleiò participated in the planning of the
project and in the climatologic study of the examined sites.
This scientific research activity led to the publication of books, chapters of books and papers: see below.
Main Publications
Bonarrigo A., Bortolaso G., Enzi S., Ghedini F., Lazzarini L., Pecoraro M., 1987: Il problema
dell'identificazione dei marmi cristallini usati in antico: un esempio di studio (Gortina-Creta), in
Quaderni di Archeologia del Veneto, III, Dipartimento per l'informazione - Giunta regionale del
Veneto, CEDAM, Padova, pp 222-229.
Camuffo D., Enzi S., 1988: Il clima a misura d'uomo e di monumento, in Ambiente Risorse Salute, n.
76, Giugno 1988, anno VII vol. VI, pg 46-48.
Enzi S., 1988: La misurazione dei tempi brevi nelle cronache antiche, in Bollettino Geofisico, XI, 4,
pg 75-93, Settembre 1988.
Enzi S., 1988: Comptes-Rendue Reports. Second International Conference on Non-Destructive
Testing. Microanalytical Methods and Environmental Evaluation for Study and Conservation of
Works of Art. European Cultural Heritage Newsletter on Research 2, 5, 32.
Camuffo D., Enzi S., 1991: Locust invasion and climatic factors from the Middle Ages to 1880, in
Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 43, 43-73 Springer-Verlag, Wien-New York .
Camuffo D., Enzi S., Guerrini A., 1992: Impatto ambientale dell'inquinamento naturale nei secoli
passati: il caso della "nebbia secca" del 1783. In Atti: SEP Pollution, Giornate di Studio Europee per
l'Ambiente , pp 303-314, Padova 29 marzo-1 aprile.
Camuffo D., Enzi S., 1992: Reconstructing the climate of northern Italy from archive sources, in S.
Bradley and Ph.D. Jones eds.: Climate Since A.D. 1500, Routledge, London Enzi S., Enzi A., 1993:
Il tempo misurato, in Atti dell'Accademia Virgiliana, Olschky, Firenze.
Camuffo D., Enzi S., Bernardi A., 1993: Un'indagine sulle piogge e nebbie acide del passato, poste
in relazione al problema attuale del degrado dei monumenti, in Scienza e Beni Culturali, 10, pp. 8393
Enzi S., 1993: Environmental History in Italy, in Environmental History Newsletter, 5, 61-62.
Camuffo D., Enzi S., 1993: Climatic changes and solar activity over the last 2000 years, in B. Frenzel
(ed.): “Palaeoclimate Research”, Fischer Verlag, Stuttgard (in stampa).
Camuffo D., Enzi S., 1994: Chronology of "Dry fogs" in Italy, 1374-1891, in Theoretical and Applied
Climatology, 50, 1/2, pp. 31-33, Springer-Verlag, Wien-New York.
Bernardi A., Camuffo D., Enzi S., Vincenzi S., Del Monte M., Sabbioni C., Zappia G. , 1994: Gli
effetti dell’inquinamento dell’aria, pp. 124-146 in P. Segala (ed.): Università, ricerca e nuove
professionalità per la durabilità dell’arte nel museo del mondo, Fondazione Civiltà Bresciana,
Camuffo D., Enzi S., 1995: Impact of the clouds of volcanic aerosols in Italy during the last 7
centuries, in Natural Hazards, 11, 135-161.
Enzi S., Camuffo D., 1995: Documentary sources of the sea surges in Venice from A.D. 787 to A.D.
1867, in Natural Hazards, 12, 225-287.
Camuffo D., Enzi S., 1996: The analysis of two bi-millenary series: the floodings of the rivers Tiber
and Po, in Climatic variations and forcing mechanisms of the last 2,000 years, NATO ASI series I,
41, pg 432-450.
Enzi S., Camuffo D., 1996: Effetti del riscaldamento globale nel Mezzogiorno: Ricostruzione della
storia ambientale nell'"Optimum" climatico medievale. In: A. Guerrini (ed.): Atti del IV Workshop
Progetto Strategico Clima Ambiente e Territorio del Mezzogiorno, CNR, t. I, pp 7-72.
Bonardi M., Canal E., Cavazzoni S., Serandrei Barbero R., Enzi S., 1998: Impact of paleoclimatic
fluctuations on depositional environments and human habitats in the lagoon of Venice (Italy), in
Global Resource Review (in stampa).
Pfister, C., Brazdil, R., Glaser, R., Barriendos, M., Camuffo, D., Deutsch, M., Dobrovolny, P., Enzi,
S., Guidoboni, E., Kotyza, O., Militzer, S., Racz, L. and Rodrigo, F.S., 1999: Documentary Evidence
on Climate in the Sixteenth-Century Europe. Special Issue: Climatic Variability in Sixteenth-Century
Europe and Its Social Dimensions, Climatic Change, 43:1, 55-110.
Brazdil R., Glaser R., Pfister C., Barriendos M., Camuffo D., Deutsch M., Dobrovolny P., Enzi S.,
Guidoboni E., Kotyza O., Rodrigo F.S., 1999: Flood events in selected rivers of Europe in the
Sixteenth century, in Climatic Change, 43, 239-285.
Bonardi M., Canal E., Cavazzoni S., Serandrei Barbero R., Enzi S., 1999: Impact of paleoclimatic
fluctuations on depositional environments and human habitats in the lagoon of Venice (Italy), in
World Resource Review, 11, 2, pp. 247-257.
Enzi S., Marabini F., 1999: Evoluzione della fascia costiera Adriatica ed azione antropica, in Boll.
AIC, 105, 39-44.
Enzi S., 2000: Ricostruzione storica delle variazioni climatiche nella laguna di Venezia, in: A. Brondi
ed al., (cur.) L’assetto fisico-ambientale e socio-antropico quale fattore di controllo dello stato
qualitativo del mare Adriatico, Quaderni di PRISMA 2.
Camuffo D., Colacino M., Enzi S., Pagan E., Sturaro G., Cocheo C., 2005: Extreme Events in Italy
from documentary sources: Venice as a case study, in Nuovo Cimento, sect. C, 29-1, 33-39.
Carminati E., Enzi S., Camuffo D. 2006: A study of the effects of seismicity on subsidence in
foreland basins: an application to the Venice area, Global and Planetary Change, Elsevier, 55, 4,
Enzi S., Sghedoni M., Gentile L., 2010: I Quesiti del catasto teresiano delle campagne mantovane
come fonte storica, in Atti dell'Accademia Virgiliana, Olschky, Firenze.
Camuffo, D., Bertolin, C., Barriendos, M., Dominguez, F., Cocheo, C., Enzi, S., Sghedoni, M., della
Valle, A., Garnier, E., Alcoforado, M. J., Xoplaki, E., Luterbacher, J., Diodato, N., Maugeri, M.,
Nunes, M. F. and Rodriguez, R., 2010. 500 year temperature reconstruction in the Mediterranean
Basin. Climatic Change, doi: 10.1007/s10584-010-9815-8
Glaser, R., Riemann D., Schönbein J., Barriendos M., Brázdil R., Bertolin C., Camuffo D., Deutsch
M., Dobrovolný P., van Engelen A., Enzi S., Halíčková M., Koenig S.J., Kotyza O., Limanówka D.,
Macková J., Sghedoni M., Martin M., Himmelsbach I., 2010: The variability of European floods since
AD 1500. Climatic Change, doi: 10.1007/s10584-010-9816-7
Dario Camuffo, Chiara Bertolin, Antonio della Valle, Claudio Cocheo, Nazzareno Diodato, Silvia
Enzi, Mirca Sghedoni, Mariano Barriendos, Roberto Rodriguez, Fernando Dominguez-Castro,
Emmanuel Garnier, Maria Joao Alcoforado and Maria Fatima Nunes (2011). Climate Change in the
Mediterranean over the Last Five Hundred Years, Planet Earth 2011 - Global Warming Challenges
and Opportunities for Policy and Practice, Elias G. Carayannis (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-733-8,