Department Leadership Workshop Script

Department Leadership Workshop Script
(8:30 to 8:40) Please be seated.
Good morning.
The bell and gavel used by the President or chair of the meeting aids the membership by
signaling when to rise and when to be seated. Three raps of the gavel, either on the bell
or table, indicate that all should rise and stand quietly until directed. One rap of the
gavel signals that all should be seated.
Rap the bell three times.
The Preamble to the Constitution of the American Legion Auxiliary begins with the
words, “For God and Country.” These four words give our organization the starting
place for all of our meetings. That place is the opening prayer, FOR GOD, and the
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, AND COUNTRY.
East Palo Alto Unit 472 Chaplain, Mary Martin, will lead us in prayer.
Chaplain ::
Almighty God, Father of all mankind and Judge over nations, we pray Thee to guide our
work in this meeting and in all our days. Send Thy peace to our nation and to all
nations. Hasten the fulfillment of Thy promise of peace that shall have no end.
We pray for those who serve the people and guard the public welfare; that by Thy
blessing they may be enabled to discharge their duties honestly and well. We pray for
our members; that by Thy help they may observe the strictest justice; keep alight the
fires of freedom, strive earnestly for the spirit of democracy, and preserve untarnished
our loyalty to our country and to Thee.
We especially ask Thy blessing and comfort for all those who are suffering from the
ravages of war. May our duty to them be ever alive in our minds. Finally, O God of
Mercy, we remember lovingly before Thee our departed heroes who received from Thee
the reward of life everlasting. May their splendid example guide us, now and forever,
Pledge ::
East Palo Alto Unit 472 President, Guang Ming Whitley, will lead us in the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.
One rap of the gavel.
Script – Leadership Workshop – October 18, 2008 :: Page 1 of 9
Welcome to the Department of California Leadership Workshop. Thank you for coming
today. We hope you find the information helpful.
The Leadership Instructors for today are Past Department President, Linda Workman
(Linda to rise). Past Unit 472 President and Department Girls State Committeewoman,
Kerry Finley (Kerry to rise). Past District 23 President and Department Americanism
Chairman Anita Biggs (Anita to rise). I am Past Department Secretary/Treasurer, Lou
We are honored to have with us today Department Leadership Chairman Alzora Carter
(Alzora to rise, already seated at head table). Thank you Alzora for providing us with
this opportunity to gather these leaders and soon to be leaders. Would you like to
address us? Thank you once again. (Give gift.)
Our hosts for today’s workshop are District 23 President, Joyce Patton (Joyce to rise
and come to the podium) and Jackie Robinson Unit 252 President, Rena Coleman,
(Rena to rise and come to the podium). District President Joyce would you like to say a
few words? Unit President Rena, will you please let us know about the lunch plans?
Thank you for having us here in Los Angeles. (Give gifts to Joyce and Rena.)
Point out where the restroom is located.
Gift :: In your packet may be a page with a sticker on it. I will tell you which page to go
to. If there is a sticker on that page, please come to the front to receive a small gift.
Page 25 with a silver star.
Let’s take a minute to become familiar with the packet you received when you registered
this morning. The agenda is located behind the cover page. The first section of the
packet contains various pieces of information which should assist you in learning more
about the American Legion Auxiliary. The red page in the middle of the packet indicates
the program materials with an emphasis on the Department of California’s six major
When you scan the agenda, you will notice that we will cover a lot of information today.
The format for today’s workshop will primarily be question and answer. The instructors
will give an overview of a topic and then allow for questions. We ask that your questions
be about the current topic. If you think of a question, but it is not about the current
topic, please write it down and send it to the front of the room using a page. Just send
the question down the row toward the outside aisle. The person on the end of the row
will raise the note up so that a page will notice and come by to pick it up. The last page
in your packet is divided into four pieces. You may use these for your questions.
In the front pocket of the packet is an evaluation. Please answer the questions as the
workshop unfolds. We appreciate your feedback and ask you to place the evaluation on
the head table when you leave this afternoon.
Gift :: Page 2 with Resource information there is a silver star.
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(8:40 to 9:50) The first section of today’s workshop will cover the required
information per the Department Leadership Code.
(8:40 to 9:10) Linda will begin.
Thank you, Linda.
(9:10 to 9:30) Kerry will address the next two topics.
Thank you, Kerry.
(9:30 to 9:50) Anita will address the next two topics.
Thank you, Anita.
Gift :: Page 11 with the Rights and Responsibilities of Members there is a gold star.
(9:50 to 10:00) Let’s take a ten minute break.
(10:00 to 11:20) The next section of our workshop will be dedicated to the programs
of the ALA. Notice on your agenda that there are six programs missing. Those are
considered the six major programs of the Department of California and will be reviewed
after lunch.
I would like to draw your attention to the red page in your packet. All the programs are
listed there in alphabetical order.
Today, Kerry, Linda, Anita and I will briefly talk about the 12 programs listed in the
agenda. Following this, we will entertain questions from you. Each of us is acting as an
expert on four of the programs. When a question is asked, the expert will be the first
person on the panel to speak. If the other panel members have anything to add, they
will do so after the initial answer. Please remember you may also send written questions
to the panel at any time.
(Facilitators to talk in order of alphabetized list of programs, back and forth style)
Anita’s Activities
Cavalcade of Memories
Public Relations
Kerry’s Programs:
Community Service
Girls State
National Security
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Linda’s Programs:
Junior Activities
Junior Activities
Lou’s Programs:
Questions and Answers
Gift :: Page 30 with the Poppy program information there is a gold star.
Before we break for lunch, I would like to share a story with you.
Changing Your Approach
Roger Nierneberg is well known as an orchestra builder and also the inventor of the
highly successful educational leadership program involving conducting, called The
Music Paradigm.
"The Music Paradigm has transformed my leadership in so many ways. There is one
story in particular that was a turning point for me as a conductor and leader. The larger
instruments (i.e. double basses) take a longer time to produce a sound. These
instruments tend to be slower and later than other instruments. As an inexperienced
conductor, my immediate reaction was to tell them they were late — this seemed like the
fastest way to solve the problem. I did not solve the problem, but rather created another.
I not only had a timing issue, but now I had an unhappy bass section because they were
embarrassed and felt badly about their performance.
"With experience, I addressed the problem in a different way by asking them to play
earlier. I learned a valuable lesson through this request. By asking the bass section to
play a leadership role by setting the tempo for the entire orchestra, their role was more
active and engaged. I altered my relationship with the basses as well as their
relationship with the rest of the orchestra. My bass section was happy and felt
(11:20 to 12:10) Unit President Rena, will you explain how the lunch service will
happen? We’ll gather again at 12:10. Have a good lunch.
(12:10 to 1:30) Did you enjoy your lunch break? Good. Will Unit President Rena
please introduce her committee? We want to thank you again for acting as our host
Gift :: Page 3 with the ALA glossary there is a red star.
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The last section of our workshop deals primarily with the six major programs of the
Department of California. These are the programs the Department expects each Unit to
support by accomplishing work and/or making a donation. We will talk more about the
Department obligations following the program reviews.
Linda, Kerry and Anita will act as experts for two programs. They will speak in the
PLACER order. As we did earlier, each will briefly review the program and then open
the discussion for questions.
Linda’s Programs:
Anita’s Programs:
VA&R (Rehab)
Kerry’s Programs:
Children & Youth
Questions and Answers
Gift :: Page 15 with the Chronology of Events there is a blue star.
The Department of California requires Units to meet certain obligations in order to be
seated at convention. Of course, it wants all Units to support the programs of the ALA
and especially the six major programs we’ve just discussed. But it also requires certain
financial obligations.
Membership :: Each Unit is required to have no fewer than 10 Senior members
whose dues are current. Membership per capita must be remitted to Department in
a timely manner. Holding back membership puts the Unit at risk, especially in the
case of a new member.
Fidelity Bond :: The National Organization writes a Fidelity Bond which covers
ALL members and employees of the Units of the American Legion Auxiliary. Each
Department is billed annually for its proportionate share of the bond premium.
Limits of coverage are:
On all officers, members, and employees of Units -- $10,000
A deductible of $250 is in effect on all claims
This honesty insurance is protection against financial loss caused by a member's
or employee's dishonesty. The bond does not cover loss, burglary, or mysterious
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All Units will be assessed at the beginning of the Auxiliary year (due by September
30) for the ensuing fiscal year. A premium noticed is sent from the Department
Office. The premium is based on the number of Units in the Department.
The bond covers loss through larceny, embezzlement, theft, forgery,
misappropriation, wrongful abstraction, willful misapplication or any other act of
fraud or dishonesty by any member or employee of the American Legion Auxiliary if
that person's manifest intent is to cause the Auxiliary to sustain a loss and to enrich
herself or another person.
The bond does not cover loss, mysterious disappearance or burglary. As
soon as the loss is discovered, an audit should be conducted establishing proof of
loss which must be submitted within four months of discovery. Claimant should
report loss to the local police department if planning on submitting a claim.
All claims should be reported to the Department Secretary/Treasurer who will
forward the information to the National Treasurer.
Special Note: If there has been a problem and the organization recovers the funds
from the responsible party, even if no formal claim is made under the bond, there is
no longer any coverage on that person once there is knowledge of the charge of
Gift :: Page 10 with the Types of Membership there is a gold star.
Poppy Order :: All Units are required to order poppies with the order form being
due on October 1 each year. There is not a requirement for the number ordered. The
only exception to this obligation is for a newly chartered Unit. Should a Unit want to
order after the initial order, it should contact the Department Poppy Chairman to
determine if the Poppy Production Managers are able to assemble the additional
Poppy Payment :: Units may choose to pay for the poppy order at the time the
order is placed in October or in May after Poppy Days and when the financial report
is filed. Currently, the cost of each poppy is 15 cents with 10 cents being given to the
veteran who makes the poppy and 5 cents being used to pay for the materials to
make the poppy.
Poppy Financial Reporting :: Units may choose to offer poppies during a
prescribed week in May or not to offer poppies. Offering poppies means going into
the community and sharing the story of the poppy, explaining how the making of the
poppy is done by veterans many of whom are in VA facilities, sharing the concept of
The American Legion Family, and accepting donations from those who are given a
poppy to wear.
The financial report is to be filed by all Units even if they did not offer poppies to the
public. This report is due to the Department immediately following the close of
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Poppy Days in May. It will include the payment for the poppy order, if it wasn’t
made at the time of ordering, and 10% of the net proceeds from the offering. This
10% is used by the Department to cover other expenses of the Poppy program such
as the administrative fees, contest awards, postage spent by the Poppy Production
Managers, and the chairman’s expense.
Delegate Fees :: Each Unit is allowed 2 delegates to convention for the Unit
charter and first 37 members; then additional delegates, one per every 75 or majority
of 75 members including the initial 37 members. Currently, the delegate fees are $10
per delegate. This means that every Unit in the Department of California must
transmit a minimum of $20 and the delegate/alternate form to the Department no
later than 25 days prior to the opening day of convention. Even if the Unit does not
plan to send delegates to convention, it must transmit the fees and the form.
Units are also obligated to pay the delegate fees for any Unit member who is a Past
Department President and for any current Department Chairman.
Any debits owing to the Department :: Unit members order supplies, pay
membership dues, transmit donations to Department. Sometimes, a check does not
completely cover the charges or is drawn on insufficient funds or an incorrect
amount of per capita is sent with a membership transmittal. No matter what causes
the debit, it must be paid in full prior to convention. Units are held accountable for
the debits to Department of their members.
Up-to-date Bylaws :: The Department Code and the Department Constitution and
Bylaws both address the issue of current Unit bylaws. Current means that the Unit’s
bylaws have been written or rewritten within the previous ten years. Failure to meet
this requirement within 45 days of the opening of convention will preclude the Unit
delegates from being seated at convention, as well as losing the right to vote at the
District caucus.
Are there any questions?
Gift :: Page 7 with Department of California Organization information there is a blue
Let me briefly explain the closing of this workshop. We will take a ten minute break
and when we come back Anita, Kerry, Linda and I will wrap up and have a final
question and answer period. We will close the workshop.
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If you indicated on the sign in sheet when you first arrived this morning that you
would like to receive a white attendance card, paying $1 at that time, you will receive
the card in the mail from the Department Leadership Chairman. If you didn’t
arrange for this card this morning, please see Past Unit 472 President Kerry.
If you indicated that you want to apply for a Leadership Instructor card, please see
Past Department President Linda. You will be asked to fill out the application form
and pay $1 for the blue card the Department Leadership Chairman will mail to you.
Those who apply to become a Leadership Instructor understand that they are
agreeing to actively promote Leadership in the Unit and District. They agree that
they are willing to organize, assist with the organizing, and participate as an
If you need to recertify as a Leadership Instructor, please see Past District 23
President Anita. Recertification requires you to fill out an application and pay $1 for
the blue card which will mailed to you by the Department Leadership Chairman.
Gift :: The Member Data Form there is a red star.
(1:30 to 1:40) Let’s take a ten minute break, returning to wrap up this workshop.
(1:40 to 2:10) Thanks for staying with us. We want to draw your attention to a few
pages in your packet.
The first page includes important addresses, phone numbers, emails, and web sites
for the Department and National American Legion Family. There are also useful
government links. On the back of that page are the resources every Unit should
have. Members will find the Unit Handbook very useful.
Page 13 identifies the tools every member should have. Remember that your
Auxiliary pin is worn on the left side over your heart. Nothing should be placed
above your membership pin except a flag pin or corsages. As a member of your Unit
you are entitled to a copy of the Unit Bylaws and Unit Budget. Some Units charge a
small printing fee for these documents.
The nineteenth page identifies the structure and meaning of the American Legion
Auxiliary Emblem. Remember that individual members, Units, Districts, and
Department may only use the emblem as prescribed by National.
Are there any questions or comments?
Gift :: Page 13 with Member Tools information there is a red star.
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Please remember to leave your evaluation of today’s workshop on the head table
before leaving.
Thank you taking time on your Saturday to be here today. We hope you have learned
something new and will take this new knowledge back to your Unit.
East Palo Alto Unit 472 Chaplain, Mary Martin, will give the closing prayer.
Rap gavel three times.
Chaplain ::
Grant, O Lord, that as Americans and Auxiliary members we may continue to help
our veterans and those in need. We thank you for these people assembled here, and
pray you will bless their many works. Be with us as we journey home, we pray.
Following the workshop, those who want to become certified or recertified should
come to the head table.
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