SITE VISIT AGENDA TEMPLATE (Dual Program) The meeting dates/times on this agenda are chronologically organized to meet specific needs of the Site Visit Team. Changes can only be made within the timeframe of the site visit. Programs wishing to alter the meeting times must first contact staff to ensure that the changes are appropriate. Institution Name Program Name Site Visit Dates Day One – Monday MEETING PARTICIPANTS (please provide name(s), credential(s), title(s) in shaded areas) Team meets with Program Director (include tour Program Director of facilities in this time period) Team reviews resource material n/a Team breaks for lunch Team meets with Faculty n/a Full-Time Faculty TIME/ROOM # 8:30 am-9:30 am Room 9:30 am-12:00 pm Room 12:00 pm-1:30 pm 1:45 pm-2:45 pm Room Adjunct Faculty Team meets with On-Site Supervisors On-Site Supervisors Team meets with Off-Site Supervisors Off-Site Supervisors Team meets with Clinical Director or equivalent Clinical Director Team meets with Program Director Program Director Team members continue report writing independently Dinner n/a 3:00 pm-3:30 pm Room 3:30 pm-4:00 pm Room 4:15 pm-4:45 pm Room 5:00 pm-5:30 pm Room 5:30 pm-6:30 pm Room 6:30 pm-8:00 pm n/a Day Two – Tuesday MEETING Team meets with Program Director PARTICIPANTS (please provide name(s), credential(s), title(s) in shaded areas) Program Director Team meets with First Year Masters, Doctoral, and/or Post-Degree students First Year Masters, Doctoral, and/or PostDegree Students Team meets with Second Year Masters, Doctoral, and/or Post-Degree students Second Year Masters, Doctoral, and/or Post-Degree Students Team meets with graduates Graduates TIME 8:30 am-9:00 am Room 9:10 am-10:00am Room 10:10 am-11:00 am Room 11:00 am-11:30 am Room Form 16 – Revised September 2015 Conference with institutional administrative representatives Team meets with Program Director (if necessary) Administrative Representatives Team breaks for lunch Team continues report writing & continues review of supplemental material Closing Remarks Meeting n/a n/a Dinner n/a Program Director Program Director (other program officers) 11:45 am-12:15 pm Room 12:30 pm-1:00 pm Room 1:00 pm-2:30 pm 2:30 pm-5:30 pm Room 5:30 pm-6:00 pm Room 6:15 pm-8:00 pm SITE VISIT AGENDA TEMPLATE (Dual Program) The meeting dates/times on this agenda are chronologically organized to meet specific needs of the Site Visit Team. Changes can only be made within the timeframe of the site visit. Programs wishing to alter the meeting times must first contact staff to ensure that the changes are appropriate. Important Notes Facilities include, but are not limited to, review of library, clinic, classrooms, student area, computer lab, etc. Programs are required to provide the Site Visit Team with a meeting room to review all supplemental materials, including but not limited to syllabi, current student and graduate files/records, faculty and supervisor vita’s, etc. Resource rooms should have a table sufficient in size to accommodate the Site Visit Team, computer, printer, wireless internet access, as well as means for privacy and power outlets for the Site Visit Team’s personal laptop use. Faculty is defined as any individual or group of individuals who teach a course or practicum in the program. The Program Director does not attend the meeting with faculty. Supervisors are defined as on-site and off-site individuals who supervise students in practicum and/or internship. The Program Director does not attend the meeting with supervisors Please note that if the program has only on-site supervisors, the meeting with supervisors will last from 3 PM to 4 PM. Separate meetings are required for each group of students by their year in program. Second Year students are defined as any student who has been in the program for more than one year. Students will meet based on how long they have been in their program, not by which program they are in. The Program Director does not attend the meeting with students. Graduates are defined as any student having graduated from the program since the last Site Visit. The Program Director does not attend the meeting with graduates. Institutional administrative representative is defined as President, Provost, Dean and any administrator with oversight of the MFT program. The Site Visit Team needs to meet with at least one administrative representative but may meet with more at the program’s discretion. The Program Director does not attend the meeting with institutional administration. The Site Visit Team will continue its report writing in the provided resource room. The program is required to provide a computer/ printer for the team as well as sufficient power outlets for the Site Visit Team’s personal laptop use. Please note that the Closing Remarks Meeting is not a conversation or a dialogue but a courtesy on behalf of the Site Visit Team and is not a mandatory part of the visit. Only the individual delivering closing remarks speaks during the meeting. The Program Director is required to be at the Closing Remarks Meeting; however additional program personnel may attend at the Program Director’s discretion. Those in attendance may not include legal counsel. During the Closing Remarks Meeting the Site Visit Team will summarize its observations as related to compliance with accreditation standards. Form 16 – Revised September 2015