Position Request - Classified: Scholarships

Classified Position Request Form
Instructions: Complete one form for each classified position requested
New Position (not in last year’s budget)
Replacement Position (in last year’s budget)
Conversion Position (from grant to general funds not in last year’s budget)
Formerly Eliminated Position (not in last year’s budget)
Title of Position Requested:
Financial Aid Scholarship Specialist
Financial Aid________________________________________________
Number of Hours per Week:
Number of Months per Year:
Brief Abstract: (How does position impact present area status, affect workload reduction, impact students or
provide support/services?)
The Financial Aid & Scholarships department is a fast-paced, high volume environment, awarding nearly $700,000 in
scholarships to over 680 students annually.
Over 64% of Bakersfield College students received financial aid in 2012-2013 totaling $42,766,212. Currently, there is not
a full-time position to work on the scholarship program. A Financial Aid technician spends a percentage of time working
on aspects of the scholarship program and then during scholarship season it takes three to four staff members to work on
the many aspects of the program. The scholarship program is comprehensive with the applications process, committee
selections, working with donors, communication with the students and disbursing the scholarships while working closely
with the Foundation Office. A scholarship specialist is in high demand due to the expertise in both processing
scholarships, launching the applications and following donor scholarship guidelines.
It is in the area of adequate staffing for the financial aid and scholarships multi-million dollar operation that comes up
short. If the administration of scholarship funds does not comply with the donors’ specifications and foundation
regulations then concerns arise from the donor and/or organizations. There are also private scholarships which have to
be prepared for as well. A full-time position is critical to continued success with student support through scholarships.
Constant use of temporary or a percentage of current employees’ time creates additional training demands on limited
permanent staff as well as it reduces time with focusing on awarding financial aid.
Listed below is the data from SARS Grid reflecting the number of students who signed in at the front counter to speak to a
financial aid staff member:
Financial Aid Student Front Counter Student Drop-ins and Group Workshops
Academic Year
Group Contacts
Financial Aid Staffing (Technicians)
Revised by: Program Review Committee (June2, 2013)
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Academic Year
Number of Employees
Financial Aid Applications
23,049 (aid year not complete)
We have experienced a 73% increase in the overall number of financial aid applicants from 2008-2009 to 2013-2014.
Given the current economic student hardships, the financial aid applications will only continue to grow as well as
scholarship opportunities. Lack of staff will result in the delay of delivering funds to students which in turn will generate
more phone calls, emails and angry students in the lobby. Delays in scholarship payments cannot occur. It is crucial for
this position to work closely with Business Services, District IT and the Foundation Office to make sure the scholarship
process is working adequately and timely.
These are appropriate and compelling reasons to request a full-time staff member to promote student excellence and
success while addressing the scholarship program.
Rationale and Applicability to College Strategic Goals: (Substantiate recommendations with data and the guidelines
listed in the Budget Decision Criteria document and College Strategic Goals. Does this need fulfill a
compliance/mandated position, i.e. State, Federal, regulatory boards, contracts? Does this need address grant
partnership commitments and/or critical community needs?)
Students rely on scholarship assistance for their educational expenses to ensure their enrollment fees, the purchase of
books and other school related expenses are utilized. Delay in the receipt of funds effect student retention and success
which in turn affects FTES. In continuing streamlining efforts provides an effective and efficient service to all Bakersfield
College scholarship applicants so that they receive financial support and financial literacy to continue their higher
education in a timely fashion the staffing
Filling this position is in alignment with the College Goals and Student Success:
Student Success: Scholarships demonstrate merit, academic excellence, need and personal stories that need to be
shared of triumph and obstacles that have been overcome.
Revised by: Program Review Committee (June2, 2013)
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According to the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators staffing predictor model the average FTE for
similar institutions is 25.1 with Bakersfield College’s Financial Aid staffing being at 12. The variance is then -13.1. The
range of reported staff FTE for responding institutions similar to Bakersfield College’s is 18.8 to 31.5. The staffing
prediction model compares other institutions by type, size and locations. The results are based on surveys of financial aid
Impact on College/District if position is not filled: (Include how having the position or not having the position impacts
FTES, services to students.)
This is a new position request funded by District funds (Financial Aid MOE). If a college receives Board Financial
Assistance Program (BFAP) categorical funding then the college is mandated to meet maintenance of effort (MOE).
Maintenance of effort qualifies an institution to receive financial aid categorical funding. Colleges that fail to comply
with MOE requirements are subject to a dollar for dollar reduction of the colleges 2% funding as a penalty.
Total Cost:
Computer/office space etc.
Total Amount:
$_23,833 ___
$_A computer will be purchased_
$ _70,849_________
Revised by: Program Review Committee (June2, 2013)
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