LAB 10 – NI ELVIS Digital Tools

Lab Activity
Student Guide
LAB 10 – NI ELVIS Digital Tools
Student Name: ___________________________________________________
Getting Started
This activity introduces the digital
capabilities of the NI-ELVIS. The student
will use Virtual Instruments to generate and
monitor parallel digital signals.
Lab Activity and Deliverables:
It should take students approximately 2
hours to complete the lab activity, and 1
hours of homework time to complete the lab
Before Starting This Activity
Equipment & Supplies
For additional information on the 555 timer
IC used in this activity, a tutorial is at
A circuit diagram with animated waveforms
of the 555 in astable operation is at
Probes and jumper wires as
ESYS 52 Lab Manual
Agilent U3000A Instrumentation
LED light string
Learning Outcomes For Activity
Relevant knowledge (K), skill (S), or
attitude (A) student learning outcomes
Special Safety Requirements
K1. Identify the virtual instruments
available in the NI-ELVIS.
Lab Preparation
Open the Measurement & Automation
Explorer. If your connected ELVIS is not
listed as “Dev1”, right-click on the
disconnected Dev1 icon, select “Delete,”
then right-click on the connected ELVIS
icon, select “Rename,” and name it Dev1.
K2. Identify basic precautions and
limitations of the NI-ELVIS hardware.
S1. Generate digital outputs from the NIELVIS
S2. Perform basic digital measurements
with the NI-ELVIS instruments.
Compile data into a test report.
A1. Appreciate the capabilities,
flexibility, and limitations of a softwarebased measurement platform
LAB 10 – NI ELVIS Digital Tools
© 2012
Lab Activity
Student Guide
Task #1 – “Introduction to NI
Connect the mini-grabbers to one of the
ground leads and to data lines D0-D4,
and connect these lines to the test points
on the LED Light String.
1. Follow the steps in section 5, Digital
I/O, exercises 5-1 and 5-2 on pages 5-1
through 5-8. Do not mark in the lab
manuals, supply the answers in the space
provided on this guide. In exercise 5-2,
instead of assembling the 555 circuit,
identify and connect to the 555 timer and
associated components on the Agilent
U3000A instrumentation board.
2. Refer to the diagram of the 555 timer
circuit on the U3000A instrumentation
trainer board.
3. Push the D15 - D0 front panel button to
display the menu.
4. Push the lower-bezel D15 - D0 button to
access the D15 - D0 On or Off menu.
5. Turn multipurpose knob a to scroll
through the list of digital channels. Turn
multipurpose knob b to position the
selected channel.
As you position channels close to each
other on the display, the oscilloscope
groups the channels, and adds the group
to the pop-up list. You can select the
group from the list to move all the
channels in the group instead of
individual channels.
6. Push the lower-bezel Thresholds button.
You can assign a different threshold
value to each pod. For this exercise the
default threshold should suffice.
7. Push the lower-bezel Edit Labels button
and create the label. You can create
labels through the front panel or with an
optional USB keyboard. (See page 42 in
the MSO2014 manual, Labeling
Channels and Buses.)
8. Push the lower-bezel Height button
repeatedly to set the signal height. You
only need to do this once to set the
height for all of the digital channels. Set
the height to L.
Remove jumpers J4, J5, and J6 to
remove R11, R12, and C8 from the
circuit. This allows you to insert
components in the RA, RB, and CX
sockets to configure the timing circuit.
Task #2 – Setting Up Digital
Channels on the MSO2014
In task #3 you will make measurements with
the NI-ELVIS virtual instruments and with
the Tektronix MSO2014 digital channels.
Set up the MSO2014 as follows:
1. Connect the P6316 digital probe to the
D0-15 input on the MSO2014.
2. Connect the test lead fan-out to the D0D7 connector.
LAB 10 – NI ELVIS Digital Tools
© 2012
Lab Activity
Student Guide
Task #3 – LED Light String Timing
1. “Introduction to NI ELVIS,” Pages 5-11
through 5-13, describe a basic 4-bit logic
analyzer Virtual Instrument. This VI has
been modified to monitor 5 bits of data,
and is available on Blackboard.
Download and run
2. Connect the LED Light String ground
wire (black) to the ELVIS power supply
ground connection, and connect the +V
power wire (red) to the ELVIS +5 V
3. Connect the 5 LED control lines from
the light string to the ELVIS DIO
<0..4>. For comparison, on the
Tektronix MSO2014 connect a ground
and the digital inputs D0 to D4 to the
circuit to measure the same control lines
4. Press the power pushbutton on the light
string controller to cycle through the
display modes on the light string. After
setting the mode so that all LEDs fade
in/fade out (Mode 8), press the power
pushbutton one more time to reset the
display mode to Mode 1.
5. Start the Logic Analyzer VI by clicking
on the Run arrow. Set the sample time to
100 ms (lower left of VI front panel).
LAB 10 – NI ELVIS Digital Tools
Start the MSO2014 and capture the same
data pattern shown on the VI.
Observe the relation between the LEDs
and the logic analyzer display. Copy the
timing diagram from the VI and the
screen display from the MSO2014 and
paste them into the report section in the
“Mode 1” section.
Count the number or logic states that
make up the repeating pattern, and
identify the decimal equivalent of each
state (look at the decimal display at the
top of the front panel).
Press the power pushbutton to cycle to
the next display mode. Repeat steps 5
through 7 for each mode.
Press the power pushbutton to cycle to
the fade in/fade out display mode. The
logic analyzer will not do an adequate
job of representing the activity at the
LEDs. Open the Oscilloscope VI and
connect the scope probe to the DIO 1
line. Describe how the brightness of the
LEDs is being changed.
Print the last three pages of the performance
report with your pasted images of the timing
diagrams and save them with this activity
guide in your Lab Activity Binder.
© 2012
Lab Activity
Student Guide
LAB 10 – NI ELVIS Digital Tools – Performance Report
Student Name: ___________________________________________________
Part 1
Exercise 5-1 Visualizing Digital Byte Patterns
Step 7. Observe the various data patterns, and determine whether the ELVIS LEDs are ON or
OFF when the digital output is 1 (high) or 0 (low):
High (1) = LED [ ON / OFF ]
Low (0) = LED [ ON / OFF ]
Exercise 5-2 555 Digital Clock Circuit
Step 1. In order to connect the RA, RB, and CX components, remove the jumpers next to R11,
R12, and C8 to remove these from the circuit. The RA, RB, and CX components are inserted in
the sockets shown on the silkscreen.
RA = _______Ω, RA = _______Ω, CX = ______ µF
Step 3. The output of the 555 (pin 3) is on the lower pin of J2. Connect this to DIO <0> on the
Step 12. Fill in the table with your measured values and with the calculated values from Step 5.
LAB 10 – NI ELVIS Digital Tools
© 2012
Lab Activity
Student Guide
Part 3: LED Light String Timing Diagrams
Step 5: Observe the various data patterns, and determine whether the Light String LEDs are ON
or OFF when the digital output is 1 (high) or 0 (low):
High (1) = LEDs [ ON / OFF ]
Low (0) = LEDs [ ON / OFF ]
Is the logic analyzer operating in a synchronous or asynchronous mode? Why?
Step 6:
Mode 1: Number of states = _____, Decimal values = _____________________________
Paste Mode 1 VI timing diagram here
Paste Mode 1 MSO2014 screen here
Mode 2: Number of states = _____, Decimal values = _____________________________
Paste Mode 2 VI timing diagram here
LAB 10 – NI ELVIS Digital Tools
Paste Mode 2 MSO2014 screen here
© 2012
Lab Activity
Student Guide
Mode 3: Number of states = _____, Decimal values = _____________________________
Paste Mode 3 VI timing diagram here
Paste Mode 3 MSO2014 screen here
Mode 4: Number of states = _____, Decimal values = _____________________________
Paste Mode 4 VI timing diagram here
Paste Mode 4 MSO2014 screen here
Mode 5: Number of states = _____, Decimal values = _____________________________
Paste Mode 5 VI timing diagram here
LAB 10 – NI ELVIS Digital Tools
Paste Mode 5 MSO2014 screen here
© 2012
Lab Activity
Student Guide
Mode 6: Number of states = _____, Decimal values = _____________________________
Paste Mode 6 VI timing diagram here
Paste Mode 6 MSO2014 screen here
Mode 7: Number of states = _____, Decimal values = _____________________________
Paste Mode 7 VI timing diagram here
Paste Mode 7 MSO2014 screen here
Mode 8: Copy and paste an oscilloscope trace that shows the fade in / fade out mode. Explain
how the brightness is controlled.
Paste Mode 8 VI timing diagram here
LAB 10 – NI ELVIS Digital Tools
Paste Mode 8 MSO2014 screen here
© 2012