Quote Catcher for MMM for web site Page Quote/ Paraphrase xi The many ancient and pagan gods promised to grant wishes of health, wealth, wisdom, sexuality, love. Those same promises can be found any time, day or night, just by clicking through your cable box. Society’s rampant consumerism is fueled by a collective imagination that assigns magical value to material objects. While science may have replaced the supernatural in our public conversation, ancient cravings for heavenly solutions to life’s problems still heat our blood. The promise of magical self-transformation through the ‘ritual of purchase’ provides the basic rationale for much contemporary consumer advertising. Today’s screaming infomercials, epitomized by the late Billy Mays, are living fossils, descended directly from P.T. Barnum and a thousand other now anonymous snake oil pitchmen. 1928: Paul Mazur says America changed to a ‘desire’ culture – consumers desire the ‘new’ and reject old. http://goo.gl/2YfNs By 1928, the hunger for massive consumption had become a virtue, propelling a surging economy to ever-greater heights. Frenchman Andre Siegfried wrote in 1928 ‘American’s consider their standard of living a sacred right’ James Wallen in 1925 said advertising men “were second only to statesmen in our powers for good.” The Parsons School 1n 1928 advocated sales messages based on the sex appeal of objects. Nothing has changed today. Camille Paglia says commercial popular culture is the authentic native voice of America. The American conception of advertising arouses desires and stimulates wants. To make consumers work hard to get the latest model at whatever cost. Bruce Barton 1929 What is new is magic, what is old has lost its power. The iPhone 4S is hot--the 3G a dud. Amos Parrish taught in the 1920’s “nothing is going to stop fashion. It wears things out. Industry wants things worn out to sell MORE. Ernest Calkins on planned obsolescence: “Wearing things out does not produce prosperity. Buying [more] things does.” 1901 report says inferior goods that wear out quickly have social value—Cleanliness increased, disease prevented, choice stimulated. 1926 Advertising advice: “Sell them their dreams…they buy hope of xii xii 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 1 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 13 14 17 18 18 18 19 20 21 22 23 23 24 25 what your merchandise will do for them. Sell hope, and don’t worry about selling goods. Circa 1900-William Dean Howells says advertising must ‘make the truth sound true.’ #Scolbert Circa 1900-“The successful advertisement is obtrusive. It continually forces itself upon the attention.” Circa 1900-“The more stentorian the voice of the advertiser, the more unquestionably does the purchaser obey.” “Beautee Soap. Beautee Soap. Repeat it until it comes out of their ears.” Classic Ad Movie ‘The Hucksters’ 1947 Education should create consumers-Circa 1900 “education for the lower class must mean the excitation of new wants.” Margaret Meade’s mother said: “Advertising is a mode of education by which the knowledge of consumable goods in increased” Margaret Meade’s mother: “The Advertiser must excite desire by appealing to imagination and emotion.” Branding “compelled the people of Los Angeles and Boston and Duluth to ask for the identical cigarette or biscuit” 1912 Report. “If you will eat more Uneeda Biscuit you can do more work enabling you to earn more money so that you can buy more Uneeda Biscuit” 1905 When gods become brands, their sacred properties live on. Dionysus becomes Budweiser, Eros animates Victoria’s Secret. http://bit.ly/KDiFMb The promise of magical solutions is an essential technique for marketers. Advertising says that each of us has the power to spin straw into gold. Marketing’s magic lamp hold the genie of merchandising happy to grant all wishes. By 1895, the Sears catalog touted consumption of material goods as the key to satisfaction and fulfillment. Our hunger for magical solutions explains why Harry Potter is a runaway bestseller. Fairy Tales are especially suited to create a perfect world in consumer minds. Ergo, Keebler elves, Snap Crackle and Pop. Advertising’s Fairy Godmother solves all problems with her magic wand conjuring products and services to meet every need. Magical advertising figures—Jolly Green Giant, Tony The Tiger, talking AFLAC duck, Marlboro Man. Retail pioneer John Wanamaker himself wrote fairy tale-based advertisements to lure shoppers to his “Wishmaker’s Town” (store) “We have bought into the idolatrous notion that we are what we buy” Tyler Wigg-Stephenson http://linkd.in/KTilYF Brands have become distinctive markers of human identity. We are 2 25 26 26 26 26 27 27 28 28 28 28 29 30 30 31 32 35 37 39 40 41 41 what we buy. Douglas Atkin http://to.pbs.org/JIujEB #branding 1m Lee Clow / Apple ad guru: “Articulate who you are and what your values are” http://gizmo.do/LjPZ63 #branding Let customers commune with fellow believers. Build a temple to the Brand God you're creating. #branding http://bit.ly/KaoC0g 1905-John Wannamaker “People do not buy the thing. They buy the EFFECT. #branding #marketing http://bit.ly/KDiFMb The great questions of existentialism have found their answer in today’s materialism. #branding #marketing #Jung Kierkegaard: Q:For what idea can I live and die? A: Apple? http://bit.ly/KDiFMb Humans long to belong to a tribe. Today we signal tribal membership with what we wear, eat, drive. http://bit.ly/KDiFMb #branding Brands are imbued with stories customers use to shape their own identities. http://bit.ly/KDiFMb #branding #BMW #Nike Darwin: Humans acting in groups survive longer. That makes brand tribes so appealing. http://bit.ly/LpeA9y #branding #beagle Strongly individualistic personalities ironically want to belong to a group “Belonging makes me more me” Atkin http://bit.ly/KDhJWH “Brands offer us an enhanced and comprehensive version of what we believe ourselves to be.” Atkin http://bit.ly/KDhJWH Branding secret: Target the alienated while separating your product from the mainstream—i.e. #HarleyDavidson - Atkin http://bit.ly/KDhJWH Loyalists commonly describe their discovery of a favorite brand as a special or magical occurrence. See http://bit.ly/KDhJWH Behold the salvic Mary Kay rep who knocks on the door ready make the sale that will change our lives. http://goo.gl/fJaUC #brand Brands such as Harley-Davidson have undeniable cult appeal. http://goo.gl/iLtwR #branding #brandcults Social norms determine how you behave in a given situation. Brands serve the same purpose. http://goo.gl/fJaUC #branding Brand cults members share an elitism rooted in knowing something outsiders will never understand. #branding http://goo.gl/iLtwR “The brand becomes a symbol, a material embodiment of the myth.” Do you know your brand’s myth? http://goo.gl/Br8WO Carl Jung: “In an earlier day these forces were called mana, spirits, demons and gods.” Today we call them BRANDS. http://goo.gl/AGCfp “Our decisions to do something positive … are the result of animal spirits…” John Maynard Keynes http://goo.gl/yMsYx Carl Jung’s ‘collective unconscious’ was the precursor to crowdsourcing. http://goo.gl/6BkOE Belief in the supernatural is as American as apple pie. http://goo.gl/2H9dJ Viacom’s Mel Karmazin, discovering Google accurately tracks its 3 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 45 46 46 47 47 47 47 47 47 48 48 48 49 49 #advertising results, “you’re fuckin’ with the magic!” http://goo.gl/mip1c The best #advertising functions as mythology. http://goo.gl/dB0WP Americans have lost the stories that define who we are, where we came from. #marketing http://goo.gl/SpLwm #advertising Myth is the secret opening through which the inexhaustible energies of the cosmos pour into human culture. http://goo.gl/SpLwm #advertising Brands are more than happy to offer up their own vision of how life should be lived. http://goo.gl/xYP9o #branding In a society lacking pervasive cultural myths, “Just Do It” becomes a profound philosophical statement. http://goo.gl/xYP9o #branding Our myths are increasingly created from what we buy. http://goo.gl/xYP9o As advertisers create brand gods to mirror the archetypes that drive us all, the market takes on characteristics of religion. #branding The marketer as priest enchants the marketplace with incantations of value propositions and brand attributes. #branding http://goo.gl/wtShn Belonging to a #brand cult allows an individual to more herself. You become more you. Doug Atkin http://goo.gl/coSl7 #Brand fanatics feel a greater sense of their own authenticity, indivuality, values, and value. Doug Atkin http://goo.gl/coSl7 Intense #brand loyalty creates a sense of self-actualization. Shared myths connect the visible and invisible worlds. http://goo.gl/coSl7 Some brands inhabit fantastic geographies such as Marlboro Country and that ‘endless summer’ beach where Corona Beer banishes all worry. Create meaning for your brand by associating with an existing group’s value system…let your brand come to symbolize that group. An essential part of the Unique Selling Proposition is bonding the buyer to the brand’s value system. Social Media is ideal for that! Your digital media effort must foster storytelling about your brand by sm users. Proctor & Gamble has failed to create ‘brand tribes’ of loyal users on Facebook. Do you agree? A preacher says “Eat this, my body given to you.” Corona says, “Drink me, and cast aside your Blackberry.” Ultimate brand extension-Walt Disney creates Disneyland. China and France fight for the right to graft Disneyland onto their own once-exotic geographies. Haagen-Dazs invented an entire nation to elevate its ice cream. http://goo.gl/TVGWH The Haagen-Dazs brand connects buyers to a totally mythical place and culture. Truthiness, anyone? 4 50 51 52 59 59 59 In 1945, Fortune Magazine announced Betty Crocker was America’s second most admired woman. Eleanor Roosevelt was number one. #branding @BettyCrocker is one of many faux-brand personifications - Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben, that Quaker Oats guy http://goo.gl/gXA05 #branding I think Betty Crocker should have married the Marlboro Man. #branding In 1923 Bruce Barton wrote ‘the role advertising is to help corporations find their soul.’ #branding The enjoyment of physical goods ‘contains a spiritual element.’ 1901 Journal of Political Economy, http://goo.gl/tYun1 #branding || Once upon a time, the advertising agency sought the ‘edios’, the soul of a brand. Do Tweets have soul? 5