total - HappyBats Tennis!

2012-2013 BOOKING FORM
How did you hear about HappyBats Tennis?...................................................
Name of child:
Child’s date of birth:
Parent’s address:
Name of adult accompanying child to class:
Parent’s name & tel. no:
Parent’s email:
Relationship to child:
Address of accompanying adult (if different
from parent’s address):
Tel. no (if different from above):
Email of accompanying adult:
Please give a contact number for the morning of
the class in case we need to contact you in an
Does the child attending the class have any
special needs or allergies? If so, please provide
details here or call us to discuss how we can
best support the child during classes.
I would like to book a place for ………………………………………………to attend the following class for term 6:
Salisbury Dennis Marsh House 2-3yr old class, Tuesdays 11:15 – 11:45am
Salisbury Dennis Marsh House 3yr old+ class, Tuesdays 10:15 – 11am
Winterbourne Glebe Hall, Mondays 09:15-10am
Fordingbridge, St Mary’s Church Hall, Mondays 11:15am-12pm
Morgans Vale & Woodfalls Village Hall, Tuesdays 2 – 2:45pm
Term 6 dates: Classes start w/c 3rd June and finish w/c 15th July
Children are required to wear a HappyBats Tennis T-shirt to all classes and this must be purchased when enrolling for the
child’s first term of classes. I would like to order a:
Size 2-3 yrs
size 3-4 yrs
size 4-5 yrs
T-shirts will be brought to the child’s first class. Please let us know if you’d like it to be posted to you in advance; we’d be
happy to do so, although a small fee (£2.20) for postage would be charged.
From time to time HappyBats Tennis may take photos in classes for use in its marketing material; this may include for
example publishing photos on flyers, the HappyBats website and Facebook page. Please tick this box if you do not wish
your child to be photographed. 
I am happy for HappyBats Tennis to take photos of my child but would like to be consulted before any photo of my child is
published in any format. 
I do not wish this information to be used by anyone for direct marketing purposes. 
Class Fees
Salisbury 2-3 yr olds
Salisbury 3 yr olds , Woodfalls,
Fordingbridge & Winterbourne
Sibling discount if applicable
Recommend a friend discount
HappyBats Tennis T-shirt (must be
purchased when booking for your child’s
first term)
Mid-term start
Term 6
Tick if
10% off term’s fees
-£5 for one child only
£7 per child
As advised
NB. Only one special offer may be used per child booking.
□ I enclose a cheque for £………….as detailed above, made payable to “HappyBats Tennis” to secure my child’s place in the
class identified.
My child is starting mid-term and I enclose a cheque for £………… advised by HappyBats Tennis for the remaining ……
classes in the term (please remember to add on £7 for the HappyBats T-shirt, to the class amount if this is the child’s
first term at HappyBats)
I have made a bank transfer of …£…………………… as detailed above to the following account:
Bank: HSBC
Acc. name: HappyBats Tennis
Sort code: 40-40-14
Acc. No: 22129272
Please put the child’s name as a reference and email: to let us know that you have made
a payment.
Places can only be confirmed for a class at a specific venue when full payment has been received for a minimum of one
full term.
Payment and bookings can be taken for a maximum of 2 terms at any one time.
All payments are non-refundable once the booking has been made. Refunds will not be given for any classes not
attended by the child for whatever reason. Nor will a refund be made if a child is subsequently withdrawn from the
remainder of the term’s classes.
Missed classes: if a child is unable to attend a class due to prior commitments or you or the child being ill, with prior
agreement from HappyBats Tennis, and as long as there is space, the child may attend a class at another venue.
Classes may only be made up during the term in which they are missed and cannot be carried over to the following
term. We cannot guarantee that you will be able to make up for missed classes at another venue, or that we will be
able to offer you an alternative class, and we are under no obligation to do so, but we will always try to accommodate
your request.
If a class has to be cancelled (e.g. due to extreme weather): you will be given the opportunity to attend another class.
This may be in the form of an extra class added on to the end of the term, a class at another venue, or a class the
following term. A refund for classes cancelled by the coach will only be given in the event of an alternative not being
offered. If we offer an alternative class, and the child is unable to attend, a refund will not be given.
HappyBats Tennis reserves the right to change the coach taking the class without notice.
An adult must accompany the child and stay with them for the duration of each HappyBats Tennis class. We
recommend that there is at least 1 adult accompanying no more than 2 children attending the same class. Please
contact us if you have triplets or would be bringing more than 2 children with you to any class.
Younger siblings who are too young to attend the HappyBats Tennis class are welcome to be present in the class hall
for the duration of the class; however it is the responsibility of the parent/carer accompanying the older child to the
class, to keep them safe and to ensure that they are not disruptive to the rest of the class. Pushchairs must be left
either in the porch of the hall, or in a corner of the hall out of the way of class activity.
Parents and carers are required to ensure that they and the children in their care arrive in good time to start the class
at the specified start time and appropriately attired in a HappyBats Tennis t-shirt, comfortable sports clothing that
does not inhibit movement and trainers.
HappyBats Tennis reserves the right to exclude any child from its classes if it deems their behaviour to be persistently
disruptive and prohibiting the enjoyment of the class for other children.
HappyBats Tennis, its employees, servants and agents shall not be liable for any personal injury and/or loss or damage
sustained to any participant, accompanying adult , spectator or sibling, clothing or equipment unless caused as a result
of its negligence.
From time to time, HappyBats Tennis may take photographs during the classes for use on its website and on
promotional material. If any parent/carer would rather not have their child photographed, they should inform
HappyBats Tennis at the time of booking by indicating this on the booking form or emailing:
Occasionally different venues may need to be used. HappyBats Tennis reserves the right to change the venue of a
class. When this is necessary we will give as much notice as possible.
We accept no responsibility for damage, loss or theft of personal property that is brought to any of our class venues.
Prices and these terms and conditions are subject to change without notice.
HappyBats Tennis reserves the right to refuse admission should you breach any of these terms.
I have read and agree to abide by these booking conditions.
Please email this completed form to: or post to Fiona O’Sullivan, HappyBats Tennis, Forest
View, School Road, Lover, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP5 2PW
1. Places can only be confirmed for a class at a specific venue when full payment has been received for a minimum of one
full term.
2. Payment and bookings can be taken for a maximum of 2 terms at any one time.
3. All payments are non-refundable once the booking has been made. Refunds will not be given for any classes not
attended by the child for whatever reason. Nor will a refund be made if a child is subsequently withdrawn from the
remainder of the term’s classes.
4. Missed classes: if a child is unable to attend a class due to prior commitments or you or the child being ill, with prior
agreement from HappyBats Tennis, and as long as there is space, the child may attend a class at another venue.
Classes may only be made up during the term in which they are missed and cannot be carried over to the following
term. We cannot guarantee that you will be able to make up for missed classes at another venue, or that we will be
able to offer you an alternative class, and we are under no obligation to do so, but we will always try to accommodate
your request.
5. If a class has to be cancelled (e.g. due to extreme weather): you will be given the opportunity to attend another class.
This may be in the form of an extra class added on to the end of the term, a class at another venue, or a class the
following term. A refund for classes cancelled by the coach will only be given in the event of an alternative not being
offered. If we offer an alternative class, and the child is unable to attend, a refund will not be given.
6. HappyBats Tennis reserves the right to change the coach taking the class without notice.
7. An adult must accompany the child and stay with them for the duration of each HappyBats Tennis class. We
recommend that there is at least 1 adult accompanying no more than 2 children attending the same class. Please
contact us if you have triplets or would be bringing more than 2 children with you to any class.
8. Younger siblings who are too young to attend the HappyBats Tennis class are welcome to be present in the class hall
for the duration of the class; however it is the responsibility of the parent/carer accompanying the older child to the
class, to keep them safe and to ensure that they are not disruptive to the rest of the class. Pushchairs must be left
either in the porch of the hall, or in a corner of the hall out of the way of class activity.
9. Parents and carers are required to ensure that they and the children in their care arrive in good time to start the class
at the specified start time and appropriately attired in a HappyBats Tennis t-shirt, comfortable sports clothing that
does not inhibit movement and trainers.
10. HappyBats Tennis reserves the right to exclude any child from its classes if it deems their behaviour to be persistently
disruptive and prohibiting the enjoyment of the class for other children.
11. HappyBats Tennis, its employees, servants and agents shall not be liable for any personal injury and/or loss or damage
sustained to any participant, accompanying adult , spectator or sibling, clothing or equipment unless caused as a result
of its negligence.
12. From time to time, HappyBats Tennis may take photographs during the classes for use on its website and on
promotional material. If any parent/carer would rather not have their child photographed, they should inform
HappyBats Tennis at the time of booking by indicating this on the booking form or emailing:
13. Occasionally different venues may need to be used. HappyBats Tennis reserves the right to change the venue of a
class. When this is necessary we will give as much notice as possible.
14. We accept no responsibility for damage, loss or theft of personal property that is brought to any of our class venues.
15. Prices and these terms and conditions are subject to change without notice.
16. HappyBats Tennis reserves the right to refuse admission should you breach any of these terms.
I have read and agree to abide by these booking conditions.
Please keep this page for your records.