First year Visual and Performing Arts unit: FFA 192 Theory Workshop A: digital reflective journal (revised) Revised by Karen Hall Synopsis of the task and its context The original criteria sheet was developed by Karen Hall, Lycia Trouton, Deb Malor and Moira Cordiner in 2010. In semester 1, 2011 Karen trialled it with her students. This task, a digital reflective journal, is ongoing throughout the first semester in this introductory unit, and is weighted 40%. It supports students in becoming familiar with concepts and language from arts theory, and in beginning to identify connections between theory and their practice. While it is termed ‘reflective’, it is expected that initial entries in the journal may be highly subjective. During the semester, students are encouraged to gradually develop more considered observations about their responses to theoretical content, and be able to identify aspects that inform their creative practice. They are given examples of types of entries plus the following guidelines: entries must be made regularly, and while they may be informal and in a personal voice, should not be ‘confessional’ or unprofessional in tone the journal comprises a total of 2,500 words so that: it contains continuous text (approximately 60%) and other word equivalent entries (approximately 15%), e.g. speculations, mindmaps, concept maps, annotations, diagrams, questions based on readings and tutorials the ratio of words to supporting material is 3:1 (75%:25%) for the whole journal; acceptable and manageable supporting material includes such items as scanned pictures, sound files, media, and video. When Karen revised the sheet, she simplified one descriptor in each of criteria 1 and 3, altered criterion 3 from ‘Identify relationships between content elements’ to ‘Apply content in multiple contexts’ and created new descriptors (see table below). These changes made the expectations more realistic for students just commencing degrees. Match between learning outcomes and criteria Learning outcomes (original) Task-specific criteria On completion of this unit, you should be able to: To complete this task, you are to: 1. Locate some main issues confronting artists and performers in contemporary times and relate these to historical and contextual themes (such as regionalism, nationalism, globalism and indigeneity). 1. Demonstrate knowledge of theory content 2. Reflect upon the influence that historical/theoretical perspectives have on your emerging artistic / performance practice. 3. Reflect on: your responses to the content relevance of the content to your creative practice not assessed in this task 3. Demonstrate skill in public speaking about conceptual concerns. 4. Ascertain how to go about researching in the library and on e-databases, and be able to construct a scholarly essay with academically referenced sources. 2. Apply content in multiple contexts not assessed in this task Task 1: Reflective journal criteria Demonstrate knowledge of theory content in context HD Weighting 40% DN CR PP Throughout your journal you: Throughout your journal you: Throughout your journal you: In your journal, you: In your journal, you: consistently demonstrated thorough knowledge of content demonstrated knowledge of content with some areas explored thoroughly demonstrated knowledge of content demonstrated basic knowledge of content demonstrated fragmentary knowledge of content showed how this content informs contemporary visual and performing art showed how this content relates to contemporary visual and performing art acknowledged all sources sustained an explicit sustained a mostly explicit engagement with the unit engagement with the unit content by: content by: acknowledged most sources sustained an engagement engaged with the unit with the unit content by: content by: making regular entries Apply content in multiple contexts Reflect on: your responses to the content relevance of the content to your creative practice NN adding supporting adding supporting material and material and explaining convincingly explaining its relevance its relevance identified and described: identified and described: a wide range of a range of relationships relationships from including obvious and obvious to subtle, some subtle ones, between different between different aspects of unit content aspects of unit content how this content informs contemporary visual and performance art identified and described: the obvious relationships between different aspects of unit content insightfully reflected on your responses to the content by: reflected on your responses to the content by: thoroughly reflected on your responses to the content by: adding supporting material and partially explaining its relevance making mostly regular entries adding some relevant supporting material identified and described: some obvious relationships between different aspects of unit content occasionally added given material from the unit content by: making intermittent entries using material provided from the unit content identified some obvious relationships between different aspects of unit content how this content relates to contemporary visual and performance art describing and analyzing your responses them in detail describing and analyzing your responses them in some detail describing and analyzing your responses convincingly justifying with evidence how and why how you arrived at these responses convincingly, for the most part, justifying with evidence how and why how you arrived at these responses justifying with some evidence how and why how you arrived at these responses partially reflected on your responses to the content by: stated your responses to the content by: describing these responses and how and why you arrived at them expressing opinions that were simply either positive or negative Task 1: Reflective journal criteria HD Weighting 40% DN CR PP NN Throughout your journal you: Throughout your journal you: Throughout your journal you: In your journal, you: insightfully and thoroughly reflected on the relevance of the content to your creative practice by: thoroughly reflected on the relevance of the content to your creative practice by: reflected on the relevance of the content to your creative practice by: partially reflected on the relevance of the content to your creative practice by: identifying aspects that you consider inform your practice and perceptively explaining why with examples identifying aspects that you consider inform your practice and explaining why with examples identifying aspects that you consider relate your practice and explaining why with examples identifying aspects that you consider relate your practice and stating why with examples Comment and Grade: In your journal, you: