Many thanks to our judges! Students appreciate Honors Fair Judges who volunteer from local universities, corporations & science societies. Judges hold an advanced degree or have experience in their area of expertise. Academy of Science - St. Louis Science Fair Honors Division CONGRATULATIONS! FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Bruce Hamper, PhD, Honors Fair Chair Judging... Students celebrate their own super bowl - it's called the Academy of Science - St. Louis Science Fair - Honors Division! Contact: Peggy James Nacke - 314-533-8291 to arrange student interviews (St. Louis) The Academy of Science - St. Louis is pleased to announce the top students who participated in the Academy of Science - St. Louis Science Fair - Honors Division on Saturday, February 1st. Awards will be presented to the top three students at the 2014 Academy of Science - St. Louis Outstanding Scientist Awards Dinner to be held at the Chase Park Plaza on April 9th. High School students have completed collegiate-level research in regional classrooms and labs. The competition was held at the Missouri Botanical Garden - Commerce Bank Education Center. Over $10,000 in scholarships are awarded to the top 10 students made possible through the generous support of Monsanto Fund and SunEdison. Additionally, all Honors Division Students are invited to bring their projects to The Academy of Science - St. Louis Science Fair to compete for close to $60,000 in Special Awards in May! The top two students will represent the Academy of Science - St. Louis Science Fair at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair in May. Top Three! 1st Place: KATE HOGAN, Grade 12, Parkway Central High School Project Title: The Effect of Caffeine on the Development and Nervos System of Drosophila Melanogaster Award: $3,000 Scholarship - award will be presented at the Academy of Science - St. Louis 2014 Outstanding Scientist Awards Dinner. Kateis now qualified to compete at the Intel International Science & Engineering Fair in May and will receive an all-expense-paid trip to this event. 2nd Place: ELLEN WANG, Grade 11, Parkway North High School Project Title: Investigation of the Genetic Transmission of the Atgle 1 Mutation and Its Effect on Embryogenesis in Arabidopsis Thaliana Award: $2,000 Scholarship - award will be presented at the Academy of Science - St. Louis 2014 Outstanding Scientist Awards Dinner. Ellenis now qualified to compete at the International Science & Engineering Fair in May and will receive an all-expense-paid trip to this event. 3rd Place: KATHERINE HUFKER, Grade 12, Lindbergh High School Project Title: The Impact of Inclusion Programs for High School Students With and Without Special Needs Award: $1,000 Scholarship - award will be presented at the Academy of Science - St. Louis 2014 Outstanding Scientist Awards Dinner. Top three students will be recognized at the Academy of Science 2014 Outstanding Scientist Awards Dinner which will be held in the Starlight Room of the Chase Park Plaza on April 9, 2014. Finalists (A-Z order) All Finalists receive a $1,000 Scholarship MEGHONA BHARADWAJ, Grade 10, Lafayette High School (Rockwood District) Project Title: Peer and Parent Value Congruence as Predictors of Well-Being and Adjustment to College KETAN JAIN-POSTER, Grade 12, Clayton High School Project Title: Mapping QTLs for Popping Ability in a Popcorn X Dent Maize Genetic Cross SARAH MACIOROWSKI, Grade 12, Cor Jesu Academy Project Title: Horizontal Gene Transfer of Antibiotic Resistance Genes in the Human Gut EMILY SCHUEPPERT, Grade 12, Cor Jesu Academy Project Title: Devlopment of GC/MS Methods of Analysis for Isothiocyanates in Brassica Rapa and Other Plants DARBY TURNER, Grade 12, Webster Groves High School Project Title: Variance in the Clinical Phenotype of Siblings with Hypophosphatasia MARY MADELINE WILLIS, Grade 12, Marquette High School (Rockwood School District) Project Title: Rodents Show Preference for Seeds of Certain Glade Species WILLIAM WOLFE, Grade 11, John Burroughs School Project Title: Inexpensive Internet Remote Controlled Devices Additionally, all Finalists are invited to bring their project to The Academy of Science - St. Louis Science Fair K-12 to compete for special Awards in May! 2014 Honors Division Students applaud each other! Semi-finalists (A-Z order) All Semi-finalists are invited to bring their project to The Academy of Science - St. Louis Science Fair K-12 to compete for special Awards in May! THOMAS BARRON, Grade 12, Maplewood-Richmond Heights High School Project Title: The Effect of Computer Based Education on Creative Thinking PATRICIA BEQARI, Grade 12, Cor Jesu Academy Project Title: Determining the Amount of Individual Clucosinolates in Brassica Rapa Generations DIANA BOONE, Grade 11, Cor Jesu Academy Project Title: Heavy Metal Contamination of Creek Waters in the Old Lead Belt and New Lead Belt Areas of Missouri ELIZABETH DIGMAN, Grade 12, Cor Jesu Academy Project Title: The Time-Concentration of Xanthine Compounds in Human Saliva After Ingestion of Chocolate Bars JULIE GOLDMAN, Grade 12, Parkway Central High School Project Title: Improving biofuel by Enhancing the Efficiency of Fungal Enzyme0Catalyzed Cellulose Hydrolysis ASHWIN GOVINDAN, Grade 10, Ladue Horton Watkins High School Project Title: KRAS MUTATIONS IN CANCER: A comprehensive Analysis of DNA Sequencing Data from the cBioPortal and COSMIC Cancer Genomics Databases OLIVIA LONG, Grade 10, John Burroughs School Project Title: Investigating the Effects of Aging on Differentiation Potentials of Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Progenitor Cells NATALIE MITTEN, Grade 11, Maplewood-Richmond Heights High School Project Title: Media Consumption and Implicit Attitude CECIL MORGAN, Grade 12, Maplewood-Richmond Heights High School Project Title: Lead in Park Soil in Relation to Distance from Lead Smelter BRANDON MOSELEY, Grade 11, Maplewood-Richmond Heights High School Project Title: Mechanical Testing Using Different Solutions MARY MUNSELL, Grade 12, CorJesu Academy Project Title: An Enzyme Method of Detecting Acetaminophen in Source Water CIARRA PETERS, Grade 11, Westminister Christian Academy Project Title: Construction and Testing f Anisotropic White Matter Tissue Mimics: A Tool for the Study of Traumatic Brain Injury MONICA PFEFFER, Grade 12, Cor Jesu Academy Project Title: Automating Redox Chemical Titrations Using a Constant-Flow Pump and Vernier Sensors ALEXIS RAMSEY, Grade 11, Maplewood-Richmond Heights High School Project Title: A Comparison of Marker Training Versus Compultion-Praise Training All students who entered the Honors Fair will now bring their projects to the Academy of Science - St. Louis Science Fair in May to compete for additional Special Awards KEVIN REBMANN, Grade 12, Rockwood Summitt High School Project Title: Effect of Acidification of Salt Water on Plant Growth OLIVIA ROHATGI, Grade 12, Cor Jesu Academy Project Title: Histamine as an Inhibitor of Alkaline Phosphatase NICHOLAS SCHOLZ, Grade 12, Rockwood Summit High School Project Title: Cleaning Grease with Grease: A Study on the UV Absorbtion of Biodiesel Glycerin Soap When Applied to Contaminated Surf JUSTINE STEFFENS-WILLIS, Grade 12, Rockwood Summit High School Project Title: The Effect of Math Homework Completion on Test Scores LEYNA STEMLE, Grade 12, Marquette High School (Rockwood School District) Project Title: Plant Extinctions in Newly Restored Glades can be Attributed to Stochastic Processes Every year hundreds of educators, scientists, and science advocates bring science inquiry to life for the more than 55,000 area students who participate in the Academy of Science - St. Louis Science Fair. Membership in the Academy makes this possible. Call 314-533-8586 to find out more about Academy membership or Join on-line at Many thanks to our Academy of Science - St. Louis Science Fair corporate sponsors: and ASHLEY TAYLOR, Grade 12, St. Joseph's Academy Project Title: Cytokine Expression and Goblet Cell Formation in Neonates During Chronic Response to respiratory Viral Infection OMKAR VENKATESH, Grade 10, Clayton High School Project Title: Changing the Ion Selevtivity of the Anionic LGC-53 Dopamine Receptor Through Mutations in the M2 C