Semantic Web-Creation Prof. Vidya S. Dandagi Department of MCA KLE DR. M.S.Sheshagiri College of Engg.& Technology, Belgaum , India Dr. Nandini Sidnal Department of Computer Science and Engineering KLE DR. M.S.Sheshagiri College of Engg.& Technology,Belgaum , India Abstract—Semantic Web is a system that enables machines to "understand" and respond to complex human requests based on their meaning. Semantics is a study of the meaning of data. It focuses on the relationship between the words, symbols, phrases and signs. The Resource Description Format (RDF) is a set of individual objects used to represent information also a set of connections among those objects. RDF is one of the pillars of the Semantic Web. This paper describes the creation of a semantic web using RDF, and how it can queried using the SparQL query language to get accurate results. Index Terms—Resource Description Framework (RDF), SparQL, Ontology, Semantic Web, URIs metadata. I. INTRODUCTION The World Wide Web is composed of documents written in HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language). It is a language that is useful for visual presentation. HTML contains a set of “markup” symbols for display on the web browser .Most of the information on the Web is designed only for human utilization. Humans can read Web pages and understand them, but their natural meaning is not shown in a way that allows their interpretation by computers [1]. The present day search engines are quite powerful, but still return irrelevant results . Semantics is study of the meaning of data. It focuses on the relationship between the words, symbols, phrases and signs. The Semantic Web is a system that enables machines to "understand" and respond to complex human requests based on their meaning. Semantic Web is an advanced version of existing web which claims to be a solution toward currently faced web problem of formatting data in machine process able format to take advantage in information retrieval [2]. The Semantic web is a mesh of data representing meanings through connectivity, expressing multiple viewpoints and use business rules logic is making models to share information across applications. The goal of the semantic web is to structure the meaningful contents of unstructured data and involve knowledge management in making more advanced knowledge modeled management systems [3]. Semantic Web (SW) is defined as an extension of the current web. The information is presented in a well-defined manner enabling computers and people to work in cooperation. Data in the Semantic Web is linked in a way that can be used for more effective; it can be shared and processed by automated tools. A. Purpose of Semantic Web 1. The main purpose of the Semantic Web is driving the evolution of the current Web by enabling users to search, distribute, and mix information more easily. 2. The Semantic Web is a system that enables machines to "understand" and respond to complex human requests based on their meaning. Web pages are designed to carry out tasks, searching for a lowest price of a DVD, finding the French word for a “folder”, these tasks cannot be performed without human direction. Web pages are designed not to be read by machines but by people. 3. The paper is organized as follows. In section II, the explanation of the architecture of Semantic web is discussed. Section III deals with the explanation of tools for generating ontology using RDF. In section IV we discuss the implementation procedure. Results and discussions are given in Section V. Section VI deals with the conclusion. II. ARCHITECTURE OF SEMANTIC WEB Interpretation by machines is the vision of the semantic web , so machines can carry out more of the tedious work involved in searching combine and act upon the information on the web. Berners-Lee's vision, the semantic network constituted of seven levels is constituted of a layered architecture (Fig. 1).[4] The first layer of URI and Unicode is the basis for the structure of the entire system. Unicode is a unique number for every character independent of the underline language.This layer is responsible for encoding of the resources . URI is responsible for resource identification, and allows precise retrieval of information . The Second layer of XML + NS (Namespace) + XML Schema, is used to identify common syntax in semantic web .XML namespace specifies different markup vocabularies. The third layer of RDF + RDF Schema, which provides a semantic model used to describe the information on the Web in the graph form . The fourth layer of ontology vocabulary layer is responsible for the definition of shared knowledge and describes the semantic relationships between the various kinds of information to reveal the semantic between the information itself. Ontology provides knowledge and reusable web content. The fifth layer of logic layer responsible for providing axioms and inference principles to provide the basis for intelligent services. This layer enhances the writing of application specific declarative knowledge . The sixth layer of Proof to verify statements to draw conclusion . The seventh layer of trust is responsible for providing authentication and trust mechanisms. To enhance web security digital signatures and encryption technology are used to detect changes in the document.. XML, RDF (S) and the Ontology are its core in the Semantic web architecture. . Fig. 1 Architecture of Semantic Web. III. WHAT IS ONTOLOGY? Ontology is a formal direct description of concepts describing various features and attributes of the concept in a domain of discourse (classes), properties of each class describe various features and attributes of the concept. Ontology with a set of individual instances of classes constitutes a knowledge base The term “ontology” is used in different ways by different people. Pidcock writes that “People use the word to mean different things, e.g.: glossaries and data dictionaries, thesauri and taxonomies, schema and data models, and formal ontologies and inference”, and according to Uschold: “An ontology may take a variety of forms, but necessarily it will include a vocabulary of terms, and some specification of their meaning”. This includes definitions and an indication of how concepts are inter-related which collectively impose a structure on the domain and constrain the possible interpretations of terms [5].Ontology function is to provide the knowledge base needed for the user to search .[6] A. RDF A core support for Semantic Web is Resource Description Framework (RDF). RDF is a standard available by W3C .RDF is a framework for representing information about resources in a graph form. It was primarily proposed for representing metadata about WWW resources, such as the name, address, and modification date of a Web page, but it can be used for storing any data. It is supported on triples subjectpredicate-object that forms a graph of data. Knowledge represented using RDF standard is machine understandable . [7].. Anyone can define vocabulary of terms used for more detailed description. A RDF Schema (RDFS) is created with its formal semantics within RDF. RDFS provides domain specific classes and properties which are used to create lightweight ontologies. Knowledge can be represented so that it can be used in a scalable form .Decomposition of knowledge into small pieces, depending on simple rules knowing about the semantics of these pieces . Simple and flexible, structured enough to express any fact, that computer applications can operate with the expressed knowledge. The following are the key components: • Statement • subject and object resources • Predicate A statement is a given small piece of knowledge . Knowledge (or information) is expressed as a list of statements, each statement takes the form of SubjectPredicate-Object, and this order is never changed. Fig. 3 Generation of Ontology using RDF. Fig. 2 Graph structure of RDF statement The information is stored graphically as shown below in Fig. 4. The subject and object are names for two things in the world, with the predicate being the name of a relation that connects these two things. Semantic web uses RDF to extract the relevant information by identifying subject predicate and object. IV. IMPLEMENTATION The software used for the implementation is Jena, which is the Semantic Web Framework for Java. Joseki is a Web-based SPARQL endpoint. Fig. 4 Information Storage. A. Creating a Semantic Web We have gathered information of all the staff members of Department of Computer Science and Engineering, KLE Dr.M.S.Sheshagiri College of Engineering and Technology, Belgaum, and information of the doctors of the Dr. KLES Prabhakar Kore Medical College, name ambiguity details was entered and using SPARQL retrieved the correct page. In Fig. 4, Person is the subject and has a predicate and the Last Name is the object. B. Creating the RDF for a single person Algorithm: RDF creation. Input: The flow chart shown in Fig 3 is generating an ontology using RDF, and then using SPARQL to retrieve the results. Output: Step-1: Start Step-2: Create a model. Model model= ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); model.setNsPrefix("rdfs",RDFS.getURI()); model.setNsPrefix("foaf",FOAF.getURI()); Step-3: Create the resource for the model. Resource subject=model.createResource rdf:predicate { rdf:resource=""); ?Person foaf:givenname ?Givenname. Step-4: Add the properties to the created resource. ?Person foaf:title ?Title. subject.addProperty(,"Rashmi G"); subject.addProperty(FOAF.title,"Assprof."); .subject.addProperty(RDF.type,FOAF.Person); Step-5: Direct the output to the required file. For Example:d://f6.rdf Step-6: Stop. RDF created by Single person as shown below: xmlns:rdfs="" > <rdf:Description rdf:nodeID="A0"> <rdf:predicate rdf:resource=""/> <foaf:mbox></foaf:mbox> <foaf:phone>9448130159</foaf:phone> <foaf:topic>10Am-1pm</foaf:topic> <foaf:birthday>mon-sat</foaf:birthday> <foaf:member>CSE</foaf:member> <foaf:name> Rashmi G</foaf:name> <foaf:title>Assprof.</foaf:title> </rdf:Description> } V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS The paper deals with creating a semantic web using RDF to ease the process of human-computer interaction .The proposed system used real time data collected from two colleges in Belgaum.Information of the staff members of KLE Dr.M.S.Sheshgiri such as name,designation,email etc,was collected and the information of the Doctors of KLEs Dr.Prabhakar Kore Hospital such as name ,specialization and working hours etc,was taken and RDF is generated for all staff members And SPARQL is used to retrieve the query results. Taking into consideration name ambiguity the search is more effective. For example Dr.Rashmi Medicine from Dr.Prabhakar Kore hospital of medical college and Dr.Rashmi from CSE department of KLE Dr.M.S.Sheshgiri. The below figure 1 illustrates the main menu . C. SPARQL SPARQL is an RDF query language and data access protocol for the Semantic Web. SPARQL is a query language that we can use to query the RDF data content.[8] FOAF represents a project called Friend of a Friend. The goal of the FOAF project is to build a social network using the Semantic Web technology so that we can do experiments with it and build applications that are not easily built under traditional Web [9]. The core element of FOAF project is the FOAF ontology, a collection of terms that can be used to describe a person: name, home page, e-mail address, interest, and people he/she knows, etc.[10] Anyone can create an RDF document to describe himself/herself by using this FOAF ontology, and he/she can join the friend’s network as well. Triplestore is a Database Management systems for the storage and retrieval of triples . Native Triplestore exploit the RDF data model to efficiently store and access the RDF data . Sample Sparql Query for Querying the RDF prefix foaf: <> select * from <c://f6.rdf> where Fig 1 Query if given in SPARQL as Rashmi isa Medicine then the details of Dr.Rashmi will be retrieved. The below figure 2 shows the query entered . Fig 2 The details of the employee Rashmi isa Medicine are displayed . A triplestore is database for the storage and retrieval of triples, a triple being a data entity composed of subject-predicate-object The below figure 3 illustrates it . Fig 3 Semantic web is the future web were retrieval is faster and accurate . The study can be further extended for efficient building of semantic web for large organization so that retrieval of information is faster and efficient . VI. CONCLUSION Semantic Search Engine is, in no doubt, the future of World Wide Web. In this paper, we have shown the creation of a semantic web. In future we will be generating a search within a search to retrieve relevant results so that search becomes faster. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors are immensely thankful to the valuable guidance provided by the department of MCA, KLE DR.M.S.Sheshgiri College of Engineering and Technology, Belgaum, Karnataka, India. REFERENCES [1] Cardoso, Jorge. "The syntactic and the semantic web." Semantic Web Services: Theory, tools and applications (2007). [2] Ahmed, Zeeshan, and Detlef Gerhard. "Web to Semantic Web & Role of Ontology." arXiv preprint arXiv:1008.1331 (2010). [3] Omelayenko, Borys. "Learning of ontologies for the web: the analysis of existent approaches." First International Workshop on Web Dynamics in Conjunction with the Eighth International Conference on Database Theory London, UK. 2001. [4] Yu, Liyang. A developer's guide to the semantic web. Heidelberg: Springer, 2011. [5] Grobe, Michael. 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