The Church of the Holy Nativity Who and what is it? The Church of the Holy Nativity is a Roman Catholic Church Under the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter. What is the Personal Ordinariate? The Personal Ordinariate is an Canonical structure within the Roman Catholic Church enabling former Anglicans to maintain some degree of corporate identity and patrimony (heredity & tradition). This was erected by Pope Benedict XVI through the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. This is a PERSONAL diocese of the Holy Father with himself as its Ordinary. The Church of Holy Nativity has as its head in the United States, appointed by the Pope, The Very Reverend Dr. Jeffery Steenson. The Ordinariate is like a diocese but in this case a diocese over the entire US. The Personal Ordinariate is not an Anglican Use parish or Pastoral Provision parish. These were granted by Pope John Paul II in June 1980 which permitted the ordination as Roman Catholic priests of married former clergy of the Anglican and Episcopal Churches. These parishes are now being folded into the Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter. Are the Priests of the Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter Latin Priests as well? YES! The Priests of the Ordinariate are members of the Latin Rite but who wish to maintain some features of their own tradition and patrimony. The Ordinariate priests are dual certified in both the Latin Rite Mass and the Ordinariate Mass. The Latin Church includes among its liturgical rites the widespread Roman Rite, Byzantine Rite, the Ambrosia Rite of Milan, the Mozarabic Rite, the Braga Rite, and specific uses of religious orders just to name a few. This event has made history for the Roman Catholic Church and the Anglicans who wish to come back to the Mother Church. We thank Pope John Paul II, Pope Benedict VII and now Pope Francis I for having the foresight and wisdom to help bring this to a reality If you have any questions about Holy Nativity as a Roman Catholic Church please ask Father Lowell the pastor of Holy Nativity. The Catholic Church of the Holy Nativity 1414 North Easy Street + Payson, Arizona 85541 Phone: 928-478-6988 Website: ************** Services Sunday Mass 10:00 a.m. Weekday - Wednesdays Mass & Holy Unction 10:00 a.m. First Wednesday of the month Benediction & Chaplet of Divine Mercy 5:30 p.m. followed by potluck supper The Church of the Holy Nativity Catholic Under the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter First Sunday of Advent November 30, 2014 The Parish of Holy Nativity The Catholic Church of the Holy Nativity November 30, 2014 The Rev. Fr. Lowell E. Andrews, Celebrant Opening Hymn # 278 (3 verses) Introit Collect for Purity Summary of the Law Kyrie eleison Collect of the Day First Reading - Isaiah 63: 16-17, 19; 64:2-7 Psalm - 80: 2-3, 15-16, 18-19 "Lord, make us turn to you; let us see your face and we shall be saved." Second Reading - 1 Corinthians 1: 3-9 "Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia." Show us Lord, your love; and grant us your salvation. "Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia." Holy Gospel - Mark 13:33-37 Homily - Fr. Lowell+ The Nicene Creed Intercession (Form III) Penitential Rite The Comfortable Words Announcements Offering (collection taken at this time) Preparation of the Altar Prayer over the Offerings Eucharistic Prayer - (Roman Canon Rite) Sursum Corda & the Sanctus Prayer of Consecration The Lord’s Prayer The Peace Breaking of the Bread The Agnus Dei The Prayer of Humble Access The Administration of the Sacrament (Communion is taken by intinction, (placed on your tongue) if you wish not to receive the wine, the blood of Christ place you finger over your lips when the Priest comes to you and he will give you the host, body of Christ only.) The Prayer of Thanksgiving Concluding Rite Blessing Dismissal Closing Hymn # 279 (3 verses) +Bold type said together. + * Robert (Bob) Rable - treatment for cancer. *Bernadette Heath - treatment for cancer. * Donald Monson - Poor health * Penny Wells - for a new Kidney * Cleo Burnette-suffering from Cancer * All Cancer victims Jesus is coming, are you ready? Today is the First Sunday in Advent 2014...and hence the first day of the Church Year, sometimes called "The Christian's New Year's Day." The first season of the Church Year, beginning four Sundays before Christmas. Advent means "coming" and it is a season of preparation for Christ's coming at Christmastime and also for His Second Coming to judge the world. The color for this season is Violet. We will not say or sing the Gloria in Excelsis during this season. One of the most ancient doxologies of the Church, first verse of which was sung by the Angelic Chorus to the Shepherds on the First Christmas Eve from the Latin "Glory be to God on high" and hence called the Angelical Hymn. We will sing it on Christmas Eve with great joy and it will last until the Lenten Season. This season of Advent is some what of a penitential time and getting ready for the Savior of the world to come into our lives. Please keep up your offering, we thank you and God blesses you for your generosity.