7th Grade Science Weather Forecasting Extra Credit Project Marking Period 1 This project is NOT MANDATORY. The purpose of this project is for the students to showcase their knowledge of weather forecasting. Imagine you are a meteorologist who has the difficult job of forecasting the unpredictable weather. You will prepare you own colored map of the United States, Northeast region, or Tri-State area (NJ, DE, PA) and use this map to forecast the weather. Add appropriate fronts (cold, warm, stationary, and/or occluded) on the map. Your map must also include isobars and high/low pressure centers according to the isobar locations. Once you have prepared your weather map, you must write a paragraph that forecasts the weather using your map. You may forecast for the entire United States, an area of the Northeast region, or one state from the tri-state area. Your forecast must include wind, precipitation, storms (if applicable), general temperatures (warm/cold), specific temperatures, and travel advice. This project is due on Wednesday, November 24th. No projects will be accepted after this date- no exceptions! Project can be completed on computer or by hand. (If created on the computer, map must be original and not taken directly from the internet). It is strongly suggested that students creating map by hand use construction paper or posterboard for they are more durable. This project will be counted as a test grade and will be broken down into the following categories: Weather Map Use of fronts Includes pressure centers Includes isobars Weather Forecast Mentions wind Mentions precipitation Mentions storms Mentions general temperatures Mentions specific temperatures Travel advice Value of analysis Neatness/Presentation Spelling 40 points 20 points 10 points 10 points 40 points 5 points 5 points 5 points 5 points 5 points 5 points 10 points 10 points 10 points TOTAL POINTS 100 points 7th Grade Science Name: ______________________________________ Class: ___________ Marking Period 1 Date: ________________________ Weather Forecast Extra Credit Project Rubric Area Use of fronts (20 points) Strong Proficient Below Average Poor Map includes more than one cold and warm front and all fronts are accurate Map includes more than one cold and warm front Map only includes one cold and warm front and both fronts are accurate Map’s only cold or only warm front not accurate (20) N/A (18) Map includes accurate high and low pressure centers (15) Only one pressure center on map is accurate (≤12) Neither pressure center on map is accurate (10) Use of isobars on map accurate. (5) Use of isobars on map slightly inaccurate. (2) Major error in use of isobars on map. (10) Forecast includes all (six) topics. (5) Forecast includes all topics but up to three topics are inaccurate. (2) Forecast includes all topics but more than three topics are inaccurate OR does not include all (six) topics. (25) Forecast is a strong summary that ties evidence together. (22-24) Forecast includes valid analysis of evidence. (19-21) Forecast summarizes evidence with slight inaccuracy. (10) Map is neat and readable with clear title and no markings, etc. (8-9) Map is readable with title and few markings, etc. (6-7) Map does not have title OR Map has some markings, etc. (≤18) Forecast does not summarize evidence or contains major inaccuracy. (≤5) Map is not readable and has multiple markings, etc. (10) No spelling errors (8-9) Few (1 or 2) spelling errors (8-9) (6-7) Some (3 or 4) spelling errors (6-7) (≤5) Multiple spelling errors (≤5) Pressure Centers (10 points) Isobars (10 points) Weather Forecast Topics (30 points) Weather Forecast Value (10 points) Presentation (10 points) Spelling (10 points) Forecast includes all (six) topics and uses position of fronts and pressure centers to explain weather. Your Final Grade: ________ (10)