Hi Goodnoe Families, Happy holidays and best wishes for a

Hi Goodnoe Families,
Happy holidays and best wishes for a wonderful new year to you all!
We're about to launch the Odyssey of the Mind creative problem solving program at
Goodnoe Elementary. Odyssey of the Mind involves teams of students thinking outside of
the box and working together to solve unusual problems. We'd love to have you involved.
This year we're doing a trial run and need coaches, judges and interested students. If you
are interested in joining us in any of these capacities, please contact us ASAP. Details
about Odyssey of the Mind are at the following web site: http://www.odysseyofthemind.com
Please e-mail us and feel free to call with questions.
We'll be available to talk with parents and work with prospective students on Tuesday,
January. 8th from 5:00 - 6:15 pm at Goodnoe Elementary. Let us know if you will attend
and we'll get back to you with our meeting location and logistics. We need a head count so
we can have the correct number of supplies. Thanks! If you cannot make the meeting but
are interested in learning more about the program, feel free to contact us for more
We will work to form teams on a first-come-first-served basis for students based on the
number of coaches and judges who commit. Preference will be given to those students who
have an adult available to help with coaching or judging.
The following is a list of some of the demands that participating students and parents should
expect to take on this year:
* Students should plan to attend most Tuesdays through March 9th at Goodnoe Elementary
from 4-6pm. The cost will be approx. $55 per student. Students will be asked to bring a
snack and a drink each session. As we approach March 9th, the time commitment will likely
increase a bit.
* Parents or a designated adult will be asked to either coach, judge or occasionally help
during meetings.
* Adults and students should become familiar with the Odyssey of the Mind website and be
familiar with the rules, regulations and problem specific details and clarifications on the
site. Also, copies of the handbook and long-term problem details can be e-mailed to you if
you are interested.
* Adults will be asked to help plan / run spontaneous verbal and hands-on problems for
small groups of 5-7 students.
* Coaches will need to be thoroughly familiar with the Odyssey of the Mind handbook and
problems so that they can answer student questions. Coaches need to facilitate / teach
teamwork, but can not tell the students how to solve the problem. The solutions need to be
entirely student generated.
* Coaches will need to apply for up-to-date background checks.
* If teams plan to compete on Saturday, March 9th, 2 judges are needed per 5-7 person
team. In addition, judges will need to attend a judge training session on Saturday, Feb.
If you are interested or have questions about the program please e-mail us or call with
Julie and Ryan Crowell