1 ‘Living for God’ Part 2 (God is Able) We will study: 1. Reasonable Service 2. God is Able Scripture Reading: Romans 12:1-2, NKJV Your reasonable service refers to our act of worship. It is literally saying that we are to live each day as an act of worship to God. We should be less conformed to this world and learn to be more conformed to God’s Kingdom. Conformity is when we are in similarity of form or character such as an agreement; someone acted in conformity with their principles. A. Our reasonable service is in the act of worship that has its foundation on our _____________ with the Lord. If worship is mandated, the Spirit of God cannot validate this as an expression of heart felt sincerity toward God. Mark 7:6-9, Message Bible Worship has to be sincere or heart felt from within to make a spiritual connection with the Holy Spirit. John 4:24, Message Bible 1. The true worship experience reveals __________ to the God we are worshipping. God is drawn to our sweet aroma of sincerity released from our spirit. Hebrews 12:28-29, Message Bible Pure worship has no residue of bitterness, sorrow, or despair left after entering God’s presence. Worship is not a church formality but rather it is a Kingdom constitution that is spiritual. Worship is a place where the mind can get involved without the heart being in submission. 2. ___________ with the Lord is how we come to understand God’s ‘will.’ God’s ‘will’ is progressively unfolding before us. We are drawn in closer with worship that’s sincere and develop a desire for more. Psalms 51:17, AMP 3. God’s presence will always find those in _____________. Their act of sincere worship opens heaven and establishes an atmosphere that contains God’s glory. John 4:23, Message Bible Our acts of worship are relatable to the acts of service. The acts of service are a result of worshipping the Lord until our love for Him causes us to love others. We worship God as we serve; in church and outside the church. 4. The reasonable service we offer to the Lord consists of what we ______________ sacrifice (our physical presence) to worship and secondly, what we _______________ surrender in gratitude as we worship. Hebrews 13:15, AMP 2 The physical sacrifice has to do with the assembling together with other believers to offer ourselves as servants in the Lord’s House. Hebrews 10:24-25, AMP, 1 Peter 2:5, AMP Our spiritual surrender of gratitude expresses complete appreciation to the Lord for His love, grace, and mercy. Psalms 51:17, AMP, Hebrews 12:28-29, AMP B. God is able to deliver, heal, comfort, strengthen, encourage, or renew whatever we __________ into His hands by faith. God will never respond to our distressful situation without the actions of our faith. James 1:5-7, Message Bible Our faith relies on God as the only source for wisdom (the ability to apply knowledge). We ask God expecting Him to respond. God is able when our faith in Him surpasses our limitations of what He is willing to do for us. 1. Limitations are the ___________ concepts we’ve concluded to be factual. Negative concepts view every worst possibility in situations before using faith and considering God as the only option. Negative concepts have a spirit of fear that dominates the heart (our inner person) and faith can’t be conceived. Negative concepts are thinking of hopeful results with no substance of faith. 2. God’s ability to do for us and/or through us is authenticated when there’s ___________ He can work with in us. Ephesians 3:20, KJV, Ephesians 3:20, Message Bible 3. God’s ‘will’ to do for us can never __________ beyond our faith in Him. Our faith will subdue any thoughts that are stimulated by negative concepts. Mark 9:23, NIV, Matthew 17:20, NIV, Mark 11:23, NIV, John 11:40, NIV 4. Doubt removes all ______________. Doubt overturns our faith and gives energy to our fears. Faith affirms our requests or demands. Doubt has negative repercussions to the mind and spirit to have little or no confidence in God. Faith is the evidence that validates the demands which are requested. 5. The God who is able goes ____________ what we can imagine or think. Not only is He able to do but we serve a God who has already prepared great things for us. 2 Corinthians 9:8, NIV, 2 Timothy 1:12, NIV, Hebrews 2:18, NIV, Hebrews 7:25, NIV, Jude 24, NIV Conclusion: Living for God is a pure determination of the heart. Our reasonable service to God is our worship. Serving God should be top priority as He is faithful and true to His Word. It is because of His faithfulness that we should believe that God is able to do whatever we have faith to believe Him for. The question we should ask ourselves is this, ‘Is there anything too hard for God?’ God does not need to prove Himself to us. The fact that we are saved should be proof enough.