Temperature dependence of charge density wave ordering in pseudo ternary alloys Er2Ir3-xRhxSi5 as investigated by transport measurement P.C. Lalngilneia1*, A. Thamizhavel2, S. Ramakrishnan3 and D. Pal4 2,3 1,4 Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Guwahati-781039, India Department of Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai-400005, India * Corresponding author’s email: pcmapuia@yahoo.co.in Abstract Results We report the temperature dependence of charge density wave(CDW) ordering on pseudo-ternary alloys Er2Ir3-xRhxSi5 (where x = 0.01, 0.03, 0.05, 0.08, 0.1) using transport measurement. We observe that Rh substitution at the Ir site of Er2Ir3Si5 shows slight increase in CDW transition temperature as the concentration of Rh increases. Keywords: Charge Density Wave(CDW), rare-earths intermetallics, phase diagram, phase transition, resistivity. Introduction The charge density wave (CDW) transition is a well-known quasi-low-dimensional phenomenon observed in some conductors [1,2]. Their appearance is basically due to the nesting of the Fermi surface arising out of low dimensionality. It has been observed that among rare-earth ternary silicides of the form R2T3X5 (R = rare-earths; T=Transition elements; X=Si and Ge), Lu2Ir3Si5 and Er2Ir3Si5 which crystallized in the U2Co3Si5 type structure (Ibam) exhibit charge density wave ordering below 200 K[3,4]. The effect of Rh substitution at Ir site for different Rh concentrations in polycrystalline Lu2Ir3-xRhxSi5 compounds had also been studied and a slight increase in TCDW as the Rh concentration increased was also observed as well [5]. Experimental details The substituted polycrystalline compounds Er2Ir3xRhxSi5 were made by DC arc-furnace under Ti-gettered argon atmosphere after the constituent elements(Er, Ir & Rh = 99.99%, Si = 99.9999%) were taken in stoichiometric proportion to make around 1g sample. The resulting ingots were flipped and remelted at least six times for better homogeneity. The ingots were wrapped with Zirconium foils and sealed in Quartz tube and then annealed at 10000C in a furnace for 7 days. The electrical resistivity measurement, in the temperature range of 80 K to 300 K, was performed using four probe dc technique in a homemade setup. For brevity, the XRD and Rietveld simulated patterns are not shown here. Fig. 1: The temperature dependence of the resistivity for Er2Ir3-xRhxSi5 (where x = 0.01, 0.03, 0.05, 0.08, 0.1) from 80 K to 300 K showing CDW transitions in the substituted compounds. Fig. 2: Plot of TCDW vs Rh concentration (x) for Er2Ir3-xRhxSi5 (where x = 0.01, 0.03, 0.05, 0.08, 0.1) References [1] R. E. Peierls, Quantum Theory of Solids(Oxford University Press, New York, 1955). [2] G. Gruner, Density Waves in Solids(AddisonWesley, Reading, MA, 1994) [3] Yogesh Singh, Dilip Pal, and S. Ramakrishnan, A. M. Awasthi, and S. K. Malik, Phys. Rev. B 71, 045109 2005. [4] AIP Conf. Proc. 1447, 1007 (2012). [5] N. S. Sangeetha,A. Thamizhavel,C. V. Tomy, Saurabh Basu,A. M. Awasthi,S. Ramakrishnan,and D. Pal, Phys. Rev. B 86, 024524 (2012).