Mr. Angel Gurría Secretary


Mr. Angel Gurría

Secretary-General of the OECD

Born on May 8th, 1950, in Tampico, Mexico, Angel

Gurría came to the OECD following a distinguished career in public service, including two ministerial posts.

As Mexico’s Minister of Foreign Affairs from

December 1994 to January 1998, he made dialogue and consensus-building one of the hallmarks of his approach to global issues. From

January 1998 to December 2000, he was Mexico’s Minister of Finance and Public Credit. For the first time in a generation, he steered Mexico’s economy through a change of

Administration without a recurrence of the financial crises that had previously dogged such changes.

As OECD Secretary-General, since June 2006, he has reinforced the OECD's role as a ‘hub” for global dialogue and debate on economic policy issues while pursuing internal modernization and reform. Under his leadership, OECD has expanded its membership to include Chile, Estonia, Israel and Slovenia and opened accession talks with Russia. It has also strengthened links with other major emerging economies, including Brazil, China, India,

Indonesia and South Africa, with a view to possible membership. The OECD is now an active participant in both the G-8 and the G-20 Summit processes.

Mr. Gurría has participated in various international not-for-profit bodies, including the

Population Council, based in New York, and the Center for Global Development based in

Washington. He chaired the International Task Force on Financing Water for All and continues to be deeply involved in water issues. He is a member of the International

Advisory Board of Governors of the Centre for International Governance Innovation, based in Canada, and was the first recipient of the Globalist of the Year Award of the Canadian

International Council to honour his efforts as a global citizen to promote trans-nationalism, inclusiveness, and a global consciousness.

Mr. Gurría holds a B.A. degree in Economics from UNAM (Mexico), and a M.A. degree in

Economics from Leeds University (United Kingdom). He speaks: Spanish, French, English,

Portuguese, Italian and some German.

He is married to Dr. Lulu Quintana, a distinguished ophthalmologist, and they have three adult children.


Welcoming remarks

Ms. Gabriela Ramos

OECD Chief of Staff and Sherpa to the


Gabriela Ramos is the OECD Chief of Staff and

Sherpa to the G20. Since 2006, she has been advising the Secretary-General, supporting his strategic agenda and contributing to the opening up of the organization to new members and partner countries. Recently, she contributed to the launch of major OECD initiatives related to gender issues, skills and development. Since 2009, having also taken on the role as the OECD Sherpa to the G20, she has been co-ordinating the contributions of the OECD to the group and has been representing the organization at the G20 Sherpa meetings.

Previously, she served as Head of the OECD Office in Mexico and Latin America, where she promoted OECD recommendations in many areas including health and education. She helped in the preparations of several OECD reports on Mexico, developed the OECD Forum there and launched the “Getting it Right” flagship publication series.

Prior to joining the OECD, Mrs. Ramos held several positions in the Mexican Government, notably as advisor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Director of OECD Affairs. She has also held several positions as Professor of International Economy at the Universidad

Iberoamericana and at the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México. Ms Ramos holds an

MA in Public Policies from Harvard University, and was a Fulbright and Ford MacArthur fellow.


Opening Session: Fostering Gender Diversity in

Public Decision-Making for Inclusive Growth

Mr. Joe Wild

Chair, OECD Public Governance Committee,

Assistant Secretary to the Cabinet,

Machinery of Government, Privy Council

Office, Canada

Joe Wild is the Assistant Secretary to the Cabinet,

Machinery of Government, with the Privy Council Office.

As such, he is responsible for providing advice to the

Prime Minister on the structure and organization of government, including the Cabinet decision-making process, the interpretation and application of the constitutional principles and conventions that underpin responsible government, and the roles and responsibilities of ministers.

Prior to this, Joe was the Executive Director, Strategic Policy, with the Treasury Board

Secretariat, where he led the development of the government’s management agenda and the Action Plan to Address the Web of Rules. Joe began his career with the Department of

Justice where he held various counsel positions with the Atlantic Canada Opportunities

Agency and Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation, eventually finding his way to Ottawa in

2003 as the Senior Counsel, Treasury Board Legal Services. His notable files include being part of the legal team representing the government before the Commission of Inquiry onto the Sponsorship Program, and the development and implementation of the Federal

Accountability Act.

In 1992, Joe graduated from Mount Allison University with a BA (Honours, Economic and

Political Science). He went on to study law at the University of New Brunswick where he graduated with a LLB in 1995. In 2001, he received an MBA from the University of Phoenix.

* * *


Joe Wild occupe le poste de secrétaire adjoint du Cabinet, Appareil gouvernemental, au

Bureau du Conseil privé. En cette qualité, il conseille le Premier ministre concernant la structure et l’organisation du gouvernement, notamment le processus décisionnel du

Cabinet, l’interprétation et l’application des principes constitutionnels et des conventions qui sous-tendent un gouvernement responsable, ainsi que les rôles et les responsabilités des ministres.

Avant cela, M. Wild a été directeur exécutif, Politique stratégique, au Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor. Il était responsable de l’élaboration du programme de gestion du gouvernement ainsi que du plan d’action pour démêler l’écheveau de règles. M. Wild a commencé sa carrière au ministère de la Justice; il a occupé divers postes de conseiller, notamment au sein de l’Agence de promotion économique du Canada atlantique et de la Société d’expansion du

Cap-Breton, pour finalement, en 2003, se voir offrir un poste de conseiller principal à

Ottawa, aux services juridiques du Conseil du Trésor. Parmi ses réalisations, notons sa participation à l’équipe de conseillers juridiques qui a représenté le gouvernement devant la

Commission d’enquête sur le programme de commandites, ainsi qu’à l’élaboration et à la mise en œuvre de la Loi fédérale sur la responsabilité.

En 1992, Joe a obtenu un baccalauréat de l’Université Mount Allison (science économique et politique avec distinction). Il a poursuivi ses études en droit à l’Université du Nouveau-

Brunswick où il a obtenu son baccalauréat en 1995. Il détient une maîtrise de l’Université de

Phoenix depuis 2001.


Ms. Angela Merkel

Federal Chancellor of Germany

Born on 17 July 1954 in Hamburg; married

1973: Abitur (higher education entrance qualification) in


1973 – 1978: Studied Physics at Leipzig University;

1978 – 1990: Member of the academic staff at the Central Institute of Physical Chemistry at the Academy of Sciences;

1986: Awarded a doctorate;

1989: Member of "Demokratischer Aufbruch" (Democratic Awakening);

Since 1990: Member of the Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU);

1990: Deputy Government Spokeswoman of the de Maizière Government;

Since 1990: Member of the German Bundestag;

1991 – 1998: Deputy Chairwoman of the CDU;

1993 – 2000: Chairwoman of the CDU Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania;

1991 – 1994: Federal Minister for Women and Youth;

1994 – 1998: Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety;

1998 – 2000: General Secretary of the CDU Germany;

Since 2000: Chairwoman of the Christian Democratic Union Germany (CDU);

2002 – 2005: Chairwoman of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group in the German Bundestag;

Since November 2005: Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany.


Mr. Rolf Alter

Director, Public Governance and Territorial

Development Directorate, OECD

Mr. Rolf Alter is Director for Public Governance and

Territorial Development of the Organisation for Economic

Co-operation and Development (OECD) in Paris. He leads a team of 150 staff to support governments in improving their public sector performance for the well-being of citizens and the competitiveness of their economies. Key areas include institutional reform, innovation, transparency and integrity in the public sector, results-oriented budgeting, regulatory reform, and the economics of regions and cities. Under his leadership, the Directorate pursues a rich programme of co-operation with non-member countries and international institutions to advance the research on empirical evidence and good policy practices of public sector economics and governance.

Previously, Mr. Alter was Chief of Staff of OECD Secretary-General Mr. Angel Gurría. He joined the OECD in 1991. Throughout his career with OECD he held different positions in the

Economics Department and the Department of Financial, Fiscal and Enterprise Affairs.

Between 1996 and 1998, Mr. Alter was an advisor to the Executive Director of the OECD, Mr

Jean-Jacques Noreau.

Prior to joining the OECD, Mr. Alter was an economist in the International Monetary Fund, in

Washington D.C. He started his professional career in 1981 in the German Ministry of

Economy in Bonn. He is currently a member of the Global Agenda Council of the World

Economic Forum.

Mr. Alter holds a doctorate degree from the University of Goettingen, Germany, following post-graduate work in Germany and the United States.


Ms. Lulama Xingwana

Minister for Women, Children and People with

Disabilities, South Africa

Replaced Noluthando Mayende-Sibiya as minister of Women,

Children and People with Disabilities on 31 October 2010.

Former Minister of Arts and Culture of the Republic of South

Africa since 11 May 2009.

Member of African National Congress Women's League (ANCWL) National Working

Committee (NWC) since 1993.

Member of Parliament since 1994.

Academic Qualifications:

Bachelor of Science degree from the University of the Witwatersrand (1985). Post Graduate

Diploma in Rural Development and Leadership Studies from Zimbabwe, Harare (1998).

Post Graduate Diploma in Economic Principles from the University of London (2002).

Enrolled for Master of Sciences in Development Finance at the University of London.

Minister of Agriculture and Land Affairs of the Republic of South Africa (22 May 2006 10 May


Career/Memberships/Positions/Other Activities:

Worked for the Learn and Teach as a Tutor, trainer and running classes for the Domestic workers in the Northern Suburbs of Johannesburg and rural areas. (1985 -1987). Worked for the South African Council of Churches as Director, Women's Development Programmes

(1987). Member of the Federation of South African Women (1981 - 1991). Member of the

United Democratic Front (UDF) (1983 - 1991). Member of (ANCWL), Head of Development

Section (1991 - 1994). Chairperson of Sports, and Recreation Portfolio Committee (1994 -

1999). Chairperson of Malibongwe Rural Development Project for women (1998 - 2000).

Member of Gauteng Provincial Executive Committee of the African National Congress (ANC)

(1998 - 2001). Member of Environmental Affairs and Tourism Portfolio Committee (1996 -

2004). Chairperson of Parliamentary Women's Caucus (1999 - 2004). Member of Defence

Portfolio Committee (1999 - 2004). Member of Minerals and Energy Portfolio Committee

(1999 2004). Chairperson of Joint Monitoring Committee on Improvement of Quality of Life and Status of Women (2002 - 2004). Chairperson of Southern African Development

Community (SADC) Regional Women's Caucus (2002 - 2004). Member of the Cabinet

Committee on Investment and Employment (2004). Member of the Cabinet Committee on

International Relations, Peace and Security (2004). Member of the Cabinet Committee on

Economic Sector (2004). Deputy Minister of Minerals and Energy of the Republic of South

Africa (2004 - 2006). Former member of National Executive Committee (NEC) of ANC (1993 -



Mme Annemie Turtelboom

Ministre de la Justice, Belgique

Annemie Turtelboom est née le 22 novembre 1967 à

Ninove. Après ces études de secondaire elle s’installa à

Bruxelles pour des hautes études en économie, mais arriva finalement à l’université de Louvain où elle obtint le diplôme de master en économie

Elle donna pendant dix ans cours à la Katholieke Hogeschool de Louvain, où elle devenait la responsable de la formation en Marketing. En 2003 elle entra à la Chambre des

Représentants, en tant qu’élue de l’Open VLD, après des années d’un engagement politique très intense, qui débuta lors de ses études.

Annemie Turtelboom se fit très vite remarquer au Parlement, avec sa maitrise de thèmes complexes, tel que le marché du travail et les pensions. En mars 2008, elle devient la première ministre chargée uniquement des questions de migrations au sein du premier gouvernement d’Yves Leterme. Ce fut le début d’une année mouvementée qui, le 17 juillet

2009, la catapulta au ministère de l’Intérieur, où elle devint la première femme depuis 1830

à être en charge de cette administration. Elle s’y fit remarquer par une grande maitrise des dossiers, une approche pragmatique et une présence permanente sur le terrain.

Turtelboom mena les négociations de gouvernement sur le volet de la sécurité pendant l’automne de 2011 et fut nommé ministre de la Justice dans le gouvernement Di Rupo le 6 décembre. Sa tâche, en tant que première non-juriste depuis trente ans à ce département,

était ni plus ni moins de faire démarrer enfin la réforme de la justice longuement attendue, et de s’attaquer à la crise permanente dans le secteur pénal.


M. Mohamed Moubdi

Ministre de la Fonction Publique et de la

Modernisation de l’Administration, Président de l’Initiative OCDE-MENA pour la Gouvernance,


Né le 1 Juillet 1954 - Diplômé de l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Techniques Industrielles et des Mines d’ALES (France)

Promotion 1984, Ingénieur En Chef des Mines.

Début de carrière au Ministère de l’Energie et des Mines en tant que Chargé de la Mise en place d’un plan pour l’Electrification Rurale, Promu en 1987, Chef du Service des Affaires

Générales et Administratives,

Nommé, en 1992, Secrétaire Général du Centre de Développement des Energies

Renouvelables (CDER) à l’occasion de sa restructuration – Membre Fondateur du Comité

Interministériel du Suivi des Programmes d’Electrification Rurale (COSPER) ;

Vice-président du Groupement d’Etudes et de Recherches sur les Energies Renouvelables et l’Environnement (GERERE) – Membre du Bureau de l’Association Marocaine de Gestion de l’Energie (AMGE) – Membre Fondateur du Programme International de Maîtrise de l’Energie

(PRISME) pour la région Maghreb-Moyen Orient,

Désigné à Harare (Zimbabwe), Membre du Comité de Suivi du Programme Mondial Solaire

élaboré avec le soutien de l’UNESCO par le Comité Exécutif du Sommet des Chefs d’Etats –

Elu au Conseil d’Administration de l’Association du Développement Régional «Ahmed Al


Participation à la réalisation de plusieurs études et a aidé au montage et au pilotage de projets socio-économiques – Membre de plusieurs comités scientifiques de séminaires et congrès internationaux et de comités de rédaction de revues et d’ouvrages scientifiques et techniques – Participation à plusieurs rencontres sur la gestion de l’énergie et sur le développement régional ,

Au niveau politique : Elu en 1997 Député, Président de la Commission des Secteurs Sociaux et des Affaires Islamiques à la Chambre des Représentants et Président du Conseil Urbain de

Fkih Ben Salah – Vice-Président de la Région Tadla-Azilal – Réélu Député (Législation 2002-

2007) et (Législation 2007-2011) – Président de la Commission de l’Intérieur et de

Décentralisation et Secteur Fondamentaux – Président de la Commission des Secteurs

Productifs – Président du Groupe Parlementaire Haraki – Député (Scrutin 25 novembre

2011) et Président du Groupe Parlementaire Haraki – Membre de Bureau Politique du

Mouvement Populaire.

Nommé le 10 Octobre 2013, par Sa Majesté le Roi Mohammed VI, Ministre Délégué auprès du Chef du Gouvernement, Chargé de la Fonction Publique et de la Modernisation de l'Administration.


Plenary Session: Women’s Access to Position of

Power: Lessons from Experience in Political Life

Ms. Michelle Bachelet

President of Chile

Michelle Bachelet was born in Santiago on September 29th,


In 1979 she received her Medical Degree in Surgery and, thanks to her grades and publications, received a scholarship from the Chilean Association of Medicine to specialize in Pediatrics and Public

Health at Roberto del Río Hospital. During the 1980’s, Bachelet held several social services positions in institutions such as the Pidee NGO, which is dedicated to providing professional help to children of those detained and victimized by the military regime in Santiago and


Beginning in 1990, Bachelet worked in the Westen Metropolitan Area Health Service; was incorporated into the National AIDS Commission (Conasida); was a consultant for the Pan-

American Health Organization (OPS) and worked in the Ministry of Health on topics related to bettering primary care and management of services. In 1996, interested in participating in the remerging of the civil and military worlds, she specialized in topics related to National

Defense, completing two courses on military strategy and continental defense. She later became an advisor to the Ministry of Defense.

In March of 2000, Michelle Bachelet became the Health Minister in Ricardo Lagos Escobar’s government.

In 2002, she became the Defense Minister, making her the first woman to hold this position in Chile and Latin America. Under her direction, important changes were made to the

Compulsory Military Service, the role of the Ministry and the Military Staff was strengthened, rights for women in the Armed Forces, Police and Investigatory Police were improved, and more Chilean peacekeeping forces were deployed across the world.

In March of 2006, Bachelet became the first female President of the Republic, marking the beginning of a period where the government focused on achieving greater equality and social inclusion in Chile.

On September 14th, 2011, United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon named Michelle

Bachelet the first Director of the recently created UN Women agency, an organization dedicated to fighting for the rights of women and girls internationally. On March 23rd, 2013, after two and a half years of service dedicated to increasing women’s political participation, women’s economic empowerment and fighting to put an end to violence against women, she resigns from the organization to return to Chile.

On March 27th, 2013, Michelle Bachelet returned to Chile and publicly shared her decision to once again become a Presidential candidate, confirming her dedication to public service and to those Chileans who feel she possesses the necessary leadership skills that the country needs.


Mr. Ricardo Díez-Hochleitner

Ambassador, Permanent Representative of

Spain to the OECD

Ambassador Ricardo Díez-Hochleitner took up his duties as Permanent Representative of Spain to the

OECD on 22 November 2011.

Born in Bogotá (Colombia) in June 1953, he graduated in 1975 with a degree in Law

(specialized in Public Law) from the Autonomous University of Madrid, and obtained a diploma in International Studies from the Diplomatic School of Madrid (1978), entering the

Spanish Diplomatic Service in June 1979. He has devoted most of his diplomatic career to

European Affairs, being the author of a number of articles and conferences on subjects related to this area.

Mr. Díez-Hochleitner’s career began as Counsellor at the Office of the Minister of Foreign

Affairs (1979-1981), followed as First Secretary responsible for Political and European

Community Affairs in the Spanish Embassy in Bonn (Germany) until 1986. He then occupied several technical posts in the State Secretariat for European Affairs (1986-1990), and was appointed in 1990 Director-General for Inter-ministerial Coordination on E.U. policies

(COREPER I) in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Ambassador of Spain to the Dominican Republic (1994), he returned to Madrid in July 1995 as Director-General of the International Department of the Presidency of the Government coinciding with the second Spanish Presidency of the EU (second semester 1995). A year later and until June 2000, he was appointed Ambassador of Spain to Austria (with accreditation to Bosnia-Herzegovina and Slovenia). In June 2000, he was called back to the

Ministry of Foreign Affairs until December 2002 as Director-General for Europe (during that period he covered the preparation and development of the third Spanish Presidency of the


From December 2002 up to September 2011, Mr. Díez-Hochleitner has been the Secretary

General of the Royal Household of His Majesty the King of Spain.

Mr. Diez-Hochleitner is married to Mrs. Sylvia Cousteau and they have three children.


Mme Marylise Lebranchu

Ministre de la Réforme de l’État, de la

Décentralisation et de la Fonction publique,


Née le 25 avril 1947, Marylise LEBRANCHU est mariée et mère de 3 enfants. Diplômée de l’Ecole normale d’instituteurs de

Saint-Brieuc et à l’Université de Rennes, elle est également titulaire d’un DU d’histoire-géographie et d’une Maîtrise d’aménagement du territoire. Elle est l’auteur, avec Jean Guisnel, de « Etre juste, justement

» (2001) et de « Brèves de campagne, votre avenir vaut mieux que nos querelles » (2008)

Chargée d’études à la société d’économie mixte d’équipement du nord-Finistère (Semenf) pendant quatre ans, elle devient en 1978 assistante parlementaire de la députée Marie Jacq, responsabilité qu’elle exercera jusqu’en 1993. Elle est élue conseillère régionale en 1986, puis se lance dans la bataille des municipales et emmène avec succès la liste socialiste à

Morlaix. Elle restera maire deux ans et conservera la présidence de Morlaix Communauté jusqu’en 2003. Longtemps conseillère régionale, elle occupe le poste de première viceprésidente du Conseil régional de 2004 à 2010. En 1997, elle est élue députée, mandat qu’elle cédera à son suppléant pour entamer une carrière ministérielle : de 1997 à 2000, elle est secrétaire d’Etat aux PME, au commerce, à l’artisanat et à la consommation. Elle est ensuite nommée ministre de la Justice, poste qu’elle occupera jusqu’en 2002. Réélue députée en 2007, elle succède à Didier Migaud comme questeur à l’Assemblée nationale.

Présidente de la Fédération nationale des élus socialistes et républicains depuis juin 2010,

Marylise Lebranchu abandonne cette fonction après sa nomination en mai 2012 comme ministre de la Réforme de l'Etat, de la Décentralisation et de la Fonction publique. Cette responsabilité lui a été confirmée après les élections législatives qu’elle avait emportées dans la 4ème circonscription du Finistère.


Marylise Lebranchu was born on 25 April 1947 in Loudéac (Brittany). Minister for State

Reform, Decentralisation and the Civil Service (since May 2012). Keeper of the Seals,

Minister of Justice (2000–2002). Minister of State to the Minister for the Economy, Finance and Industry, with responsibility for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Trade and Craft

Industries, and Consumer Affairs (March 2000–October 2000). Minister of State to the

Minister for the Economy, Finance and Industry, with responsibility for Small and Mediumsized Enterprises, Trade and Craft Industries (1997–2000).


Mr. Yves Leterme

Deputy Secretary-General of the OECD, Former

Prime Minister of Belgium

Yves Leterme was appointed Deputy Secretary-General of the OECD on 8 December 2011. He is in charge of Social

Affairs, Education, Governance and Entrepreneurship.

Before joining the OECD, Yves Leterme held a variety of political posts in Belgium at all levels and in all areas of government. After starting his career as an alderman in his home town of Ypres, he became a Deputy in the Chamber of Representatives, Group

Chairman, National Secretary and Chairman of the CD&V party, Minister-President of the

Flemish Government, Federal Senator, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of the Budget and

Mobility, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Prime Minister. Yves Leterme is currently Minister of State and a municipal councillor in Ypres.

At a professional level, Yves Leterme has worked, inter alia, as a deputy auditor at the

Belgian Court of Audit and an administrator at the European Parliament.

Yves Leterme, who was born on 6 October 1960, has a degree in Law and Political Science from the University of Ghent.


Ms. Olga Sõtnik

Member of Parliament, Estonia

Date and place of birth: 2 December 1980, Tallinn.

Marital status: married, two daughters.

Education: Tallinn Technical University, public administration 2002, postgraduate studies 2004.


Member of Riigikogu (Estonian Parliament) from 2007: Member of Economic affairs committee, deputy head of OSCE PA delegation, head of Estonia-Norway ja Estonia-Brazil parliamentary groups; Deputy Mayor of Tallinn 2005–2007; OÜ JOT Eesti 2005; OÜ National

Motor Baltic 2004–2005; Tallinn City Administration, Adviser 2003–2004; Adviser to the

Minister of Ethnic Affairs 2002–2003; Tallinn Tõnismäe Secondary Science School, ICT

Manager 1999–2002.

Party affiliation: Estonian Centre Party 2000.

Membership in representative bodies:

11th and 12th Riigikogu; Lasnamäe Administrative Council 2002–2005.


Ms. Diva Hadamira Gastélum


President of the Network of Women

Parliamentarians of the Americas, Mexico

Deputy Gastélum holds a Bachelor’s degree in law from

Universidad de Occidente’s Guasave Campus in her home state of Sinaloa. She has a Master’s degree in family law and diplomas in parliamentary law, public policy on women’s rights, public administration, penal law and family law.

Gastélum has been a member of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) since 1978. She led the women’s branch of the party, first at the municipal and now at the national level, and also acted as a municipal, state and national political adviser.

Gastélum was a local deputy in the 56th and 59th Legislatures of the Congress of the State of

Sinaloa, during which she chaired the Committee on Gender Equity and the Family as well as the Human Rights Committee. She distinguished herself as sponsor of the Law to Prevent,

Punish and Eradicate Family Violence and the Law to Protect the Rights of Girls, Boys and


Gastélum was a federal deputy in the 59th and 61st Legislatures. During that time, she chaired the Committee on Gender Equity and the Select Committee on Families. She codrafted the General Law on the Access of Women to a Life Free From Violence.

Currently a senator in the 62nd Legislature (2012–2015), Gastélum chairs the Committee on

Gender Equity and sits on committees on human rights, fisheries and constitutional issues.

At the international level, Gastélum is President of the Network of Women Parliamentarians of the Americas and Vice-President for Central America of Socialist International Women, and she represents Mexico within the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.


Ms. Lindiwe Maseko

Member of Parliament, Speaker of the

Gauteng Provincial Legislature, Johannesburg,

South Africa

Political Achievements: Ms Lindiwe Maseko was first elected as a Member of the Gauteng Provincial Legislature (GPL) in

1994 after the First Democratic elections, and this marked the beginning of her legislative career. Between 1994 and 1996, she was the Whip and Deputy Chairperson of different portfolio committees. Between 1996 and 1999, she was the

Chairperson of the Sport, Recreation, Arts and Culture

Portfolio Committee. In 1999, she was re-elected as a Member of GPL and became the

Chairperson of the Local Government Portfolio Committee. In 2000, she was elected the Deputy

Speaker of the GPL, and chaired the Internal Arrangements Committee. In 2004, she was reelected as the Member of the GPL, and also elected as the Chairperson of Committees tasked with the responsibility of monitoring and ensuring the performance of committees which are the nerve centre of the GPL. In 2009, she was re-elected as a Member of GPL and became the First

Woman Speaker of the GPL. She is the Chairperson of the Legislature Services Board, Rules

Committee & Programme Committee of the Gauteng Provincial Legislature. During her current term as the Speaker of the GPL, she was appointed the Champion of the Sector Oversight Model

(SOM) by the National Speakers’ Forum of South Africa and conducted workshops in all nine (9)

Provincial Legislatures on the Legislative Sector Oversight Model, conceived and modeled by the

Gauteng Provincial Legislature and adopted by the National Speaker’s Forum as a preferred model for the Sector. She has served in leadership positions of the ANC and ANC Women’s

League at Branch, Sub-Region, Regional, Provincial and National levels. She has served as

Provincial Treasurer of the ANC in Gauteng for three consecutive terms until May 2010. She still serves as a Provincial Executive Committee (PEC) & Provincial Working Committee (PWC)

Member of ANC Gauteng.

Community Involvement: She is a committed activist for women empowerment, a hard worker, and a resilient and passionate woman. She is a trustee of the Bombani Home for abused Women and Children. She serves in the Board of Trustees of a NGO called Women and Men against Child

Abuse. She is a founder member of Soweto Heritage Trust. In 1999 she was elected Mayor of

Tsutsumani Village for the All Africa Games (AAG).

International Work: In 2004, she was elected the First International Chairperson of the CWP for a three-year term in which capacity she run Gender Workshops and significantly increased the representation of women in Commonwealth Parliaments, particularly in Africa, Asia and the

Pacific region. In 2006, she was honoured as the First African Woman of Great Esteem (WGE) and conferred the Naana (Queen of Africa) title in recognition of her political involvement in women and empowerment by the United Nations, and the Ghanaian Government and Parliament respectively. She has monitored and observed elections in Mozambique, Bangladesh, Nigeria, and twice in Zimbabwe. She has been invited by various institutions of higher learning and

Parliaments to deliver Public Lectures including training 47 new County Speakers of Kenya in


Other Achievements: She has obtained an Honors Degree in Leadership and Governance from

WITS University and is currently studying towards an Advanced Post Graduate Degree with Wits

University. She is currently a third year Law student with the University of South Africa (UNISA), a proud mother of 2 daughters & 2 grandsons and is a keen Golfer.


Parallel Session 1A: Achieving Gender Balance in

Public Sector Leadership

Ms. Laura Chinchilla

President of Costa Rica

Laura Chinchilla Miranda is the first female president of Costa

Rica. Chinchilla was born on March 28, 1959, in San Jose,

Costa Rica, the daughter of Emilce Miranda Castillo and Rafael

Angel Chinchilla Fallas. She was elected to the presidency in

May 2010. As President, Chinchilla has focused on anti-crime legislation and trade policies. She is also pro-free trade and works toward a more sustainable society.

Since 1990, she has worked as a consultant in Latin America and Africa for various international agencies in the area of institutional reform, with special emphasis on judicial and public security reform. As a consultant, she has conducted assessments of the justice sector for the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), coordinated studies and projects on judicial reform for the United Nations Program for Development (UNDP) and provided advice regarding police reform to the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).

Chinchilla has also spoken at various international forums on matters of public security and police reform. She has served on various reform initiatives that promote citizen security and human rights throughout Latin America, such as the Project Advisory Committee of Civil

Society and Public Safety for the Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA), the Central

American Dialogue Foundation Arias for Peace and Human Progress and the Foundation for

Peace and Democracy (FUNPADEM). Chinchilla worked in the public sector management as

Deputy Minister of Public Security (1994–1996) and Minister of Public Safety (1996–1998).

She was also Chairman of the Joint Drug Intelligence Center; Chair of the National

Immigration Council; and a member of the National Drug Council, National Security Council and the Academic Council of the National Police Academy.

Chinchilla was the first vice-president of the Republic of Costa Rica and Minister of Justice in the administration of Óscar Arias Sánchez (2006–2010). She left this office on October 8,

2008, to pursue her political career and created the “Laura Chinchilla Campaign for the

Presidency of Costa Rica” with the Partido Liberación Nacional. She was sworn into office on

May 8, 2010.


Mr. Robert Cloarec

Chair, OECD Public Employment and

Management Network, Swedish Agency for

Government Employers

Principal Secretary to the Government Council on Basic Values

(since June 2013).

Senior Adviser, Swedish Agency for Government Employers

(2009-june 2013).

Public affairs adviser for private sector white collar trade unions (2006-2008) and in telecom sector (Sept 2001-2005).

Director at the Ministry of labour and at the Ministry of Employment, Industry and

Communications (1996- Aug 2001) including a two years as Industry counsellor at the

Swedish delegation to the OECD (1999- Sept 2001).

Labour counsellor at the Swedish representation to EU in Brussels (1995) Negotiation secretary and expert in European affairs at the Swedish Agency for Government Employers

(1992-1995) Political Adviser at the Ministry of Finance and at the Ministry of Public

Administrations (1988-1991) Law Clerk at the District court of Sollentuna, Stockholm region

(1986-1988) Law degree at the University of Stockholm in 1985.


Ms. Geraldine Byrne Nason

Second Secretary-General, European Affairs and

Co-ordination Division, Department of the

Taoiseach (Prime Minister), Ireland

Geraldine Byrne Nason is a career diplomat who has served as Ambassador in Ireland’s Permanent Representation to the

EU, has been an international civil servant and Director for

Governance at OECD Paris in the 1990s, and headed up

Ireland’s National Forum on Europe.

Currently serving as Second Secretary General in the Taoiseach’s Department, Geraldine was appointed by the new Irish Government in 2011, as the country’s most senior diplomat with responsibility for the country’s EU policy. She is also Secretary General with responsibility for

Ireland’s Economic Management Council. Earlier in her career Geraldine served at the Irish

Mission to the UN in New York, and also spent time in Vienna, Geneva and Helsinki, when working on Disarmament issues.

Geraldine was born in Drogheda, Co Louth in 1959, and educated Our Lady’s Presentation

Convent, Greenhills, and at St Patrick’s College Maynooth, NUI, where she graduated with a

BA and MA in Literature before joining the Department of Foreign Affairs in 1982.

Geraldine is married to Brian Nason, and they have a son, Alex, who is 13 years old.


Mr. Arrepong Bhoocha-oom

Secretary-General, Office of the Public Sector

Development Commission, Thailand

Mr. Areepong Bhoocha-oom has been the Secretary-General of the Office of the Public Sector Development Commission

(OPDC), since October 2013.

Prior to that, Mr. Areepong held several executive positions at the Ministry of Finance such as Permanent Secretary (2010-2013), Director-General to the Excise Department (2009-

2010), Director-General to the State Enterprise Policy Office (2007-2009), Deputy Director-

General to the State Enterprise Policy Office (2002-2007) and Director, Office of State

Enterprise and Government Security (2001-2002).

With his experience and specialization in Financial Management, he is a Member of the

Board of Directors of PTT Global Chemical Public Co. Ltd, and Thai Airways International

Public Co. Ltd. In addition to this, he was previously Chairman of Government Housing Bank,

TOT Public Co. Ltd and the Government Lottery Office and Member of the Board of Directors at Siam Commercial Bank Public Co. Ltd and PTT Chemical Public Co. Ltd.

Mr. Areepong received his Ph.D. in Finance from the University of Mississippi, USA.

He gained a Masters of Business Administration in Finance from Marshall University and a

Bachelor degree in International Management from Boston University, USA.


Ms. Helen Silver

Chief General Manager, Allianz Australia;

Former Secretary of the Victorian Department of Premier and Cabinet, Head of the Victorian

State Public Service, Australia

Helen Silver is the Chief General Manager of the Workers’

Compensation Division at Allianz Australia, with responsibility for oversight and delivery of Workers’

Compensation services for Allianz across Australia.

Helen has held senior positions in both the Victorian and Commonwealth public services. As

Secretary of the Department of Premier and Cabinet in Victoria, Helen led the department and the Victorian Public Service in advising the Premier and the Government of Victoria including significant crises events such as the Black Saturday bushfires; managed the transition of an incoming Government and Premier; and led negotiations on a range of commonwealth and state issues including health, water, transport and taxation reform, the

National Disability Insurance Scheme and the Gonski Review of school funding.

Prior to her role as Secretary, Helen was General Manager for Government Business at the

National Australia Bank, Deputy Secretary in the Victorian Department of Treasury and

Finance, Deputy Secretary in the Victorian Department of Premier and Cabinet, Executive

Director of Rehabilitation and Compensation at the Victorian WorkCover Authority, and

Assistant Commissioner at the Productivity Commission. Helen was also a member of the

Council of Australian Governments’ (COAG) Reform Council.

Helen Silver has a Masters of Economics from Monash University where she is also a Vice-

Chancellor’s Professorial Fellow, and is a National Fellow of the Institute of Public

Administration Australia.


Ms. Nathalie Loiseau

Director of the French National School of

Administration, Ecole Nationale d'Administration (ENA)

Nathalie Loiseau was appointed Director of the French

ENA (National School of Administration) in October

2012. Before that, she has worked as a diplomat in the

French Ministry of Foreign Affairs for 26 years. She served both in the Paris headquarters of the Ministry and in several posting abroad including

Indonesia, Senegal, Morocco and the United States, where she was press counselor and spokesperson of the Embassy in Washington between 2002 and 2007. In Paris, her most recent positions in the Foreign Ministry were Director of Human Resources and then

Director General for the administration of the ministry.

Nathalie Loiseau, 49, is a graduate of the Paris Institute of Political Studies (Sciences Po

Paris) and of the National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations (INALCO) in

Mandarin Chinese.


Nathalie Loiseau, 49 ans, ministre plénipotentiaire, est diplômée de Sciences Po Paris et de l'INALCO en chinois. Entrée au Ministère des Affaires étrangères en 1986, elle a notamment servi à la direction de la communication et de la presse, à la direction d'Asie et à la direction des Nations unies. Elle a servi en qualité de conseiller technique au cabinet du ministre des affaires étrangères de 1993 à 1995. Elle a également été affectée à Jakarta (1990-1992),

Dakar (1995-1999), Rabat (1999- 2002), et en qualité de chef du service d'information et de presse à l'ambassade de France à Washington, d'août 2002 à juillet 2007. Sous-directrice d'Afrique du Nord (2007-2008), elle fut ensuite directrice adjointe d'Afrique du Nord et du

Moyen- Orient au Quai d'Orsay (2008- 2009). Directrice des ressources humaines au ministère des Affaires étrangères et européennes (2009-2011), et en novembre 2011 directrice générale de l'administration et de la modernisation au ministère des Affaires

étrangères. Mme Nathalie Loiseau a été nommée directrice de l’École Nationale d'Administration le 3 octobre 2012.


Mme Flaminia Bussacchini

Chef d’Unité, Egalite des chances et condition du travail, Commission européenne

Flaminia Bussacchini, tout juste diplômée en droit communautaire, est entrée à la Commission européenne en 1994. Elle a occupé différentes fonctions en tant qu’administrateur qui lui ont offert l’opportunité de contribuer au développement des politiques et législations en matière de lutte contre les discriminations fondées, entre autres, sur l’origine ethnique ou raciale et le handicap. A ce titre, elle a participé, au nom de la Commission européenne, aux négociations conduisant à l’adoption de deux directives portant sur l’égalité de traitement en 2000 et plus récemment à l’établissement de la Convention des Nations-Unies sur les droits des personnes handicapées. Elle a également contribué à une revue stratégique des politiques d’emploi, affaires sociales et égalité des chances, et mis en place le cadre de gestion de performance d’un programme communautaire soutenant les actions politiques de l’Union dans ces domaines.

En juin 2009, elle est nommée chef de l’unité responsable de la politique de l’égalité des chances et du travail flexible pour la Commission européenne. Dans ce cadre, elle et son

équipe ont développé une stratégie d’égalité des chances, couvrant le mandat actuel de la

Commission, qui se caractérise notamment par la définition d’objectifs-cibles de représentation féminine pour l’encadrement supérieur et encadrement intermédiaire, et par une refondation des mécanismes de reddition des comptes (accountability) basés sur un suivi régulier des progrès au regard d’un cadre commun de performance et une approche incitative. Dans ce cadre, l’équipe dont elle a la charge a vu son rôle se réorienter vers un rôle d’appui et d’expertise auprès des 42 Directions générales de la Commission responsables de la mise en œuvre de cette stratégie.


Ms. Uschi Schreiber

Global Markets Leader & Global Government and Public Sector Leader, Ernst and Young,

United States

Uschi Schreiber is Ernst and Young’s Global Markets Leader.

In this role she is responsible for EY’s markets functions of

Knowledge, Industry/ Sector, Strategic Growth Markets,

Strategy and Analysis, Commercialization/ Innovation, Trade and Business Development.

She also leads EY’s global Government and Public Sector practice of more than 7,000 people across mature and emerging markets providing advisory, audit, transactional and taxation services to clients.

She is the former Deputy CEO of EY in Australia. Prior to joining EY in 2007 she was a

Director-General and Cabinet Secretary of delivery and central agency Government departments in Australia.

Uschi has significant experience in driving transformation programs in large organisations.

She is passionate about driving change for EY and its clients and about making EY’s aspiration of “Building a better working world” a reality. She is a leader in EY’s Diversity &

Inclusiveness programs and in progressing women’s issues in an international context.

Originally from Germany, Uschi has lived in Europe, Asia and Australia. She is currently based in New York.


Parallel Session 2A: Women in the Judiciary and the Legal Profession

Ms. Viviane Reding

Vice President of the European Commission and

Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship

Commissioner, European Commission

Viviane Reding is one of the most prominent personalities of

Europe, completing 3 terms as member of the European

Government, currently first Vice-President of the European


Viviane Reding was born in 1951 in Esch-sur-Alzette,


After obtaining a PhD degree (University Sorbonne, Paris), she acted as professional journalist during 20 years. In 1999, having served 10 years in the Luxembourg Parliament and 10 years in the European Parliament, she became European Commissioner for

Education, Culture, Youth and Sport. In her first term she pushed through the "Erasmus

World" Programme, expanding the co-operation between universities and the exchange of students worldwide. She also strengthened the MEDIA programme for the promotion of

European films. In 2004, she became EU Commissioner for Information Society and Media, winning a major battle against telecom companies by capping mobile roaming charges by

70%. She was instrumental in the reform of the European telecom sector, opening the internal market to competition. In that period, she also reformed the European research area, reinforcing the technological research platforms. In 2010, she became first Vice-

President and EU Commissioner responsible for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship.

She put in place a truly EU Justice policy, launching a series of ground-breaking proposals in the field of civil, commercial, consumer and criminal law, creating thus the basis for a

European area of justice. She initiated the chapter "Justice for growth", enabling both businesses and consumers to benefit fully from their rights in the European single market.

This chapter includes proposals in the field of consumer rights, cross border recovery of debts and recognition of documents, women on boards, a common European sales law and the reform of the EU data protection rules. Viviane Reding also created the basis for a

"fundamental rights culture" across the European institutions and initiated a new EU framework to strengthen the rule of law. In order to reach out to the general public, she launched the Europe-wide "Citizen Dialogue" – series, ahead of the EU-Elections. Viviane

Reding was awarded numerous national, European and cultural awards as well as a number of "Honoris Causa" degrees by Universities. She published many articles, mainly on the reform of European Institutions, on the development of the European Union into a Federal

Political Union as well as on economic and financial governance.


Ms. Joan D. Winship

Executive Director, International Association of Women Judges

Joan D. Winship has been Executive Director of the

International Association of Women Judges since June

2002. Under her leadership the IAWJ has grown to a membership of more than 4,000 members in over 100 countries. The IAWJ has been recognized for its judicial education programs and its work advancing human rights and equal justice for all, with programming throughout the world.

Ms. Winship has many years of experience working on international issues, including international organizations, human rights, gender, and global higher education. Previously she was Advisor for Strategic Alliances for Vital Voices Global Partnership, Vice President at the Stanley Foundation, and a college administrator and professor. She has served as a consultant for rule of law and human rights programs in such diverse places as Afghanistan,

Jordan, Bangladesh, Hungary, and the Philippines. She is an active speaker on international human rights, gender and equal justice. She served on UN Women’s Expert Advisory Group for its biennial Progress of the World’s Women 2011-12: In the Pursuit of Justice Report.

Ms. Winship is on the Executive Council for the International Legal Assistance Consortium and a former Trustee of the American University of Rome. She has received a number of honors for her international work, including the “Judicial Medal of Merit of José de

Mesquito” by the Judiciary of Mato Grosso State, Brazil, for “contributions to the judiciary and to justice for all.”


Ms. Alison McKenna

Judge, Judicial Appointments

Commission, United Kingdom

Judge Alison McKenna began sitting as a fee paid

Tribunal Judge in 2002 and took up full-time appointment as the first President of the Charity

Tribunal in June 2008. Her title was changed to

Principal Judge of the First-tier Tribunal (Charity) in

September 2009, as a result of reforms under the Tribunal Courts and Enforcement Act


She was called to the Bar (Middle Temple) in 1988 and her subsequent legal career included practice at the independent Bar, several different roles in the Government Legal Service

(including that of an in-house legal adviser to the Charity Commission 1997 - 2002), and

(following her re-qualification as a solicitor in 2003) as a partner in private practice, specialising in charity law.

Alison sits as a Deputy Judge of the Upper Tribunal in both the Tax and Chancery Chamber and the Administrative Appeals Chamber. She was assigned to the Tax Chamber of the Firsttier Tribunal in 2011. Alison takes an active interest in Tribunals justice, as a member of the

Tribunals Judiciary Executive Board and Chair of its Communications Sub-Group. She was appointed as a Judicial Appointments Commissioner in February 2012.


Ms. Lilian Hofmeister

Substitute Justice of the Constitutional Court;

Former Justice of the Vienna Commercial

Court, Austria

Since 1998: Substitute Justice at the Austrian

Constitutional Court ; Since 1998: Chairwoman and founder of the Austrian Women Judges Association

(AWJA) ; Since 1997: Founding Member of the Austrian

National Committee for UN Women ; 2010-2012: Chairwoman of the Austrian Association for the Access of Women to Justice ; 1996-2003: Chairwoman of the Working Group an

Equal Treatment (Ministry of Justice)

Main professional activities: 1976-2010: Career as Judge in Austria ; 1990 until to date:

Teaching activities on the topic of women’s and human rights and justice in academic institutions (e.g. University of Vienna, University of Linz, Renner Institute) ; 2010, 2013:

Member of the Austrian Delegation at the 54th and 57th sessions of CSW, giving lectures at

Side Events organized by the Permanent Mission of Austria to the UN in NY ; 2009: Research

Project in South Africa on the national implementation of Art. 5a CEDAW ; 1997-2003:

Member of the Austrian Federal Equal Treatment Commission ; 1995: Legal expert and member of the Austrian Delegation at the 4th UN World Conference on Women in Beijing, also participating member in the preparatory process of the Conference ; 1993: Consultant as legal expert for the Austrian Protection Against Domestic Violence Act

Educational background: 1973-76: Training as judge; 1972: Doctor juris, University of Vienna

; 1968-72: Studies of Law, University of Vienna ; 1956-68 : Primary school and high school

(Gymnasium), Vienna

Other main activities in the field relevant to the mandate of the Convention on the

Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women: 2000: Member and rapporteur of the Austrian delegation on the occasion of the establishment of the European Women

Lawyers Association in Berlin ; 1999: Member of the Austrian delegation during the EU-China human rights dialogue in Rovaniemi, Finland: function as legal expert ; 1993-1997: Substitute

Member of the Austrian Federal Equal Treatment Commission ; 1993-1996: Deputy

Chairwoman of the Working Group on Equal Treatment at the Austrian Federal Ministry of

Justice ; 1995: Consultant of the Austrian Federal Minister for Women’s Affairs, Johanna

Dohnal ; 1985-1993: Member of the Austrian Ministerial Working Group on equal treatment of female civil servants in the judicial system

List of most recent publications in the field of discrimination against women and advancement of their human rights: Die kurze Geschichte der Richterinnen in der

österreichischen Justiz, in: Pilgermair, Walter (ed.), Wandel in der Justiz, Wien: 2013 /

Menschenrechte für Frauen und Kinder, in: Arbeitskreis für Gleichbehandlungsfragen,

1/2000 / Frauenrechte sind Menschenrechte, in: STREIT 4/1993 / Frauen und

Rechtswissenschaft – ein Männerproblem, in: Journal für Rechtspolitik 3/1993.


Ms. Laurel Bellows

Immediate Past President, American Bar

Association, United States

Laurel Bellows, principal of The Bellows Law Group,

P.C is an internationally recognized business lawyer counselling senior executives and corporations in the

United States and globally on employment matters, employment and severance agreements, executive compensation, and workplace disputes.

Her expertise in executive compensation matters also includes mid-level management compensation, benefit plans and human resource/talent management matters involving incentives, pension, retirement, and workforce restructuring.

The Bellows Law Group, P.C., offers transactional, counseling and litigation services to entrepreneurs, small and medium-sized businesses, and large corporations. Client matters range from commercial litigation to business startups.

Laurel is Immediate Past President of the American Bar Association and its nearly 400,000 members. She served as chair of the ABA’s policymaking House of Delegates (2006-2008).

Laurel was the second woman president of the 22,000 member Chicago Bar Association in

1991. Her many accolades include: Crain’s Chicago Business annual list of Power Players, one of 28 Power Lawyers in the city by Chicago Magazine, one of Chicago’s 100 Women of

Influence by Crain’s Chicago Business, one of Working Mother Magazine 25 Most Influential

Working Mothers in the country in 1997, served on the Illinois Supreme Court Special

Commission, is on the Administration of Justice and on the United States Senate Judicial

Nominations Commission for the State of Illinois, Past President of the National Conference of Bar Presidents, Past Chair of The Chicago Network, Past Chair of the American Bar

Association’s Commission on Women in the Profession, and Past Chair of the Finance

Committee of the American Bar Association’s Board of Governors.

In 2013, Laurel, along with United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and Special Envoy for the Great Lakes Region of Africa-Mary Robinson, received the Rule of Law Award.

ATHENA International honored Laurel with the prestigious 2012 ATHENA Leadership Award presented to exemplary leaders for achieving the highest level of professional excellence and for actively assisting and inspiring women to realize their full personal and professional potential. Laurel received the ABA Commission on Women Margaret Brent Women Lawyers of Achievement Award in 2002.

Ms. Bellows is highly regarded for her many contributions to the Chicago and national community. Laurel is admitted and qualified as an Attorney and Counselor of the Supreme

Court of the United States and is a mediator, certified through the Institute for Conflict

Management. Laurel is licensed to practice in Illinois, Florida and California.


Mme Arlette Jreissati

Conseillère et Présidente par interim de la

Chambre Sociale de la Cour de Cassation,

Ministère de la Justice, République du Liban

Née Tawil, le 23 mars 1947

Mariée à Joseph Jreissati, et mère de : Robert (avocat d’affaires), Maya (médecin) et Fady (homme d’affaires).

Éducation :

Institution Ste Anne des Sœurs de Besançon. Titulaire de deux licences en Droit privé française et libanaise, Major de Promotion en juin 1969. Diplômée de l’Institut d’études judiciaires en 1975. Titulaire d’un diplôme de médiatrice du Centre Professionnel de

Médiation de l’Université Saint Joseph en juin 2012.

Expérience Professionnelle :

Magistrat depuis février 1973. Professeur de Droit à l’Université Saint Joseph de 1978 à

1982. Depuis 2011, Professeur de Droit du Travail à l’Institut d’Etudes Judiciaires.

Carrière professionnelle :

1992-2004: Présidente du Tribunal Arbitral du travail du Mont-Liban

1999-2013 : Présidente de la Commission des Conflits Collectifs de Travail.

Depuis 2006: Conseillère et Présidente par interim de la Chambre Sociale de la Cour de


Depuis 2011: Représentante Permanente du Ministère de la Justice à l’UNODC à Vienne et auprès d’ACINET (Réseau arabe de lutte contre la corruption).

Expert régional pour la lutte contre la corruption à l’UNODC.

Activités sociales :

Présidente de l’Association Pour La Promotion Féminine.


Parallel Session 1B: Toward Equal Access to

Opportunities in Public Life

Ms. Soraya Sáenz de


Deputy Prime Minister, Spain

Education :

Bachelor of Law from the University of Valladolid. Premio Extraordinario Fin de Carrera

[Outstanding Graduate Award] from the same university. Award for the best academic results.

Master's degree in Telecommunications Law.

Professional experience :

Justice Coordinator State Lawyer.

Chief State Lawyer of León (1999-2000).

State Lawyer before the High Court of Justice in Madrid (2004).

Advisor to the Cabinet of the First Vice-President of the Government in the Ministry of the

Presidency and the Ministry of Home Affairs (2000-2003).

Associate professor of Administrative Law at the Carlos III University of Madrid (2002-2003).

Member of Parliament for Madrid and Deputy Spokesperson of the Constitutional

Commission (8th Legislature).

Rapporteur in the reforms of the Statutes of Autonomy of Catalonia, Andalusia, the Balearic

Islands, the Canary Islands, Aragon, and Castile and Leon.

Executive Secretary for Regional and Local Policy (2004-2008).

Coordinator of the 27 May 2007 Regional and Municipal Elections Framework Programme.

Spokesperson for the Popular Parliamentary Group (9th Legislature).


Ms. Monika Queisser

Head of Social Policy Division, OECD

Monika Queisser is the Head of Social Policy at the

OECD. She is also one of the leading international experts in pension system analysis and pension reform. She has been working with governments in OECD countries advising them on pension system design and pension reform strategies since 1999. In 2007-8, she worked as an adviser to the OECD Secretary- General.

Prior to joining the OECD Ms. Queisser worked at the World Bank in Washington, D.C. She was a member of the pensions and insurance group in the Financial Sector Development

Department. She worked with and travelled extensively to countries in Asia, Africa, Latin

America and Eastern Europe to consult governments on pension and insurance matters. Her first employment was with the German Ifo institute for economic research in Munich. Her professional experience also includes employment as a journalist at daily newspapers and broadcasting in Germany.

Ms. Queisser holds two masters’ degrees (in economics and political science) and a doctorate in economic policy from the University of Munich. She is a German/American national.


Ms. Algimanta Pabedinskiene

Minister of Social Security and Labour, Republic of Lithuania

Date and place of birth: Born on 25 March 1965 in Liepaia


Education: In 1988 graduated from Vilnius Engineering

Construction Institute (at present – Vilnius Gediminas

Technical University) and acquired the specialty of a construction engineer (the qualification corresponds to the

Master’s Degree in Construction Engineering). In 2005 graduated from Kaunas Technology

University and acquired Master’s Degree in Management and Business Administration

(specialization – Management of Companies).

Professional experience: 1991-1994: A. Pabedinskiene Fine Crafts Studi, founder and manager ; 1994-2007: Family business company “Selema”, Director ; 2004-2005:

Marijampole J. Totoraitis Secondary School, teacher of economics ; 2005-2012: Marijampole

College, lector ; 2007-2012: Kaunas Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts, Director of

Marijampole Branch. From 19 December 2012: Minister for Social Security and Labour.

Member of MarijampolÄ— region strategic development plan preparation group (in 2012)

Member of MarijampolÄ— region general spatial plan implementation programme preparation group (in 2011) Chair of the Health and Safety at Work Commission at

MarijampolÄ— Municipality (from 2011) Member of the working group for the reduction of the bureaucratic burden for business of the Commission for Improving Business

Environment (‘Sunrise’ Commission) of the Republic of Lithuania (2010-2011) Member of the

Small and Medium-Sized Business Support Fund Commission at MarijampolÄ— Municipality

(from 2008) Member of MarijampolÄ— Vocational Training Centre Council (from 2007)

Member of the board of the public body Kazlų Rūda Business Incubator (from 2007).


Ms. Fumiko Hayashi

Mayor of Yokohama, Japan

First woman to become Mayor of Yokohama, she was elected in 2009 and re-elected in 2013. Before assuming office, she had an extensive career in the business world.

After graduating from Tokyo Metropolitan Aoyama

High School in 1965, she found her niche in car sales by entering Honda Cars Yokohama, Inc. in 1977, and became the top salesperson in the company. She served as President of Fahren Tokyo K.K. (now Volkswagen Japan Sales K.K.),

President of BMW Tokyo Corp., Chairperson and CEO of The Daiei, Inc., Operating Officer of

Nissan Motor Co. Ltd, and President of Tokyo Nissan Auto Sales Co.

In 2004, she was selected as one of Wall Street Journal’s international lineup of the “Top 50

Women to Watch” in business and as one of Forbes Magazine’s “The World’s 100 Most

Powerful Women” in 2005. She also received the Harvard Business School Businesswoman

Award in 2006. In 2008, she was selected as one of Fortune Magazine’s “50 Most Powerful

Women in Business: International”. She was also a member of the Council for Gender

Equality of the Cabinet Office of Japan.

As the mayor of the biggest city in Japan, she puts a lot of effort into support toward women empowerment strategies such as solving the issue of children on waiting lists of childcare centres, women’s reemployment, female entrepreneurship and networking among women, aiming to make Yokohama “a city pleasant to work in and worth working in for women.”


Ms. Laura D’Andrea Tyson

Professor, Haas School of Business at the

University of California, Berkeley and coauthor of The Global Gender Gap Report,

United States

Laura D’Andrea Tyson is a Professor and the Director of the Institute for Business and Social Impact at the Haas

School of Business at the University of California

Berkeley. She served as Dean of London Business School from 2002 through 2006 and as

Dean of the Berkeley Haas School of Business from 1998 through 2001. Tyson was a member of the US Department of State Foreign Affairs Policy Board from 2011 to 2013. She served as a member of President Barack Obama’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness from 2011 to

2012 and as a member of the President’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board from 2009 to

2011. Tyson was a member of President Clinton’s cabinet between 1993 and 1996. She was the Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers from 1993 to 1995. She was the Chair of the

National Economic Council and the President’s National Economic Adviser from 1995 to

1996. Tyson is currently a Senior Advisor at the McKinsey Global Institute, Credit Suisse

Research Institute, and The Rock Creek Group. She is a Senior Fellow at the Center for

American Progress and is on the Advisory Council of the Brookings Institution Hamilton

Project. She is an advisory board member of Pave, Inc., Newman’s Own, Generation

Investment Management, H&Q Asia Pacific, and Tykoon. She is a member of the Economic

Advisory Board of the World Bank’s International Finance Corporation. She is the chair of the

Board of Trustees of the Blum Center for Developing Economies at the University of

California, Berkeley and the Bay Area Council Economic Institute. Tyson currently serves as an Advisor to the Alliance for Competitive Taxation and Samsung SDS. She is a Special

Advisor at the Berkeley Research Group and is a Commissioner on the Committee for

Responsible Federal Budget. She is also a member of the Committee on Capital Markets

Regulation and the Henry Jackson Initiative Task Force for Inclusive Capitalism. She serves on the National Academies’ Board on Science, Technology and Economic Policy and is a member of its Innovation Policy Forum. She is a member of the Think Long Committee for

California, 21st Century Council and the Governance Project of the Berggruen Institute. She is the co-chair of the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on Women’s

Empowerment. Tyson is a member of the Boards of Directors of Morgan Stanley, AT&T,

CBRE Group Inc., and Silver Spring Networks. She is also a member of the Board of Directors of the non-profit Jacobs Foundation. Tyson has written books and articles on industrial competitiveness and trade. She has also written opinion columns for many publications including BusinessWeek, The New York Times and the Financial Times and she has made numerous television appearances on economic issues. She is on the editorial board of the

International Economy. She is a regular contributor to the New York Times Economix blog,

Project Syndicate and the Financial Times A-list.


Mr. John Evans

Secretary General, Trade Union Advisory

Committee to the OECD

John Evans is General Secretary of the Paris-based Trade

Union Advisory Committee (TUAC ) to the

OECD, a position he has held since 1985.

After studying, Philosophy, Politics and Economics at the

University of Oxford and teaching Introductory Economics, he worked as an economist in the Economic Department at the Trades Union Congress in

London. Subsequent posts included positions with the International Federation of

Commercial, Clerical and Technical Employees (FIET- the forerunner of what is now UNI

Global Union) in Geneva and Research Officer with the European Trade Union Institute in

Brussels where he published extensively on Labour Markets and the Impact of Technological

Change on Employment. Since 2012 he also serves as Chief Economist of the International

Trade Union Confederation ( in Brussels. TUAC and the ITUC together form the secretariat for the L20 that coordinates the labour input to the G20 process.

Past not-for profit board positions include the Global Reporting Initiative and the Helsinki

Group. He is currently a member of the Comité Médicis at the Amundi Group, the Conseil d’Orientation, IDDRI (the French Institute for Research on Sustainable Development) and

Council of Ruskin College, Oxford. He is also Chair of the World Economic Forum Global

Agenda Council on Employment.


Mme Odile Renaud-Basso

Directrice générale adjointe du groupe Caisse des Dépôts, Directrice des Fonds d'Épargne,


Conseiller maître à la Cour des Comptes, Odile Renaud-

Basso est diplômée de l’Institut d’études politiques de Paris et ancienne élève de l’ENA (1990, Promotion Jean Monnet).

Après avoir débuté sa carrière en tant qu’auditeur à la Cour des Comptes (1990-1994), Odile Renaud-Basso rejoint la direction du Trésor où elle occupera de 1994 à 2005 des fonctions en relation avec les problématiques internationales, industrielles et financières. Elle est nommée en 2005 directrice à la Direction des Affaires économiques et financières (DG Ecfin) de la Commission européenne et poursuit sa carrière dans les sphères européennes en devenant en 2010 chef de cabinet adjoint du Président du Conseil Européen.

Elle était depuis mai 2012 directrice adjointe du cabinet du Premier ministre, lors de sa nomination au poste de Directrice générale adjointe de la Caisse des Dépôts, Directrice des

Fonds d'Epargne.


Born 2 June 1965

Graduate of the Paris Institut d’Etudes Politiques (IEP-1998); Ecole nationale d’administration (ENA) alumnus (Jean Monnet promotion – 1990).

Auditor at Cour des Comptes (1990-1994); Deputy Chief of the Afrique-Zone Franc Office at the Treasury Department (1994–1996); Secretary General of Club de Paris, Chief of the

Office in charge of Debt and Credit Insurance at the Treasury Department (1996–1999);

Chief of the SME financing Office, Secretary General of Comité interministériel de restructuration industrielle (Ciri) at the Treasury Department (1999 –2001); Deputy Director in charge of European and Multilateral Affairs at the Treasury Department (2001–2003);

Chief of the Economy Financing Division at the Treasury Department (2003–2004); Chief of the international Affairs Division at the Treasury Department (2004-2005); European

Commission Director (DG Ecfin) (2005–2010); Deputy Director of the Office of the European

Commission President (2010–2012); Deputy Director of the Office of the Prime Minister

(2012–2013); Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Caisse des Dépôts, Director of Savings Funds, since 1st September 2013, Member of the Caisse des Dépôts Management Committees.


Mr. Peter Urwin

Professor, Westminster Business

School, United Kingdom

Prof. Urwin’s consideration of equality and diversity grew out of earlier work on age, including his PhD thesis on The Employment Prospects of Older Workers (2002), academic papers (Taylor and Urwin, 1999; Taylor and Urwin, 2001), and the production of Age Matters for the (then) UK Department of Trade and Industry (Urwin, 2004); a study that provided a baseline for evaluating the impact of legislation.

Over the past decade, Peter has expanded this initial interest in the situation of older workers to consider wider issues of equality and diversity. For instance, he has carried out work for the Ministry of Justice (2010) on the resolution of conflicts arising across all discrimination jurisdictions; with the Institute for Fiscal Studies he has investigated issues of

Ethnic Parity in Jobcentre Plus (2008). Most recently his diversity work has taken the form of funded research from bodies such as the CIPD, DWfL and the LDA, between 2008 and 2010.

In 2008 a project in partnership with London First (Michieslens et. al., 2008) created extensive interest and was launched with an event at the top of London’s BT Tower.

Peter recently brought his understanding of the area together, and as part of the research commissioned by UK department for Business, Innovation and Skills and the Government

Equalities Office in December 2011 [Understanding the Business Impacts of Equality and

Diversity], created a framework for consideration of Equality and Diversity. This theoretical framework, developed as part of a systematic review, is now being used as a basis for development of Equality and Diversity approaches across UK government departments.


Parallel Session 2B: Tackling Stereotypes and

Social and Legal Norms that Discriminate against


Ms. Victoria A. Budson

Executive Director of the Women and Public

Policy Program, Harvard University

Victoria A. Budson is the founding Executive Director of the Women and Public Policy Program (WAPPP) at

Harvard Kennedy School. She advises the Obama White

House on policies to close gender gaps and serves on the

Planning Committee for the Women in Public Service

Initiative founded by the U.S. Department of State that trains women leaders for public and electoral service.

Budson also founded and chairs From Harvard Square to the Oval Office: A Political

Campaign training program at Harvard University.

Since 2010 she has been an appointee of Governor Patrick to the Massachusetts

Commission on the Status of Women, which she now chairs. She also is an appointee of

Boston Mayors Menino and Walsh serving on the Women’s Workforce Council that seeks to close Boston’s wage gap. Budson is a current advisory board member of Womensphere and

Global Thinkers Forum. Previously, she has served on the board of directors for the National

Council for Research on Women, ivillage cares, and the National Women's Political Caucus among others.

In 2014 named Budson one of the Top Ten Visionary Women for Women’s History

Month. She is often quoted in news publications, television, and radio programs, including

CNN International, Fox News Live, The New York Times, The Daily Beast, The Boston Globe,

New York Times Magazine, New England Cable News, US News and World Report, Talk of the Nation, Radio Boston and The Connection on National Public Radio among others.

Budson holds a BA from Wellesley College and an MPA from the Harvard Kennedy School.


Ms. Soukeina Bouraoui

Director of the Centre for Arab Training &

Research, Tunisia, and Chair of the OECD-

MENA Women in Government Platform

Dr. Bouraoui is a founding member of the International

Forum of Mediterranean Women (1992), which actively fosters dialogue between Arab women and Euro-Mediterranean women and promotes networking among different social groups as key to sustainable development.

Since 1999, Dr. Bouraoui has been Executive Director of the Center of Arab Women for

Training and Research (CAWTAR), a regional organization established in 1993 and based in


The mandate of CAWTAR is to promote the status and role of women in development in the

Arab region.

Dr. Bouraoui has taught in her capacity as a professor of law in the Legal, Political and Social

Studies Department at the University of Tunis, having obtained a doctoral degree in law in


Dr. Bouraoui was head of the Department of Civil Law & Criminal Sciences from 1987 to

1991. During that time she introduced the “Environment Diploma”, covering an area of interest in which she had long worked before obtaining a doctorate with a particular focus on development and urban planning.

Her areas of expertise are criminal law, civil law, environmental law, human rights, gender justice and globalization.

Dr. Bouraoui has authored international scholarly publications on the environment, economic law, citizenship and women’s rights and has been a visiting professor at various international universities.

She is a member of the Board of Directors of the Tunisian Association of Criminal Law, the

International Association of Economic Law (AIDE) and the International Centre of

Comparative Environmental Law (CIDCE).

In 1997, she was elected a Regional Governor of the International Environment Council.

Since 2000, she has been a member of the International Court of Environment Arbitration and Conciliation (ICEAC).

Dr. Bouraoui founded and directed for six years (1991-1997) the Tunisian Centre for

Information, Documentation, Studies and Research on Women (CREDIF). She also took the role of Chairman of the Women’s Development Plan Committee for the Eighth Tunisian

National Economic and Social Development Plan.


Mr. Mario Pezzini

Director of the Development Centre,


The OECD Development Centre is an institution where governments, enterprises and civil society organisations informally discuss questions of common interest. Its Governing Board includes most of the OECD countries but also developing and emerging economies as full members. The Centre helps policy makers in

OECD and partner countries find innovative solutions to the global challenges of development. (

Before joining the Development Centre in 2010, Mario Pezzini held several senior management positions in OECD. He was Deputy Director of the Public Governance and

Territorial Development Directorate, and prior to that, Head of the Regional Policy Division, covering policy analysis on urban development, rural development, regional competitiveness and public governance.

Prior to joining the OECD, Mr. Pezzini was Professor in Industrial Economics at the Ecole

Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris as well as in US and Italian Universities. Also, Mr.

Pezzini served as an Advisor in the field of economic development, industrial organisation and regional economics in international organisations and think tanks (e.g. ILO, UNIDO,

European Commission and Nomisma in Italy). Mr. Pezzini started his career in the

Government office of the Emilia-Romagna Region.


Mr. Sandy Ruxton

MenEngage Europe, United Kingdom

Sandy Ruxton is an independent writer and researcher, based in Oxford, UK. He is a member of the steering group of MenEngage Europe, part of a global alliance of

NGOs working together with men and boys to promote gender equality.

He is currently a collaborator on an Open University research project 'Beyond Male Role Models: Gender

Identities and Work with Young Men', funded by the UK Economic and Social Research


As a consultant, recent commissions include: Principal Investigator for a study for the

European Institute for Gender Equality on men's involvement in gender equality in the EU; lead researcher for a report for the UK Coalition on Men and Boys on masculinities and public policy; co-writing a report for Oxfam and the European Women's Lobby on the impact of recession on women in Europe; and working with male prisoners on health education materials. Other organisations for whom he has worked include the European Commission, the Belgian EU Presidency, UNHCR, UNICEF, Save the Children, National Society for the

Prevention of Cruelty to Children, the Institute for Public Policy Research, and Cirque du


In addition to his work on men and masculinities, Sandy is the author of several well-known texts setting out an agenda for children’s rights at EU level, and other reports on child poverty and social exclusion, on separated children, and on sexual exploitation. He played a key role in the campaign for references to children to be included in the EU Treaties. In

2013, he managed the child-led strand of a child participation study for the European

Commission, engaging children as peer researchers in five EU countries.

Prior to becoming a consultant, he was Policy and Communications Manager with Oxfam’s.

UK Poverty Programme, leading advocacy on poverty, asylum, equalities and rights issues. A trained teacher, in his early career he set up and managed a programme of education activities for young offenders in the community, and placed and supported young prisoners in a wide range of community settings for the last part of their sentence. He also worked in an alternative education project for young people truanting from school.

Sandy is a graduate of Oxford, York and London Metropolitan Universities; an Honorary

Research Fellow with the School of Law and Social Justice at Liverpool University; a National

Ambassador for the White Ribbon Campaign UK; and a former trustee of the British Institute of Human Rights.

His publications include: The Involvement of Men in Gender Equality Initiatives in the

European Union, European Institute for Gender Equality (2012); Man Made: men, masculinities and equality in public policy, Coalition on Men and Boys (2009), Working With

Older Men, Age Concern England (2006); Gender Equality and Men: Learning from Practice,

Oxfam GB (2004); Men, Masculinities and Poverty in the UK, Oxfam GB (2002).


Plenary Session: Strengthening Public Institutions and Governance for Gender Equality

Ms. Vered Pear-Swid

Head of the Authority for the Advancement of the Status of Women, Prime Minister

Office, Israel

Professional Experience:

2010 – Present: Head of the Authority for the

Advancement of the Status of Women in the Prime

Minister's Office;

2004-2009: Adviser to the Prime Minister for Social and Welfare Affairs;

1999-2003: Deputy and Acting Mayor of Netanya; Responsible for the municipal mechanism, municipal inspection and markets;

1998: Mayor of Netanya;

1990-1997: Director of community centers for women; Responsible for developing services for the empowerment of women;

1985-1990: Senior social worker in geriatric centers; Responsible for developing community programs designed for the staff and families of Alzheimer's patients;

1982-1985: Studies for a B.A. in Social Work, Tel Aviv University; specialty in community work;

Military Service:

1980-1982: Armored Corps;

1976-1980: Student Council Chair and a youth journalist at the "Ma'ariv Lanoar" Magazine;

Mother of two children – Rebecca, a lawyer, and Shai, an engineering student.


Ms. Mari-Liis Sepper

Gender Equality and Equal Treatment

Commissioner, Estonia

Mari-Liis Sepper is appointed since 2010 as the Gender

Equality and Equal Treatment Commissioner of Estonia. The

Office of the Commissioner is active in providing help for unequal treatment. The Commissioner has a set of activities in her portfolio aiming at bringing about a greater engagement by public bodies of mainstreaming gender in governance. victims of discrimination as well as raising legal awareness and working for ensuring effective legal aid in cases of

M. Sepper holds a MA in law from the University of Montpellier (France). She has previously worked as legal adviser at the Gender Equality Department in the Ministry of Social Affairs, as lawyer-linguist at the European Court of Justice and as adviser at the Commissioner’s office.

Ms Sepper has taught human rights courses at the University of Tartu and Tallinn and is author and editor of number of publications on gender equality, among them the commented edition of the Estonian Gender Equality Act.


Ms. Carmen Plaza

General Director for Equal Opportunities and

Director of Women’s Institute, Spain

Carmen Plaza Martín is General Director for Equal

Opportunities and Director of the Spanish Women’s

Institute since 2012.

She holds a Master’s Degree from the University of Essex

(LLM in European Community Law) and a Law Degree,

LLM, and PhD from the Complutense University (Madrid).

From 2005 to 2012, Ms Plaza was Full Professor at the Law

Faculty of the Castilla-La Mancha University (Toledo, Spain), where she taught EU Law,

Environmental Law, Human Rights and EU Sex Discrimination Law. She formerly lectured at the Law Schools of Complutense University (2000-2005) and San Pablo-CEU University

(1997-2000). As a Member of the European Group of Public Law (EPLO), she delivered a

Course on “Effective Judicial Protection and Interim Measures in European Administrative

Law” at EPLO’s Academy of European Public Law- 14th Session (2009, Legraina, Greece).

Visiting Researcher at Harvard Law School in 1995, she has participated in several research projects in the fields of European Law and Spanish Public Law, both at national and

European level. She has also worked as legal adviser for several public and private institutions and authorities, such as the Minister of Environment (1996-1997), Garrigues-

Andersen Law Firm (1998-1999), or the Vice-Chancellor of Complutense University (2004-


She is the author of the book Derecho ambiental de la Unión Europea (2005) and of many articles and contributions to books on EU and Spanish Public law. Her latter works in English are “State liability for legislative injustice, National Procedural Autonomy and the Principle of Equivalence” (Review of European Administrative Law, vol. 3, nr.2, 2010) and Spanish

Administrative Law under European Influence (Europa Law Publishing, 2010).


Mr. Luiz Alberto dos Santos

Deputy Minister for Analysis and Follow-Up of

Governmental Policies, Presidency of Republic -

Civil House, Brazil

Mr. Luiz Alberto dos Santos holds a BA in Law and a BA in

Social Communication, a Masters’ degree in Administration and a Ph.D in Comparative Studies/Social Sciences (UnB).

He is author of the books “Administrative Reform in the context of Democracy” (1997) and

“Agencification, Publicization, Contractualization and Social Accountability – possibilities for the State Reform” (2000). Since 1990, Mr. Santos is a career Civil Servant of the Brazilian

Federal Government. From 1992 to 2002, Mr. Santos advised the Workers’ Party in the

National Congress and represented the Party before the Supreme Court in legal actions. In

2002, he became a Legislative Consultant of the Federal Senate. Since 2003, is the Head of the Office for Following Up and Analysis of Government Policies of the Civil House of the

Presidency of Republic. Since 2007, he represents the Brazilian Government at OECD

Regulatory Policy, Public Governance and Center of Government Network meetings. Mr.

Santos was born in 1961. He is married and has one son and one daughter. His hobbies include reading, travelling and movies. He has an undergraduate degree in Cinema (Unb,



Mme Rabha Zeidguy

Professeur de Droit, École Nationale d’Administration, Maroc

Etudes de langues aux États-Unis et à l’École d’Interprètes de l’Université de Genève. Doctorat d’État en Sciences Juridiques à la Faculté des Sciences

Juridiques Économiques et Sociales de Casablanca.

Professeur à l’École Nationale d’Administration (ENA).

Membre du Board of Trustees de l’Université Mundiapolis de Casablanca. Directrice des

Stages à l’ENA (1992-1993). Chef du Département des Affaires Juridiques et Administratives au Conseil Déontologique des Valeurs Mobilières (CDVM : autorité des marchés financiers)

(1996-2002). Membre du Conseil d’Administration du CDVM (depuis 2002). Directrice de la

Modernisation de l’Administration au Ministère de la Modernisation des Secteurs Publics

(2005-2008). Secrétaire Générale de l’Instance Centrale de Prévention de la Corruption

(octobre 2008-mai 2011). Membre du Conseil Supérieur de la Communication Audiovisuelle

(mai 2011 à ce jour). Membre de la Haute Instance du Dialogue National sur la Réforme du

Système Judiciaire. Auteur d’ouvrages juridiques. Domaines d’intérêt : Droit des affaires, notamment Droit des marchés financiers, genre, lutte contre la corruption, gouvernance publique et régulation.


Ms. Rabha Zeidguy is University Professor at the Ecole Nationale d’Administration in Rabat,

Kingdom of Morocco. From 1996 to 2002, she was head of the legal department of the

Moroccan market authority. From 2005 to 2008 she was Director of Administration

Modernization at the Ministry of Modernization of Public Sectors, then Secretary General of the Central Authority for the Prevention of Corruption until May 2011.

Ms. Zeidguy is a member of the High Council for Audio-visual Communication of Morocco, a member of the Board of Directors of the Moroccan Authority on Financial Markets, a professor at the Rabat School of Administration and a visiting professor at the University of

Perpignan (France), and a member of the High Instance for National Dialogue on the Reform of the Judiciary. She is a specialist of issues related to business law, public governance, gender and corruption.


Ms. Carolina Pinheiro

Governance Program Coordinator

Huairou Commission, United States

Carolina Pinheiro is the Governance Program Coordinator for the

Huairou Commission, Brooklyn, NY. She received her M.A. in

International Affairs from the New School University and her degree in Law from the University of Brasilia in Brazil. With more than 10 years of experience working in the not-for-profit sector,

Ms. Pinheiro has served as an attorney, researcher and program manager to promote human rights and support grassroots groups to foster community development, and to influence national and international development policies.

For the past two years, she has coordinated the Transparency and Accountability Initiative:

Empowering Grassroots Women to Reduce Corruption and Improve Service Delivery. The

Initiative formed out of a growing partnership with the United Nations Development

Programme (UNDP) and has been implemented in five countries across Latin America, Africa and Asia. Ms. Pinheiro has contributed to the design and implementation of groundbreaking studies on grassroots women’s perspectives on corruption and anti-corruption. Her academic work focuses on “the art of listening” as critical to democratization, good governance and international relations.

Ms. Pinheiro has a four-month old son, who has brought much happiness and light to her life.


Plenary Session: Towards Inclusive and Gender-

Responsive Policies, programmes and Budgets

Ms. Huguette Labelle

Chair, Transparency International

Huguette Labelle is Chair of the Board of

Transparency International, member of the Board of the UN Global Compact, member of the Group of

External Advisors on the World Bank Governance and Anti-corruption Strategy, member of the

Advisory Group to the Asian Development Bank on

Climate Change and Sustainable Development, member of the Executive Board of the Africa

Capacity Building Foundation, member of the Board of the Global Centre for Pluralism, member of the Advisory Council of the Order of Ontario and Vice Chair of the Senior

Advisory Board of the International Anti-Corruption Academy. A former Chancellor of the

University of Ottawa, she also serves on additional national and international boards. She provides advisory services to national and international organisations. Labelle served for 19 years as Deputy Minister of different Canadian Government departments.


Ms. Hadia Tajik

Member of Parliament; Former Minister of

Culture, Norway

Hadia Tajik (born 1983) is an elected MP for the Norwegian

Labour Party and chairs the Standing Committee on Justice in the Norwegian Parliament (from 2013). This is her second term in Parliament. Tajik was Minister of Culture in Prime

Minister Jens Stoltenbergs II-government (2012-13). Earlier in her career she has been a political adviser to the Minister of Labour, the Minister of

Justice and the Prime Minister. Tajik has an MA in Law from the University of Oslo, and an

MA in Human Rights from Kingston University in England. Recently she was awarded an honorary doctorate from Kingston University, due to her ground breaking role as the youngest ever minister in Norwegian history, and the first Muslim member of government.


Ms. Michelle d’Auray

Deputy Minister of Public Works and Government

Services, Canada

On October 12, 2012, Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced the appointment of Michelle d’Auray as Deputy Minister of Public

Works and Government Services Canada, effective November 12,


Previous to that, Ms. d’Auray held the post of Secretary of the Treasury Board, and was also

Chief Human Resources Officer at the Secretariat.

Ms. d’Auray was Deputy Minister of Fisheries and Oceans from August 2007 to July 2009, where she was responsible for developing and implementing policies and programs in support of Canada's scientific, ecological, social and economic interests in oceans and fresh waters. She also served as President of the Economic Development Agency of Canada for

Quebec Regions (EDC) for three years. During her mandate at EDC, she worked on the development and the implementation of a law that created EDC, reformulated the strategic orientations and revised the programs.

Ms. d’Auray has held numerous management positions in various federal departments and agencies, including the Treasury Board Secretariat, where she headed the Government On-

Line Service Improvement initiative, and Canadian Heritage, where, as Assistant Deputy

Minister of Strategic Management, she was responsible for planning, policy coordination and research, international and intergovernmental affairs, and public affairs.

Ms. d’Auray was Director of the Government of Canada’s Task Force on Electronic

Commerce at Industry Canada, and led the department’s Communications Division (1996–

1997), set up and headed the Privy Council of Canada’s Intergovernmental Communications

Secretariat (1994–1996), and directed the National Film Board of Canada’s Corporate Affairs,

Distribution and Communications Division (1990–1994).

Prior to joining the Public Service, Ms. d’Auray headed Canada’s largest lobby group for cultural industries and the arts (1985–1990), which was responsible for introducing new copyright legislation, broadcasting legislation and revised tax treatment of artists. She has also worked on a number of public policy task forces on Canada’s economic and social unions, and on the country’s cultural policy.



Le 12 octobre 2012, le premier ministre Stephen Harper a annoncé la nomination de

Michelle d’Auray au poste de sous-ministre des Travaux publics et des Services gouvernementaux, nomination qui est entrée en vigueur le 12 novembre 2012.

Auparavant, Mme d’Auray a occupé le poste de secrétaire du Conseil du Trésor et a

également été dirigeante principale des ressources humaines au Secrétariat.

Mme d'Auray a été sous-ministre de Pêches et Océans Canada d’août 2007 à juillet 2009. À ce titre, elle était chargée d'élaborer et de mettre en oeuvre des politiques et des programmes à l'appui des intérêts scientifiques, écologiques, sociaux et économiques du

Canada dans les océans et les eaux intérieures. Elle a également occupé le poste de présidente de l'Agence de développement économique du Canada pour les régions du

Québec (DEC) pendant trois ans. Lors de son mandat à DEC, elle a veillé à l'élaboration et à la mise en oeuvre d'une loi qui a créé ce ministère, en a reformulé les orientations stratégiques et en a refondé les programmes.

En outre, Mme d'Auray a occupé plusieurs postes de gestion dans divers ministères et organismes fédéraux. Au Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor, elle a notamment dirigé l'initiative

Gouvernement en direct/Amélioration des services, et à Patrimoine canadien, à titre de sous-ministre adjointe à la Gestion stratégique, elle a été responsable de la planification, de la coordination de politiques, de la recherche stratégique, des affaires internationales et intergouvernementales ainsi que des affaires publiques.

De plus, Mme d'Auray a assumé la direction du Groupe de travail sur le commerce

électronique du gouvernement du Canada, qui relève d'Industrie Canada. Également, elle a

été responsable de la Direction générale des communications d'Industrie Canada (de 1996 à

1997), a mis sur pied et dirigé le Secrétariat des communications intergouvernementales du

Bureau du Conseil privé du Canada (de 1994 à 1996) et a assumé la direction de la Division de la distribution, des communications et des affaires générales de l'Office national du film du Canada (de 1990 à 1994).

Avant de se joindre à la fonction publique, Mme d'Auray a aussi dirigé le groupe de pression des industries culturelles et du milieu artistique le plus important du Canada (1985-1990), qui est à l'origine de l'adoption d'une nouvelle loi sur le droit d'auteur, d'une nouvelle loi sur la radiodiffusion et de la révision du régime fiscal des artistes. Elle a également fait partie de divers groupes de travail en politiques gouvernementales sur l'union économique et sociale du Canada et sur la politique culturelle du pays.


M. Mohamed Chafiki

Directeur des Études et des Prévisions

Financières, Ministère de l’Économie et des

Finances, Maroc

Parcours professionnel :

Octobre 2004 à ce jour : Directeur des Etudes et des

Prévisions Financières, Ministère de l'Economie et des


1998-2004 : Chef du Cabinet du Ministre des Finances et de la Privatisation.

Depuis 1977 : Enseignant, Chercheur à la Faculté des Sciences Juridiques, Economiques et

Sociales de Rabat, ainsi que dans d’autres établissements d’Enseignement Supérieur.

Autres :

Directeur National du Centre d’Excellence de la Budgétisation Sensible au Genre – Ministère de l’Économie et des Finances Maroc.

Président du Groupe Stratégie Économique pour la Francophonie.

Membre de l’Association des Économistes Marocains (A.E.M).

Membre du Conseil d’Administration de la Fondation ARDI pour le micro crédit.

Ex Membre du Conseil National Supérieur du Mécanisme de Développement Propre.

Consultant auprès d’organismes internationaux.

Coordinateur Sud Méditerranée du Réseau « Écoles de la Deuxième Chance ».

Membre du Comité de supervision du Centre pour l’Intégration en Méditerranée, CMI.

Coordonnateur National du Rapport Genre.

Membre du Comité Scientifique de la réforme de la fiscalité.

Décoration et distinction :

Décoré de l’ordre national du mérite du Royaume du Maroc, classe exceptionnelle

Décoré de l'insigne de "Chevalier dans l'Ordre de la Légion d'Honneur" de la république



Ms. Meredith Edwards

Emeritus Professor at the ANZSOG

Institute for Governance at the

University of Canberra, Australia

Meredith Edwards AM is Emeritus Professor at the

ANZSOG Institute for Governance at the University of Canberra, Australia. She was previously Deputy

Vice-Chancellor from 1997 at that university and

Director of its National Institute for Governance until 2004. Prior to joining the University of

Canberra Professor Edwards was a senior policy adviser in the Australian Public Service (APS) involved in a range of major social policy reforms across several departments from 1983-

1993 and Deputy Secretary in the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet until 1997.

An economist, Professor Edwards in 2001 published a book on policy development processes, Social Policy, Public Policy: from problem to practice. In 2012 she co-authored

Public Sector Governance in Australia and last year co-authored Not Yet 50/50: the barriers to the progress of senior women in the APS. Professor Edwards is Chair of the Board of the

Indigenous Closing the Gap Clearing House and a member of the United Nations Committee of Experts on Public Administration.


Ms. Betsy Hall McKinney

Founder, the Founding Family, Women United

For, United States

Betsy Hall McKinney is a mother, entrepreneur, writer and philanthropist. She is currently launching a new business enterprise called The Founding Family

( that employs the values of love, partnership and interdependence into a framework supporting an inclusive, long-term civic engagement movement to evolve democracy and to restore our world. Founding Mothers is the first area of membership development within the Founding

Family and will be the first launch activity. The Founding Mothers is a member owned business model that will support and fund a network of women’s organizations in coalescing an enduring women’s movement for our full empowerment. Founding Mothers will optimize and champion the surging feminine energy rising here in the U.S. and around the world. The programs will make visible the myriad of good work being done by women to create a just and healthy planet. Partnerships with Founding Youth, New Founding Fathers, and Founding

Elders are forming simultaneously with subsequent launches planned. Betsy is the Chair of

Women United For at the Women Donors Network (WDN). The WDN is an organization that helps women invest their voices - and much more - in the demand for change. Through collaboration and innovation, they aim to accomplish more together than they ever could separately. Betsy currently lives in Marin County, California with her husband, John

McKinney ( and her 15 year old daughter, Maria Rose McKinney.


Closing Plenary Session

Mr. Mario Marcel

Deputy Director, Public Governance and

Territorial Development Directorate, OECD

Mr. Marcel is the Deputy Director of the Public Governance and Territorial Development Directorate at the OECD, he provides leadership on issues like Reform of the Public

Sector, Anti-Corruption, Regulatory Policy, Budgeting and

Public Expenditure and Territorial Development.

Prior to joining the OECD, Mr. Marcel was Manager of the

Institutional Capacity and Finance Sector at the Inter-American Development Bank. Before that, he did economic research at the Corporación de Estudios para Latinoamérica

(CIEPLAN), and was Director of the Budget Office in the Ministry of Finance in Chile for six years.

He led successful initiatives aimed at improving public governance in Chile, being recognized as a Regional Leader in Management for Development Results in 2009. At the IADB he developed a substantial agenda of public reform initiatives in more than 20 countries of

Latin America and the Caribbean.

Of Chilean and Spanish nationality, Mr. Marcel holds an M. Phil. degree in Economics from the University of Cambridge, UK.


H.E Ms. Catherine


Interim president of the Central

African Republic

Ms. Samba-Panza is the interim president of the Central African

Republic and the first woman to hold the post. She was sworn in as President on

23 January 2014. She is Africa’s third female head of state (with Joyce Banda,

Malawi, and Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Liberia).


Prior to becoming president, she was appointed Mayor of Bangui (capital of the CAR) from May 2013 by the National Transitional Council (CNT) during the 2012-13 conflict

Prior to entering politics, she was a businesswoman and corporate lawyer.


Université Panthéon-Assas, Paris – Law.


Ms. Carmen de la Soledad

Moreno Toscano

Ambassador, Executive Secretary, Inter-

American Commission of Women in the

Organisation of American States

Carmen Moreno, an internationalist and diplomat, began her work on women’s rights and gender equality as a member of the Mexican Delegation to the first UN Conference on Women (1975). She has since served as the Mexican Ambassador to Costa Rica and Guatemala, as well as the

Permanent Representative of Mexico to the Organization of American States (OAS).

In 2003, Carmen Moreno was appointed by the Secretary-General of the UN as Director of the International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women (UN-

INSTRAW). In July 2009, Jose Miguel Insulza, the Secretary General of the OAS appointed Ms.

Moreno as Executive Secretary of the Inter-American Commission of Women.

