GML Heritage Appendix B—EPBC Act Compliance Checklist This Heritage Management Plan addresses and fulfils the requirements for a Management Plan contained in the EPBC Act and the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Regulations 2000. Schedule 7A—Regulation 10.03B Regulation 10.03B of the Regulations states that: A plan for a Commonwealth Heritage place, made under section 341S of the Act, must address the matters set out in Schedule 7A. The following table lists the requirements contained in Schedule 7A and the relevant sections of this Management Plan that address each listed item. Regulation Ref. Schedule 7A—A management plan must: Report Sections Schedule 7A (a) Establish objectives for the identification, protection, conservation, presentation and transmission of the Commonwealth Heritage values of the place; 1.0 Background and Introduction 5.0 Understanding the Heritage Values Appendix E Interpretation Discussion Framework Schedule 7A (b) Provide a management framework that includes reference to any statutory requirements and agency mechanisms for the protection of the Commonwealth Heritage values of the place; 1.4 Legislative and Management Context 7.0 Conservation Policies, Actions and Implementation Schedule 7A (c) Provide a comprehensive description of the place, including information about its location, physical features, condition, historical context and current uses; 1.2 Site Identification 2.0 Understanding the Place— Historical Context 3.0 Understanding the Place—Built Elements and Archaeology 4.0 Understanding the Place— Landscape, Garden, Curtilage Appendix E Interpretation Discussion Framework Schedule 7A (d) Provide a description of the Commonwealth Heritage values and any other heritage values of the place; 5.0 Understanding the Heritage Values Schedule 7A (e) Describe the condition of the Commonwealth Heritage values of the place; 5.2.4 Condition of the Values at Blundells Cottage Schedule 7A (f) Describe the method used to assess the Commonwealth Heritage values of the place; 5.0 Understanding the Heritage Values Blundells Cottage—Heritage Management Plan, May 2014 1 GML Heritage Regulation Ref. Schedule 7A—A management plan must: Report Sections Schedule 7A (g) Describe the current management requirements and goals, including proposals for change and any potential pressures on the Commonwealth Heritage values of the place; 6.0 Constraints and Opportunities Schedule 7A (h) Has policies to manage the Commonwealth Heritage values of the place, and include in those policies, guidance in relation to the following: 7.0 Conservation Policies, Actions and Implementation (i) the management and conservation processes to be used; 7.0 Conservation Policies, Actions and Implementation (ii) the access and security arrangements, including access to the area for indigenous people to maintain cultural traditions; 7.0 Conservation Policies, Actions and Implementation There are no Indigenous values. (iii) the stakeholder and community consultation and liaison arrangements; 7.0 Conservation Policies, Actions and Implementation Policies 2—Liaison (iv) the policies and protocols to ensure that indigenous people participate in the management process; 7.0 Conservation Policies, Actions and Implementation Policies 2—Liaison. Policies 13— Interpretation. There are no Indigenous values. (v) the protocols for the management of sensitive information There is no sensitive information. (vi) planning and managing of works, development, adaptive reuse and property divestment proposals; 7.0 Conservation Policies, Actions and Implementation Policies 4— Development and Legislative Requirements. Policy 3— Management of Site. Policies 7—New Development and Services. Policies 8—Use Buildings and Grounds. Policies 18 Disposal of Heritage Assets. (vii) how unforeseen discoveries or disturbing heritage values are to be managed; 7.0 Conservation Policies, Actions and Implementation Policies 10— Archaeology. 2 Blundells Cottage—Heritage Management Plan, May 2014 GML Heritage Regulation Ref. Schedule 7A—A management plan must: Report Sections (viii) how, and under what circumstances, heritage advice is to be obtained; 7.0 Conservation Policies, Actions and Implementation. Policies 3— Management of Site. (ix) how the condition of Commonwealth Heritage values is to be monitored and reported; 7.0 Conservation Policies, Actions and Implementation. Policies 4— Development and Legislative Requirement. Policies 16— Records Management. (x) how the records of intervention and maintenance of a heritage place’s register are kept; 7.0 Conservation Policies, Actions and Implementation. Policies 16— Records Management. (xi) research, training and resources needed to improve management; 7.0 Conservation Policies, Actions and Implementation. Policies 13— Interpretation. 17—Training. Schedule 7A (i) (xii) how heritage values are to be interpreted and promoted; Appendix E Interpretation Discussion Framework Policies 13—Interpretation. Include an implementation plan; 7.0 Conservation Policies, Actions and Implementation have priorities and timing. 9.0 Outline Conservation Works and Cyclical Maintenance Schedules Schedule 7A (j) Show how the implementation of policies will be monitored; 7.0 Conservation Policies, Actions and Implementation Policies 16— Records Management 9.0 Outline Conservation Works and Cyclical Maintenance Schedules Blundells Cottage—Heritage Management Plan, May 2014 3 GML Heritage Regulation Ref. Schedule 7A—A management plan must: Report Sections Schedule 7A (k) Show how the management plan will be reviewed 7.0 Conservation Policies, Actions and Implementation Policies 4— Development and Legislative Requirement Policies 16— Records Management Schedule 7B—Regulation 10.03D Commonwealth agencies that own or lease a Commonwealth Heritage place are required to manage the place in accordance with the Commonwealth Heritage management principles (EPBC Act s341Y and Schedule 7B of the Regulations). These principles are used to guide the development and implementation of management plans. The following table lists the requirements contained in Schedule 7B and the relevant sections of this Management Plan that address each listed item. Regulation Ref. Schedule 7B—A management plan must address the following: Report Sections Schedule 7B (1) The objective in managing Commonwealth Heritage places is to identify, protect, conserve, present and transmit, to all generations, their Commonwealth Heritage values. 7.1 Heritage Management Recommendations Policies 13— Interpretation. Schedule 7B (2) The management of Commonwealth Heritage places should use the best available knowledge, skills and standards for those places, and include ongoing technical and community input to decisions and actions that may have a significant impact on their Commonwealth Heritage values. 7.1 Heritage Management Recommendations Policies 3— Management of Site. Policies 17— Training. Schedule 7B (3) The management of Commonwealth Heritage places should respect all heritage values of the place and seek to integrate, where appropriate, any Commonwealth, State, Territory and local government responsibilities for those places. 7.1 Heritage Management Recommendations Policies 1— General. Policies 2—Liaison. Schedule 7B (4) The management of Commonwealth Heritage places should ensure that their use and presentation is consistent with the conservation of their Commonwealth Heritage values. 7.1 Heritage Management Recommendations Policies 1— General. 4 Blundells Cottage—Heritage Management Plan, May 2014 GML Heritage Regulation Ref. Schedule 7B—A management plan must address the following: Report Sections Schedule 7B (5) The management of Commonwealth Heritage places should make timely and appropriate provision for community involvement, especially by people who: 7.1 Heritage Management Recommendations a) have a particular interest in, or associations with, the place; and Policies 2—Liaison. b) may be affected by the management of the place. Schedule 7B (6) Schedule 7B (7) Indigenous people are the primary source of information on the value of their heritage and that the active participation of indigenous people in identification, assessment and management is integral to the effective protection of indigenous heritage values. 7.1 Heritage Management Recommendations The management of Commonwealth Heritage places should provide for regular monitoring, review and reporting on the conservation of Commonwealth Heritage values. 7.1 Heritage Management Recommendations Policies 2—Liaison. Policies 13— Interpretation. Policies 4— Development and Legislative Requirements. Blundells Cottage—Heritage Management Plan, May 2014 5