CLIMATE ACTION RESERVE: 2011 PROJECT DEVELOPER TRAINING SCHEDULE Project Developer Training Courses Offered: Livestock (US & MX) Urban Forest Landfill (US & MX) Forest Course Description This course is offered to project developers interested in Livestock manure digester gas destruction projects with the Climate Action Reserve. The training will review eligibility rules, methods to calculate reductions, performance-monitoring and project reporting for Livestock biogas collection and destruction systems. It will also identify core reduction activities, procedures, and common problems or obstacles for developing and registering these projects. The training will last one hour and provide time thereafter for questions and feedback. It is conducted through an online webinar. This course is offered to project developers interested in Urban Forest projects with the Climate Action Reserve. The training will review eligibility rules, methods to calculate reductions, performance-monitoring and project reporting for Urban Forest projects. It will also identify core reduction activities, procedures, and common problems or obstacles for developing and registering these projects. The training will last one hour and provide time thereafter for questions and feedback. It is conducted through an online webinar. This course is offered to project developers interested in Landfill Gas Methane Destruction projects with the Climate Action Reserve. The training will review eligibility rules, methods to calculate reductions, performancemonitoring and project reporting for landfill gas collection and destruction systems. It will also identify core reduction activities, procedures, and common problems or obstacles for developing and registering these projects. The training will last one hour and provide time thereafter for questions and feedback. It is conducted through an online webinar. This course is offered to project developers interested in Forest projects with the Climate Action Reserve. The training will review eligibility rules, methods Dates/Times Cost Location January 19th (Wed.), 10am11:30am Free to Account Holders; $500 for NonAccount Holders * Webinar March 9th (Tues.), 10am11:30am Free to Account Holders; $500 for NonAccount Holders * Webinar June 6th (Tues.), 1pm2:30pm Free to Account Holders; $500 for NonAccount Holders * Webinar July 6th (Wed.), Free to Account Holders; Webinar Organic Waste Digestion Nitric Acid Production Ozone Depleting Substances Coal Mine Methane to calculate reductions, performance-monitoring and project reporting for Forest projects. It will also identify core reduction activities, procedures, and common problems or obstacles for developing and registering these projects. The training will last one hour and provide time thereafter for questions and feedback. It is conducted through an online webinar. This course is offered to project developers interested in Organic Waste Digestion (OWD) gas destruction projects with the Climate Action Reserve. The training will review eligibility rules and waste streams, methods to calculate reductions, performance-monitoring and project reporting for OWD projects. It will also identify core reduction activities, procedures, and common problems or obstacles for developing and registering these projects. The training will last one hour and provide time thereafter for questions and feedback. It is conducted through an online webinar. This course is offered to project developers interested in Nitric Acid Production projects with the Climate Action Reserve. The training will review eligibility rules, methods to calculate reductions, performance-monitoring and project reporting for Nitric Acid projects. It will also identify core reduction activities, procedures, and common problems or obstacles for developing and registering these projects. The training will last one hour and provide time thereafter for questions and feedback. It is conducted through an online webinar. This course is offered to project developers interested in Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) projects with the Climate Action Reserve. The training will review eligibility rules, methods to calculate reductions, performancemonitoring and project reporting for ODS projects. It will also identify core reduction activities, procedures, and common problems or obstacles for developing and registering these projects. The training will last one hour and provide time thereafter for questions and feedback. It is conducted through an online webinar. This course is offered to project developers interested in Coal Mine Methane (CMM) projects with the Climate Action Reserve. The training will review eligibility rules, methods to calculate reductions, performance-monitoring and project reporting for CMM projects. It will also identify core reduction activities, procedures, and common problems or obstacles for developing and 10am11:30am $500 for NonAccount Holders August 17th (Wed.), 10am11:30am Free to Account Holders; $500 for NonAccount Holders * Webinar September 13th (Tues.), 11am12:30pm Free to Account Holders; $500 for NonAccount Holders * Webinar October 12th (Wed.), 10am11:30am Free to Account Holders; $500 for NonAccount Holders * Webinar November 15th (Tues.), 10am11:30am Free to Account Holders; $500 for NonAccount Holders * Webinar Organic Waste Composting registering these projects. The training will last one hour and provide time thereafter for questions and feedback. It is conducted through an online webinar. This course is offered to project developers interested in Organic Waste Composting (OWC) methane avoidance projects with the Climate Action Reserve. The training will review eligibility rules and waste streams, methods to calculate reductions, performance-monitoring and project reporting for OWC projects. It will also identify core reduction activities, procedures, and common problems or obstacles for developing and registering these projects. The training will last one hour and provide time thereafter for questions and feedback. It is conducted through an online webinar. December 7th (Wed.), 10am11:30am Free to Account Holders; $500 for NonAccount Holders * Webinar * All Non-Account holders who attend this Project Developer Protocol Training will have their Project Submittal Fee waived after signing up for a Project Developer account on the Reserve software. All trainings can be registered for through the Climate Action Reserve’s calendar. Please contact or contact the Programs Team (213) 891-1444 ext.3 if you have any questions about the trainings.