ENGLISH SKILLS, KNOWLEDGE, AND UNDERSTANDING National 5 listening, talking, reading and writing skills, as appropriate to purpose and audience understanding, analysing and evaluating detailed texts, as appropriate to purpose and audience in the contexts of literature, language and media — texts studied must include Scottish texts creating and producing detailed texts, as appropriate to purpose and audience in a range of contexts knowledge and understanding of language Higher listening, talking, reading and writing skills, as appropriate to purpose and audience understanding, analysing and evaluating detailed and complex texts, as appropriate to purpose and audience in the contexts of literature, language and media — texts studied must include Scottish texts creating and producing detailed and complex texts, as appropriate to purpose and audience in a wide range of contexts knowledge and understanding of language COURSE STRUCTURE National 5 Higher Course Structure: 2 Units and Course Assessment Course Structure: 2 Units and Course Assessment English: Analysis and Evaluation English: Creation and Production English: Analysis and Evaluation English: Creation and Production COURSE ASSESSMENT National 5 Higher Course Assessment: Component 1 — question paper: reading (70 marks) Component 2 — portfolio: writing (30 marks) Course Assessment: Component 1 — question paper: reading (70 marks) Component 2 — portfolio: writing (30 marks) Question Paper Question Paper ‘Reading for Understanding, Analysis, and Evaluation’ will have 30 marks. These 30 marks will be awarded for addressing the challenge of applying reading skills in understanding, analysis and evaluation to one unseen non-fiction text. Assessment will involve learners answering questions to show their reading skills and completing a task that involves inference making and summarising. ‘Reading for Understanding, Analysis and Evaluation’ will have 30 marks. These 30 marks will be awarded for addressing the challenge of applying reading skills in understanding, analysis and evaluation to two unseen non-fiction texts. Assessment tasks will involve learners answering questions to show their reading skills, and completing a task that involves inference making, summarising National 5 Higher ‘Critical Reading’ will have 40 marks. and making comparisons between two texts. These 40 marks will be awarded for applying critical reading, knowledge and understanding. ‘Critical Reading’ will have 40 marks. These 40 marks will be awarded for applying critical reading, knowledge and understanding. Section 1- Scottish Texts (20 marks) Learners will apply their understanding, analysis and evaluation skills to previously studied Scottish texts by answering questions on the work of one Scottish writer. The texts will be chosen from a list of specified texts covering the genres of drama, prose and poetry. These texts will be both contemporary, 20th century and pre-20th century and the list will be refreshed as required. An extract from each writer will be provided. Candidates will select one extract and answer questions on it. The final question will assess their wider knowledge of the writer’s work. It will be worth 8 of the 20 marks available. Section 1-Scottish Texts (20 marks) Learners will apply their understanding, analysis and evaluation skills to previously studied Scottish texts by answering questions on the work of one Scottish writer. The texts will be chosen from a list of specified texts covering the genres of drama, prose and poetry. These texts will be both contemporary, 20th century and pre-20th century and the list will be refreshed as required. An extract from each writer will be provided. Candidates will select one extract and answer questions on it. The final question will assess their wider knowledge of the writer’s work. It will be worth 10 of the 20 marks available. Section 2 Critical Essay (20 marks) Learners will apply their understanding, analysis and evaluation skills to previously studied texts from the following contexts: drama, prose, poetry, film and TV drama, or language, by selecting one question and writing one critical essay. In each section, learners must cover a different genre. Section 2 Critical Essay (20 marks) Learners will apply their understanding, analysis and evaluation skills to previously studied texts from the following contexts: drama, prose, poetry, film and TV drama, or language, by selecting one question and writing one critical essay. In each section, learners must cover a different genre. This question paper will be set and marked by SQA, and conducted in centres under conditions specified for external examinations by SQA. One hour will be allocated to ‘Reading for Understanding, Analysis and Evaluation’, and one hour and 30 minutes will be allocated to ‘Critical Reading’. Portfolio The portfolio will have 30 marks and will comprise two written texts that address the main language purposes, namely creative and discursive writing. Fifteen marks will be awarded for each writing piece chosen for the portfolio. This question paper will be set and marked by SQA, and conducted in centres under conditions specified for external examinations by SQA. One hour and 30 minutes will be allocated to ‘Reading for Understanding, Analysis and Evaluation’, and one hour and 30 minutes will be allocated to ‘Critical Reading’. Portfolio The portfolio will have 30 marks and will comprise two written texts that address the main language purposes, namely creative and discursive writing. Fifteen marks will be awarded for each writing piece chosen for the portfolio. This portfolio is set by centres within SQA guidelines and conducted under some supervision and control. Evidence will be submitted to SQA for external marking. This portfolio is set by centres within SQA guidelines and conducted under some supervision and control. Evidence will be submitted to SQA for external marking.