Rethinking Campus Landscapes Arabia Alvarez, Kristen Avila, Joshua Chang, Sam Fragoso, Dana Hoffenberg, Casandra Lee, Dan Lenz, Linh Pham Chancellor’s Sustainability Internship The Green Initiative Fund Advisor: Katie Maynard 1 Introduction: Rethinking Campus Landscaping (RCL) is an undergrad-lead project that seeks to improve the sustainability of campus landscaping by both surveying campus landscaping and educating the campus community about sustainable landscapes. The project aimed to analyze landscapes for maintenance practices, ecological make-up, and human-values, advance the educational capacity at UCSB on functional landscapes, and define what a “sustainable landscape” actually is. Education: Six educational signs are in the process of being developed signifying sustainable landscape features around main campus. The different features are: Teaching Specimen: The sign will showcase the educational capacity of plants on campus, and will focus on a special species to UCSB, the coral trees. A number of coral tree species exist on campus and present an opportunity for students to see how evolution created distinguishable species. Reclaimed Water: With the majority of campus landscapes being watered with reclaimed water, we plan to install a sign with the process of sewage treatment to recycle water along with the consequences and benefits of using reclaimed water. Storm water Management: Placed in the recently installed bioswale, the sign will demonstrate how water from the library plaza is directed to the bioswale through permeable pavement. The topography of the bioswale and vegetation help to filter the water of pollutants before reaching the campus lagoon. Edible Landscapes: The sign aims to highlight the growing capacity of Santa Barbara and the local agriculture in the region. We also aim to emphasize how development has decreased the availability of land for agricultural. Alternative Transportation: The sign will present the different modes of transportation prevalent on campus such as bikes, skateboards, MTD buses, and ZIP cars. Campus Interactive Map: For further education, RCL has created a campus map with the categories of landscapes, and also is working with the Interactive Campus Map group to add a layer on sustainable landscape features which would relay data about specific points on campus. 2 Map Ecological Research: Four main categories and four subcategories were created to organize campus landscaping in order to evaluate ecological value. Representative sample plots were chosen from each category on which tests were performed. These tests included plant diversity counts, soil pH and organic matter content, animal use surveys, and insect biomass and diversity counts. Description of Sample Plots Campus landscapes were divided into four main categories: Athletic Fields, Recreational Lawns, Side Lawns, and Foundation Beds. Foundation Beds is further divided into the following subcategories: California Natives, Ornamental, Teaching Specimens, Edible, and Miscellaneous. The following is a brief description of the landscaping types and the specific representative plots that were used as samples for testing. 3 Athletic Fields: Landscaped areas specifically meant for athletic activities o Storke Field (All testing took place on the western half of the field) o Softball Field Recreational Lawns: Lawns created for recreational and aesthetic purposes. o Physical Sciences Lawn (All testing took place on the center third portion of the lawn) o Commencement Lawn Side Lawns: Lawns that are created mostly for aesthetic purposes. They are too small to have any real recreational value o Strip of lawn between the sidewalk on the north side of Theatre and Dance and the main bike path. o Northeastern lawn inside of the Girvetz courtyard. Foundation Beds: Areas of landscaping surrounding buildings o California Natives: Foundation beds composed of plants native to California. They are drought tolerant. Southern half of Bioswale on east side of Girvetz. (Only the bottom, center strip of the bioswale was tested, as the California native plants are isolated to this area of the bioswale) Chumash garden, east side of the SRB o Ornamental: Decorative plants that are not native to California. The plot of Ivy is drought tolerant. Ivy, southwest corner of South Hall. (Only the western 180 m2 of this plot was tested) Clivias, Physical Sciences Building South, North side of Broida Grasses outside of Bren Hall. o Teaching Specimens: These plots contain exotic plants with a high educational value. The plants at the Cheadle Hall plot are drought tolerant. The Biostore plants for the most part are not drought tolerant. Foundation bed on the southeast side of Cheadle Hall. Contains several Mexican plant species Landscaping across from the biostore building, facing west o Edible Carissas, in the bike path median between Lot 22 and the Thunderdome Ecological Value Rating Each tested plot will be assigned a rating of ‘High,’ ‘Medium,’ and ‘Low’ Ecological Value (EV) for each test performed. The top performing quarter of the plots will receive the High rating and the bottom 25% will receive the Low rating. The remaining middle 50% will receive the Medium rating. The parameters of being a top or bottom performer are dependent on the test performed, and will be discussed in each respective test’s section. 4 Plant Diversity For this test, we surveyed the plant diversity at each of the sample plots. Methodology CCBER Restoration Assistant Rachel Alford toured campus with a RCL team member and counted the number of plant species represented at each plot. Only deliberately planted species were counted; weeds were not included in the count. Because the Girvetz Bioswale was chosen to represent California native landscaping, only the California native species were counted. They are all congregated in the center strip of the bioswale. Data Plant Species Diversity Sustainability Plot Number of Species Rating Biostore 38 High Chumash Garden 19 High Cheadle Hall 10 High Bioswale 5 Medium Bren Grasses 5 Medium South Hall Ivy 4 Medium PSB N Lawn 4 Medium Clivias 2 Medium Carissas 2 Medium Commencement Lawn 2 Medium Theatre and Dance Side Lawn 1 Low Girvetz Side Lawn 1 Low 5 Softball Field 1 Low Storke Field 1 Low Table 1. Species Diversity Analysis Both sample plots within the side lawn category received a Low rating for plant diversity. The other lawns and the Ivy plot received higher ratings because there are trees scattered throughout the plot. Both plots within the Teaching Specimens category received a High rating. One plot from the California Natives subcategory received a High as well. Soils RCL looked at three aspects of the soils: organic matter content, pH, and texture. All testing of soil samples took place in the Schimel Lab. Methodology Samples at a depth of about 3-4 inches were taken from three different areas of each plot. When possible, these samples were taken from varied, representative areas of the sample plot. For example, some soil was taken from a sunny area, one form the shade, one near the edge, et cetera. However, the soil of multiple plots was covered by weed-resistant tarps. This greatly restricted where the samples could be taken within each plot as often times only the soil at the edge of the plot could be reached, or only one area of the plot was not covered by the tarp. The plots with the weed tarps are marked with an asterisk. After soil was collected from multiple sites on each plot, the soil was mixed together in a plastic bag. One quart of soil was collected at each plot. Samples were not taken from the softball field as the field was in use at the time of sampling. Soil Texture Soil Texture: Methodology Professor Josh Schimel aided RCL in determining the soil texture of each of our samples. Textures were determined by hand by wetting the soil and observing whether or not it could form a ribbon or ball. 6 Soil Texture:Data Plot Texture Storke Field Heavy loam, clay loam PSB N Lawn Sandy loam Commencement Lawn Loam Theatre and Dance Side Lawn Loam Girvetz Side Lawn Loam Bioswale* Sand Chumash Garden Sandy loam South Hall Ivy Sandy loam Clivias* Loamy Sand Biostore Loamy Sand Cheadle Hall* Sandy loam Carissas* Loamy sand/ Sandy loam Bren Grasses* Sandy loam Table 2. Soil Texture. * A weed tarp was present at the plot Soil Texture: Analysis Scores will not be assigned to plots based on soil texture. The textures are all too similar for assigning a rating, as for the most part, the textures all fall within the loamy sand or sandy loam range. The only true discrepancy was the Bioswale soil, which was almost entirely sand. However, this is not surprising due to the bioswale’s expected function of capturing and filtering water. 7 Soil pH Soil pH:Methodology1 10 grams of soil were weighed for each sample and placed into a small plastic container and added 50 mL of DI water. The pH meter used was calibrated by using standard solutions. Each sample was mixed for 10 minutes with a magnetic stir bar. The pH probe was then submerged into the mixture for exactly two minutes, allowing sufficient time for the pH reading to stabilize. The pH probe was rinsed with DI water and lightly blotted it dry with a Kimwipe between each sample. Soil pH: Data Plot pH EV Rating Bioswale* 9.36 Low Carissas* 9.20 Medium PSB N Lawn 9.05 Medium Cheadle Hall* 8.96 Medium Chumash Garden 8.85 Medium Clivias* 8.77 High Theatre and Dance Side Lawn 8.62 High Bren Grasses* 8.61 High Biostore 8.16 Medium Girvetz Side Lawn 7.92 Medium Storke Field 7.88 Low Commencement Lawn 7.88 Low South Hall Ivy 7.32 Low 1 Methodology for both pH and organic matter content testing was provided by Josh Schimel and Dad Roux-Michollet. All soil testing was conducted in the Schimel Lab. 8 Table 3. Soil pH * Denotes the presence of a weed tarp at the plot Soil pH: Analysis Although the soils in Isla Vista do tend to be alkaline, these readings appear to be high. However, because the procedure for measuring the pH of all of the samples was identical, the relationship of the values to each other is accurate. Those values closest to the median and average values (8.62 and 8.51 respectively), received a High rating. The outlying values received a Low rating. Soil Organic Matter Soil Organic Matter: Methodology For each sample, a 100 mL glass beaker was weighed and filled with approximately 10g of soil. Samples were then dried at 105 ˚C for 48 hours. The samples were put into an anti humidity container after being removed from the oven while waiting to be weighed. All of the samples were weighed to obtain the dry weight. The samples were then returned to the oven at 550˚C for 24 hours in order to burn all organic matter in the soil samples. The samples were weighed again to obtain the ash weight. We used the equation (1) to calculate water content and equation (2) to determine the organic matter content of the soils. (1) [(Wet mass – Dry mass) / Dry mass]*100= grams of water per 100 grams of soil (2) [(Dry mass – Ash mass) / (Dry mass – beaker mass)] *100= % Organic Matter Soil Organic Matter: Data Water Content (g water/100g Plot soil) % Organic Matter Storke Field 27.1 7.59 PSB N Lawn 27.0 6.06 Commencement Lawn 59.8 13.2 Side Lawn 21.1 5.95 Girvetz Side Lawn 42.5 9.44 Bioswale 18.4 0.971 Theatre and Dance 9 Chumash Garden 12.9 2.07 South Hall Ivy 12.1 2.24 Clivias* 19.3 5.36 Biostore 8.71 5.01 Cheadle Hall 16.2 3.22 Carissas 18.1 5.65 Bren Grasses 29.1 5.57 Averages 24.0 5.57 Table 4. Soil water and organic matter content *Due to a small piece of broken glass falling into this sample, there is a <1% error for both values of this sample Soil Organic Matter: Analysis During the process of weighing samples, a small piece glass fell into the soil sample from the Clivias plot. Most of the glass was removed, but some may have remained in the sample. The glass was so small however, that the error it causes is < 1%. The average organic matter content of soil varies between approximately 2 to 6% (Brady 1984). Therefore, samples for the most part are within a normal range. Scores of High, Medium, or Low ecological value will not be assigned for this test. However, a couple of the outlying values will be discussed. The Bioswale has a very low organic matter content of 0.97%. This could be due to the fact that the Bioswale is extremely new and organic matter has not yet had time to build up in the soil. The Commencement Lawn has an extremely high amount of organic matter, at 13.23% this is over twice the upper limit of the standard range. This plot also has very high water content. The high organic matter content and high water content are indicators that this plot could be poorly drained (Brady 1984). Either the drainage problem can be fixed, or a plant species with a better tolerance for poor drainage can be used on the plot instead. Deep Soil Deep Soil: Methodology Jon Cook of Facilities Management informed Rethinking Campus Landscaping that certain nutrients such as boron and sodium are present in reclaimed water which is used on 10 large portions of campus. Without proper soil drainage high concentrations of these and other nutrients could adversely affect soil quality. Four plots were chosen on campus: Environmental Health and Safety (EH & S), Girvetz, Storke Field, and the Commencement Lawn. EH & S is watered with rainwater, Girvetz is watered with potable water, and Storke Field and the Commencement Lawn are watered with reclaimed water. Four samples were taken from each plot at depths of 6, 12, 24, and 36 inches. Samples were sent to Fruit Growers Laboratory, Inc (FGL). Deep Soil: Data The three tables below are the data collected for exchangeable ions of sodium, soluble sodium, and boron. A positive value is the amount of a nutrient in pounds per 1000 feet above the upper limit of the optimum range. A zero value is a nutrient whose amount falls within the optimum range. A negative value is the amount of a nutrient in pounds per 1000 feet below the lower limit of the optimum range. Exchangeable ions of sodium Depth 6 inch EH & S Girvetz Storke Commence. Field Lawn 13.4 0 0 0 12 inch 0 0 0 20.3 24 inch 4.4 0 0.1 48.4 36 inch 11.8 0 5.7 38.6 Soluble sodium Depth EH & S Girvetz Storke Commence. Field Lawn 6 inch 0 0 0 930 12 inch 0 0 0 481 24 inch 0 0 0 185 11 36 inch 0.7 0 8.8 64 Boron Depth EH & S Girvetz Storke Commence. Field Lawn 6 inch -0.006 0 0 0.058 12 inch -0.008 0 0 0 24 inch 0 0 0 0 36 inch 0 0 0 0 Deep Soil: Analysis The EH & S plot, which is watered solely by rainwater, was reported by FGL to have very high levels of exchangeable sodium at the 6 inch and 36 inch depths. However, boron and soluble sodium levels are all within, slightly above or slightly below the optimum range. The Girvetz plot, which is watered with potable water, was reported by FGL to have an optimum amount of all three nutrients at every level. Storke Field, which is watered with reclaimed water, was reported by FGL at the 24 and 36 inch depths to have moderately high levels of sodium. Boron was within the optimum range at every depth; however, at increasing depth levels, boron levels were in the upper limit of the optimum range. The highest levels of nutrients in the Commencement Lawn occurred at shallower depths, and the Commencement Lawn is the only plot to show levels of boron above the optimum range, which were reported by FGL as very high. The data shows that harmful levels nutrients can accumulate from use of reclaimed water. Proper drainage can help reduce high levels of nutrients as evidenced at Storke Field. Plots without proper drainage, such as the Commencement Lawn which is at water level, can accumulate very high levels of nutrients at very shallow depths. Insect Biomass and Diversity 12 Methodology 6x12 inch yellow sticky trap paper mounted on 12 inch wire spikes and anchored in the ground was used to collect insects. One sticky trap was placed every 20 square meters on sample plots. Not every sample plot was tested. However, at least one plot from each landscaping category is represented. Because it was not feasible to place traps every 20 meters on larger plots, 180 square meters were sampled of each large plot that were a fairly good representative of the plot as a whole. Traps were placed at heights between 0-8 inches above ground (measured from the bottom of the sticky trap). The traps were left out for 72 hours. Sticky traps were covered in saran wrap during collection to prevent loss of data. All traps were set out over the same 72-hour time period except for the traps on the Storke Field plot and the Physical Sciences lawn plot. Traps were set up on these plots a few weeks later due to a shortage of sticky traps. To measure biomass dots of 1mm, 2mm, 4mm, 8mm, and 16mm in diameter were drawn. This dot scale was suggested and provided by PhD candidate Denise Knapp. The size of each insect on the traps was compared to the size of the dots and assigned the value closest to its actual size. Order-level diversity of the insects was also recorded. Dr. Adam Lambert of the RIVRLab provided RCL guidance on what orders would likely be observed in our data and how to identify the different orders. A count was then obtained of how many orders were represented in each sample and how many specimens there were of each order. Data Average size Plot Average Specimens per (Biomass) in Orders represented square meter mm per square meter Storke Field* 6.4 2.7 0.15 PSBN Lawn* 7.7 2.5 0.13 Lawn 8.9 2.8 0.13 Bioswale 3.7 2.0 0.12 Chumash Garden 5.0 0.1 0.20 Theater and Dance Side 13 South Hall Ivy 5.4 2.7 0.17 Biostore 2.9 2.2 0.16 Cheadle 4.6 2.5 0.14 Carissas, Thunderdome 4.6 2.0 0.15 Table 5. Insects *Sampling conducted from May 26 to May 29.Sticky traps were moved May 29 before 9:30 AM by Facilities Management and back to original location by 12:30 PM. Analysis Diptera was by far the most dominant of all the orders observed. The only plots with less than 90% Diptera were the Chumash garden with 55% and the Ivy with 77%. The second most dominant order at the Chumash garden was Coleoptera, which was composed mostly of a native species of Lady Bug as well as other small beetles. The second most dominant order at the Ivy plot was Homoptera. In contrast to the Chumash garden, the Homoptera order at the ivy was composed entirely of one type of non-native hopper. The total number of insects found at the Biostore was fairly low compared to the other plots. This could be partially attributed to the placement of the traps in relation to the plants on the plot. Most of the plants at this plot were very tall, so the ground did not have much plant cover. Traps however could reach no more than18 inches above the ground. More accurate data could likely be collected with hanging traps. Animal Use Methodology For this test, an RCL team member or volunteer observed each plot and documented all animals on the plot. Two 45-minute surveys were conducted at each plot, one at dawn and one at dusk. Surveyors documented only those animals that interacted with the landscape; for example, birds that happened to be flying overhead were not counted. For the lawn plots with trees (Girvetz lawn, Physical Sciences Lawn, and the Commencement Lawn) and the Ivy plot, birds interacting with only the trees on the plot were not counted in our final analysis. These birds were not included because RCL is interested in the ecological value that the lawn and ivy itself offers. The birds may have been interacting with the trees on the plot, but were in no way interacting with the lawn or the ivy. Therefore, their presence was not drawn to the plot because of the lawn and ivy, and so they are not counted towards the ecological value of those plant types. 14 Data Ecological Plot Chumash Garden Birds Mammals Total Animals Per Value square meter Rating 5 0 5 0.2500 High Biostore 17 2 19 0.1583 High Cheadle 7 0 7 0.0875 High Clivias, Broida 1 0 1 0.0667 Medium Carissas, Thunderdome 1 0 1 0.0385 Medium Bren Grasses 3 0 3 0.0050 Medium Storke Field 36 0 36 0.0018 Medium Commencement Lawn 3 0 3 0.0008 Medium Softball field 1 0 1 0.0003 Medium PSBN Lawn 0 0 0 0.0000 Low Lawn 0 0 0 0.0000 Low Girvetz courtyard lawn 0 0 0 0.0000 Low Bioswale 0 0 0 0.0000 Low South Hall Ivy 0 0 0 0.0000 Low Theater and Dance Side Table 6. Animal Use of Landscapes *Birds in the trees of these plots were not counted. Ecological value of lawn and ivy specifically is being evaluated, not that of the trees on the plot. Analysis Both plots in the Side Lawn category, the Theatre and Dance plot and the Girvetz courtyard plot, received Low ratings. Both plots in the Educational category received High ratings. While one plot in the California Natives category, the Chumash garden, earned the Highest rating, the other Natives plot, the Bioswale received a Low rating. This may be attributed to the fact that the Bioswale plot is very new and not yet well established. Another 15 factor, however, is the number of plant species at each plot. The three High scores also have the highest number of plant species. No mammals were observed during our surveys. A better method to evaluate whether or not mammals use the landscapes would be to set up bait stations dusted with chalk. Footprints of any animals on the plot could be used for a mammal count. For example, it is widely known that rats inhabit the Ivy. This can be bad if the Ivy is right outside a building (like the South Hall Ivy plot) because these rats could try to then get into the building. If any future surveys similar to this one are conducted, it would be interesting to see how many rats inhabit the ivy and what other mammals frequent different types of landscape plots. Conclusions The final analysis will evaluate the different landscapes based on their previous ratings. Two points will be given for a High rating, one point for a Medium rating, and zero points for a low rating. The points will then be divided by the maximum possible points the plot could have received based on how many tests were conducted on the plot. This will be converted into a percent. Plot Type of Landscaping Maximum Ecological Points possible Value earned points Score Foundation Bed: California Chumash Garden Native 5 6 83.3 5 6 83.3 Foundation Bed: Teaching Biostore Specimens Foundation Bed: Teaching Cheadle Specimens 5 6 83.3 Clivias, Broida Foundation Bed: Ornamental 4 6 66.7 Foundation Bed: Bren Grasses Miscellaneous 4 6 66.7 Softball field Athletic Field 2 4 50.0 Foundation Bed: Edible 3 6 50.0 Carissas, Thunderdome 16 Commencement Lawn Recreational Lawn 2 6 33.3 Side Lawn Side Lawn 2 6 33.3 PSBN Lawn Recreational Lawn 2 6 33.3 South Hall Ivy Foundation Bed: Ornamental 1 6 16.7 lawn Side Lawn 1 6 16.7 Storke Field Athletic Field 1 6 16.7 1 6 16.7 Theater and Dance Girvetz courtyard Foundational Bed: California Bioswale Native Table 7. Final Scores Originally, we were planning on being able to rank the plots by their assigned landscaping type. However, as the highest and lowest ecological value scores are both in the same category, this does not seem possible. Too many factors must be taken into consideration, such as the fact that the bioswale is so new that it probably has not yet had time to establish its ecological functions yet. Additionally, there are other sustainable features of the landscape that were not accounted for in this study. For example, the bioswale’s mechanical function of capturing, slowing down, and filtering water was not taken into consideration. So even though at this point in time it may not have a high ecological value score, it is still a sustainable landscape performing very important functions. What does seem to be rather apparent is that the plots with the highest ecological value also have the highest diversity of plants. The top three scoring plots are also the plots with the largest number of different plant species. The lawns and fields, although they had good soils, overall did not score well. Landscape Economic Analysis: While RCL tested fourteen sample sites for their ecological value, the study was unable to obtain maintenance cost information regarding the Chumash Garden and Bren Grasses. Expenses were broken down into 5 major categories: 1. Irrigation 2. Machine Fuel 17 3. Labor 4. Machine Maintenance 5. Miscellaneous Land Area In addition to evaluating the overall costs of each landscape, it is important to analyze each plot on a cost per square foot basis. This way, sample sites with different sizes are compared on the same scale. To do this, RCL needed to measure the areas of the chosen testing locations. For the Athletic and Recreational landscapes (Storke Fields, Softball Fields, PSBN Lawn, and Commencement Lawn), the area was provided using GIS here at UCSB. For smaller sample sites, RCL measured the area by measuring wheel and dividing the site up into simple geometric shape. The following figures were used when calculating the cost per square feet of the sample sites. Storke Field PSBN Lawn Commencement Lawn Softball Field Bioswale South Hall Ivy Girvetz Side Lawn Biostore Theatre and Dance Side Lawn Cheadle Hall Clivias Chumash Garden Carissas Land Area (Sq Ft) 392612 89018 52463 40896 7882 5069 3582 2078 1173 953 675 670 411 1. Irrigation Costs For this section, RCL obtained water meter statistics from Superintendent of Grounds, Rai Calderon, to calculate the amount of water being used on the landscapes. Methodology There are two types of water used to irrigate the landscapes on campus, potable and reclaimed. In 2010-2011, the average cost of potable water was $0.005349 per gallon and reclaimed water was $0.006316 per gallon. The cost of potable water was relatively constant through the year 18 while the price of reclaimed was more varied. These rates were applied to the amount of potable or reclaimed water used on each plot. The volume of water required to irrigate each sample spot was calculated by combining (1) the average number of minutes the sprinkler system was on a month and (2) the gallons per minute the particular sprinkler nozzles distributed to the landscape. The majority of the spray heads were Rain Bird sprinklers with a water flow rate within a range of 0.39-1.3 gallons per minute. Data At the time of the research project, the Commencement Lawn was not being watered because of flooding so there was no data regarding the water cost of that plot. Softball Field Carissas Clivias Cheadle Hall Storke Field Theatre and Dance Side Lawn Bioswale South Hall Ivy PSBN Lawn Girvetz Side Lawn Biostore Commencement Lawn Water Usage per Area (Gal per Sq Ft) 74 14 7 4 3 3 1 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 n/a Type of Landscape Athletic Edible Ornamental Teaching Athletic Side CA Native Ornamental Recreational Side Teaching n/a Analysis In terms of irrigation, the Athletic Fields consumed the majority of the water used by landscapes in the study. The Softball Field and Storke Fields, covers approximately 80% of the total area studied in the project but uses 98% of all the water recorded by RCL. The Softball Field irrigation usage, at 74 gal per sq ft, is significantly higher than any of the other plots. 2. Machine Fuel Costs RCL calculated the costs of fuel used to operate the consistent maintenance machinery. Methodology 19 The machines used in the upkeep of the landscapes are separated into categories, mowers and handheld power tools. Only the Athletic Fields, Recreational Fields, and Side Lawns required frequent and significant amounts of machine use for their annual upkeep. Mowers refer to the riding lawn mowers where the operator sits atop the machine, and does not include the common household push mowers. The groundskeepers occasionally use the walk behind mowers to cut the areas that the riding mowers can’t reach, however that cost was too insignificant to record. In terms of riding lawn mowers, the two main models used are the Toro 4100-D model, with a wider deck, and the Toro-325D. The 4100-D used to mow the Athletic Fields and Recreational Lawns has an average fuel consumption of 1.57 gallons per hour. The 325-D used on the Theatre and Dance Side Lawn and Girvetz Courtyard Lawn has an average fuel consumption of 1.4 gallons per hour. The red dye diesel the mower run on cost $3.39 per gal at the time of this report. The handheld power tools the groundskeepers operate consist of: leaf blowers, weed whips, and lawn edgers, and sweepers or debris movers. On average these machines have a fuel consumption of 0.25 gallons per hour. The gasoline applied to these tools in this study was an estimated annual value of $3.50 per gallon. Data $1,400 Yearly Machine Fuel Costs $1,200 $1,000 $363 $800 $600 $400 $360 $806 $200 $346 $Athletic Recreational Mower Handheld $76 $122 Side Analysis The study shows that the fuel costs for mowing and maintaining a particular area of grass is related to the size of the lawn. In general, the mowing fuel usage was greater than the hand machinery fuel consumption. The only exception was found at the PSBN Lawn, where the handheld power tools were used more actively than mowers. A possible explanation for the increased cost is the abundance of lighting fixtures and trees on the lawn. With scattered 20 obstacles on the landscape, the groundskeepers must go to individual objects and trim around the base. This necessity creates the increased amount of time used on handheld power tools. Also, the PSBN Lawn is surrounded by sidewalks, which have to be cleared of all the debris from mowing. The other grasses have less sidewalks around them so do not require as much time with the blowers. The Softball Field was also a unique case because it required machine time to maintain than other lawns with a greater area. This may be due to the fact that the Softball Field is used for athletic competitions and must be kept up to a better standard. There are regulations that require the grass may be cut more often to ensure that it is kept at an acceptable height and playing condition, whereas the other lawns do not have to meet these demands. 3. Labor Costs In order to obtain the labor costs of the specific landscapes RCL is researching, the RCL team met and interviewed the head of campus facilities at UCSB, the zone leads of campus facilities, and the zone team individuals who maintain the RCL sample plots. Methodology The RCL firstly met with the head of campus facilities, Jon Cook, for the contact information of the zone leads of campus facilities. The RLC team also discussed with Jon Cook the best strategies for gathering information the team can use to efficiently find the labor and maintenance cost of each sample plot. The RCL team then contacted and met with the zone leads and zone team members. The team interviewed each zone lead and zone team members that maintain the sample plots RCL is researching. After the interviewing each member the RCL team determined the average hours per week campus facilities dedicates to maintain to each sample plot. RCL then calculated the cost of labor to maintain each sample plot per year by adding up the total hours dedicated to each plot per year and multiplying the hours by the average campus facilities worker’s wage. The following is the cost of labor to maintain each sample plot based on the average hours dedicated to each plot per year and the average wage of a campus facilities worker: Sample Plot Land Area (Sq Ft) Hours/Week Hours/ Year Cost of Labor/Year Cost/Sq Ft Storke Field 12.25 637 $10,192.00 392,612.00 0.03 PSBN Lawn 10.5 546 $8,736.00 89,018.00 0.10 Softball Field 5.23 277 $4,426.24 40,896.00 0.11 21 Commencement Lawn 4.42 230 $3,674.67 52,463.00 0.07 Girvetz Side Lawn 3.33 173 $2,767.79 3,582.00 0.77 3 156 $2,496.00 7,882.00 0.32 2.67 139 $2,218.67 5,069.00 0.44 Cheadle Hall 2 204 $1,664.00 953.00 1.75 Clivias 1 52 $832.00 675.00 1.23 Biostore 1 52 $832.00 2,078.00 0.40 0.5 26 $416.00 411.00 1.01 0.25 0 13 0 $208.00 $0.00 117.33 528.33 1.77 0 Bioswale South Hall Ivy Carrissas Theatre and Dance Side Lawn Chumash Garden In order to retrieve accurate figures, the RCL team also requested each laborer record all the hours, tasks, and equipment used to maintain each sample plot in a time-log for the period of one week. The RCL found that the results collected from the interviews and time-logs are very similar. The following this the labor costs calculated using the data collected from the time-logs: Analysis The data shows that the although it is costlier overall to maintain large opens lawns and athletic fields such as Storke Field, smaller sample plots such as the foundation bed near Cheadle hall are more expensive to maintain per square feet because small foundation beds require more hours of maintenance, resulting in higher labor expense. There is significant difference between the area in square feet of the sample plot of Clivias and the Biostore, but both sample plots have the same labor costs. The Clivias requires more maintenance and labor although it occupies a smaller area than the Biostore because clivias require special maintenance since they are a delicate non-native flower species from Southern Africa. The Chumash Garden occupies an area larger than the Carrissas and the Theatre and Dance Side Lawn. The reason the Chumash Garden has no labor costs must be due to the fact that it is a California native plant. The difference in the cost of maintaining a sustainable native species 22 and a high maintenance species is evident in the data. Maintaining non-native species is costlier. The labor cost of maintaining Clivias is $1.23 per square feet, while the cost of maintaining the Chumash garden is $0 per square feet. Planting sustainable native species will require less maintenance and labor and will ultimately cost less than planting non-natives species. 4. Machine/Maintenance Costs Maintenance costs include the cost of machinery, machine repairs, and equipment used to maintain each sample plots. Methodology To fine the machine and maintenance costs of each sample plot, the RCL team interviewed the zone leads and zone teams that work on each plot. Through the interviews, RCL determined which machines and equipment were used to maintain each plot. The RCL team also gave the workers a time-log to record the hours, tasks, and equipment used to maintain each sample plot for one week. Every time the zone laborers worked on the plots, they recorded the amount of time that each laborer spent doing a task and what machine was used during the task. The following are tasks that zone laborers do frequently and the amount of time they spend on each task: tasks Edging Weeding Blowing Pick-up Trash Mowing Sweeping Trimming Raking sample plots Storke Field x 4 4 3 2.25 2 x x PSBN Lawn 1 1.5 3 4 0.5 0.5 x x Softball Field 1 2 1 x 0.66 0.66 x x Commencement Lawn 0.083 0.25 0.08 1 1.5 1.5 x x Girvetz Side Lawn 0.17 2 0.5 x 0.33 0.33 x x Bioswale x 3 x x x x x x South Hall Ivy x 0.33 0.33 x x x 1 1 Clivias x x x x x x x 1 Biostore x x x x x x 0.5 0.5 Carissas Theatre and Dance Side Lawn x x x 0.5 x x x x x x x 0.25 x x 0.25 x Cheadle Hall 23 Chumash Garden x x x X x x x x The following is the amount of hours/square feet that each laborer spends maintaining the sample plot: Sample Plot Storke Field PSBN Lawn Softball Field Commencement Lawn Girvetz Side Lawn Bioswale South Hall Ivy Cheadle Hall Clivias Biostore Carrissas Theatre and Dance Side Lawn Chumash Garden Hours/Week Hours/ Year Area (Sq Ft) 12.25 10.5 5.23 4.42 3.33 3 2.67 2 1 1 0.5 637 546 277 230 173 156 139 204 52 52 26 392,612.00 89,018.00 40,896.00 52,463.00 3,582.00 7,882.00 5,069.00 953 675 2,078.00 411 0.25 13 117.33 0 0 528.33 Hours/Sq Ft (year) 0.001622 0.006134 0.006773 0.004384 0.048297 0.019792 0.027422 0.214061 0.077037 0.025024 0.06326 0.110799 0 The repair cost of machines was mostly all due to lawn mowers. Lawn mowers depreciate and frequently need repair. To find the cost of lawn mower depreciation and repair, the RCL team met with the head of campus facilities, Jon Cook, who had access to facilities equipment records. The following are the depreciation for lawn mowers: Depreciation new big mower: $5400/year Repair big mower: $300/ month small mower: $20/month Analysis The sample plots that take the most time to maintain overall are the large lawns but small foundation plots require more time to maintain per square feet. The time dedicated to maintain a square foot of a foundation bed such as the Clivias is less than the time dedicated to maintain a square foot of a lawn such as Storke field. The reason foundation beds require more 24 time is because they require more special maintenance. Maintaining foundation beds require raking, weeding, and trimming while lawns do not. Although large lawns take more time to maintain, they are cheaper to sustain than foundation beds per square feet. Foundation beds require more care per square footage than lawns. 5. Miscellaneous Costs Miscellaneous costs also include the cost of pest control and the cost of herbicide for the softball field. Methodology The RCL team obtained the cost of pest control by contacting Jon Cook, the head of campus facilities. Cook gave RCL the total facilities cost of pest control. The RCL team then calculated the costs of pest control for each sample plots by dividing the total cost by the square feet of all the sample plots. The cost of pest control for the sample plots is 0.0021 per square feet. The RCL team was able to find the cost of herbicide through financial records of campus facilities. These records were provided by Jon Cook as well. The cost of herbicide for the softball field is $1,025/ year. Conclusion The final analysis will combine the irrigation, machine, labor, extra costs and evaluate the landscapes on a per square feet basis. Total Cost ($) Irrigation Machine Fuel Labor Miscellaneous 7% 37% 53% 3% 25 Looking at the overall picture, labor costs had the biggest impact on the cost of maintaining an area. About half of all the cost put into the landscapes was labor fees. Next most costly was water used for irrigation taking up 37% of the total costs. The 9% miscellaneous costs include, machine depreciation, pest control, and tasks specific to that sample site. The fuel used to operate the machinery was the least costly activity in the report. Labor is clearly the driving factor on the amount of cost to maintain each property. Data Overall Cost Land Area (Sq Cost per Sq Ft ($) Ft) ($) 1690 953 1.77 860 675 1.27 420 411 1.10 25680 40896 0.63 1888 3582 0.53 2244 5069 0.44 840 2078 0.40 Cheadle Hall Clivias Carrissas Softball Field Girvetz Side Lawn South Hall Ivy Biostore Theatre and Dance Side Lawn Bioswale PSBN Lawn Commencement Lawn Storke Field 285 1743 10097 5598 22518 $1.20 1173 7882 89018 52463 392612 0.24 0.22 0.11 0.11 0.06 Type Teaching Ornamental Edible Athletic Side Ornamental Teaching Side CA Native Recreational Recreational Athletic Cost per Sq Ft $1.02 $1.00 $0.83 Grass Lawns Foundation Beds $0.80 $0.60 $0.54 $0.46 $0.40 $0.22 $0.20 $0.11 $0.06 $- 26 Breaking down the plots by type we see that the large lawns took the lease amount of money per area to maintain. Grass lawns were in general cheaper to maintain compared to foundation beds. The reason that grass is cheaper to maintain is because they tend to require more irrigation and machine input in proportion to human labor. Water tends to be relatively cheap and machines are able to cover large areas of grass in a short amount of time. As mentioned earlier in the report, the main variable on the maintenance cost of a landscape is the amount of labor hours. The human landscaping time spent on foundation beds could be significantly reduced if there wasn’t as much time dedicated to picking up trash in the plot. Grass lawns remain a popular landscape choice on campus because of the vast amount of area it can cover and the relative ease for groundskeepers to maintain the area. These two factors combine to make grass the least costly type of landscape on campus. Survey Research: As part of Rethinking Campus Landscapes, we conducted two different surveys targeting affect towards and values of campus landscapes. Five questions about landscapes were added on to the annual Sustainability Survey conducted by the UCSB Social Science Survey Center. The Sustainability Survey was taken by the faculty, staff, and graduate students of campus as referred to as campus elders throughout the report. With the help of Campus Tours, we were able to survey tour-takers about landscapes. Tour-takers included prospective students along with their parents. The two surveys differed, and the undergraduate population was not surveyed. The first question asked on the survey aimed towards getting information on people’s affect towards the campus landscapes. Tour-Takers 70 60 50 40 % 30 Tour-Takers 20 10 0 5 4 3 2 1 Attractiveness of Campus 27 Campus Elders 45 40 35 30 % 25 20 Campus Elders 15 10 5 0 A lot Somewhat Neither Dislike Dislike a somewhat Lot Liking of Campus Landscapes Generally, the landscapes on campus are liked and found to be attractive. A trend can be seen that with more experience and time being surrounded by campus landscapes, the affect decreases, but still tends to be positive. The next two questions differed on the survey. Starting with the tour-takers, we asked them about the importance of attractiveness and sustainability regarding their choice to attend a college. 83.1% of tour-takers responded with yes when asked if the physical appearance in regards to landscapes affects their decision to attend the school. A significant number of tourtakers found physical appearance to be a component that is considered in choosing a school. Next, we asked if UCSB’s sustainability efforts affect their decision to attend the school, which 63.1% of respondents said yes to. The sustainability of the school affects a lower percentage of people then the physical appearance of landscapes. However, a high percentage of people were affected by UCSB’s sustainability efforts. For the campus elders, we asked two questions geared more towards their experience and knowledge of campus landscapes. They were first asked to rank their knowledge of sustainable landscapes practices on campus. As shown below, the majority of campus elders find themselves as having poor to fair knowledge of sustainable campus landscape practices. 28 8% Sustainable Landscape Practices Self-Reported Knowledge of8,UCSB 30, 30% 26, 26% 37, 36% Excellent Good Fair Poor Next we asked how landscapes were experienced and used. We gave them options and asked them to check all uses and functions that applied to them. 100 How do you interact or use landscapes on campus? 90 80 70 60 % 50 40 30 20 10 0 Scenery when Place to sit and Quiet place to walking around interact think or work Recreation Don't notice/use Landscapes are used by most of the surveyed faculty, staff, and graduate student populations. Next we surveyed both campus elders and tour takers on what values campus should prioritize for landscapes. Unfortunately, tour takers were not given the option of “supports native species” and “storm water management.” Each survey displayed a list of values, and participants were asked to check their top 3 values. The options listed were: -Aesthetics -Open Space for recreation and leisure activities -Requires least amount of inputs/resources -Creates healthy, diverse ecosystems -Space to learn about plants and landscapes as an educational tool -Edible plants and trees -Supports native species (only on Sustainability Survey) -Storm water management (only on Sustainability Survey) 29 90 Prioritizing Values 80 70 60 50 Percentage 40 (%) 30 Campus Elders Tour-Takers 20 10 0 To those familiar to campus, landscapes that support native species, represent diverse ecosystems, use of less resources, and are aesthetically pleasing are the most valued. To the tour-takers, aesthetics, open space, and landscapes that don’t need as many resources were the most valued. Landscapes as an educational tool and space for edible plants were the least supported options. A reason we believe related to the lack of knowledge on landscapes capacity to be learning tools or functional space to provide for snacks. Lastly on the Sustainability survey, we showed the campus elders three pictures. The pictures were shown and participants picked the landscape they thought was the most sustainable landscape and the most aesthetically pleasing landscape out of the three. The two questions were asked to see if the knowledge of the sustainability of a landscape had an effect on what they found to be most aesthetically pleasing. 30 Pictures B and C are similar in their levels of sustainability as drought-tolerant plants, but Picture B contains native cultivars of California. The similarities may confound the results. Most Aesthetically Pleasing? 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 % A B C None Most Sustainable? 100 90 80 70 % Academic 60 Staff 50 Graduate Student 40 30 20 10 0 A B C None The UCSB Social Science Survey Center’s analyzed the data and found an upward trend for individuals to find sustainable landscapes to be more aesthetically pleasing. However regarding aesthetics, a third of respondents found the grass to be the most aesthetically pleasing despite a low percentage of respondents finding the grass lawn to be sustainable. Discussion: At the start of this research project, we hypothesized that converting landscapes from grass and ivy would be economically and ecologically beneficial because of the reduction in fuel and machine usage coupled with increases in plant diversity. The goal was to reduce carbon 31 emissions through implementing landscapes that are not machine-intensive. Our hypothesis was not fully supported by our research as we found that on average grass costs significantly less to maintain compared to foundation beds. However, one location of foundation bed, the Chumash Garden, effectively inquired a maintenance cost of zero. Our research did find that conversions of lawn and ivy to more species-rich landscapes would be ecologically beneficial. With cost being the more heavily weighed component to landscape decisions on campus, the discussion will focus more on the maintenance costs. Overall, we discovered that grass was overall cheaper, but was not the cheapest landscape on campus. The driving factor of cost of landscapes was found to be the amount of human labor hours required by the landscape. The Chumash Garden, consisting of native plants installed in 2008, was found to be the cheapest landscape on campus as we could not attribute any maintenance to it. We were unable to find one person on staff or at CCBER that maintained the landscape. We predicted the lowcost of the native foundation bed. Native plants are reasoned to require no maintenance due to their adaptions to the area's climate. After establishment, native plants do not need to be watered. Also, research shows how areas of higher diversity are more resistant to invasion (Davis, Grime & Thompson, 2000). The diversity represented in the Chumash Garden as well as other high diversity plots on campus are less likely to be invaded by weeds. High diversity plots received the highest ecological scores through our research regarding wildlife and insect use. A variable missing from our research is the location of the landscape. Landscapes that are more central to the major pathways on campus and that are viewed more are likely to be maintained more. The focus of maintenance is unevenly distributed around campus. A reason we believe may have to do with the maintenance cost of the Chumash Garden being essentially zero. Another example would be of a landscape plot found next to the Biostore, amongst lots of different buildings in a low trafficked area. The cost of the Biostore we found to be $0.40 per square foot, in comparison to a foundation bed in front of Cheadle Hall that we found to cost $1.77. The groundskeeper spent twice as much time at the foundation bed in front of Cheadle Hall a week then at the Biostore plot. Location also plays a part in the amount of litter found on a landscape plot. We found groundskeepers spent time picking up trash, and the level of human traffic in an area as well as make-up of plants are likely to play a role in amount of trash. The location of landscape influences the amount of time spent maintaining landscapes for aesthetic purposes as well as time spent picking up trash. A large landscape present on campus is grass. With machines, groundskeepers are able to cover larger areas over shorter amounts of time. With no price for externalities such as carbon, it is also a cheap landscape with the average cost of grass being $0.27 per square foot. The two appear to be two separate methods of landscaping with the exception of the native plant bed. 32 There are 290, 648 meters of grass (athletic, recreational, side) on campus. The abundance of grass does little to add to the dynamic capabilities of landscaping regarding plant diversity especially in a Mediterranean climate. Another reason for the large presence of grass is its ability to withstand the high-nutrient content of reclaimed water. Around 97% of campus landscapes are watered with reclaimed water, and the university is under contract to use a certain amount of reclaimed water. The mandate defers incentives to conserve water and implement water-conservation landscapes. Grass thrives on the nutrient-rich water and requires little attention to mitigate for the nutrient build-up in the soil. Lastly, grass caters to the people who lounge on the grass, play Frisbee, and tend to trample on landscapes. Direct pathways do little to deter people to not walk on landscapes. People are going in all different directions and a good amount of them take the most direct path they are able to. We found grass to serve the functions of a campus being watered with reclaimed water, and with a limited budget quite well. Grass brings up debates on economic sustainability versus environmental sustainability. Sustainability aims to ensure resources are available to future generations while fulfilling present needs. Grass represents a landscape choice that aims to fulfill solely the needs of humans, a largely anthropocentric approach. Human society has destroyed and damaged so many ecosystems and natural areas, that a process serving only humans and requiring inputs such as machines and fuel is seen as widely unsustainable. However, that choice was found to be cheaper. Morally,we feel resources should be designated to humans as opposed to fuel and machines. Landscapes with higher plant diversity are ecologically beneficial, but require more human hours to maintain. Lowering human labor costs associated to such landscapes is the key to making what ecological economical. Recommendations: Decreasing human labor costs of high diversity plant beds would make ecologically beneficial landscapes an economically more attractive choice. A few ways to lower the cost of the plant beds would be to educate the campus community on the cost of litter. Through the time-logs, we discovered that groundskeepers allocate time every week to picking up trash. By reducing the amount of time groundskeepers' have to spend picking up trash, the cost of the landscape plot will effectively decrease. Another way to lower the cost of human labor would be to create programs on campus that involve the student body; labor is readily available at a highly populated campus. Labor can be compensated for by meal plans, credit at corner stores, volunteer hours or other privileges like a trip up Storke Tower. Paying for labor costs of landscapes through meal plans would not increase costs to the campus because UCSB Dining Services overproduce food, and make food waste. In essence, direct human labor costs to landscapes can be reduced through programs that benefit student laborers in return of their 33 time spent maintaining their school. Creating more landscapes that require human labor would benefit the school in numerous ways. Students would be more connected to their campus through maintaining it. Learning about plants, and maintaining landscapes could provide students with opportunities to discover, learn, and be outside. Also, food waste may be reduced if the current level of food production continues and more students have access to the food. Grass remains an important and vital landscape to a college campus, but increasing dynamic foundation beds would provide ecological benefits and opportunities to students to be involved in the process of how their school is run. 34