Frequently Asked Questions

The application of the General Residential Zone in Moonee Valley
Frequently asked questions
1 July 2014
General Questions
What is happening on 1 July 2014?
The Minister advised Council on 20 June 2014 that the General Residential Zone will replace
the Residential 1 Zone on 1 July 2014.
What is the outcome of the Residential Zones Standing Advisory Committee (RZSAC)
Council chose to participate in the State Government’s RZSAC process understanding that it
would result in the application of the new residential zones before 1 July 2014, as was
detailed in the terms of reference for the process.
According to the Minister, this process has been delayed and the application of the General
Residential Zone is an interim measure until the results of the Standing Advisory Committee
process are received and the next steps can be determined.
As the process following the Minister’s review of the Standing Advisory Committee report is
unclear, Council is unable to anticipate what will occur next but will continue to keep
residents informed about the process.
What is the difference between the General Residential Zone and the Residential 1
These two zones are generally the same, the only minor differences being:
Medical centres land uses require a planning permit in the Residential 1 Zone, but not in
the General Residential Zone (subject to conditions).
Revised conditions within the General Residential Zone for the Bed and breakfast and
Place of worship land uses.
More detailed application requirements and decision guidelines within the General
Residential Zone.
The heights, setbacks and number of dwellings allowed under the General Residential Zone
are the same as those previously allowed under the Residential 1 Zone.
Transitional arrangements
I have a current planning application/application for subdivision in with Council. Will
this application be assessed using the old or the new zones?
From 1st July 2014 all applications will be assessed under the General Residential Zone.
Remember, the heights, setbacks and number of dwellings allowed under the General
Residential Zone is the same as those previously allowed under the Residential 1 Zone. As
such, residential development applications will not be impacted in this regard.
Applications relating to medical centres, place of worship or bed and breakfast may be
subject to conditional changes under the table of permitted land uses under the Zone. We
suggest you refer to the provisions of the General Residential Zone as some of these
requirements have changed.
Up to what date can I submit an application and it will continue to be assessed using
the existing residential zones?
As the General Residential Zone replaced the Residential 1 Zone on 1 July 2014, all
residential applications will be assessed against this new zone. The General Residential
Zone is very similar to the existing Residential 1 Zone.
As the process following the Minister’s review of the RZSAC report is unclear, Council is
unable to provide a date for future zoning changes but will continue to keep residents
My application is going to VCAT and the hearing might occur after the new zones
come in. Will my application continue to be assessed using the current zones?
No. The application will be assessed under the General Residential Zone.
Am I still able to dispute an application at VCAT under the new zones?
Objectors can still take an applicant to VCAT. The application of the General Residential
Zone in Moonee Valley does not make any changes to this.
If I apply for an extension to my planning permit application will it continue to be
assessed against the current residential 1 zone?
No. The application will be assessed under the General Residential Zone.
Questions about the General Residential Zone
What are the key features of the General Residential Zone?
The General Residential Zone is very similar to the existing residential zone that currently
applies in Moonee Valley, where a number of different types of houses can be built (eg. a
mix of single dwellings, units, townhouses and apartments). Under this Zone there is a
preferred maximum building height of up to 9 metres (up to 3 storeys) and there are other
criteria which must be met. The height under the General Residential Zone is not mandatory
and may be exceeded subject to a range of considerations.
What is the proposed height limit in this zone?
As in the case of the previous Residential 1 Zone, the General Residential Zone has a
preferred maximum building height of 9 metres.