KUSM Apex Budget User Documentation

KUSM Apex Budget User Documentation
Test URL: https://marvin.msu.montana.edu:8000/apex/f?p=181
Master URL: https://atlas.montana.edu:9000/apex/f?p=181
KUSM Budget security is assigned through the Security Xwalk button under the Lookup Section and can
be updated by users with Admin access. The data is stored in KUSM_BUD_SECURITY. The table stores
first and last name, banner username, and access (as defined below).
Users with Admin Access can make changes to the security access as defined below. Users can be given
more than one role. For example, a person can have access to two departments or a person can have
access to a department and to the budget summary report without drilldown. Once a change in access is
given, the updates are instantaneous.
No restrictions. Can also see Budget Summary button with drill
All Reports
Can see everything underneath the Reports section. Can also see
Budget Summary button with drill down.
Subaccount from Catbooks
Can see data through Department Budget button with access to
Subaccount (department) with access. Can also see payroll
information through the Payroll data by Person button for the
subaccount as well as the Payroll by Department data for the
Budget summary without
Can see data through Budget Summary button without drill down.
Note: Access to the KUSM Application must be granted through IT in addition to adding the user to the
security table to assign access. For new users ask Systems Group to request access to the KUSM budget
Lookup Tables
Only users with Admin access can see this section of the application.
This section contains buttons for reviewing and updating XWalk references tables. All of the tables
should be reviewed before uploading any data.
The Expense Subbacount Xwalk contains a link between the Subaccount from the Catbooks file and the
Expenses Subaccount used as the department for the application as well as in reports.
The Budget Revenue Xwalk contains a link between the fund and/or fund and account combination that
is used for Revenue reporting.
The Expense Accounts table is a list of all expense accounts used in the Department Budget report. If an
account needs to be added or removed, it can be done in this table.
The People Subaccount table maps employee by last name, first name to a department and index. The
department name must match the subaccount in Catbooks. If an employee is not in this table and there
is payroll data for the employee, the employee data will not be mapped to a department.
The Security Xwalk defines the security for the Budget portion of the KUSM application. It is defined by
Banner Username. Roles can be selected from the drop down in the Security Access column. A user may
have multiple roles. See the security section for more information.
Upload Catbooks and Payroll
Only users with Admin access can see this section of the application.
Only users with Admin access can see this section of the application.
To upload a Catbooks file:
The file must be in a defined format for the upload to be successful. The columns in the file
should be in the following order:
Not D
Do a search and replace. Replace a comma, semi-colon, and colon with a dash “-“.
Remove the headings row.
The upload file must be in .CSV format. Do a Save As to save the file as a .CSV file. Click the
Browse button, select the file location, select the most recent month of data to include in the
import from the Month drop down, and then click Upload Catbooks. The data will be inserted
into a table. Additional columns are also populated using the look up tables. Note that the
upload may take around 15 minutes.
Note that the Month selection limits the data that imports from the Catbooks file. For example,
if the Catbooks data file contains data through all of September as well as a portion of October,
but only rows through the end of September should be imported, select 09 from the Month
drop down. This will exclude any months in the file after September. If ay rows from October
should be included, select 10 from the Month drop down.
Note that accounts that begin with 61 are deleted from the Catbooks import data. Salary and
benefits data is pulled from Banner.
To Insert Payroll data:
Make sure the FSYR is correct. Also make sure the Month drop down matches the most recent
month of data included in the Catbooks import file. Then click on Insert Payroll. Data will be
inserted into a table for use in the payroll reports.
When payroll data is inserted, data is pulled from Banner for the following month from the
month selected from the pull down. For example, since payroll data for July does not post until
August, payroll data for July is pulled as of August. Therefore there might be a timing issue if
data for July is pulled before the 11th of August.
Refresh Projected Budget
Only users with Admin access can see this section of the application.
Refresh Projected Budget button:
Clicking this button sets all of the projected budget data to 0. Make sure to click this at the start
of a budget cycle. However, do not click it if you want to keep the projected budget data that
already exists.
Refresh Dept Budget to 0 button:
To refresh the projected budget data for a department, select the department from the drop
down and click the button.
Note: There is no undo. Any time either of the refresh buttons are clicked, the previous state of the data
is reset to 0.
Save FY Data for Roll Forward
Only users with Admin access can see this section of the application.
This section is to save a finalized year’s actuals and projected budget data for use in upcoming years.
Once the data has been finalized, enter the FSYR of data to be rolled forward and click on the Roll
Forward FSYR button.
You can view the rolled forward data in the reports section by clicking on the Closed Year Data button.
Note that the data will not be removed from the current Catbooks data until a subsequent Catbooks file
is uploaded.
Note that if you click Roll Forward FSYR, any previously rolled forward data for the FSYR entered will be
deleted and the data refreshed from the current state of the data in the application for the FSYR
Depending on access, a user may see all of the reports above or as few as the Department Budget,
Payroll Data by Person, and Payroll By Department buttons.
Budget Catbooks Data
Only users with Admin or All Reports access can see this button.
This button navigates to a report that displays all of the data uploaded from Catbooks.
Additional columns from the lookup tables defined in the KUSM application are populated as
Department Budget
After clicking on the Department Budget button, the screen navigates to the Department Budget
Report. Depending on access a user has the option to view Department Budget data for the all
departments or only those departments granted access. Select the department to view from the
Department drop down. The Month displayed is the most recent month of data included in the
Catbooks import. To view details from the Catbooks file, click on the Account and the screen will
navigate to the details. To enter projected budget data, click on the Edit Budget Data button.
From the Updated Projected Budget screen, you can enter the projected budget amount by
account as well as enter any budget notes for that account. To save the data click on submit and
then on Update Projected Budget button.
The projected data entered here will display on the Department Budget Report.
The Payroll Report displays the payroll data as of the Month entered when the payroll data is
inserted. It is possible to click on the account and link to the detail data.
Budget Summary
This report is limited to those who have access to Admin, All Reports, or Budget summary
without drilldown.
If a user is granted access to drill down, they can see the current year actual details by clicking
on the link under the Section column. If they do not have drill down access, there is no link
available for the user to click.
Payroll Data By Person
This report displays the payroll data by person. Access is limited to what is defined through the
security screen. If a person only has access to one department that is the only payroll data that
person can see.
Payroll Data By Department
This report displays the payroll data by department. Access is limited to what is defined through
the security screen. If a person only has access to one department that is the only payroll data
that person can see.
Closed Year Data
Only users with Admin or All Reports access can see this section of the application
This report displays actuals and projected budget data for closed years. It is the data that is
pulled into the Department Budget Report (actuals) and the Budget Summary Report (actuals
and projected budget). From the main page, select the fiscal year and click on the Closed Year
Data button. Actuals and projected budget data for the year selected will display.