July 1, 2015 Barack Obama President of the United States of

July 1, 2015
Barack Obama
President of the United States of America
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20500
Tom Vilsack
Secretary of Agriculture
U.S. Department of Agriculture
1400 Independence Avenue, S.W.
Washington, DC 20250
Sally Jewell
Secretary of the Interior
U.S. Department of the Interior
1849 C Street, NW
Washington, DC 20240
Dear President Obama, Secretary Vilsack and Secretary Jewell,
With strong national support and encouragement, you have begun the curation of your public lands legacy.
From the National Monument designations of Brown’s Canyon and the San Gabriel Mountains, to a
wilderness recommendation for one of America’s last great wild landscapes – The Arctic Refuge, you have
generated constituent consensus across the United States for the protection of our public lands for their
recreational, ecological and historical values. Thank you.
As the outdoor industry and related companies, we not only stand for our businesses, we also stand for our
employees and customers. We represent a growing industry that supports more than six million American
Jobs, generates more than $646 billion in consumer spending, contributes $80 billion in federal, state, and
local taxes, and provides products and services for over 140 million Americans who recreate on our
revered public lands each year. We all depend on the conservation and historic preservation of our public
Far too often during the Obama presidency, communities have come together to propose legislated
protections for federal lands, only to have those proposals fail to move through Congress. Most of your
national monument proclamations have preserved special landscapes that Congress has not protected
legislatively. We applaud your use of the Antiquities Act to save these places.
We, the undersigned business, announce our support for the permanent protection of more of the places
we all play. Specifically, we support the protection of Boulder-White Clouds, Gold Butte, Mojave Trails,
Birthplace of Rivers, and Owyhee Canyonlands. Several of these areas have been proposed for protection
through Congressional legislation. If Congress fails to act on these bills, we encourage you to protect these
special places through National Monument designations.
Boulder-White Clouds, Central Idaho
The Boulder-White Clouds are a sanctuary for threatened animal and plant species and cherished
by hikers, hunters, and especially mountain bikers – boasting some of the best biking trails in the
world. For decades, Idahoans and other stakeholders across the country have worked tirelessly to
protect one of the largest intact landscapes in the Lower 48. Born from this area are the
headwaters of much of Idaho’s clean water, water that breeds the farthest and highest elevation
migrating salmon and steelhead and provides many communities -like Sun Valley- with clean, fresh
water. This area contains 150 peaks over 10,000 feet tall, as well as the world’s oldest white bark
pine tree clocking in at 1270 years old.
Gold Butte, Southern Nevada
Just over an hour outside of the Las Vegas Strip waits a hidden gem of the Southwest - the 350,000acre region of Gold Butte. Its historical significance to this country far surpasses that of its Las
Vegas neighbor. For more than 3,000 years, Native Americans flourished in the Gold Butte area,
which is evident by the artifacts, rock shelters with blackened roofs, and ancient writings that dot
the landscape. Gold Butte’s recreation opportunities are endless, and its tourism opportunities
positively impact nearby rural communities like Mesquite, Nevada.
Mojave Trails, Southern California
One of North America's most unique landscapes, the Mojave Desert is home to desert tortoises,
bighorn sheep, and a wide array of rare and unique species. Like the Gold Butte region, the Mojave
Trails area is also a bridge to our Native American roots, offering hikers the opportunity to engage
with a landscape virtually unchanged for thousands of years. While hikers and other human
powered recreationists are drawn to this area, so are those who wish to travel on the historic and
scenic Route 66. Protecting this area would also preserve the most undeveloped remaining
stretches of this historic route.
Birthplace of Rivers, West Virginia
Six rivers spring forth high in the Yew Mountains of the Monongahela National Forest. This
intersection of humanity and nature is home to a tightly-packed complex of West Virginia’s most
iconic and ecologically significant features: West Virginia’s most dramatic vistas, tallest waterfalls,
and cleanest waterways. Its center is the Cranberry Wilderness, the largest federally-designated
wilderness area in the Eastern United States. Six rivers are spawned in this area, connecting a
network of communities downstream and some of the most important whitewater in the United
Owyhee Canyonlands, Southeastern Oregon
This treasured landscape is the largest conservation opportunity left in the lower 48 states. Its area
is twice the size of Yellowstone, our nation’s oldest park. This untouched stretch of the American
West is awe-inspiring, featuring sheer, 1,000-foot desert canyons, 186 miles of designated Wild &
Scenic Rivers, incredible red-rock formations, and rich wildlife including our nation’s largest herd
of California bighorn sheep as well as mule deer, elk, and pronghorn antelope. The vast rolling
sagebrush hills serve as one of the last strongholds for the greater sage-grouse, a species already
imperiled due to dwindling habitat. Its recreational opportunities are endless, and the solitude and
inspiration afforded to visitors is priceless.
The outdoor industry and related businesses are important economic drivers for the communities in these
five areas in Central Idaho, Southern Nevada, Southern California, West Virginia, and Southeast Oregon.
From guide services and outdoor gear manufacturers, to shops, hotels, and restaurants, locally-owned
small and large businesses depend on the protection of these landscapes for increasing economic viability,
recruiting new talent, and maintaining a high standard of living for employees, consumers, and families.
We support Congressional protection or National Monument designations of these five places. Please,
continue to create your public land’s legacy by protecting Boulder-White Clouds, Gold Butte, Mojave Trails,
Birthplace of Rivers, and Owyhee Canyonlands for generations to come. #LiveMonumental
Steve Meineke
KEEN, Inc.
North Carolina
Santa Fe,
New Mexico
To add your business name to this letter. Please email livemonumental@keenfootwear.com with your
Business name and logo.