Program Description
The Global South Unit for Mediation (GSUM), located in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil is
accepting three (3) applications for Visiting Fellows to research, teach and debate on
topics related to conflict resolution and mediation. Fellows will stay in Rio de Janeiro
during the time of the fellowship and will be provided with a stipend and a working
space at the BRICS Policy Center.
About the GSUM
The Global South Unit for Mediation (GSUM) is a learning, research and training
platform focused on international mediation. The Unit was created in 2013 to promote
the diffusion of knowledge and expertise among scholars, diplomats, governmental
officials and non-governmental actors from the Global South. The GSUM is the result of
a partnership between the Institute of International Relations of the Pontifical Catholic
University of Rio de Janeiro (IRI/PUC-Rio)/BRICS Policy Center and the Royal Embassy
of Norway in Brazil.
For more information, visit the website: http://www.iri.puc-rio.br/g-sum
About the BRICS Policy Center
The BRICS Policy Center is a think tank established in Rio de Janeiro in 2010 through a
partnership between the city’s municipal government and the Institute of International
Relations of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (IRI/PUC-Rio). In
addition to producing research and publications on BRICS related themes, the Center
organizes regular events (workshops, colloquia, lectures and seminars) to debate
relevant topics of contemporary international relations (for more information visit the
website: http://www.bricspolicycenter.org/).
About the Fellowship at the GSUM
Fellows are expected to reside in Rio de Janeiro for 2 months (from July 15th 2014 to
September 15th 2014). Each Fellow will collaborate with the research agenda of the
GSUM, produce publications, participate in the “Mediation Winter School” courses and
in its related events such as colloquia and workshops. The Mediation School is a two
Global South Unit for Mediation / BRICS Policy Center
Rua Dona Mariana, 63 | Botafogo | CEP: 22280-020
Rio de Janeiro | RJ | Brasil | Fone/Fax: (55) 21-2535.0447
fellowship@g-sum.org | www.iri.puc-rio.br/g-sum
weeks school to be held at the BPC headquarters from 28thJuly to 8 August 2014.
Fellows will receive further information on the Winter School when selected in the
application process.
The Unit will provide each fellow with a working space (including a desktop computer
and internet connection) at the BPC historic headquarters, the Affonso Arinos House.
The BPC is located in Botafogo, a dynamic neighborhood and major transportation hub
in Rio´s South Zone.
The Global South Unit for Mediation will cover the costs of the airfare to/from Rio de
Janeiro and a stipend of R$7.500,00 Brazilian Reais/month. This amount should cover
accommodation, local transportation and food expenses during the stay in Rio. Fellows
are responsible for finding their own accommodations, although the GSUM staff may be
able to assist them in securing housing.
During the Fellowship program Fellows are expected to present at least one paper at a
conference, to give one lecture and teach a 15h course on conflict resolution/mediation
related topics during the Winter Scholl (to be defined together with the Unit´s
Coordination and according to the Fellow´s experience and expertise). Fellows are also
expected to produce one Policy Brief and/or an academic article on a theme to be
discussed with the Coordination of the Unit. Due dates will be defined in advance or
upon arrival. Candidates are expected to meet the established deadline.
• Fellows must dedicate themselves exclusively to GSUM research and teaching
projects during the period of the program.
• It’s important that Fellows arrive in Brazil with an international health insurance
covering the entire period of your stay.
• Fellows are responsible for obtaining the Brazilian visa through their local consulate
or embassy. To obtain the visa, fellows must first send us all information required for
completing the visa documentation. Kindly do this as soon as possible after being
approved by the program. We will send a list of details we must have in order to
issue a “Letter of Invitation” for the visa.
• Cancellation policy: The GSUM reserves the right to cancel the fellowship program at
any time. Regardless of the payment conditions required by the company and/or hotel
when choosing your accommodation in Rio.
Language: All GSUM activities are conducted in English. Fellows are expected to both
write and collaborate with local scholars and students in English.
Education: Have earned a Doctorate from an accredited university or have a
professional school (exceptional doctoral candidates may be considered if the
proposed project is part of the thesis project);
Experience: Have prior research and teaching experience in conflict resolution related
topics, including international mediation. A professional experience will be welcomed.
Application Materials
1. The completed and signed application form (attached);
2. A curriculum vitae (resumé), in English;
3. 2 letters of recommendation from sources familiar with the applicant’s research,
teaching and professional record;
4. Writing sample: past publication or manuscript (in English), preferably on a theme
relevant to GSUM´s project.
NOTE: Finalists will be contacted for an interview via telephone or Skype.
Application deadline: March 5th 2014
Interviews: March 5th to April 5th 2014
Results announcement: April 15th 2014
Please submit all materials electronically to ……………………. In addition, printed and
signed copies of the full application must also be sent via post mail to BPC (BRICS Policy
Center/Centro de Estudos e Pesquisas BRICS. Rua Dona Mariana, 63 | Botafogo. CEP:
22280-020, Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Brasil)
Please attach a
PASSPORT NUMBER (Please attach a copy of the main pages of your passport):
Statement of Purpose
Please attach A 1-page statement of purpose explaining how you may contribute to
academic/teaching/professional career.
Moreover, applicants should answer in 2-3 pages the following question:
How do you see the status of international mediation in the Global South and how do you
think it should be approached in conceptual and practical terms?
Policy Brief Proposal
Please attach A 1-page summary of a topic related to Conflict Resolution/International
Mediation in the Global South. This should be the basis for Policy Brief and/or and
Academic Article to be published in English at the GSUM website. Fellows coming from
Global South countries are encouraged to write about their region´s experience in
conflict resolution/international mediation.
Please ask recommenders to write about your ability to conduct GSUM related
research/teaching activities. Recommenders should send letters directly to GSUM
through email. The original letter should be attached to the application and sent by
1. NAME:
2. NAME:
Selection Criteria
 Relevance of the applicant experience and expertise to the Unit´s project and
 Potential for engagement with GSUM activities;
 Ability of candidate to participate in the Unit activities while in Rio de Janeiro,
including the “Mediation Winter Scholl”;
Additional Information
The selected Fellows agree with the following copyright rule referent to the academic
production while at GSUM: "All rights reserved according to law. No part of this
publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in
a database or retrieval system, without the prior written consent of the Global South
Unit for Mediation”.
The opinions and content expressed in this article are those of the author(s) and do not
necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the institutions to which they are
Full name: ___________________________ Signature: _________________________
Applicants will be notified about whether they have been selected as finalists on April 15th
Finalists will be interviewed via telephone or Skype before final decisions are made.