A Revised Proposal for Partnership based on British Council - LyceeFrancais De Varsovie Consultation for2013 – 2014 Academic Year This year the extra-curricular courses run by the British Council in co-operation with LyceeFrancaisDe Varsoviehave focused on developing speaking and listening skills. Positive Reflection on 2012/2013 Co-operation The general feeling (LFV & BC) ispupils who have followed the BC courses have seen a great improvement in their vocabulary, pronunciation, speaking and listening skills in comparison to students who have not followed the extra-curricular courses. BC have met with the school management on several occasions and based on these meetings revised the classes and administration of the courses. BC met with the LFV Saska Parents association in January and based on this meeting revised the classes and administration of the courses. BC have provided teacher training to LFV teachers. Newsletters have been sent to parents twice in the academic year updating on the partnership, BC teaching methodology and events. BC have promoted LFV Open-Days through distribution of leaflets to BC students. LFV students and school logo will feature in the BC Poland 2012 – 2013 Young Learner yearbook which is distributed to over 600 parents. LVF students have joined BC on-site courses and signed up for summer programmes including the July Baltic Summer camp. LFVBC students have been invited to free BC events such as Sunday Storytelling. Revised Proposal for Partnership It is clear from the first year of partnership between LFV and BCthat there are a number of areas which require careful revision to ensure future co-operation is of a high quality meeting the needs of students, parents, and both schools. The following proposal is based on close consultation with LFV school management. British Council Teachers The British Council has 77 years experience of teaching in 50 countries around the world.In all our teaching centres in Poland and the global BC network, we aim to provide the best English language teaching available. Our minimal requirements for teachers in BC Poland are: Education to degree level or equivalent qualification A Certificate Level Qualification in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) such as Cambridge ESOL CELTA or Trinity Cert.TESOL At least two years’ post Certificate Level TEFL qualification fulltime relevant teaching experience for the age group they are timetabled to teach High proficiency in the use of the English language Evidence of specific behavioural competencies While working for the British Council, teachers receive on-going training and professional development through in-service training programmes and are supported by a team of highly qualified academic managers. Key to qualifications Level Qualification First Degree: BA, BEd, BSc Bachelor or Arts (BA), Bachelor of Education (BEd), Bachelor of Science (BSc) Certificate Level TEFL : Cambridge ESOL Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (CELTA) CELTA CELTA-YL Cambridge ESOL Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Young Learners Extension (CELTA-YL) CertTESOL Trinity Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (CertTESOL) Diploma Level TEFL: Delta, Cambridge ESOL Diploma in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (Delta) DipTESOL Other: MA, MSc, PGCE Trinity Diploma in TESOL (DipTESOL) Masters (MA, MSc), Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) UK qualification Multi-skill Extra-Curricular PET and FCE English Classes The BC will provide multi-skill courses working towards PET and FCE exams for learners between the ages of 11 and 16.The courses will no longer focus on only developing exam listening, speaking, and pronunciation skills. The course will follow CESOL exam syllabi and will provide varied, challenging and interesting practice with the following objectives: To develop reading, writing, speaking and listening skills and for the students to gain confidence in using English. To increase the vocabulary of the students by focusing on interesting and relevant topics. To provide accurate modelling and practice in English pronunciation. To prepare the students for the relevant exam through practising and developing exam skills. LFV teachers will prepare students for the French English curriculum. BC classes follow a Cambridge ESOL curriculum. However there will continue to be close working between LFV and BC teachers on students’ progress and areas requiring additional English input. All PET and FCE classes will follow an integrated multi-skill course based on Oxford University Press’ ‘Exam Result’ series. All students will be issued with a level appropriate book and workbook from the series. Multi-skill Extra-Curricular CAE and CPE English Classes LFV recommends CAE and CPE level students enrol on separate BC courses held at AlejeJerozolimskie. Classes for these levels will not be held as extra-curricular classes at LFV as these levels require a minimum 2 x 90 minutes input per week. Course Times and Dates The 25 week exam preparation classes will be 75 minutes long = 31.25 hours = 41.6 academic hours All re-registration and registration payments and documentation for the academic year must be received by 23rd September 2013 Exact course dates will be agreed with LFV management in September 2013 and will not be changed in the academic year. The dates will take into account LFV holidays. The courses will run over 28 weeks. Proposed course weeks (to be confirmed September) Re-registration & registration payments and documentation deadline 23rd September 2013 Week 1 30th Sept - 4th Oct Week 2 7th Oct - 11th Oct Week 3 14th - 18th Oct Week 4 Week 7 4th Nov - 8th Nov 11th Nov - 15th Nov 18th Nov - 22nd Nov 25th Nov - 29th Nov Week 8 2nd Dec - 6th Dec Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 9th Dec - 13th Dec 16th Dec - 20th Dec 7th Jan - 10th Jan 13th Jan - 17th Jan Week 14 Week 15 Week 16 Week 17 Week 18 Week 19 Week 20 Week 21 Week 22 Week 23 Week 24 Week 25 Week 13 20th Jan - 24th Jan Week 26 Week 5 Week 6 27th Jan - 31st Jan 3rd Feb - 7th Feb 10th Feb - 14th Feb 3rd Mar - 7th Mar 10th Mar - 14th Mar 17th Mar - 21st Mar 24th Mar - 28th Mar 31st Mar - 4th Apr 7th Apr - 11th Apr 14th - 18th Apr 5th May- 9th May 12th May - 16th May Additional classes if needed Students’ placement in classes To run, classes will require a minimum of 6 pupils and a maximum of 12 pupils, although these numbers may change under exceptional circumstances. Pupils will be grouped appropriately according to level and age to maximise the benefits of learning. This will be based on age groups/levels used by BC in our regular Young Learner course delivery and consulted with LFV. Current LFVBC students Parents of children currently enrolledin BC extra-curricular classes will receive an emailed recommendation from BC at the end of the 2012 – 2013 academic year about which class in 2013 – 2014 is most appropriate for them. New students There will be a parents meeting for potential new students during the week 9th – 13th September. New students wishing to enrol on a BC course will have a BC placement test at LFV during the week 16th – 20th September at LFV. The results will be discussed with LFVteachers and the student will be placed in an agreed BC class. Course Fees The revised course fee is 1300zl for the academic year. The revised course fee includes: The 25 week exam preparation classes at 75 minutes long = 31.25 hours = 41.6 academic hours A student book and workbook from Oxford University Press’ ‘Result’ series BC Learning Notebook and welcome pack Mid-year report on child’s progress Invitation to attend individual mid-year face-to-face parent consultations on child’s progress A mock exam at BC on a Sunday in early May 2014 for the exam level End of year academic certificate and recommendation for following academic year Following feedback exam fees will not be included in the course fee – students will be registered for the appropriate exam by LFV Revised registration process To simplify the registration process for the 2013 – 2014 academic year: Existing students in the BC extra-curricular English courses: parents will be emailed a re-registration form including the recommendation for the 2013 – 2014 academic year, following consultation with LFVwhen results of the exam are known by week commencing 23rdSeptember the day of the week and time for each exam class will be confirmed following consultation with LFV parents will then be emailed confirmation of the day/time of their child’s class to book their child’s place payment and registration forms will need to be received by BC by 23rdSeptember 2013 Classes begin week commencing 30th September 2013 New students wishing to join BC courses: There will be a parents meeting for potential new students during the week 9th – 13th September. New students wishing to enrol on a BC course will have a BC placement test at LFV during the week 16th – 20th September at LFV. The results will be discussed with LFV teachers and the student will be placed in an agreed BC class. by week commencing 23rd September the day of the week and time for each exam class will be confirmed following consultation with LFV parents will then be emailed confirmation of the day/time of their child’s class to book their child’s place payment and registration forms will need to be received by BC by 23rd September 2013 Classes begin week commencing 30th September 2013 A revised partnership for success in 2013 – 2014