Minutes of May 13, 2010
Jo Darnall
Eric Scharfenberger
Anne Brosius
H.Thomas Stroop
Vice President
Secretary Treasurer
Keith Lammey
Association Manager
Pre-Meeting Owners Open Forum
There were no comments from the Members.
Board of Director’s Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 4:06 PM by Jo Darnall, President.
Approval of Minutes
A motion was duly made by Anne Brosius and seconded by Eric Scharfenberger that the March 13, 2010
Board of Directors meeting minutes be approved as prepared. Passed.
Association Manager Report
The Association Manager’s report was distributed and discussed. The report included the March 31, 2010
financial reports. The most significant expense variations were discussed. A motion was duly made by
Eric Scharfenberger and seconded by Anne Brosius that the March 31, 2010 financial reports be approved
as presented, subject to audit. Passed.
New Business
May 27, 2010 CD Maturity
The Association Manager explained that one of the Association’s Alpine Bank CD’s matures on May 27,
2010. After some discussion, a motion was duly made by Anne Brosius and seconded by Eric
Scharfenberger to direct the Association Manager to reinvest the maturing CD into a new twelve month
CD at either Alpine Bank or at Wells Fargo Advisors, depending upon which financial institution had the
best 12 month CD yield rate as of May 27, 2010. Passed.
Roofing Contract
The board reviewed the list of four homes which still had the original shingles. The board discussed the
importance of completing the task of replacing all of the original poor “builder quality” shingles. A
motion was duly made by Eric Scharfenberger and seconded by Tom Stroop to authorize the Association
Manager to contract, on behalf of the Association, with CJ Construction LLC to reroof 156 Limberpine,
182 Limberpine, 206 Limberpine and 15 Poppy Court provided the work could be completed for no more
than about $26,000. Passed.
Tree Spraying
The Association Manager reported that ABC Tree had bid the tree spraying at the same price as last year
and stated that he would like to complete the first of two sprayings as soon as the trees are leafed out.
Since the expense is a budgeted item, no motion was considered. The Association Manager will have
ABC Tree complete the spraying.
176 Limberpine Circle
The Association Manager and John Shepherd updated the board on the cooler issue at 176 Limberpine.
Additionally the Association Manager proposed that the board adopt a specific practice regarding the
replacement of swamp coolers whereby Members who opt to replace their coolers are advised that:
 They don’t have to use a specific contractor, including the contractor used by the association, to
do the work, but their contractor must have liability insurance deemed adequate by the
 The replacement cooler must meet specific requirements including size, quality, etc. and be
approved by the Association Manager based on criteria to be developed and updated as necessary
to assure that Members do not install coolers what require a high maintenance cost.
 Roof jacks must be replaced whenever the new cooler is installed.
 The association assumes no responsibility for the work done by the Member’s contractor thus
they need to make sure that they deal with a reputable firm that will stand behind its work.
 The Member and or the Member’s contractor, not the association, would be responsible for all
damage to the property that resulted from an improper installation.
After some discussion, a motion was duly made by Anne Brosius and seconded by Eric Scharfenberger
that the Association Manager draft a document that addresses these concerns, which must be signed by a
Member before their cooler is replaced. Once the document’s language has been approved, in writing, by
all Board Members, the Association Manager a) will begin requiring owners to execute the document for
all new cooler installations and b) will send notice of the new requirement to all association members who
have provided email addresses, post the new document and procedure on the
website and discuss the rule change in the July 2010 Newsletter. Passed.
Satellite Dish Approvals
The board reviewed three satellite dish approval requests from 15 Poppy Court, 12 Aster Court and 52
Aster Court. Seeing no objections, a motion was duly made by Eric Scharfenberger and seconded by
Anne Brosius to approve the three satellite dish requests. Passed.
Wells Fargo Reserve Account Resolution
The board reviewed the now outdated Wells Fargo Reserve Account Resolution and determined that it
needed to be updated to reflect recent officer changes. A motion was duly made by Eric Scharfenberger
and seconded by Tom Stroop to approve a new Wells Fargo Reserve Account Resolution deleting Terry
Campbell as a signer on the account and adding Eric Scharfenberger. Passed.
Old Business
Open Board of Directors Position
The board discussed the need to fill the open board of director’s position. Virginia Swanson’s name was
suggested. The Association Manager agreed to contact Ms. Swanson to see if she was interested and
willing to serve on the board if she was appointed.
Committee Reports
John Shepherd, BMSA Delegate provided a brief BMSA update and explained that the Antero Drilling
Plan had been modified to address several concerns that had come out of the long series of BMSA Oil and
Gas Committee meetings with Antero.
As part of this modification, the BMSA and the
Parachute/Battlement Mesa Parks and Recreation District agreed to work together to develop a
community park on land owned by the school district, next to the new middle school. An entity of
Battlement Mesa Partners holds a 100 year easement that restricts this tract of land for use as a park.
Battlement Mesa Partners plans to assign this easement to either the BMSA, or the Parks and Recreation
District or perhaps to both.
Tom Stroop, Landscape Committee Chairman, with the assistance of the Association Manager, briefed
the board on the committee’s plans to survey and document the exact location of all sprinkler system
clocks, back flow preventers, valves, and zones as well as to identify which type and how many sprinklers
are on each sprinkler zone. When the survey is completed, the committee plans to make
recommendations to the board on ways to improve the system to minimize irrigation water use.
With no further business to come before the Board, a motion was duly made by Eric Scharfenberger and
seconded by Anne Brosius to adjourn the meeting at 5:32 PM. Passed.