Scientific activity at Skandinavistika 1.9 2012

Scientific activity
at Skandinavistika
1.9 2012-31.8 2013
International conferences.
During the academic year Skandinavistika has arranged 3 international conferences.
”August Strindbergs historiegestaltning”, 14-16 November 2012.
“Konferens för svensklärare i Baltikum och Vitryssland”, 16-17 November 2012.
“The Encounter with the Otherworld in Bárðar saga Snæfellsáss: 2nd Symposium of
old Norse Folklorists Network”, 29 November–1 December 2012.
Research seminars and other scholarly arrangements at Skandinavistika
Research seminars.
During the academic year Skandinavistika has arranged 12 research seminars in the series Högre
Professor Daniel Sävborg gave on 8 November 2012 a presentation on the topic
“Stockholms blodbad, Weibull och källkritiken.”
PhD student Mart Kuldkepp gave on 22 November 2012 a presentation over the topic
PhD Maarja Siiner gave on 13 December 2012 a presentation on the topic ”Forskellen
på estisk og dansk sprogpolitik.”
Lecturer Peter Raagaard gave on 14 January 2013 a presentation on the topic
“Islændinges indlæring og optagelse af dansk udtale.”
PhD Lars Handesten from the University of Southern Denmark gave on 4 March 2013
a presentation on the topic ”biografiske problemstillinger – Hvordan biografere
Johannes V. Jensen?”
Associate Professor Aðalheiður Guðmundsdóttir from the University of Iceland gave
on 17 April 2013 a presentation on the topic “Stories of all kinds: Studying Icelandic
Professor Daniel Sävborg gave on 25 April 2013 a presentation on the topic “Fransk
förfining möter nordiskt barbari? Den höviska kulturen i 1200-talets Norge.”
PhD Michael Lerche Nielsen from the University of Copenhagen gave on 2 May 2013
a presentation on the topic “Skandinaviske runeindskrifter langs Østersøens sydkyst –
kontakt eller konflikt?”
Professor Ásdís Egilsdóttir from the University of Iceland gave on 9 May 2013 a
presentation on the topic “Helgenen og bogen.”
PhD Esbjörn Nyström from the University of Stockholm and PhD student Helena
Mihkelson gave on 13 May 2013 a presentation on the topic “Tage Aurells ‘Gamla
landsvägen’ – och vägen dit: Berättarteknik och tillkomsthistoria.”
Lecturer Niklas Henriksson gave on 16 May 2013 a presentation on the topic “Den
temporala struktureringen av nyhetsnotiser.”
PhD Rasa Baranauskiene from the University of Vilnius gave on 23 May 2013 a
presentation on the topic “Några källor på norn på Shetlandsöarna och Orkneyöarna –
Pre-modern seminars.
During the academic year Skandinavistika has arranged 10 research seminars within the series
The Interdisciplinary Pre-modern Seminar of the University of Tartu.
PhD Jason van Boom gave on 22 October 2012 a presentation on the topic “Yextual
sources for the study of medieval and early modern magic.”
Professor Jüri Talvet gave on 29 October 2012 a presentation on the topic “The
European baroque: some considerations, 25 years lter.”
Professor Anti Selart gave on 5 November 2012 a presentation on the topic
“Economic profit and political ignorance: knowing Russian in medieval Baltics.”
Professor Ülo Valk gave on 26 November 2012 a presentation in the topic “Thunder
and the Devil: History of a folk belief.”
Professor Kristi Viiding gave on 11 February 2013 a presentation on the topic “Latin
writings by women in early modern Livonia.”
Assistant Professor Jonathan Roper gave on 11 March 2013 a presentation on the
topic “Sternberg’s Ghost.”
PhD Meelis Friedenthal gave on 25 March 2013 a presentation on the topic “When we
hear words, then what do we hear?”
Professor David Hopkin from the University of Oxford gave on 15 April 2013 a
presentation on the topic “The visionary world of the lacemaker.”
PhD Eldar Heide from the University of Bergen gave on 29 April 2013 a presentation
on the topic “Learned literature and indigenous heritage in pre-modern cultures.”
PhD Rasa Baranauskiene from the University of Vilnius gave on 20 May a
presentation on the topic “Celtic and Scandinavian Cultural Contacts during the
Viking Age – the Isle of Man.”
In all, Skandinavistika has during the academic year arranged 22 research seminars.
Other scientific arrangements.
On 6 November 2012 a celebration event was organized about Gustav II Adolf with
lectures, speeches and a concert at the Swedish consulate in Tartu.
Scientific projects.
Two funded scientific projects have been running during the year.
Skandinavistika’s applications for funding of the research project ERLEKS, Estnisksvensk ordbok (the Estonian-Swedish Dictionary), was successfully granted 230 000
SEK by Vitterhetsakademien and Magnus Bergvalls stiftelse. The project runs from
spring 2012 to autumn 2013. Project leader is Daniel Sävborg, and Maiu Elken and
Katrin Maandi are employed as researchers at Skandinavistika at the project.
Skandinavistika’s application for funding of research initiation for the project Old
Norse Folklorist Network was awarded 235 000 SEK by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond
(administrator: Skandinavistika). Applicant and project leader is Daniel Sävborg.
Assistant coordinator is Dr Karen Bek-Pedersen from the University of Aberdeen
visited Tartu 13-17 May to discuss the planning of the activities. This included
meetings with Professor Ülo Valk and Dr Jonathan Roper at the Department of
folklore, as well as a presentation of the project by Daniel Sävborg and Karen BekPedersen before the academic staff of Skandinavistika 16 May. The main part of Dr
Bek-Pedersen’s visit was devoted to planning a workshop with the members of the
network in Tartu 1-3 December. From Skandinavistika Daniel Sävborg, Siiri
Tomingas-Joandi and Mart Kuldkepp participate in the project.
Scientific publications by the staff members of Skandinavistika
Scientific articles by Daniel Sävborg.
“Den efterklassiska islänningasagan och dess ålder”, Arkiv för nordisk filologi 127,
2012, p. 19-57.
”Strengleikar, kärleken och genren”, Francia et Germania: Studies in Strengleikar
and Þiðreks saga af Bern, ed. Karl G. Johansson and Rune Flaten, p. 231-250, Oslo
Review of Lars Lönnroth, The Academy of Odin: Selected Papers on Old Norse
Literature, in: Samlaren, vol. 133, 2012, p. 383-388.
”Elegy in Eddic Poetry: Its Origin and Context”, Revisiting the Poetic Edda: Essays
on Old Norse Heroic Legend, ed. Paul Acker and Carolyne Larrington, p. 81-106,
New York&London 2013.
Review of Romance and Love in Late Medieval and Early Modern Iceland: Essays in
Honor of Marianne Kalinke, ed. Kirsten Wolf and Johanna Denzin, in: Saga-Book,
vol. 36, 2012, p. 155-158.
Scientific articles by Mart Kuldkepp.
“Conference Report – The 2nd Meeting of the Old Norse Folklorists Network:
“Encounter with the Otherworld in Bárðar saga Snæfellsáss”, Symposium and
Workshop.” RMN Newsletter, 6, 76 – 77.
“Ameerikat ei ole olemas” – Jaak Tomberg, Sven Vabar, Mari Laaniste (ed.). Katsed
nimetada saart. Kogumik Eesti fantastikakriitika hetkeseisust. Etüüde nüüdiskultuurist
4. Tartu: Eesti Kirjandusmuuseum, 2013.
“The Scandinavian Connection in Early Estonian Nationalism.” Journal of Baltic
Studies 3, 2013, 313 – 338.
“Conference Report – The 2nd Meeting of the Old Norse Folklorists Network
“Encounter with the Otherworld in Bárðar saga Snæfellsáss”” – Symposium and
Workshop, RMN Newsletter 6, 2013, 76-77
“Report – Transcultural Contacts in the Circum-Baltic Area: 2nd Meeting of the
Austmarr Network.” RMN Newsletter, 5, 65 – 68.
“"Grundbesitzer aus Estland": Activist Regionalism in the Baltic Sea Area in 1916.”
Ajalooline Ajakiri, 1/2, 137 – 165.
Scientific publications by Anu Laanemets.
“The passive voice in spoken and written Danish, Norwegian and Swedish: A
comparative corpus-based study.” Languages in Contrast, 13(1), 67 – 89.
Passiv i moderne dansk, norsk og svensk: et korpusbaseret studie af tale- og
skriftsprog., Tartu Ülikool) Tartu: Tartu University Press.
Scholarly lectures by the staff members of Skandinavistika
Scholarly lectures by Daniel Sävborg.
“The influence from native literary tradition in riddarasögur and the Eufemiavisor“,
lecture at the international conference “The Eufemiavisor and Courtly Culture: Time,
Textas and Cultural Transfer”, Stockholm 12 October 2012.
”Gustav II Adolf: Constructive and Destructive elements”, lecture on the Gustav
Adolf celebration of the Swedish Consulate in Tartu and the Department of
Scandinavian Studies at Tartu University, Tartu 6 November 2012.
“Stockholms blodbad, Weibull och källkritiken”, lecture at the research seminar of the
Department of Scandinavian Studies at Tartu University, Tartu 8 November 2012.
“Låghet och svenskhet: Strindbergs Nya svenska öden”, lecture at ”August
Strindbergs historiegestaltning”, Tartu 16 November 2012.
“Fransk förfining möter nordiskt barbari? Den höviska kulturen i 1200-talets Norge”,
lecture at the research seminar of the Department of Scandinavian Studies at Tartu
University on 25 April 2013.
“Strindberg, the Swedishness and the Ideology”, lecture at the Modern Seminar of the
University of Tartu, Tartu 29 May 2013.
Scholarly lectures by Mart Kuldkepp.
“The Plans for a New Mare Nostrum Balticum: Hegemony and Liberation in World
War I”, 10th Conference on Baltic Studies in Europe "Cultures, Crises,
Consolidations in the Baltic World“, Tallinn, June 16-19, 2013.
“Põhjamaisuse idee varases eesti rahvusluses”, Eesti Teadusliku Seltsi Lõuna-Rootsi
osakond, Aastakoosolek ja loeng, Lund, Eesti maja, 3 February, 2013.
Scholarly lectures by Helena Mihkelson.
“Luckor i Stig Dagermans De dömdas ö”, Svenska Litteratursällskapet i Finland,
Helsinki, 30 August, 2012.
”Luckor i Stig Dagermans De dömdas ö”, Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och
religion, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 24 September, 2012
”Luckor i Stig Dagermans De dömdas ö -definition, identifiering och klassificering”,
Institutionen för baltiska språk, finska och tyska, University of Stockholm, 25
September, 2012.
”Narrativa tomrum i 'En ovälkommen”, The Symposium August Strindbergs
historiegestaltning, University of Tartu 16 November, 2012.
”Tage Aurells 'Gamla landsvägen' – och vägen dit: berättarteknik och
tillkomsthistoria”, The Research Seminar of Skandinavistika, 13 May, 2013.
”Gaps in the works of Lars Ahlin, Tage Aurell, Stig Dagerman and Gösta Oswald”,
Summer Course in Narrative Study, Sønderborg, Denmark, 15 August, 2013.
Scholarly lectures by Niklas Henriksson.
“Tempus und Zeitstruktur in Kurznachrichten”, Wissenschaftliches Colloquium in der
Abteilung für Germanistik, Tartu uiversität, 14 November 2012.
“Den temporala struktureringen av tyska och svenska nyhetsnotiser – en jämförelse”,
The Research Seminar of Skandinavistika, 16 May, 2013.
”Den temporala struktureringen av nyhetsnotiser”, Forum för textforskning 2013, 12
June, 2013.
Scholarly lecture by Mikael Lyshede
“Undervisning i skandinavisk samfundsfag i neo-liberalistiske Estland”, The
Conference Sprog, kommunikation og kultur i Norden og Baltikum, Reykjavík 27-28
May 2013.