ABSTRACT Association rule mining aims to explore large transaction databases for association rules, which may reveal the implicit relationships among the data attributes. It has turned into a thriving research topic in data mining and has numerous practical applications, including cross marketing, classification, text mining, Web log analysis, and recommendation systems. The classical model of association rule mining employs the support measure, which treats every transaction equally. In contrast, different transactions have different weights in Real-life data sets. For example, in the market basket data, each transaction is recorded with some profit. Much effort has been dedicated to association rule mining with reassigned weights. However, most data types do not come with such preassigned weights, such as Web site click-stream data. There should be some notion of importance in those data. For instance, transactions with a large amount of items should be considered more important than transactions with only one item. Current methods, though, are not able to estimate this type of importance and adjust the mining results by emphasizing the important transactions. In this paper, we introduce w-support, a new measure of item sets in databases with only binary attributes. The basic idea behind w-support is that a frequent item set may not be as important as it appears, because the weights of transactions are different. These weights are completely derived from the internal structure of the database based on the assumption that good transactions consist of good items. This assumption is exploited by extending Kleinberg’s HITS model and algorithm to bipartite graphs. Therefore, support is distinct from weighted support in weighted association rule mining (WARM), where item weights are assigned. Furthermore, a new measurement framework of association rules based on w-support is proposed. Experimental results show that w-support can be worked out without much overhead, and interesting patterns may be discovered through this new measurement. The rest of this paper is organized as follows: First, WARM is discussed. Next, we present the evaluation of transactions with HITS, followed by the definition of wsupport and the corresponding mining algorithm. An interesting real-life example and Contact: 040-23344332, 8008491861 Email id: info@projectgenie.in, www.projectgenie.in experimental results on different types of data are given. Concluding remarks are made in the last section. . Association rule mining is a key issue in data mining. However, the classical models ignore the difference between the transactions, and the weighted association rule mining does not work on databases with only binary attributes. In this paper, we introduce a new measure w-support, which does not require preassigned weights. It takes the quality of transactions into consideration using link-based models. A fast mining algorithm is given, and a large amount of experimental results are presented. The weights are completely derived from the internal structure of the database based on the Assumption that good transactions consist of good items. EXISTING SYSTEM: In this system normally users can rate the products in the website .here the top ten products are getting by using pre assigned weights, so apart from top ten products we can display the top one product according to the support system. Demerits of existing system: There is no calculation of quality transaction. There no estimation of awareness of user. Chance of getting quality product is very less. Contact: 040-23344332, 8008491861 Email id: info@projectgenie.in, www.projectgenie.in PROPOSED SYSTEM: In this system once a registered user rate a product, analysis is made on the database and the role of the user in the rating system is identified and rate value of the product is concluded depending upon the his role, rate value is taken from the threshold value which we get from analysis conclusion, while the top product is to be calculated a scan is made on the database top ten user are identified then the top product rated by them is found and saved to location, this process is carried out for each and everyone in the top ten user list, finally a analysis is made over top product rated by the top ten user and we get to conclusion which is the best product, by this we get perfect result from this analysis. Merits of proposed system: It provides quality of transactions for the particular user. It provides w-support value based on the transactions. By using this system easily we can study the awareness of the different users. SYSTEM REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION: Hardware Requirements: Processor : Pentium III / IV Hard Disk : 40 GB Ram : 256 MB Monitor : 15VGA Color Mouse : Ball / Optical Keyboard : 102 Keys Contact: 040-23344332, 8008491861 Email id: info@projectgenie.in, www.projectgenie.in Software Requirements: Operating System : Windows XP professional Front End : Microsoft Visual Studio .Net 2005 Technology : ASP.net Language : Visual C#.Net Back End : SQL Server 2000 Contact: 040-23344332, 8008491861 Email id: info@projectgenie.in, www.projectgenie.in