Supplemental Materials Super-Capacity Me! Super-Capacity and Violations of Race Independence for Self- but not for Reward-Associated Stimuli by J. Sui et al., 2015, JEP: Human Perception and Performance Experiment 1: Self vs. friend biases—capacity analyses Confirmatory analyses were conducted on the peak of the capacity coefficient. The results showed a significant main effect of association, F(1, 19) = 36.43, p < .001, η2 = .66, reflecting that there was a greater peak capacity coefficient in the self than the friend association condition. The effect of shape and the interaction between the association and shape were not significant, ps > .34. After this we computed the relative length of the time window over which super-capacity was demonstrated across the entire time window for responses made by individual participants (the number of time bins where capacity coefficient C(t) > 1 divided by the total number of time bins for the participant). A repeated-measures ANOVA was conducted with association (self vs. friend) and shape (same vs. different). This revealed a significant main effect of association, F(1, 19) = 49.36, p < .0001,η2 = .72; the relative length of the time window where super-capacity was manifested was larger for self trials (mean and s.e.: 28% ± 4%) than for the friend trials (mean and s.e.: 2% ± 1%). Neither the main effect of shape nor the interaction between association and shape were significant, ps > .41. Experiment 2: High vs. low reward biases Analyses on peak capacity coefficient did not reveal any significant variations across the conditions, ps > .64. Subsequently, the relative length of the time window where super-capacity was evident was calculated for each participant using the percentage scores (the number of time bins with super-capacity divided by the number of bins across the whole time window for that individual). A repeated-measures ANOVA was conducted with the factors being association (high vs. 1 low reward value) and shape (same vs. different). None of the effects were significant, ps > .42 for the main effect of association and the association × shape interaction (There was a marginal significant main effect of shape, F(1, 18) = 3.83, p = .07, η2= .18; there was a wider time window when the stimuli were the same relative to when they were different). Cross-experiment comparisons We further conducted ANOVAs on peak capacity coefficient measures with the experiment (self vs. reward) as a between-subjects variable and the association (self or high reward value vs. friend or low reward value) and the shape (two same vs. two different shapes) as two withinsubjects variables. The analysis on the peak capacity coefficient showed a significant interaction between the experiment and the association, F(1, 37) = 20.81, p < .001, η2 = .36. The post-hoc t tests showed that there was greater peak capacity coefficient for self than for friend associations, t(19) = 6.04, p < .001, but there was no significant difference between the high and low reward associations, p = .64. An independent t test between the self and reward experiments showed that there was a larger peak capacity coefficient for self (mean ± s.e.: 6.24 ± 0.74) than high reward associations (mean ± se: 2.09 ± 0.31), t(37) = 5.07, p < .001, whereas there was no significant difference between the friend (mean ± s.e.: 1.30 ± 0.35) and low reward associations (mean ± s.e.: 1.88 ± 0.15), p = .13. A one-sample t test showed super capacity in all conditions, t(19) > 2.05, p = .05 and < .05. No other significant interactions involving the experiment were significant, ps > .30. The main effect of experiment was significant, t(37) = 17.67, p < .001, reflecting the presence of a greater peak capacity coefficient for the self than the reward associations. Linear regression analyses. In order to assess the contributions of the different parameters derived from the capacity analyses to the redundancy gain, we performed linear regression analyses to investigate whether the relative size of the super capacity window, the super capacity coefficient (model 1) and the peak capacity coefficient (model 2) could predict the magnitude of the redundancy gain. The analyses consistently revealed that the size of the window over which super 2 capacity was observed could predict the magnitude of redundancy gain both for two same selfassociated stimuli (p < .001). There were also consistent trends across the models for two different self-association stimuli (p = .07 in model 1 and .06 in model 2). There were no reliable predictors for friend, high, or low reward associations (see Supp. Tables 1 and 2). 3 Table S1 Linear Regression Analysis on Redundancy Gains as Dependent Variable and Super Capacity Coefficient and the Time Window Over Which Super-Capacity Was Demonstrated Across the Entire Time Window as Independent Variables Association Personal Salience Reward Self Friend High Low Level Same Diff Same Diff Same Diff Same Diff Super capacity .150 -.112 -.114 -.192 -.150 .127 .012 -.051 the time window of super capacity .638** .422(p=.07) .013 -.033 -.205 -.427 .101 .394 R .659 .452 .111 .214 .286 .339 .110 .360 ** p < .001. 4 Table S2 Linear Regression Analysis on Redundancy Gains as Dependent Variable and the Peak of Capacity Coefficient and the Time Window Over Which Super-Capacity Was Demonstrated Across the Entire Time Window as Independent Variables Association Personal Salience Reward Self Friend High Low Level Same Diff Same Diff Same Diff Same Diff peak capacity coefficient .091 -.038 -.122 -.319 .314 .053 .063 -.145 the time window of super capacity .674** .437(p=.06) .041 .065 -.362 -.341 .054 .451 R .647 .440 .108 .379 .384 .333 .114 .376 ** p < .001. 1 Experiments 1 and 2 are adapted from Experiments 2 and 3 in Sui and Humphreys (sub. a). What is novel here are the data analyses we perform to provide detailed tests of the dynamics of the redundancy gains for the various stimuli. However, the Method is reported in order to enable readers to replicate the study without referring back to the earlier paper. By using the detailed mathematical analyses, the present study focuses on the relations between self- and reward-biases. In contrast, the paper of Sui and Humphreys (sub. a) focuses on the role of expectancy in self bias, contrasting additional conditions in which self information was primed. 2 Note that these procedures were not applied in Sui and Humphreys (sub.a). 5