Enceladus OH measurements

Science Concept Information Sheet
Form completed by: John Spencer
Concept title (ID): Enceladus OH (44)
Description of the potential science / science goals:
Searching for OH emission around Enceladus
Relevance of the science (Why is this important?) What are the specific Decadal ties?
Answering Priority Questions 2, 4, 6, & 10 of The Decadal Survey; see Decadal Survey p. 88 TABLE 3.1
"The Key Questions and Planetary Destinations to Address Them"
What measurements are required to achieve the science?
What are the driving requirements to achieve the measurements? (E.g. time on target, frequency of
observations, aperture, focal length, wavelengths, pointing precision and stability, specific observing location(s),
critical observation time(s), are repeat flights required? or whatever else that may drive the hardware or mission
Telescope aperture:
Telescope focal length:
Pointing stability:
Required time on target: Exposure times would be …
Are there other ways to achieve this science, and if so, why would a balloon platform be preferable?
What are the potential observation targets?
What planetary science disciplines would this involve?
Point of contact for follow-on questions (Name and contact info)
John Spencer (spencer@boulder.swri.edu)