8th Grade- Biodiversity Project

8th Grade – Biodiversity Project (group/individual)
Life is all around you. From the microbes inside you, to insects crawling in the ground to the
largest organism on Earth- the Blue Whale.
Biodiversity includes all the life on Earth: Bio” means life and “diversity” means variety.
Below please find your task assignment.
Table Groups (in Class)
Each table will produce a poster of their pre-assigned land biome and aquatic
Research your biome and ecosystem and include the following on your poster:
Describe/draw the distinct physical characteristics that define your biome and
Identify at least 4 different animals, 3 plants and 1 micro-organism in your
List at least 3 facts on each animal
List at least 2 facts on each plant and one the micro-organism.
Threats to biodiversity/Human impact on your specific biome and ecosystem.
Use colored pencils, markers, internet pictures/or draw to create your posters.
Individual Essay (2nd quarter project) Due Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Identify your biome and ecosystem
Research 3 animals (one of which can be taken from your poster), 2 plants and 1 microorganism for both of your locations.
Facts 5 fact on each animal (their prey and predators)
Descriptions of plant life/micro-organism and their usefulness in their
List 3 threats/Human impact on the biodiversity of your biome and ecosystem.
Discuss how some threats can be reduced or eliminated.
Cite your references.