2 - Weber State University

Family Science Association
Business Meeting – June 13, 2013
Attendees: Charlene VanLeeuwen, Karen Doneker Mancini, Mary Langan Brunner, James Brenom
Kridler, Raeann Hamon, Deb Berke, Martie Gillen, Chloe D. Merrill, Muthusami Kumaran, Paul
Schvaneveldt, Daniel Hubler, Todd Lee Goen, Scott Hall, Bahira Trask, Maureen Blankemeyer
Agenda Items:
Conference for June, 2014 – Location information, call for proposals, registration and fees were
distributed at the meeting. The conference will be held at Queen Kapiolani Hotel, Waikiki Beach, HI on
June 5-6, 2014. Conference information is available on the website. Conference chairs will provide a fast
turnaround (10-14 days) for conference proposals. Individuals who may need an early acceptance to
submit for funding can submit proposals beginning in July, 2013. Proposals will be accepted until March
15, 2014. Conference chairs are Paul Schvaneveldt and Chloe Merrill from Weber State University. The
topic is Teaching Family Science: Integration Across the Curriculum.
Constitution Changes - The online vote on changes to the constitution changes resulted in 21 full votes;
3 additional votes were incomplete and were not tallied. The changes were approved. The approved
changes to the constitution will be updated and incorporated into the full constitution document.
Family Science Association Website - New website is up and active. Thank you to Scott Hall and Paul to
addressing the issues to the domain name. Thank you to Charlene V. for integrating and transferring all
the information. Most information is on the website. Older issues of the Family Science Review are
being uploaded. The process is cumbersome but the process is underway and will be completed in the
near future. Any comments or suggestions can be sent to Charlene V. Thank you to Charlene for the fast
and efficient changes to the website that have been completed as requests have been received.
Family Science Review – FSA publishes this online journal. Becky Adams has assumed the role of editor.
2012 call for proposals on assessment only received two submissions. The special issue was cancelled.
The next two issues received 36 submissions. Eight manuscripts were published in the 2012 volume two
publication. For volume one of 2013, 6 manuscripts were accepted. For the next issue there are 6
manuscripts currently under review. 13 manuscripts were rejected with review, 3 rejected without
review. Rejection rate is .5333. Acceptance rate is .4666
New call for papers is available for the topic “Strategies for Advancing the Discipline of Family Science
and Family Science Programs.” The deadline for manuscripts is September 15, 2013. Research based
articles and theoretical papers will be considered.
MS tracker is used to track manuscripts. Manuscript tracking costs $10 per submission. The editorial
board is proposing to charge a submission fee. Becky A. motioned for a $15 submission fee. The motion
was amended by Paul L.to $20. Raeann H. seconded the motion. Discussion considered whether the fee
would deter submissions. This may be the case, but several attendees wondered whether the fee would
raise the caliber of submissions. Costs for the journal include payment for the copy editor and
administrative fees. Paul L. amended the motion to include a discount for members - $20 for nonmembers, $15 for members. Vote was unanimous in favor of the change. The change will be effective
immediately. Pay pal was discussed as the method for collecting funds.
Attendees were offered opportunity to express interest in reviewing manuscripts.
Treasurer’s report – Balance remains consistently around $28,000. Recent costs -$2600 for the new
website, $560 for the journal. Conference expenses have not yet been calculated. There are 35 paid
Conference 2015 – St. Augustine, Florida was suggested. Martie Gillen, University of Florida was
nominated as conference chair.
Election of Officers– New elections for board members were needed to fill positions created by the
ending of terms and the new constitutional changes - President , Vice President, Treasurer, Conference
Chair required elections.
Ongoing terms – Past President – Charlene VanLeeuwen (current President Transitions into past
president, Secretary – Karen Doneker Mancini (year 2 of a three year term), Webmaster – Charlene
Nominations – Pamela Payne - treasurer, Martie Gillen – conference chair, Scott Hall – President, Dan
Hubler – Vice President.
Nominees were elected by acclamation.
Karen D. motioned to cover membership dues and conference registration for both the President and
Conference Chair. Discussion – in prior years, the conference chair served as the President and had fees
waived. This year the President and conference chair were two separate people who both performed a
high level tasks and roles. Seconded by Paul L. with the notation that after a 3 year trial period, the
policy be revisited to consider fiscal impact. Vote was unanimous in favor of the new policy.
Wrap up - The 2013 conference was in day one at the time of the business meeting. Twenty one half
hour presentations were on the agenda. A summary of the conference will be provided at the
November meeting.
Motion for adjournment was approved.