Universität Erfurt – BA Anglistik/Amerikanistik
Winter / Summer Term 201X
Title of Term Paper
Student ID number:
E-mail address:
English and American Studies: major / minor subject
Other subject:
Course module and no of credit points:
Date of submission:
Table of Contents
1. Introduction .............................................................................................................. 3
2. Literature Review...................................................................................................... 4
3. Methodology ............................................................................................................ 5
4. Results and Discussion .............................................................................................. 6
5. Conclusion ................................................................................................................ 7
6. References ................................................................................................................ 8
Confirmation of Authorship.......................................................................................... 9
1. Introduction
State the topic of your term paper and explain why it is worth investigating. Then
define your research question(s) as precisely as you can.
Finish up with a very brief preview (route map) indicating the overall structure
of your term paper.
2. Literature Review
In your paper, you should develop a deeper understanding of the field that goes
beyond what you have learnt in class. You should present a clear argument of your
own and not just summarise previous work. You should invest the same amount of
work into your term paper as you did into the whole course.
Any academic paper must be clearly structured. Ensure that your argument
can be easily followed by your readers. This can be achieved by going from the
general to the specific and by using subheadings.
3. Methodology
If working with empirical data, you need to provide your readers with detailed
information on your data and your participants (if there are any). As in the previous
section, you should use subheadings here to make your assignment more readerfriendly. Assign the template (Formatvorlage) “Überschrift 2” to the headings of
your subsections. These will then be included in the table of contents, when you put
your cursor on it and press F9.
If your data is elicited, it may be useful to include the following subsections:
3.1 Participants, 3.2 Instrument (questionnaire? interview?), 3.3 Framework and 3.4
If you investigate corpus-data, your subsections should outline 3.1
Corpus/Corpora Used and 3.2 Methods of Data Retrieval.
If you analyse discourse (texts, conversations, etc.), the following subsections
are suggested: 3.1 Data and Context, 3.2 Framework and 3.3 Procedure.
If you do not analyse any data, this section should be deleted.
4. Results and Discussion
In this chapter, you should present your results and discussion clearly and in detail.
Consider using tables and graphs to present your data. Do not forget the label and
number these.
Make sure that you are as precise as you can be.
5. Conclusion
Discuss the results of your paper in relation to its aims, i.e. give an assessment of
what has been achieved, what appears problematic and/or what is still left to
further research in the light of the overall framework and issues that were
presented in the introductory section.
6. References
Cameron, D. (2006). Performing Gender Identity: Young Men’s Talk and the
Construction of Heterosexual Masculinity. In A. Jaworski and N. Coupland
(eds.), The Discourse Reader. Second Edition. (pp. 419-432). London:
Coupland, N. (1980). Style-shifting in a Cardiff work-setting. Language in Society 9:
Finegan, E. (2004). Language – Its Structure and Use. Fourth Edition. Boston:
Ungerer, F. & Schmid, H.-J. (2006). An Introduction to Cognitive Linguistics. Second
Edition. Harlow: Pearson Longman.
Wells, J. (2006). English accents and their implications for spelling reform. Retrieved
Confirmation of Authorship
Hiermit versichere ich an Eides statt, dass ich die vorliegende Arbeit selbstständig
und ohne fremde Hilfe verfasst und keine anderen als die angegebenen Quellen und
Hilfsmittel benutzt habe, alle Ausführungen, die anderen Schriften wörtlich oder
sinngemäß entnommen wurden, gekennzeichnet sind und die Arbeit in gleicher
oder ähnlicher Form noch kein Bestandteil einer Studien- oder Prüfungsleistung
Erfurt, den 9. Februar 2016