Designated Funds and Donation Targets to


Ways to Support Congregation Or Chadash

Congregation Or Chadash is grateful for the generous support of its members, friends and the community at large. If you wish to make a donation to the synagogue directed to a particular purpose or fund, please review the list below. Log in to make a donation online, or mail the completed form (Donation Form – Life Cycle) along with your donation to:

Donations, Congregation Or Chadash, 9096 E. Bahia Drive, Suite 106, Scottsdale, AZ 85260

Designated Funds and Donation Targets to Support Congregation Or Chadash

Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund; Cantor’s Discretionary Fund

Either fund to be used solely at the discretion of the rabbi or cantor for charitable purposes to assist individual, educational and communal needs that require confidentiality, or for beneficial charitable purposes that would not be otherwise be met.

B’nai Tzedek Fund

Congregation Or Chadash makes an $18 gift in honor of each Bar/Bat Mitzvah teen, helping them to establish their own charitable fund through the B’nai Tzedek Program of the Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Phoenix. We welcome additional gifts to this fund so that we can continue to help our teens participate in charitable giving .

Lange Family Holocaust Education Fund

Established to educate Or Chadash youth about the Holocaust. Funds will be used for Holocaust museum trips, “March of the Living” scholarships, bringing knowledgeable educators to Or Chadash and other related purposes.

Lato-Rubin Educational Fund

Established by Marc and Sherry Lato in memory of their parents. Donations support Young Family programs and education at Congregation Or Chadash.

Life Cycle: Get Well, Sympathy, Mazel Tov, Yahrzeit remembrances

You can direct get well, sympathy, or mazel tov cards to your friends and family by donating to Congregation Or

Chadash. You may also donate in memory of a loved one. We will acknowledge your contribution with a letter noting the occasion and mailed to the designated recipient. Suggested minimum donation: $18

Barbara Mark-Dreyfuss Spirituality Fund

The Barbara Mark-Dreyfuss Spirituality Fund was established to bring scholars and programs to Or Chadash that promote the elevation of spirituality through the content of the material they present.

Memorial Wall Plaques

An opportunity to memorialize the name of a loved one on our congregational Memorial Wall. Names are engraved on brass plaques displayed on the Memorial Wall, and a candle bulb is illuminated on the loved one’s yahrzeit. Donation:

$180 per name

Oneg Shabbat/Kiddush Fund

Anniversaries, birthdays, baby-namings, bar/bat mitzvah and other special occasions are appropriately shared at an Oneg

Shabbat or Kiddush when you contribute to this fund. Or you may wish to sponsor a special Oneg Shabbat or Kiddush to celebrate your simha .

Prayerbook Fund

See “Humashim,” below.

Rabbi Robin Damsky Social Action Fund

This fund is dedicated to support social action programming and is named in honor of our first rabbi.

Roz Goodell Education Center

Established by the Goodell family in honor of Roz Goodell. Donations support Jewish education and religious school.

Young Family Fund

This fund supports a wide array of programs at Or Chadash geared toward families with young children (infancy-early elementary), including Friday Night Young Family Shabbat, Young Family Havdalah, a congregation-wide Chanukkah party, movie nights, Peter Piper with the Rabbi, and more.

New Humashim

Our old Hertz humashim have been replaced with the Etz Hayim Torah and Commentary , a more contemporary text with user-friendly translations and extensive resources for study. We are always in need of addional copies and offer the opportunity to dedicate the humashim in honor of someone, to mark a special occasion, or in memory of a loved one.

Your dedicated book(s) will have a bookplate noting your contribution and the occasion you are marking.

Dedications cost $75 each. If you care to purchase a copy for personal use at home, the cost of the book is $85. Go the homepage of this website to make your donation. To start, select either “Member” or “Non-Member” from the homepage, then follow the prompts to complete your donation. Humashim may be donated when you select “Prayerbook Fund” and enter $75 as the donated amount.

To make a donation by mail, you may use this form:


Enclosed is my gift of $18 ___ $36 ___ $72 ___ $ 180___ other $ ___

Donor Name(s) ____________________________________________________________________________

Address _____________________________________________________________________

Acknowledgment to be sent to ____________________________________________________



You can now go to our website to make your donations online!

Address _____________________________________________________________________

Please direct my gift to:

___General life cycle (Aliyot, Birthday, Anniversary, In Memory, etc)


___Cantor Discretionary Fund ___Rabbi Discretionary Fund

___Lange Family Holocaust Education Fund ___Barbara Mark-Dreyfuss Spirituality Fund

___Lato-Rubin Education Fund ___Roz Goodell Education Fund

___Memorial Wall ___Social Action (Rabbi Damsky Social Action Fund)

___Oneg/Kiddush Fund ___Young Family Fund ___Prayer

Book Fund

Thank you for your generosity and support!

Please make your check payable to Congregation Or Chadash, 9096 E. Bahia, Suite 106, Scottsdale, AZ 85260

