Biology Assessment: Ecology Project and Rubric

Biome Research Project
Introduction: A Travel Agency is trying to boost travel to different parts of the world by increasing
their advertising and selling vacation packages. Your group has been hired to make a presentation to
sell a travel package.
Working in groups of 3-5, please develop a short presentation to the class to sell your vacation
package. After all presentations are finished, the class will vote on the most appealing vacation.
Vacation Packages:
Tropical Forest
Temperate Forest
Each group will be assigned a biome. It is the team’s job to research the biome and gather facts
and information about that biome. Each member of the team will become an expert in a particular
aspect of the biome. As a group, the team will create a flyer or pamphlet that highlights their biome as
a vacation spot. You can use word or publisher to create the flyer. Pictures and facts should be
included. In addition to your flyer, you will be creating a PowerPoint/Prezi presentation to give to the
rest of the class trying to convince them that they should travel to your particular area. Some ideas for
creative presentations:
1. A group created a pretend “safari” where they made imaginary stops around the class room to
highlight their information
2. A group created a “prairie rap” that they showed along with their presentation
3. Posters and mini animals that were given to table groups
4. Pictures of a hike through a deciduous forest
Remember, you want to be as creative as possible to try and sway the rest of the class to visit your
Team Roles for research
Botanist and Zoologist: What are they plants that live there, and their structural adaptations? What are
the animals that live there, and their adaptations?
Activity Planner and Tourist Specialist: What are some activities that people can do while they are
visiting your biome? In addition, what are some tourist attractions in your biome?
Meteorologist and Gear Specialist: Weather/Abiotic Factor expert: What is the climate, and
distinguishing abiotic factors? What should people bring/wear to prepare to visit your biome?
Geographer and flyer/brochure designer: Map and Area expert- Where are these biomes found, what
are major geological/geographic features?
Discuss with your team which role each of you will assume. Remember that you are all
responsible for learning about the biome that you are presenting, but your role reflects an area of
particular focus for you as you research.
Each team member should record facts and information about the biome as they research. This
factsheet will be turned in to show that you did your share of the group work. Please DO NOT print
out whole web pages, a list of facts on notebook paper is fine.
Information that MUST be included in your brochure/flyer (you decide the format):
1. A map of where the biome exists world wide—identify the specific location of where you are
suggesting people to visit (ex: if you are working with the Tundra, you may want to suggest that
people go to Greenland). (Geographer and flyer/brochure designer)
2. Specific examples of the wildlife that you could potentially see in this biome (plants, animals,
protists, fungi). Please provide at least four examples. (Botanist and Zoologist)
3. An explanation of the kinds of activities people could do in the biome (hunt, zip-line, hike, etc).
Please provide at least 2. (Activity Planner and Tourist Specialist)
4. General explanation of the weather—for instance, when is the best time to visit this particular
biome? Winter? Summer? What are the average temperatures during that time? Precipitation?
(Meteorologist and Gear Specialist)
5. Items (clothing, essentials, survival items) to pack if they were visiting this biome. Please provide at
least 3. (Meteorologist and Gear Specialist)
6. Provide 1 major tourist attraction (waterfall, ice hotel, major lake or mountain) that would entice
people to come visit your biome. (Activity Planner and Tourist Specialist)
7. Please provide MLA Citations for both information and pictures for this project.
8. Putting together the brochure/flyer in a creative manner. (Geographer and flyer/brochure designer)
Information that MUST be included in your PowerPoint/Prezi presentation (everyone can help
to put the PowerPoint together):
1. A map that highlights where the biome exists worldwide. (Geographer and flyer/brochure designer)
2. A thorough description of the climate (precipitation, wind patterns, humidity levels) and weather
(general day to day weather) patterns that exist there. (Meteorologist and Gear Specialist)
3. Thorough description of 4 animals and 4 plants that live there (must provide 1 fact and 1 picture per
animal and plant). (Botanist and Zoologist)
4. At least 2 abiotic factors that affect the plant life (ex: how does a lack of moisture affect the plants
that live in the desert? What adaptations have they developed to account for this?)
(Meteorologist and Gear Specialist)
5. What is the geography like in this biome? Are there valleys? Mountains? Lakes? Near the ocean?
Flat land? Hills? Provide at least 2 features. (Geographer and flyer/brochure designer)
6. A food chain or food web that exists in this biome (you may find a picture and use the picture, but
you must be able to explain what the food chain/web means in your presentation). (Botanist and
7. Activities to participate in, tourist attractions to visit, and what you would need to bring with you if
you were to visit this biome. (Activity Planner and Tourist Specialist)
8. Lasting pitch for why we should come to visit your biome! Leave us with a final thought! Remind us
why we should come! (Activity Planner and Tourist Specialist)
9. Please provide MLA Citations for both information and pictures for this project.
Project Plan
How will you be graded? Your project will be divided into three main parts: The actual pamphlet and
research, the presentation, and general process items (notes, information sheet, creativity, general
presentation, spelling and grammar).
Criteria/Necessary Components
Map: shows where ecosystem is located worldwide and
provides the specific location for where people should be
traveling to.
Wildlife: Specific examples of the wildlife that you could
potentially see in your biome.
Activities: Lists and describes at least two activities that
people could participate in.
Weather: General explanation of the weather patterns in the
biome and the best time to visit the biome.
Items: A list of clothing, essential, survival items people
would need if they were visiting the biome (at least 3 items).
Tourist Attraction: Provide at least 1 major attraction in your
MLA Citations: Provide proper MLA citations for the
information in the pamphlet.
Location of biome: Provide a map that highlights where the
biome exists worldwide.
Climate of biome: Thorough description of the climate and
weather patterns in the biome (precipitation, wind patterns,
humidity levels, general day to day weather).
Description of 4 animal and 4 plants: Must provide at least 1
fact and 1 picture per animal and plant.
Abiotic Factors: Provide at least 2 abiotic factors that affect
plant life in the biome and what adaptations they have to
combat these factors.
Geography: What is the geography like in the biome?
Valleys? Mountains? Lakes? Hills? Must provide at least 2
Points Earned and
Food chain/food web: Picture and explanation.
Activities, Tourist Attractions, Items: What are some
activities or tourist attractions that would bring someone to
your biome? What should you bring?
MLA Citations: Provide proper MLA citations for the
information in the pamphlet.
Group Members Information Sheet: Completed
Individual notes/fact sheet
Neatness/Creativity/Originality: Project as a whole shows a
considerable amount of effort, is neat and organized, and there
is no information that has been directly copied and pasted!!
Presentation and Group Participation: All group members
participated in the presentation. Presentation was engaging,
thorough, and at least 4 minutes.
Spelling/Grammar: Project has no spelling or grammatical
**You will also be completing an evaluation form (self and group)**
Group Members Information Sheet (show to Ms. Petry when finished):
Name of group members:
Biome your group will be researching:
Role of group members: What will each of you work on to complete project? Brochure?
Role of Group member 1:
Role of Group member 2:
Role of Group member 3:
Role of Group member 4:
Role of Group member 5: