UK-France Joint PhD programme 2016 The UK-France joint PhD programme aims to develop research in key areas of mutual interest to France and the UK. The programme was agreed at the 2010 Anglo-French Summit as one of the ten priorities in 2011 for the Anglo French Defence Research Group (AFDRG). Expressions of interest for the programme should be submitted by Friday 4 March 2016. Further details and an application pack are provided herein. Programme details This PhD programme is jointly managed by Direction Générale de l’Armement (DGA) and Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl). Ten PhDs were funded in 2015, five from the UK and five from France. To date, 43 PhD projects have been funded since the call began in 2011. These PhDs are investigating a variety of topics including autonomous underwater vehicles, meta-materials, synthetic biology, sensors, vehicle armour, and human and social sciences. The intention is that (subject to the available budget and the cost of individual proposals) a further five PhDs are expected to be funded by the UK in this latest call. The programme is seeking proposals in the following areas of interest: acoustic and radio-electric waves biology and biotechnology defence and security foresight energy environment and geosciences fluids and structures human and systems information engineering and robotics information management ‘big data’ materials and nano-technologies photonics Acoustic and radio-electric waves generation and measurement of radiation wave propagation detection and imaging electromagnetic compatibility and bio-electromagnetics communication in complex and harsh environments detection, location and identification of objects, which may have a low signature, in complex environment and harsh environments protection of systems Biology and biotechnology • risk analysis and modelling o knowledge and characterization of current and emerging Chemical, Biological and Radiological (CBR) agents o risk modelling, simulation and prediction • detection, identification (to include Synthetic Biology approaches) of CB agents within complex clinical, environmental samples o multiplex, fast, sensitive, specific and portable technologies o integrated, miniaturized in-field systems o innovative miniaturized DNA sequencing technologies o collection, conservation and preparation of complex samples (at room temperature) o novel tools for rapid phenotypic analysis of antimicrobial susceptibility/resistance o technologies for point of care diagnostics in low resource environments o enhanced tools and techniques for identification of non-nucleic acid based (phenotypic) biomarkers of infection • protection, decontamination o mild decontamination (phages, synthetic biology, nanoparticles, physical techniques…) o control/modelling of physico-chemical, toxic- filtering media interaction mechanisms • forensic microbiology to attribute an event to a source o high-throughput sequencing applied to analysis of DNA traces • medical countermeasures o early diagnosis (exposure biomarkers) o infectious risk (new classes of broad-spectrum antimicrobials) o prevention and treatment of organophosphorus nerve agent poisoning (long-term neurological sequelae) o in-field radiological dosimetry o Physiology and treatment • UK/France deployed medical interoperability o deployed Medical Laydowns o clinical equipment / tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) o casualty classification systems Defence and security foresight How the opportunities and risks to defence and security that emerge from future developments in science and technology (S&T) can be better assessed and addressed. The influence of cultural, historical, ethical, economic, societal and political factors on how S&T is developed and utilised in future to present opportunities and threats for defence and security. the changing balance between civil sector and government driven investment national and international research collaboration reliability of transnational infrastructure and supply chains globalisation of knowledge differences in processes, approaches and perceptions recognising and embracing uncertainty and bias modelling, visualisation and communication of trends, forecasts and results anticipating and overcoming barriers to the valuable exploitation of new technology for defence and security, avoiding the ‘Valley of Death’ Energy materials for energy storage pulsed power, transient or permanent (electrochemical, magnetic, thermodynamic, etc.) advanced materials for electrochemical energy storage (capacitors, supercapacitors, batteries) concepts of innovative materials for thermal management in electrical engineering materials that contribute to improve the capacity of fuel cells new concepts for alternative fuels and synthesis of new fuels Environment and geosciences Characterising and understanding the environment is critical to successfully delivering capability from and to the battlespace. Developing faster and more accurate representations of the environment and cost-effective environment data gathering. bathymetry, gravimetry and geomagnetism: observations, gain in resolution, data reliability and accuracy marine geology: nature and description of marine sediments, particle transport, bottom evolution acoustic oceanography: acoustic description of the marine environment, ambient noise, tomography oceanic circulation: dynamics at low and meso-scale and hydrological characteristics of areas of defence interest swell and modelling of sea status : observation, modelling marine biochemistry and biological/physical interactions (in relation with turbidity and bioluminescence) meteorology and atmosphere physics integrated climatology by weather type or regime forecast of local atmospheric phenomena as well as in the low atmosphere layers: o fog and teledetection, coastal fog o cloudiness/rain systems, radiation atmosphere/ocean interactions in lower atmospheric layers continental environments soils: o surface layers, mechanical and sedimentary characterisation o cartography o relation with the water cycle (precipitation/infiltration/runoff), soil behaviour links with the hydro systems: soils/aquifers relationships, modelling improving modelling and simulation combining measurements with modelling Fluids and structures complex regimes of fluid or reactive flows o aerodynamics of complex shapes o numerical simulation of multi-fluid or multiphase flows o flow control (simulation, technologies for actuators) structural strength against heavy and dynamic loads o modelling loads (blast, solid impacts) o structural behaviour (dynamic effects, damage, breaking, ultimate resistance) o solutions for protection (concepts, simulation) mechanical noises (fluid, solid) in underwater environment o noise generated by submarine systems (coupling between flow and vibration, internal vibro-acoustics) o radiated noise (internal sources of vibration, motion-induced vibration, transient phenomena) Human and systems The study of society and the manner in which people behave and impact in the world around us is fundamental in our approach to both defence and security. This is vastly complex, crossing disciplines such as sociology, political studies, psychology, criminology, and economics. To be truly effective in defence and security operations today we need to harness this and are interested in the following priority areas: to understand our adversaries on the battlefield, and understand the civil populations to which we bring stability and security to understand the motivating factors that cause someone to support or commit acts of violent extremism to better identify suspicious behaviours of those who wish to do us harm improving human resilience against cognitive, mental and social vulnerability new concepts to improve learning, engineering processes, workspaces, efficiency of interactions and collaborative work exploiting human and social sciences to enhance defence’s systems or capability requirements autonomy (semi-autonomous through to full autonomy) o medical applications – eg telemedicine or automated surgery on deployment o end to end supply chain – all elements probably now possible to one degree or another but how can they be made to work as an effective and efficient system? Interfaces, accuracy, where greatest changes would be from traditional approach, incremental adoption or big bang? o repair/maintenance – how to diagnose problems and subsequently repair equipment on deployment o equipment recovery - both remote operated as an interim 2025 goal and fully autonomous for 2035, what functions and processes would benefit most from automation? augmented reality o engineering support applications – use for training or deployed repair and maintenance, impact on required skillsets/engagement • data management o the cloud - how can cloud /centralised based systems be exploited for rapid access to data, decision making tools, training aids and Defence publications? o configuration control, single version of the truth, data /information sharing, level of required security? Information engineering and robotics • • • communications and security digital signal and image processing and knowledge extraction complex systems, robots and cognitive systems For defence security capabilities (such as command, control, communication and computers, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (C4ISR), critical infrastructure protection, cybersecurity missions), the issue is to drive information communications technologies and the underlying science towards a goal of maximal efficiency for systems, according to the nature of their operating environment (highly complex, partially known, uncooperative, time sensitive / real time) and interfacing constraints. Digital technologies therefore cover a wide area from tactical (e.g. soldier’s equipment) to strategic (e.g. large C4ISR infrastructures) systems, with the absolute necessity to meet performance requirements everywhere at the subsystem level: sensors, data links, information processing tools… up to global control and monitoring. • complex information processing Various data sources: text, multimedia, video, logs, IP flux, software codes, imagery (infrared, visible, hyperspectral, Lidar, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)), radar, sonar. Various applications: observation, intelligence, cyber defence, robotics, environment /behaviour perception, target detection /recognition / identification, navigation and localization, tracking, early warning, situation awareness … Various techniques: signal and image processing, language processing, heterogeneous information fusion, tracking, clustering, [big] data mining, artificial intelligence, machine learning. • secure, reliable and robust systems Hardware and software security, data and exchange integrity and authentication, networks supervision, mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), reliability of software, hybrid and embedded systems. • embedded/distributed decision Inter-connected (socio-technical or cyber-physical) systems, increased/adjustable autonomy for robots, decision aid, smart sensors, multi-agent systems (eg robot swarms), behaviour simulations, serious games for training or situation awareness. Information management ‘big data’ There is the need to capitalize on the pervasive, data rich world in which we live. However this is a task made difficult by the sheer size, heterogeneity, incompleteness and error prone nature of digital data. Key challenges include the detection of relevant data in large (petabyte+) sized samples, deriving meaning from it and presenting it to humans in an understandable form. Innovative proposals are sought to research into this challenging area. As a guide, subject areas may include: methods to detect “important” data in very large (petabyte plus) data sets unconventional methods for effectively fusing data captured from a range of open media (video, audio, textual) and data from social graphs databases and other information to determine key patterns and trends that are ‘of interest’ to national security and defence? can fused multimodal data with other information tell us whether we have seen something or someone before, or better anticipate events and give near real‐time responses? methods of determining links between otherwise disparate data sets methods of combining heterogeneous data and data sets methods of analysing / synthesising error rich heterogeneous data Materials and nano-technologies polymer aging (increased storage life, ability to measure remaining potential life) structural bonding (maritime domain): o qualification process: test methods, key parameters, criteria o accelerated ageing o Non-destructive evaluation (NDE)/non-destructive testing (NDT) of bonded joint rubbers, elastomers, adhesives and sealants (aeronautic domain): o accelerated ageing methods o key parameters to evaluated aging o control and measurement of these key parameters metamaterials: o development of low loss magnetodielectrics for lens synthesis o design and manufacture of metamaterials (especially transformation metamaterials eg pushing envelop of multi-material additive or bottom-up fabrication at microwave through to optical wavelength scales) autonomous vehicles, focussing on: o modular assembly o power (eg batteries) o electronics integration nanomaterials o understanding the potential for harm from using nanomaterials in military systems (eg when damaged etc.) new materials o development of higher temperature aluminium alloys for lightweight small [air] engines o lead-free piezoelectrics for SONAR applications (including single crystal materials) o synthetic biology approaches to develop novel materials for protection or armour applications, self-healing materials, biocompatible materials, materials that have enhanced resistance to corrosion, novel adhesives novel methods for fabrication of functional materials (eg 3D printing) Photonics • • • sources and laser systems imaging systems materials for optics o semiconductor vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) / vertical-externalcavity surface-emitting-laser (VECSEL) devices with phase control o novel use of liquid crystal on silicon (LCOS) devices for laser beam control o high power 2 um laser sources • • • • o Infrared fibres for beam delivery, switching and control o chalcogenide glasses for compact infrared optical systems o optical dielectric coatings with eye-centred design for laser protection time-frequency metrology information and quantum computing innovative solutions for detection of hazardous materials o laser source and imaging for detection, identification and diagnosis: broadly tuneable finite impulse response (FIR) (5-14 um) sources, narrow linewidth tuneable sources for gas detection o infrared detector technologies: techniques to reduce noise and increase operating temperature – barrier devices, optical antennas o passive/active spectrometry: Single photon counting detector arrays in the extended-Short Wave Infrared (SWIR) waveband use of short pulse lasers o terawatt laser for remote effects o novel sensing and exploitation of quantum effects These areas represent French and UK scientific priorities in the defence domain. Selection process The intention is for the successful PhDs to be co-supervised by a French and a UK supervisor. In addition, PhD students (UK or French nationals only) will be expected to spend time at both the UK and French institutes over the course of the PhD. Given this, applicants should have, or demonstrate a plan to develop, strong English and French language skills. Proposals are requested from universities or appropriate labs in the areas of interest and should propose a suitable candidate (if known at this stage) and a French co-supervisor. The deadline for expressions of interest is 12:00 on Friday 4 March 2016. Additional key dates are as follows: 7 to 18 March – review of applications 21 March – write to applicants informing them of the outcome, successful applicants will now need to prepare a full proposal 12:00 on 8 April – all full proposals to be submitted 11 to 22 April – review of full proposals Mid May – inform applicants of the outcome Review assessment and criteria The decision making criteria and some key details relating to them are provided below: Defence interest How important is this problem to defence and security and how does it affect current / future capability? What is its operational relevance? In particular, how will this PhD: enhance the effectiveness of field capabilities, and / or lead to the creation of completely new concepts / disruptive technologies, and / or lead to the creation of technologies that inspire new ways of working, and / or enable agility, flexibility and adaptability? Scientific quality and innovation What is the state of the art/possible in this area and how is this proposal new and innovative? What key piece of science does this project seek to develop and what is its value? Technical / scientific approach Define: what hypothesis does this PhD seek to prove/disprove? what goal does this PhD seek to achieve and, thus, what are its objectives? how will this PhD know when it has met its goal/objectives? what is the scientific risk and how will this risk be managed? what is the scientific risk and how will the PhD manage / mitigate that risk? what are the outcomes / deliverables of this PhD? Exploitation A definition of methods by which the results of the PhD will be exploited in support of the development of capability. Track record of PhD supervisors and university An assessment of the track record of the supervisors and universities in: delivery to defence delivery of collaborative programmes with non-UK universities delivery of research in the proposed field Application Process Each proposal is for one PhD, which must have a supervisor from both the UK and French academic institution. There is no limit on the number of proposals that an organisation can be involved with. Proposals should be submitted to and should include: completed application form CV of proposed PhD candidate if known (UK or French National only) CV of supervisor in the UK CV of supervisor in France academic reference from lead PhD supervisor price breakdown proposal structure including a Gantt chart (or similar) a single PowerPoint slide which summarises the scope of the proposed work Contact details For further information, please contact: