
People who call them drugs are ignorant of what they really are. They are consciousnesses here that we
commune with and learn a great deal from about how to be in the world and how to interact with other
people if we commune with them wisely. They are not drugs and they're not for use, they are
consciousnesses that we commune with, carrier signals that are carrying vast quantities of information
in the form of visionary experiences to us if we approach them with reverence and respect.
En: Within
Theos: Divine
Genere: Create
Create divine within. Entheogens are helpers that can help us to generate the divine within, and not so
much creating or generating so much as we are rediscovering it or revealing it. It is already there, the
spark of the divine is arty present but it just may be covered up in old worldview poisoning of dirt and
grime accumulated through the mass condition since we come out of the womb basically. Most of the
human species is not expressing the divinity within them and is suppressed. If used properly entheogens
can reveal the divine within.
Psyche: Mind
Deloun: To Make Clear
To wipe away what is already obscuring something, to get all the dirt and grime out of the way and to
reveal what is underneath. We are making the mind clear, we are getting rid of things. Psychedelics and
entheogens are things that are purgative, they get rid of things that we are attached to that are doing
harm to us, through our attachment to erroneous beliefs. Having become attached to untrue and
harmful fundamental axioms through mind control. Psychedelics can be used to clear the mind.
Good shamans have traditionally employed in use with responsibility these and entheogenic compounds
to help others throughout time. We have only been naming them in recent decades of human history
that these plant helpers have been here as long as we have been here. Nature provides these for this
function to help make our minds clear. They are healing agents if they are properly understood.
The substances can be used as a mechanism of control in the wrong way. This can be used properly
navigate the waters of the spirit and help people come to a greater understanding of themselves. They
are spirits like everything and they can be looked at as toolsets just as shamans look at them. These
tools can be used for ill as well if they are not used wisely. The dark occultists do use these substances
for their own benefit and that is why they are prohibited from use for others.
Religions controlled by this priest class who were still accessing these realms through these substances
detaches humanity from them so we can't receive the balance that they can provide. Priest class now
gives people proxies in the form of sacraments. Take some inert bread or drink this wine and take them
in as a sacrament but they are not going to do anything, they are symbolic analogs of what was once
done, taking a small amount of the substance eating it and the transforming, drinking a small amount of
liquid and it transforming your mind, giving you a visionary experience, helping in the community
deeper level with yourself, your mind then the energies around you.
Freedom of choice to put what you want into your body. If people do harm while under a substance
then they have done harm and should be dealt with accordingly. You are responsible for that because
you are responsible for the act of taking that substance and for the acts that follow.
Many substances are not good for the body or mind but people have the right to take them if they so
choose to. It's your body if you want to harm and abuse it, but if you go and start to harm others then it
becomes everybody's business and it is no longer about a right because you have engaged in
wrongdoing. Taking a substance is a right everyone has but to do an action that causes harm is not a
Sacrum: Holy, Sacred
Mente: Mind
To make the mind sacred, to make the mind fully, to make the mind resemble the divine, to make the
mind whole (hol-y), to make the mind one.
This is best for those in a predominantly imbalanced towards the left brain modality to help them open
up their right minded creative imaginative and intuitive capabilities. It is not recommended for those
who have the imbalance towards the right brain who have problems with concentration and lack of
grounding in the world. Doing too many of these and entheogens and psychedelics will put you in the
right brain imbalance in which you will not be grounded in the world which will make you ineffectual to
do work here and ineffective at engaging in higher-level focus and concentration to carry out real world
tasks which is very important. This is connected with will and actually getting out there and doing
These things are true medicine in the sense that they help us heal our worldview. This isn't something
that you take and does all the work for you. You have to take this in the proper setting. Set means
mindset, your mindset should be prepared. You should not be looking to do this for escapist reasons.
Don't just jump into this hole, do your own investigation and research and decide for yourself. This is
about transforming consciousness for the better, activating yourself getting to know yourself better.
You need to go in for the right reasons like wanting to get to know yourself better, coming to
understand natural law better. The substances will put you in touch with how you affect others,
empathize. You will be confronted with your own negative behaviors in many cases, going into
introspective self-analysis.
You do not get healed immediately. It's about revisiting that realm, working in that realm and
confronting yourself when it has dropped you back down from the elevator. Is gone to the top floor and
it has dropped you back down to the ground floor so now you know where the work is to do upon
yourself. It doesn't take you up to the top floor and leave you up there. It takes you to the top floor of
the elevator, opens the doors, shows you what's there to see what you have to work toward, closes the
doors and goes back to the first floor and kicks you out. Now do the work to get up there on your own.
That is what entheogens and psychedelics and true sacramental medicines are. Anyone who thinks this
is about joyride our trip is sorely mistaken. This is about a tool through which you can do work with.
Medi: middle, center, balance point
Cinus: ruin, destruction
Medi-Cinus, to bring ruin to a place of balance, to bring destruction to a point of balance, back to the
middle, back to the center. From the total extremes that are not assisting us back to balance. It's about
bringing ruin back to a place of balance, back to the middle, back to the center from the imbalance that
led to the destruction.
73m, Cannabis
The stuff that grows in the Earth is what we need to commune with, not synthetics.
83m, psilocybin
88m, dmt
If you have heal your worldview with their aid or without you do not need to continue to use them or
start to use them if your consciousness has evolved to such a degree that your worldview is healed.
95m, ayauasca
100m, ibogane
Com: with, together
Munio: to build up, strengthen, fortify, protect
Communion means to strengthen together, it is a coming together. True communion is strengthening
together, fortifying together. This is what internal Communion does when you take a true sacrament. It
is strengthening together the left and right hemispheres of the brain, to build that temple that is within
mankind, strengthen it, to fortify it, to build up and protect it.
People do things everyday to be clean in their body such as cleaning the teeth and clean their hair and
clean skin, clean their hands at different times, but they do not normally cleanse what is in their head in
their mind in the way they are thinking. Psychedelics, to clear or clean the mind can be used. Sanity is a
clean mind, sanitized, sanitation, to keep going. Insanity is sludge buildup in the mind, all the negative
and untrue erroneous axioms that we have taken into ourselves and built up over time. These helpers
can help us clear our minds.